Marketing yourself , presented by dr. shadia yousef banjar.pptx

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Transcript of Marketing yourself , presented by dr. shadia yousef banjar.pptx

  • I Marketing Yourself By: Shadia Yousef Banjar 12/9/2010 1 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar
  • Luck favors the well-prepared.12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 2
  • Prepare for Your Next StepsWhere will you go after graduation? Graduate School? Professional Program? World of Work? 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 3
  • INTRODUCTIONFirst thing to do:Ask yourself: Where do I start? What do I need to know? Who do I need to know? Preparation what preparation? Why isnt it easy? Cant I just apply online and turn up to my new job? 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 4
  • Questions to ask yourself What type of work do you enjoy? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 5
  • Dont be one of these! Lone ranger Student with external support who does not engage faculty. Wishful thinker Student who persists in area despite lack of space and/or funding. Bookworm Student who seeks comfort in classes, as opposed to research.12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 6
  • What is it all about? Its NOT all about your degree or technical skills You must know yourself first: i. What is your motivation? ii. What are you most passionate about? iii. How do you communicate? (Its not what you think either!) iv. What are your career objectives? v. Where do you want to work? 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 7
  • Selling Yourself on Paper The Cover Letter The cover letter is your formal introduction to aprospective employer,a must when mailing any resume.Because it is generally the first piece read, it can mean the difference between landing aninterview and landing in the rejection pile.So, how do you attract the employer to read yourresume?What type of information do you include in acover letter?These are some of the questions you mustanswer as you continue on the road toemployment. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 8
  • Achieving InterestTo gain access to the employer, you must draft a cover letterthat is brief and interesting.The content should not be a carbon copy of your resume, butinstead highlight what you can do for the employer. It is difficult to create a totally different letter for each job youapply for, so make it adaptable. In this way, you can create one basic letter that can beadapted for each employer reading it. Never write a form just to be duplicated and sent out.12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 9
  • Presenting YourselfThere are two basic types of cover letters:1. a letter of application and2. a letter of inquiry. The letter of application is targeted toward a specific job advertisement. When drafting this letter, be certain to outline the skills and accomplishments that best meet the companys needs. Some employers suggest using terms or language from the ad to make this description more effective. The letter of inquiry is a marketing tool, used to gain an informational interview from a company or to correspond with a networking contact. These letters should be sent after you have conducted some research on your career interests, the job market and specific companies in your area that may be hiring. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 10
  • How to Write an Inquiry LetterHeres what you need to include in an inquiry letter:Introduce yourself:In a request letter, you can just mention that you are writing with reference to aparticular advertisement.But in an inquiry letter, give more detailed information as to who you are, where doyour work (if relevant) and why do you need this information.What Information do you need:Clearly mention what information you require- why are you writing this inquiry letter?Again, it should be very clear why you require this information.Why are you sending the letter to this specific person/organization:If you are sending a solicited letter in response to an ad, then this information is notrequired. But if you are sending an unsolicited letter to a person or an organization,tell them why you have specifically chosen to write to them.For example, you could say, I believe you will be the best person to help me as youare an established authority in the field of - - -.Include your contact details:This goes without saying. Make it easy for them to contact you. Include yourtelephone numbers, address, and Email ID. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 11
  • Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope:If you want a quick reply, (or any reply!) you need to make iteasy for the person to send it to you.Including a stamped, self-addressed envelope in inquiry letterswill definitely increase your chances of getting a reply.Mention that you could not find this information anywhere else:You must show that you have done your homework beforewriting the inquiry letter. State that you tried to find thisinformation, but were unable to do so.Close the letter by saying Thanks:Acknowledge that somebody will take out the time to send youthe required information, and thank them for their time. BePolite. It will only help you! 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 12
  • Creating the Right ImpressionNo matter what type of letter youre sending, the key is to getthe interview! Here are ten things to keep in mind when draftingeither type of cover letter:Write each letter to a specific job opening.Theres no such thing as a one size fits all letter. Each jobyou apply for is different. Adapt your letter to show how youmeet the needs of a given job. Be sure to refer to the specificjob in the first few sentences so that the reader knows the jobfor which you are applying.Describe your skills as they relate to the job.Saying you worked for a company in a specific job title doesntmean the reader will make the connection between you, yourprevious job, and the job in question. It often helps to tie yourexperience to your skills, directly relating them to the jobdescription.Make it personal.Address your letter to a specific person in the company. This isespecially important in a letter of inquiry. If you do not have acontact, call and ask for one. Also, use a comma after thename, its more personal. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 13
  • Create a catchy opening sentence.When people read letters, they scan them for content. Attentiongrabbing first sentencesdescribing why youre the best person for thejob or addressing the interests of the businesswill get the employer tocontinue reading. Include vital information.Your name, address and telephone number (including area code) shouldbe easily visible on every cover letter you send out. It will be the firstthing the reader looks for when trying to contact you.Type and proofread your cover letter before sendingit out. Your cover letter creates an impression of you. If you make errors,it may reflect how employers view you. If your letter is neat andprofessional, the employer will believe you are too.Be brief.Some employers receive cover letters and resumes daily, so they wantto know about you without having to read a lot of unnecessaryinformation. Use action words and active sentences to describe youraccomplishments. Your letter should also be limited to one pagecontaining three or four paragraphs. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 14
  • Be confident, creative and enthusiastic!Next to your resume, your cover letter is your best way to sell yourself onpaper. In addition to illustrating the benefits of hiring you, your cover lettershould also let your personality come through.Keep a copy of every cover letter you send out.Past letters will make your job search and follow-up go more smoothly.Request a response or an interview.Your cover letter is written to get you an interview, so ask for one!Making the CommitmentThe content of your letter plays an important role in your interview prospects.So, make it work for you! DCSs Job Search Journal, Resume Guide andother publications are available in this One-Stop Career Center. Thesepublications include more writing tips and effective sample letters. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 15
  • Selling yourself By email: broad areas of research interest relevant undergraduate experience graduate coursework (and grades) interactions with other students papers you have read statement of current support current course schedule In person: keep appointments lose the cell phone12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 16
  • Resume Preparation Employers & recruiters view hundreds of resumes for jobs advertised. The presentation of your resume will make or break your chance of getting an interview. You need to learn how to sell yourself on paper first. How do you make yours stand out? 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 17
  • Resume DOs Make it relevant to what you are applying to. Keep it between 3 to 5 pages. Employment history in chronological order. Include a technical skills matrix. Keep font and size simplistic throughout. Clearly outline sections in your resume. Keep language simple & straightforward. Check & double check the spelling & grammar! Ask someone to proof read & provide suggestions. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 18
  • Resume DONTS Send your resume to hundreds of positions. Provide too many personal details. Include the names & contact details of your referees. Exaggerate information on your resume (memberships, position titles, salary, etc). Include too much technical jargon or acronyms. Ever criticise current or previous employers. Email resumes from work email addresses or inappropriately named personal ones. Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 12/9/2010 19
  • The job application process Where do I start? Online job boards are best place including: Graduates - apply direct: find out graduate intake times and application process Specialist IT recruitment companies Individual company websites Research your ideal employer Tailor application to the position advertised Match your experience to their criteria. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 20
  • The job application process Send a short cover letter with your resume. Discuss how you can add value to the organisation what can you offer? Attend an interview to present yourself as the best possible candidate for the job. Feedback & follow up is important to continually revisit and improve your approach. Communicate! Return phone calls & emails. Never not show for an interview without communication It is a small world! Keep track of your resume trail where is it being sent to and for what role(s)? 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 21
  • Getting through the interviewBefore: Take extra care with your appearance and dress appropriately. Know the details! Exact address, names, position titles, time for arrival, etc. Preparation is the key! Research and know as much as possible about the company you will meet with. Be familiar with the contents of your resume. Have some questions prepared. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 22
  • Getting through the interviewDuring: Be punctual dont arrive late or too early. Greet the interviewer(s) by shaking hands firmly. Be polite & courteous throughout. Show your enthusiasm and interest for the role. Maintain eye contact throughout but not fixedly. Listen to questions carefully & answer them providing examples where possible. Dont waffle or stray from a question ask for clarification if needed. They will be watching your total performance - body language, communication skills, appearance, ability to demonstrate and articulate your suitability. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 23
  • Getting through the interviewClosing: Always thank the interviewer for their time & shake hands upon leaving. If any aspect has impressed you, mention it briefly and let them know youre interested. Ask what the next step will be. If position is offered on the spot and you want it, accept it. If you need more time or have other positions to consider, be honest & let them know. If you ask for more time, be tactful & courteous & set a timeframe for response - making sure you do. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 24
  • Sell yourself! Put yourself out there! You need to stand out in a crowd. K.I.S.S. [ Keep It Simple, Stupid!] method dont overdo it. Communication skills are absolutely essential. Prepare for the interview dont wing it! Improve on your presentation. Be professional, polite and courteous at all times. Aim to impress be a gentleman / lady. Engage experts to assist as they can also sell you to prospective employers. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 25
  • The way forward Remember to learn from experience & seek feedback where possible. Know yourself and where you are heading. Be confident but not too much. Humility also goes a long way. Theres no luck in landing your dream job just hard work and preparation. 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 26
  • Resources:How to win that job! Presented by Kristy Porter, Porter Consulting GroupBusiness Letter Guru: Yourself on Paper The Cover Letter, Commonwealth of 12/9/2010 Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar 27