Marketing a film

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Marketing a film

Chloe Sorley


Advertisement is extremely important to ensure the success of a film, if the

advertising is poor then the success of the film will be poor. Many films use a

variety of ways to advertise their film whether its through social media,

posters, merchandise or teaser trailers.

Despicable Me has gotten hugely popular with the use of the ‘minions’,

pictures of these are posted throughout social media such as the sites,

Facebook and Twitter and within them, the population will share these

amongst themselves. They are also at a lot of arcades in the claw games, they

have also made games available for the PlayStation and on smart phones,

iPod’s and iPad’s which is free, this allows the user to connect with their

friends via Facebook and post their scores and challenge their friends. It is

being played by thousands of people of all ages everyday.


Social networks are one of the best ways to advertise recently as nowadays

most people have some connection to the internet and Facebook is a great

way to start with an estimate of 1.15 billion users currently on Facebook. It is

common for a lot of companies who are trying to advertise to ask fans to

‘share a post’ to be in with the chance of winning something, usually


Twitter is also a popular network to use with an estimate of 200 million users

active, Twitter, like Facebook allows fans to follow current trends and to

‘tweet’ and ‘retweet’ news about a new film etc.



Man Of Steel has found the use of advertising in social media successful as

over a five day period, Man Of Steel totaled 10,910 tweets a month into the

release of the film, this was 78% stronger than The Amazing Spider-Man.

Facebook has also lended a hand as when the film was released the number of

fans on Facebook soared to 663,473 fans.

YouTube is also a useful marketing tool as the official trailer has been viewed

30,762,298 as of August 21st and have almost 60,000 subscribers, on this they

also have a link to the Facebook page.



It is useful to have a Facebook page for anyone trying to advertise, as it states

on the page how many people have ‘liked’ it, almost 2,000,000, and its shows

how many people are talking about the film, over 62,000.

The Facebook page also gives the fans the opportunity to book tickets to see

the film via the page, photos of the characters and promotional pictures and

the option to watch the trailers. They have also set up the option for the fans

to use the same cover photo which will spread the word about the film and

promote it even further. Further down the page the page admins have been

posting news about the film and the most recent has been an announcement

for when the film comes out on bluray, urging the fans to share and buy it.