Marketing Plan - Susan

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Marketing Plan - Susan

Marketing Plan- Class Project -



Susan Anggraeni

• SoapIncorp is a brand new soap factory which produces bathing bar soap with VCO as the main ingredients.

• This plan was developed to introduce the product and hit the market hard.

• The company will expand its sales territory slowly but sure and also atrracts new customers through publicity, promotions, and online selling.

Executive Summary

• SoapIncorp uses VCO as the basic ingredients to meet the customers demand, since VCO has become a nowadays trend among customers – because customers believe it’s healthy.

• Opportunities exists because there are still no / not many competitors producing VCO based soap.

• There are also opportunities to expand to outside Java, such as : Bali, Kalimantan, etc.

Situation Analysis

• Introduce the product to the market and try to make a good sales with 100% profit margins or better.

• Grab loyal customers so that the company will have a certain absolute market. And always tries to grab new customers.



• First step : collaborate or maybe even rent a space in exclusive beauty salons, cafes or even exclusive bakeries in Surabaya, for example Rota, le Atlas, Alex, Starbucks, Excelso, Pizza café, Igor, etc.

• Display and sell the soap there with exclusive and unique design and packaging.

• Put flyers or brochures and a product representative to explain about the product and show the prove (from lab research maybe, if any) to the customers to be.


• Then strike Bali, and Gili islands as the most popular tourism spots.

• The packaging (especially for the souvenir soap) will be made as attractive as can be. Since we can sell souvenirs soap easily in tourism area.

• After the market recognizes the product, the company will open its own shop (like Body Shop) independently – in malls.


• After that, the company can spread its wings to other big cities in Indonesia. And maybe start exporting the souvenir ones


• Seek, hire and train sales representatives to be placed in every boot.

• Prepare the necessary promotion.

Make TV advertising, brochures to be placed in every boot and other places.

• Hold regular meeting to discuss and review everything before and after the big launch.


• For the TV advertising is around Rp. 100 million.• For the brochures and banners is around Rp. 20

million.• For the space rent is around Rp. 200 million in

total.• For the others the company put Rp. 30 million.• So the total budget is around Rp. 350 million to

400 million.