Marxism by Rameez Ahmed

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Marxism Presentation in NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD by Rameez Ahmed Sheikh

Transcript of Marxism by Rameez Ahmed



Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

Introduction of Marxism

Neo- Marxism

Marxism Vs. Neo- Marxism



Introduction of Introduction of MarxismMarxism

Presented ByPresented By

Usman WajeehUsman Wajeeh


Founders of Marxism:Founders of Marxism:Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels(1818-1883) (1820-1895)

Introduction of MarxismIntroduction of Marxism

Essentially an economic interpretation of

history based on the works of Karl Marx and

Frederich Engels

Posits a materialist model of societal change

Marxism is the most intellectually ambitious,

systematic and influential political philosophy in

the contemporary world.

Definition – MarxismDefinition – Marxism

Definition of Marxism:“The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and

Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's allegedly inevitable

development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.”

Three major factors Industrial Revolution Defeat of Napoleon Science with solution of all human problem

Capitalism Should be Abandoned for equitable system.

Marxism Bourgeoisie: Owns the means of production Proletariat: Owns only labor power The Sociological Theory

Economic Determinism What we value and what we do politically is

determined by our economic circumstances Society:Society:

Foundation Super Structure Economics

Means of ProductionRelation of Production

Owner of means of production is most influential

MarxismMarxism Historical Theory


Progress is achieved through creative tension

engendered by competing phenomenon

Materialism is substituted for spiritualism

Victory of the proletariat.


Marxist Economic TheoryTheory of Work: People want to work, “self-creation”Theory of Self–Alienation: Workers became alienated from work because of three factors;1.Working conditions intolerable,2.Exploited for profit, 3.Mechanizing production

Marxist Theory of Revolution:Vacillated over whether violence was necessary to achieve socialist goals .Competition would force to buy more machineryHuman labor can provides surplus value Unemployment will increaseWealth could be control by fewer peopleThe principle of class consciousness


Presented byPresented by

Ghaffar BalochGhaffar Baloch

Neo- MarxismNeo- Marxism

Neo-Marxism:Neo-Marxism is a loose term for various twentieth-century approaches that;Amend or extend MarxismMarxist theory usually by incorporating elements from other intellectual traditions,

such as: critical theory,  psychoanalysis Existentialism(in the case of Sartre).


Frankfurt School has become one of the mostly widely

adopted forms of neo-Marxism

Marxism had become too close to communism

Neo-Marxists view class divisions under capitalism as

more important than gender/sex divisions or issues of

race and ethnicity

The current of Neo-Marxist thought that is probably

the most important and influential historically and

today is dependency theory.



After seeing the failure of working-class

revolutions in Western Europe after World War I,

chose the parts of Marx's thought that might

clarify social conditions that were not present

when Marx was alive.

Neo-Marxism is based on the total political-

economic-cultural system.

Marxism Marxism Vs. Vs.

Neo MarxismNeo MarxismPresented byPresented by

Kashif RazaKashif Raza

Marxism Vs. Neo MarxismMarxism Vs. Neo Marxism

Marxism Vs. Neo- Marxism:

Fundamental difference between Marxism and Neo-


Marxism is based on economic determinism.Marxist philosophy explains that the driving force of history is neither “Great Men” nor

the super-natural, but the development of the productive forces (industry, science,

technique, etc.)

Neo-Marxism is established on broader consideration

of social and intellectual influences that perpetuate

oppression of the working-class. working class has the aim of abolishing capitalism.

Marxism Vs. Neo MarxismMarxism Vs. Neo Marxism Marxist believed that society is structured around

contradictions that could only be resolved only


Actual social change,

Form of revolution.

Marxist theory noted was between human nature and

the conditions for labor in capitalism.

The contradiction in the capitalist process would

produce an economic crisis where the capitalist system

would fail.

Marxism Vs. Neo MarxismMarxism Vs. Neo MarxismNeo- Marxist theorized that under capitalism, our labor is sold as a commodity through;

Theory of value (Use-Value Vs. Exchange Value),  value in use is the

utility of consuming a good, while exchange value refers to one of four major

attributes of a commodity i.e., an item or service produced for, and sold on the


Theory of accumulation,  is money or a financial asset

invested for the purpose of making more money (whether in the

form of profit, rent, interest, royalties, capital gain or some other

kind of return).

Theory of surplus value, Although Marx did not himself

invent the term, he developed the concept. It refers roughly to the

new value created by workers 

Marxism Vs. Neo MarxismMarxism Vs. Neo Marxism

Major Relationship between Marxism Vs. Neo


The contradictory relationship between;

elite class (those who profit)

the working class (those who provide the labor that

produces profit)

class-consciousness and ultimately revolutionThis consciousness is activated in people when they are deprived. Due to this consciousness they

started to think rationally about their present to make planning for future. For their rights they can

challenge the oppressive status quo violently or non-violently. In result revolutions become start.

Criticism on MarxismCriticism on Marxism

Criticism on Marxism

Criticism on Marxism

1)1) Materialistic ApproachMaterialistic Approach Equality in terms of WealthEquality in terms of WealthHealth, Education, Religion, Distribution of

resources and etc.

Against the Nature of ManAgainst the Nature of Man

2) Critics like Sir Karl Popper:2) Critics like Sir Karl Popper: Marxism is not a theory that can not be tested and

possibly falsified

Popper classifies Marxism as a “Faith”.

Criticism on Marxism3) Ignore the role and position of women in 3) Ignore the role and position of women in societysociety

Women tend to be marginalized Focus upon work relationships

4) Over-Concentration:4) Over-Concentration:Marxists over-exaggerate the importance of economic relationships

5) Neo-Marxism have been criticisedNeo-Marxism have been criticised "left-wing" variety of Functionalism

6) Economic, Social condition, intellectual and Economic, Social condition, intellectual and literary production is based on ideological and literary production is based on ideological and imagination.imagination.

Criticism on MarxismCriticism on MarxismMarxist ideas on how to change society are also strongly criticised by the Anarchists;

Violent Revolution

Marx’s theory of history is contradicted;Industrialised countries have not moved closer to revolution.

No laws of history Marx was mistaken in thinking he had discovered the laws of history, and in thinking that his theory was scientific. 

Sociologist critique on Marxism is that;

Class Conflict

Classless Society

Criticism on Marxism

Marxism has mainly been rejected for two Marxism has mainly been rejected for two reasons:reasons:

1)It failed to allow people to express themselves in the

ways they wanted to,

Few Freedoms

2) More importantly, I believe, it failed to provide people

with the standard of living that capitalism was able to

provide people living under that system.

ConclusionConclusionTheory of Marxism is aimed that to bring Theory of Marxism is aimed that to bring

about;about;classless societybased on the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange all the things equally in our society .

Struggle For Power; Struggle For Power;

Economic Social and Political

Q & A