March 2017 internet

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of March 2017 internet

I can’t believe it is March and at the same time I am glad as we are getting closer to Spring. We have great plans for this

month as we continue to collect bottle caps, talk about simple machines, and take two ELI trips this month. Thank you for

being so cooperative during the construction and parking in alternate locations during drop-off and pick-up. We greatly

appreciate it. Have a great month! Jeni Hoover

March 2017 Newsletter

Upcoming Dates:

March 1 – ELI Visitor

March 2 – ELI TRIP – Museum of Contemporary Art

March 8 – Swimming (2:30-3:30pm)

March 13 – New Cycle – Tuition Due

March 17 – Giraffes’ Visit to Library

March 22 – Swimming (2:30-3:30pm)

March 27 – New Cycle – Tuition Due March 29 – ELI Visitor

March 30 – ELI Trip – BOP Stop

Reminder: Don’t forget to send your child with a hooded towel for

swimming dates. This makes it much easier to walk back and forth to the

pool and reduces falls.

2017 KELC Closed Days:

• Teacher In-services – April 7th, May 4th & 5th, August 4th,

November 3rd

• Holidays – May 29th

, July 4th

, September 4th

, November


& 24th

, December 22nd

& 25th

You will need to make alternate arrangements for your children on

these days as KELC will be closed.

Please remember to turn your car off when dropping off or picking

up as it is not safe to leave your car running.

Learning to Recycle

We are continuing to collect bottle caps/lids to be melted into a

bench for the children to use alongside the “little library” that

was donated to us from The Stocker Foundation.

We have 98 lbs of bottle caps

and only need 302 more pounds!


Our next “weigh day” is

March 23 at 10am.

Kendal Intergenerational News:

Thursday, March 2nd

at 3:15pm we hope you can join us for our

Celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.



From the KELC Teachers:

From the Classroom:

The month of February was a time of many celebrations. We started with a special Valentine’s celebration with our Kendal

grandfriends and family grandparents. There was lots of laughter and fun as everyone enjoyed working on crafts together.

The following day the children enjoyed passing out their own special valentines to classmates. On the 23rd

they celebrated

fairytales with their grandfriends which included a special visit from Cinderella. The month was ended with a very delicious

potluck organized by our Parent Leadership Group. We would like to give a big thanks to them for all their hard work.

Our class continues to grow as we welcome Channing Lopez-Morris and also welcome back Asher Heetderks.

Mary, Sara, Macie, Robin and Karen