Martin Luther King Jr.'s Lifetime Impact

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Lifetime Impact





                   MLK Jr. was born              January 15 1929.



MLK JR. went to jail 30 times for what he knew was right.

 MLK JR. was stabbed in the chest and bombed but he did not retaliate in violence he did peaceful protest.

   MLK -won the Noble Peace Prize in 1964

MLK Jr.speech of wisdom I Have a DREAM!



MLK Jr. went to about 300 stops to speak the truth.


MLK Jr. was  the preacher of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama when he was just 25 years old.  

 MLK married June18, 1953.


         MLK Jr. had 4 children

MLK Jr. was a great leader in the boycott against the  city bus.

MLK Jr. was the face of the Civil Rights Movement. 

A lot of people threatened him and his family but he still kept going.



     MLK Jr. was kill on April 4th, 1968.

His legend is still alive it lives in us the, people of the future.



MLK Jr. last speech was  I  Have a Dream.


MLK Jr. has a Museum dedicated to his life's work to help the Civil Rights Movement.

At MLK Jr. funeral  President Kennedy was there.

     MLK Jr. grave is in Atlanta, GA