Marketing your Art on Social Networking Sites

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Marketing your Art on Social Networking Sites

Marketing your Art on Social Networking Sites

Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Feng Shui and Reiki Healing Artist

Click Your Artwork with Digital Camera

Edit and Make a Good presentable Image

Unedited image of artwork Unedited image of painting

Have High definition pictures. Low resized images are difficult to view

Frame and present your art, its like clothing your art!

Always share details of your painting, Title size and status

Share a Variety of Artworks in different styles

Check out your audience and responses and choose appropriate art to share

Share art in different budget ranges

Comment on your artwork with description

Never use social networking sites for over whelming uploads every hour, people get bored!

Once in a while break from art and upload different images

Keep the innocence in your art marketing alive! Paid clicks will give you likes but not true lovers!

Décor trends influence art and Viewers

Be creative in presenting art to create interest

Blue Good Luck Same art in black and white

Develop love respect for art lovers! Always Thank them for liking your art

Do not be overwhelmed with likes and comments of other artists

Each one is one their own spiritual journey

You never know what their journey is all about…respect every one!

Do not keep repeating the same artwork images, value your art lovers/ commenters time!

Each artwork is special and made with loads of love

Comment on social networking sites judiciously!

Keep sharing your artThere are those who connect love and like your art! Share Happiness

and Healing!

Thank you! for viewing this slide show, Hope this helps!

Connect with me on Face Book, Twitter, Google, Pin Interest, Google Blogs, Online Art Galleries, Linked In, Tumblr, You Tube, Slide Share, Fine

Art America (prints), Just Google Me!

All the Best and God Bless from Rizwana!

The paintings here are my original artworks, if it connects do contact me!