Mass v niche audience

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mass v niche audience

By Group 9

Mass v Niche audiences

A Mass audience is when a large group of people are being targeted by a specific product. Within the film industry, if a film has a Mass audience it means that children, teenagers and adults are being targeted. Also, both males and females could be targeted for the film that is being promoted.

A Mass audience is.....

A Niche audience therefore, is known to be a much smaller group of people. This group of people are very influential and will most likely have a specific interest. This means that they may only like one specific type of genre or sub-genre.

A Niche audience is.....

Within the film industry, horror is known for having a Niche audience. This is the case for the vast majority of films in this genre. The main reason for this is because there is a vast amount of sub-genres which fall into horror. Therefore people may love Zombie films, but may dislike films which centre around possession. Lastly, certain age groups may have a preferred subgenre.

Most horror films are niche audiences because.....

The type of niche audience that a Zombie film would have is people of the younger generation in the age bracket of 15-24 who are mainly male. This is because they like the gore and would relish the chance to be involved in a similar situation.


This again tends to have a relatively young audience with most viewers aged between 15-24. However, this it is both males and females. This is because they like watching each other get scared while trying to predict what happens next so they can prepare themselves.
