Marketing Management Marketing Management 12 th edition Introduction to the Marketing Management...

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Transcript of Marketing Management Marketing Management 12 th edition Introduction to the Marketing Management...

Marketing Management

Marketing Management 12th edition

Introduction to the Marketing Management

Instructor: Ali Hassan Abu-Jarad.E-mail: First Sem: 2008-2009

Marketing Management

Introduction to the marketing management

1- Marketing Tasks: These tasks are achieved through :

• Analyzing the needs of people. Who will use the firm products.

• What type of products ( size , weight, and materials).

Marketing Management

- Estimate, How many of these people will use and buy the product. 

• Estimate, the price. the consumer is willing to pay

• Decide which kinds of promotions should be used to inform your potential customers

• Estimate, how many competing companies will be making the same product.

Marketing Management

The marketing system affect every one:

- Consumers

- Firms

- Society

Marketing Management

The Scope Of Marketing

1- Goods.

2- Services

3- Experience

4- Events

5- Persons

Marketing Management

• Marketing : M anaging profitable customer relationship.

• - In marketing we are looking at THE FUTURE.

• - In selling we are looking at TODAY.

Marketing Management

Marketing Management

NOW!!!What is marketing???

Marketing Management

Marketing: The process of identifying the customer needs and once satisfaction them.

Marketing: is managing profitable customer relationship attracting new customers and retaining and growing current customer.

Marketing Management

• Marketing : is creating customer value and satisfaction which is the core of modern marketing thinking and practice.

•Marketing: is the art of selling (not any selling but profitable selling).

• The main value of marketing is how to produce superior value.

• Creating , delivering & communicating • *superior customer value is a key for good


Marketing Management

• Marketing: A communication process that exists between producer and consumer for the purpose of optimizing satisfaction of both parties.

• Marketing management:

Is the process of planning and executing the conception ,pricing, promotion and distribution of idea , goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

Marketing Management

• Many people think of marketing only as selling and advertising.

• Marketing is no longer " selling and selling". TODAY marketing new concept satisfying customer needs.

• Value: Means a set of benefits. You should provide a superior value for the customer.

Marketing Management

Core concept of marketing:

• Customer satisfaction.

• Superior value & loyalty.

• Needs, Wants, Demands.

• Marketing offers: including products, services & experiences.

• Exchanging, transactions & relationship.

• Markets.

Marketing Management

The deference's between the marketing and selling concepts

Marketing Management

• Social marketing concept

• Kotler's social definition:

• Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individual and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.

Marketing Management

• Marketing is a social process

• We should improve the society even by a small part of profit (social responsibility)

• Managerial : planning – motivating – controlling ….. etc.

• Needs: we can't live without it. (food).• Wants: we can live with out it ( what type of

food I want)

• Products and value: I'll give you a value (product) and you will give me a value (money).

Marketing Management

Needs, Wants and Demands

Needs: Is the felt of deprivation.

Human have many complex needs:.• Basic , physical needs for foods, cloths,

warmth and safety.• Social needs for belong and affection.• Individuals needs for knowledge and self


Marketing Management

• Wants: The form taking by the human as shaped by culture and individual Personality.

• Demands: Are human wants that backed buying by power.

• Customers: Looking for product as a benefits and they choose products that given them the best benefits for their money.

• Products or offering:Any thing can be offered to market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy wants or a need.

Marketing Management

• Market: Is the set of actual & potential buyers of a product. Wherever the buyer is! … it is your market.

What is marketed?What is marketed? Goods , services , experiences , events , persons , place ,

properties , organizations , information , ideas.• Smart marketers: Create brand meaning and brand

experiences for customer.

• Marketers: Must be careful to set the right level of expectation.

• Customer value and customer satisfactions are the keys for developing and managing customer relationship.

Marketing Management

Historical stages of marketing(stage that market definition passed by)

1- Production concept:

2- Product concept• have product quality

3- Selling concept: have product and good quality but they need a

promotion tools.

4- Marketing concept:

5- Societal marketing concept:

Marketing Management

Customer relationship management (CRM)

• Is the overall process of building and creating profitable customer relationships by delivery superior customer value & satisfaction.

• Marketer must be concerned with the life time value of the customer.

• Key concepts of CRM:• Attracting, retaining, and growing customer.• Building customer relationships and customer


Marketing Management

SenderSender EncodeEncode MessageMessage DecodeDecode ReceiverReceiver


• Marketing : Is a communication process: • This is the standard model of communication• Marketing texts use the model to introduce promotion

Marketing Management

SenderSender EncodeEncode MessageMessage DecodeDecode ReceiverReceiver


• I prefer this model to explain the marketing process• It is applicable to any form of interaction • Explains the marketing curriculum and strategies

Marketing Management

• The sender originates the action

• The sender could also be known as the Producer of an offering


Marketing Management

• The receiver is the target of the action

• The target could also be known as the Consumer of an offering


Marketing Management

• The message is the offering

• The message could also be known as the product


Marketing Management

• The way the Receiver decodes is vital importance to the Sender

• Need to know who the target is; in many ways possibleDecodeDecode

Marketing Management

• Knowing the way the Receiver decodes guides the Sender in developing the offering

• All aspects of the offering serve as communication tools

• Therefore, we have the Marketing Strategies: Product, Price, Place and Promotion


Marketing Management

SenderSender EncodeEncode MessageMessage DecodeDecode ReceiverReceiver


• This model allows a user to view any transaction from a marketing perspective and analyze the successes and failures

Marketing Management

• Product as a Communicator

• Label is full of information about the product

• Packaging-enhancing product image

Marketing Management

• Price as a Communicator

• Discounts

• List price

• Payment period

• Price as a measure of quality

Marketing Management

• Place as a Communicator

• Place of purchase

• Control of the Channel of Distribution

• Retailing and Display

Marketing Management

• Promotion as a Communicator

• Advertising - communicating with the masses

• Personal Sales - communicating one-to-one

• Promotion : is a tool of marketing.

• Advertising : is a tool of promotion.

• Brand: is a communication tool.

Marketing Management

Marketing & society:

social responsibility & marketing ethics.

Social responsibility: the obligation of the firm, beyond the requirement of law, to talk into consideration in it's decision making the social consequence of it's decision and action as well as profit.

Marketing Management

• Marketing impact on individual consumer:

• We will study it through 4Ps ( Product, Promotion, Place, Price).

1- product: A- quality:

The firm should monitor carefully the quality control in the manufacturing of it's product and make sure that certain are net.

B- Warranties: should be provided to a sure customer that they get reliable product.He should to know that he have the right to return, if he purchase the product.

Marketing Management

C- Foreign sales:

D- Packaging: Enhancing product image.

E- Planned obsolescence:

F- Safety: the product must be safe to consumer or use.

G- Liability: when damage is done due to the use of the product, the business is responsible.

Marketing Management

• Promotion: collection of incentive tools, mostly short-term, designed to stimulate quicker or great purchase of particular products or services by consumer or the trade.

عمل: • منها الهدف الحوافز من مجموعة هو الترويج. المستهلكين أو للتجار موجهة إشارة

الخاصة: • المقنعة االتصاالت وتحديد تطوير الترويجبالعرض.

معروف مالحظة:• الترويج عملية في المنتج يكون 3 دائما . المبيعات حجم زيادة العملية الغرضمن ولكن

•. الترويج في مصداقية هناك تكون أن يجب 3 أيضا

• Promotion: is a tool of marketing.

Marketing Management

• Place of distribution:

• Research:• Promotion:• Contact:• Matching:• Negotiation:• Physical distribution• Financing:• Risk taking:

Marketing Management

• Price:• Higher price to the poor.

• Spurious sales price ( inadequate information)

• Bait and switch: switch higher price just when consumer show interest

• The price must be suitable for the quality of the offer (product)

Marketing Management

QUIZ (1)1-What is marketing?

2-What is the Product?