March 27

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March 27 Guardian Angels Church Bulletin

Transcript of March 27

M A RC H 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 T H I R D S U N DAY O F L E N T

Stewardship Report forMarch 19 & 20, 2011

Week 38 of our fiscal yearActual Budget


Envelope offering 8,734

Electronic offering 5,757

Plate offering 948

Total offering 15,439 19,500 -4,061

Year-to-date Total offering 575,609 741,000 -165,391

PricelessA well-known priest started off a parish mission holding up a hundred-dollar bill. He asked, “Who would like this hundred-dollar bill?” Hands started going up. He said, “Let me do this.” He crumpled the bill up and asked, “Who wants it now?” More hands were in the air. “Well, what if I do this?” and he dropped it and ground it into the floor with his shoe. He picked up the creased and dirty bill. “Anyone still want it?” All hands were raised. “My friends, you have learned a valuable lesson. This bill is still worth one hundred dollars. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We may think we are worthless. But you will never lose your value in God’s eyes. Whether you are dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to God.”


!"wardship at Guardian Angel#


GUARDIAN ANGELSCatholic Church & School

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THIS WEEK AT G.A.@#:25%/!@5&<!,A/!,-BB!C!D7:25%/!=$&'1!E/!,-BB!

Mass IntentionsTuesday Carol Wolf +Wednesday: Sponsored by Daughters of Isabella for members and their familiesSaturday Guardian Angels Parishioners Sunday (8am) Josephine Klehr +Sunday (10am) Tom Jensen +Sunday (6:15pm) Joe & Audrey Lano +

CHURCH & SCHOOL STAFFListed Alphabetically

E-Mails for Staff: FirstInitialLastName@GAchaska.orgExample:

Rev. Mr. Jim Bauhs, Deacon 227-4000Eric Crowell, Dir of Operations & Communications 227-4008Amy Gallus, School Principal 227-4010Fr. Paul Jarvis, Pastor 227-4000Fr. Thomas Joseph, Sacramental Minister within the Latino Community 227-4093Emily Klinker, Director of Faith Formation 227-4007Maria Koehn, Latino Administrative Assistant 227-4015Lori Reznick, School Administrative Assistant 227-4010Jean Rief, Pastoral Associate 227-4095 Jerry Roth, Parish Director 227-4002Miguel Salinas, Room Scheduling 227-4004Jennifer Salwei, Accounting 227-4001Teresa Schmidt, Director of Worship 361-0181Fr. Conran Schneider, O.F.M. (Pastoral Care) 361-0414Brian Winfield, Maintenance Supervisor 227-4013

LAY-LEADERSHIP POSITIONSTRUSTEES Steve Rasmussen 448-5922 Mark Sanda 277-4283 Bill Meyer, Trustee EmeritusPARISH COUNCIL, Tim Collins 270-2341 TCollins@acosta.comFINANCE COUNCIL, Matthew Udermann (Interim) FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION, Ed Hajek 960-4940SCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Tom Tierney, 239-8799PARENT/TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) Cecilia Laube, laubes2006@yahoo,com 448-6161 Keith Erickson, 368-7349PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY Dianne Eiden 201-6045USHERS/GREETERS Marty O’Keefe, 368-7541PRAYER LINE, Jessica Oberpriller 361-3165

Knights of Columbus Calendar Raffle Results

Please call Steve at (952) 448-3127 or Chuck at (952) 448-2819 to collect your winnings. Congratulations!

This Week’s Sponsor: Chaska Herald

Upcoming Coffee & Donuts: Today: Mar. 27: CCW, April 3: Knights of Columbus, April 10: Catholic Aid Society, April 17 & 24: No Hospitality

Next Weekend!s ReadingsFirst Reading — As the prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, the spirit of the Lord rushed upon David and remained with him from that day forward (1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a).Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23).Second Reading — You who were once darkness are now light in the Lord. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8-14).Gospel — The man who was blind from birth proclaimed: The one called Jesus made clay with his saliva, anointed my eyes with it, and told me to wash. When I washed, I was able to see! (John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38])


LAY MINISTER SCHEDULEStations Of The Cross - FridayApril 1 7:00pmSam Winfield, Joey Winfield, Aaron Glaeser

April 2 – April 3: 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 6:15pmLectors Pat Scheuble Dorothy Wermerskirchen Sue Johnson Bob TopinkaEucharistic Ministers Ted Janey Karen Atkinson Rick Lindemeier Kathy SettenEucharistic Ministers Kris Janey Jim Hammers Judy Lindemeier Laurie FornerEucharistic Ministers Tricia Ambroz Pat Koehnen Colin Schulte Deanna RosenwinkelEucharistic Ministers MaryAnn LaValle ------ Krista Schulte Eucharistic Ministers Sharon Schleicher ------ Dianne Eiden Servers - Candle 1 Hogan Greenwood Clay Atkinson Zachary Miller Ken FornerServers - Candle 2 Michaela Spielberger Audrey Atkinson Rebecca Baker Leanne FornerServer - Cross/Incense Zachary Spielberger Aaron Glaeser Colby Rothmeier Server - Cross/Incense Alison Gagnon Shannon Kimball Patrick Baker Homebound ------ Ann Walter ------ Homebound ------ Jim Kleinedler ------ Sacristans Susan Hunziker Tom/Debbie LaTour Dennis/Lola Meyer Mary Muhs/Molly WilliamsUsher/Greeter Virgil Gestach Lucy Halloran Marty O’Keefe Jake and Alex RichelsenUsher/Greeter Carol Gestach Pat Halloran Tim CollinsUsher/Greeter Brad Gestach Mark LanoUsher/Greeter Steve Gestach Sam Lano


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8 a.m.6 p.m.

Word & Communion Service, ChurchPrayer Shawl Ministry, Office



8 a.m. Mass, Church



8 a.m.8 p.m.

Mass, Church6.1.5 Mass Music Rehearsal, Church



8 a.m.After Church6:45 p.m.

Word & Communion Service, ChurchQuilters, SFHThursday Night Choir Rehearsal, Loft




8 a.m.5 p.m.7 p.m.

Mass, ChurchStations of the Cross (in Spanish), ChurchStations of the Cross (in English), Church



7:30 a.m.

9 a.m.11:30 a.m.5 p.m.5 p.m.7 p.m.

D of I First Saturday Rosary and Mass, ChurchOvereaters Anonymous Group, Conf.HALOs FMSC Event, See Page 6Mass with Children’s LIturgy, ChurchRCIA, School Rm 110, ConfSpanish Speaking Parishioner Prayer Group, SFH



8 a.m.8 a.m.9:15 a.m.10 a.m.Noon4 p.m.4:30 p.m.6:15 p.m.7 p.m.

Mass, ChurchRCIA, School Rm. 110Sunday Adult Choir Rehearsal, LoftMass with Sunday School, ChurchMass in Spanish, ChurchAdult Bible Study, SFH6.1.5. Music Rehearsal, Church6.1.5 Mass, ChurchSunday Evening Basketball, Gym

Mass Intentions … Mass intentions may be for the living and the departed, with a + designating in the bulletin a deceased person. There is a $10 suggested donation per Mass intention. Permission from the sick person or his/her family must be granted before a name’s inclusion in these prayers. To schedule a Mass intention, call Jean in the parish office (see contacts, page 2)

Baptism … Sacramental preparation is required for all parents. Godparents and Grandparents are also encouraged to attend. Baptismal prep sessions are given every other month and Baptism Masses are held once a month. Call Jean in the parish office (see contacts, opposite page) to schedule a child for Baptism and the parents for baptismal prep.

Prayers of the Faithful ….If you would like a name included in our Prayers of the Faithful for the sick, please call the Parish Office.

Penance...Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and anytime by appointment.

Matrimony...pre-registration required one year in advance; marriage preparation course is required.

Anointing… 1st weekend of the month following each Mass. For other requests, please contact the office.


DID YOU KNOW? G.A. has a Can Recycling Program? Be sure to drop off your aluminum cans in the shed behind the church! This is a great way to support the ministries at G.A.!

!"#$%&'()'*&&+,-,&."$/0-0.1$/23Each year G.A. proudly participates in the March Food Drive month by packing grocery bags and donating food and money to the CAP Agency Bountiful Basket located right here in Chaska at 110650 Village Road. Grocery bags will be handed out this weekend March 19-20 and cash donation envelopes will be in the pews. Please bring your food or cash donations to the trucks located in front of the Church on either Saturday, March 26th or Sunday March 27th before each Mass. NOTE: The trucks will leave at 12:15 PM on Sunday, to deliver the donated food and money to the CAP Agency Bountiful Basket.

!"#$%&'()*+$!,-..+.$/0++$%($1(2$/0-&3).St. Francis offers CPR Anytime classes once a month. This class teaches lifesaving skills in case of an emergency. It is not a certification course and participants will not receive a CPR card, however it will teach basic adult and child CPR. Class size is limited so call the ‘Ask St. Francis’ Information line at 952-428-2000 or go to to reserve your space.

45-6+.$-&7$/).8+.Come and help feed the hungry. Guardian Angels will be serving a meal for Loaves and Fishes at St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Shakopee on Thursday, March 31. The first team arrives at St. Mark’s at 2:30 p.m. to prepare the meal. The second team arrives at St. Mark’s at 5:15 p.m. to serve and clean up. We would also appreciate donations of

cakes, bars or cookies, which can be brought to St. Francis Hall that morning. Call Sharon Schleicher at 952-448-2254 if you can help. Thank you.





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Continued from Front Page4

I love Guardian Angels for a couple of reasons, which are all important qualifications for a school if you ask me.I love my school!s teachers. The teachers at Guardian Angels have always cared about their students, about me. They help us get our grades up, they will talk to us if we are having problems at school or home, and they will even talk to us if we just want to talk for fun. (They also don!t mind students bringing in treats for them). Teachers are what make our school. The students are a big part too, but where would we be without patient and caring teachers? Nowhere. That!s why I think they are most important.I love the students here. Everyone isn!t perfect all the time, but I think that underneath all the silliness

and joking there are some very kind friends who will protect you in a heartbeat. Even if they haven!t figured it out themselves yet. I love Guardian Angels students.I love the church. I love everything about the church: the windows, the architecture, the choir, the kindness, the feel of safety and holy presence, and most of all Fr. Paul. The way he preaches with great enthusiasm, the way we feel like laughing by just looking at him, the way we can trust him with anything, and how he is so passionate about serving God and serving Jesus and helping us to do that are some of his special gifts. I love the church very much, and would do anything to serve it.I love all the little things. I love how Mr. Blaufuss will give us Starbursts or some other candy if we!re good. I love how Mrs. Gallus is super busy and yet still tries to be there for us when she can. I love how Mrs. Reznick says hello every morning and also compliments us. I love how Mrs. Krook is doing a great job, even though she just started teaching. I even love Mr. Leach!s creative criticism and light humor. I love how Mrs. Girard doesn!t let you get by on a C+; she will hunt you down and make sure you understand it and get it right. I love how Mr. Jones is very cool and can be funny when talking about disk golf. I love how Mrs. O!Donnell tries to be patient with us when we are being rowdy and not very quiet. She!ll help you out if you ask her. I love all the little twists and turns that are included every once in a while. But most of all, I love how we all feel like a great big family. I love how my friends are my friends because of who I am. I love how I am learning about God and all his glory. I love that this is the first school I!ve been to and I!m not crying everyday, I!m not dreading tomorrow. I!m not hurting anyone and no one is hurting me. And most of all, I love how Guardian Angels School is gifting me with Faith. Before Guardian Angels, I barely knew a thing about God or Jesus. I didn!t know there were 12 disciples, I didn!t know what Easter was, I didn!t have my First Communion, I didn!t know a lot of stuff. But Guardian Angels changed that, and that is why I will always love it.







!"#$%&'()$*+$+,"$-*(.),$/01.2"Monday - Thursday 8:00am-8:00pm

Friday 8:00am-4:00pm

Saturday 8:30am-12:30pm

We have great news…the front office is now open on Saturdays from 8:30-12:30. Volunteer Receptionists have stepped up to the plate and have agreed to help out even more. This is huge in terms of opening up availability for lots of parishioners who work Monday

through Friday and are unable to stop by their parish office during the week. There are many meetings and events happening on Saturday mornings and having someone in the front office to open doors, answer questions and maintain better security is very exciting. We are hoping to have an opportunity for parishioners who are unable to work during the week because of their regular job to come and check us out and volunteer for an occasional Saturday morning.

If you have an interest in volunteering at the front desk now is the time to look at our new schedule and find a spot that works for you. You can sign up by visiting the GA web page and click on the link “Front Desk Volunteer Schedule” located in the lower right-hand column. Or you may call our lead volunteer receptionist, Sandy Montague, at 952-448-3135 to sign you up or for additional information. Training is provided.

Thank you to all of the extraordinary volunteers for your welcoming smiles and for the joy and sunshine you spread to all who call or enter the parish office.

One way students at Guardian Angels School are developing their Lenten practices is by celebrating Stations of the Cross three times this season. If you are able, know you are always welcome to join us. Stations will be at 3:00p.m. on March 25th, April 8th, and April 15th.

It’s not too late to register for the 2011-2012 school year. Registration forms can be downloaded from the GA web-site as well as received by calling the school office at 952-227-4010. We have our Kindergarten Round-up on Friday, April 15th—if you are not already registered, give us a call to reserve a spot for that morning.

Guardian Angels School made its first connection with the Almondale School in Concepcion, Chile on March 17th. Second grade students introduced themselves, shared something that they liked as well as sang a St. Patrick’s Song. It was a great first interaction with them and we are looking forward to many more between now and the end of the school year.

Students are already preparing for our Spring Concert on Thursday, April 14th. Performances will be at 1:30 and 7:00p.m. Active older adults are also invited to a luncheon in Saint Francis Hall hosted by our Middle School Service Club at noon with the afternoon performance following. Please call the school office to RSVP for the luncheon.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

G.A. Halos Youth Group

Chanhassen, Minnesota


Gentle Reminder – All Faith Formation programs (with the exception of RCIA) will be observing the District 112 Spring Break, Sunday March 27-April 1 -- No Faith Formation programs are scheduled. Enjoy some extra time with your families!

Winged Warriors Event (GA elementary ministry)

What: Come for a celebration of this glorious season in our church. There will be games, a movie, and a delicious cooking snack :)

Who: Open to all 1st thru 5th graders. If you bring a friend who has not attended a winged warrior event, you’ll get half-off your admission!

When: Sunday, April 10th from 3-5 p.m.

Where: St. Francis Hall

Cost: $5

R.S.V.P.: To You are welcome to come without, but doing so would just be nice for cooking supply counts.

Guardian Angels Church’s 4th annual invitational basketball tournament is just around the corner.! In addition to coming to watch parish teams play on Saturday and Sunday, come to the Friday evening mini tournament between present and future priests.! !!!!!

Seminarian/Priests Tournament (Friday, April 29th):

St. John Vianney Seminary, St. Paul Seminary and a team of priests from the Archdiocese will once again have a mini tournament Friday evening. Prior to the games, we will have a "tailgater" in the school parking lot – 5:30 pm. Food and drinks provided in the parking lot behind, to the east of the school. We are hopeful that Bishop Piché will be able to attend this family event.

Men's Basketball Tournament (Saturday - Sunday, April 30- May 1st):

• 12 teams:

• Saturday 8:00am-9:00pm): Four, 3 team pools

• Sunday 10:00am-7:00pm): Three (gold, silver & bronze) 4 team, single elimination, pools on Sunday.

• Each game will consist of two, 18 minute halves; stop time for the last minute of each half. Two minute half time. Three 30 second time outs per game.!

Mark Your Calendars

/0++$9+0*-&$!,-..Beginning March 28 in the Chaska Community Center Conference Room from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Learn what it would mean for you to live and communicate in German in a specific Germanic physical and social environment. Open to all including rank beginners. Come see what it is all about. For more information contact Jim Hammers – 952-368-3229 or

/0++$1:)&$!-&3+0$130++&)&;St. Francis Regional Medical Center is having a free skin cancer screening for the under insured and uninsured on Wed, May 11, 2011. To register please call 952-428-2000 or 952-428-2712.


There is a marked basket in the Collection for Ministries kiosk in back of church where you may drop off your old palms, or you may burn them in some aluminum foil and sprinkle the ashes around your home as a blessing.

C-:+$1-,+$-&7$C5=()D=+The Council of Catholic Women of St. Patrick of Cedar Lake is sponsoring a Bake Sale & Boutique on Saturday, April 2, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The event features fresh-baked cinnamon and caramel rolls as well a other home-baked goodies. Nine vendors will also be in attendance with offerings ranging from kitchen gadgets to womens' accessories to childrens' books. St. Patrick of Cedar Lake is located at 24425 Old Hwy. 13 Blvd., Jordan, MN

From your Pastoral Care MinistryBearing the Special Grief of Suicide

Suicide is a devastating tragedy. It happens in the best of families and to the best of people, challenging the lives of the shocked survivors.

In many ways, suicide is one of the most difficult deaths to mourn. As someone mourns the death of a friend or loved one, they may feel a sense of betrayal; they may feel anger. They have invested years of caring, loyalty and patience with the deceased. Suddenly they feel abandoned or rejected. Perhaps they have such thoughts as “How could she do this to me?” “Couldn’t he think about the children? Weren’t we enough for him?”

Because they are bewildered by what has happened, they search to answer their “Why”s. A message left may help interpret what went on in the person’s mind before falling victim to suicide. Yet the painful questions remain: “Why did he do it?” “ Was she angry at me?”

They may also be filled with guilt, for suicide can seem like not just a loss, but also an accusation. They may feel that somehow they did not love enough, or that their relationship was not good enough. They keep rehearsing all the “if onlys”: “Why didn’t I realize how sick he was?” “If only I had been home on time.”

Working their way through

Recovery from the suicide of someone close is a monumental task, for the process of mending a broken heart is painful and slow.

For loved ones of those who’ve suicide, the road to recovery requires they accept their feelings, drawing from their inner resources, and to develop positive attitudes toward the past, present, and future.

The journey of healing starts with small steps leading from darkness to hope, from death to a renewed commitment to life.

Learn to live with unanswered questions.!

We do have some clues about why people fall victim to suicide.

We know that suicide is often an symptom of undiagnosed depression. It is often the response to some kind of loss; to real or perceived failure; to physical, psychological, or spiritual pain. The person’s problem becomes the only thing that exists, and he or she cannot conceive that life will ever become any better.

But even in knowing all this intellectually, the survivor of a suicide loved-one can still feel very confused emotionally.

Behind their questions is a broken heart that can’t be healed with simple answers. Struggling through the not knowing is extremely difficult. Their “Why”s may never be answered, the puzzle never resolved.

People who suicide (because it is a mental health issue, professionals don’t say “commit suicide” today, as it frames it simplistically as a moral issue) often take with them the mystery of their life and death.

Survivors must gradually let go of the “Why”s, accept what has happened, and go on living.

Allow time for bad memories.

In the early stages of grief, survivors often experience playback of the suicide scene in their thoughts or nightmares. They may feel robbed of pleasant memories and oppressed by this replay of the details surrounding the final event.

They need to own and deal with these negative images before they can get in touch with their good memories. This is indeed the goal – to intentionally work towards good memories. As the hurt gradually becomes less intense, positive feelings will begin to surface and become more frequent and longer lasting.

Continued in next week’s bulletin

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