March 2012 The AIE Times - Amity University · trophy for the Best Marching Contingent at Sangathan...

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Transcript of March 2012 The AIE Times - Amity University · trophy for the Best Marching Contingent at Sangathan...


O ur in-house magazine, called Wall Magazine, is a medium available to our students for tapping their creative

potential. Through the means of centrally-located notice boards that are decorated with contributions from the

students and teachers alike, we promote the fine art of expressing one’s thoughts using creative writing as a tool.

Contributions include articles, poems and sketches.

Highlights | Teacher Articles | Student Articles | Story

The AIE Times December 2011 – March 2012 Volume 1, Issue 2

A Newsletter of Amity Institute of Education, Saket, New Delhi An Institution of Ritnand Balved Education Foundation

Shaping Future Teachers

Ms Deepti Madhura and Ms Honey Gupta (Faculty Members) with the students receiving the

trophy for the Best Marching Contingent at Sangathan 2011


P eace of mind is some-

thing every person

seeks in life. Most of

us are in a state of perpetual

restlessness. Here are some

tips to achieve the right bal-

ance in life:

Do not interfere: Most

problems start when we

interfere in others’ life.

Reason: We think we

know best and so, it

should be our way or the

highway. But, what we

fail to understand is that

each individual has a

right to live their life in

their own way, with

their own choices.

Forgive & forget: We

nurture ill feelings in-

side our heart for any-

body who insults us or

harms us. By nourish-

ing the feelings, we end

up living with the

wounds forever. Be-

lieve in the justice of

god and the doctrine of

karma. Life is too short

to waste in such trifles.

Adapt to change: If

you try to change the

environment single

handedly, chances are

you may fail. Instead,

adapt yourself to suit

the environment.

Be content: Craving

for recognition? Be-

lieve in yourself and do

your duties ethically

and sincerely. Leave

the rest to god.

Know your limits: We

often tend to take on

more than we are capa-

ble of handling. Stop

nursing your ego and be

realistic about your


Be positive: An empty

mind is a devil’s work-

shop. Keep yourself

occupied with work, to

not let negative thoughts

plague you.

Don’t procrastinate,

don’t regret: The ‘ifs’

and ‘buts’debate is a

waste of time. You can

never anticipate what

the future holds. Learn

from your mistakes can

help you deal with the

uncertainty better.

Dr Sanjana Vij

Assistant Professor


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fuf[ky jatu Bkdqj

A I E l k d s r e a s e s j k v c r d d k l Q j

T h e A I E T i m e s


On Dec 16, 2011, Principal

Dr Ranjana Bhatia and As-

sistant Professor Dr Sadhna

Tyagi attended a one day

workshop at the Military

Training Camp, Manesar,


On Dec 21, 2011, Lecturer

Dr Sukhjeet Kaur attended a

seminar on ‘Examination

Reforms’ at Shri Jain T.T.

College, Alwar, Rajasthan.

On Dec 23, 2011, Principal

Dr Ranjana Bhatia attend-

ed a seminar on ‘E-

education Paradigms –

Indian Scenario and Challenges’ at

Delton Hall, IETE Lodhi Road,

New Delhi.

On Jan 4-5, 2012, Assistant Profes-

sor Dr Sadhna Tyagi attended a

workshop on D.EI.Ed Programme

at NIOS, Noida.

On Jan 6, 2012, Lecturer Dr Su-

khjeet Kaur attended a seminar on

‘Swami Vivekananda’s Relevance

To Teacher Education.’ at MERI,

Janakpuri, New Delhi.

On Jan 10, 2012, Principal Dr Ran-

jana Bhatia attended the Valedicto-

ry Function of 15th World Sanskrit

Conference at Vidya Bhawan ,

Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi.

On 18th Jan. 2012, Lecturers Ms

Deepti Madhura, Ms Sachi Sinha

and Ms Honey Gupta presented a

paper on ‘Excellence in Education:

Special Significance for Teacher

Education’, at a national seminar

held at Amity Institute Of Educa-

tion, Saket, New Delhi.

On Jan 21, 2012, Lecturer Ms

Deepti Madhura presented a paper

on ‘Impact Of Globalization on

Higher Education’ at a national sem-

inar organised by CTE at Doraha

College Of Education,


On Jan 23, 2012, Lecturers Ms

Sachi Sinha and Dr Sukhjeet Kaur

presented a paper on ‘Teaching

Learning Process of Elementary

Teachers’ at Ideal Institute Of

Education, New Delhi.

On Feb 9-10, 2012, Assistant

Professor Ms Puneet Rahi at-

tended a workshop on ‘How to

conduct a Research’ at Institute

Of Vocational Studies , Sheikh

Sarai, New Delhi.


Students of B.Ed attended a

one week (Dec 11–17, 2011)

Military Training Camp at Ma-

nesar, Haryana, under the

supervision of Lecturer Ms

Deepti Madhura.

On Jan 18, 2012, students of B.Ed

attended the National Seminar on

‘Excellence in Education: Special

Significance for Teacher Education’

held at Amity Institute Of Educa-

tion, Saket.

On Jan 31 & Feb 1, 2012, students

of B.Ed attended a two-day work-

shop on ‘Health and Physical Edu-

cation’ held at Amity Institute Of

Education, Saket.

On Feb 2, 2012, students of B.Ed

visited the Meteorological Depart-

ment, New Delhi, under the

supervision of Lecturers Ms Sachi

Sinha, Ms Mani Sharma and Ms

Sonia Jain.


Students at the Military Training Camp, Manesar

Human Value Quarter: A student giving a



T h e A I E T i m e s

A student explains her model at the

Science Exhibition

National Seminar organized at AIE, New

Delhi on 18th Jan 2012

Students during a play in the

Human Value Quarter

New Year Resolutions are meant to be broken. Yet

time and again, each year one make fresh resolutions

with renewed determination, conviction and hope that

atleast this year one shall stick to them, atleast for a five

weeks, if not month.

This year, I have resolved to be a well informed citi-

zen of India and thus read newspapers daily and dili-


My parents have always pushed me and at times

have been reprimanded me for not being aware of what

is going on around the world and on my poor current

affairs. Also as a teacher, I believe I must be well in-

formed as it is only then that I will be able to mould and

shape the yound minds. Thus I have resolved to read

The Indian Express daily and not just Delhi Times or

HT City.

Being a Libran, I am extremely indecisive, confused

and hate to take quick decisions. Also, my first reaction

to any situation and problem is negative as I tend to

think of all the worst case scenarios possible.

Hence, this year I have really decided to be a more

positive person exuding positive vibes and energy and

thus attracting the same, as I firmly believe what goes

around, comes around.

Priyanka Mukim, B.Ed

To overcome fear: Being a person who can feel scared

even with the fall of a pin at night, fear is something that

I would like to overcome in 2012.

To become patient: In 2011, I realised that to develop

any relationship patience is the most important virtue. I

hope 2012 brings with it, a lot of patience within me.

Be more Interactive: I have always been an extremely

introvert person and have lot of complaints from people

around me that I don’t talk much, I hope this year. I will

be more interactive and hope to pacify their complaints.

Priyanka Kakaria, B.Ed

My learnings over time...

When the word achievement comes to my mind, I

look back only as far as the year gone by. The year 2011

began with the news of having graduated with good

marks. It feels great to see your hard work, perseverance

pay through and how you are getting closer to your

dream of making it big.

Mid-2011, I cleared my B.Ed exam and again scored

a good rank. An admission to one of the most reputed

colleges, AIE, became my biggest achievement of the

year. My life is now being shaped by some of the most

capable hands. What more can one ask for?! Here’s to

many more such productive years ahead.

Shikha Diwakar, B. Ed


On August 1, 2011, B.Ed course we joined

We never knew in AIE our lives would be refined.

Singing morning prayers everyday on dais

Brought fear in our hearts & we ran like mice.

Now, after months of practice sessions

We can answer any question on mike without hesitation.

Our principal ma’am says though our graduation's done

Our whole life's an education that in AIE has just begun.

Here we utilise our talents and ambitions

Grilled from 9 to 4 so that we master every transition.

Be it psychology, sociology, English, Maths or Eco

Our faculty trains us to bring us ahead with the flow.

We have performed in cultural & religious programmes

When all five tutorials sing, dance & refresh their ram.

SUPW classes are full of energy and fun.

They help us know in creativity we are second to no one.

AIE sent us for a Military Training Camp at Manesar

It taught us that life at any time can throw its bouncer.

Our learning included that Success is counted sweetest by

those who never succeed.

To comprehend a nectar, requires sorest need.

Educational trips to craft’s museum & Mausam Bhawan

were not just outings

They made us aware how we need to polish our lives in

various sphere with different coatings.

Workshops & seminars on sports& teacher education

Have raised our thinking level without any notification.

There are only few months left for the course to end

There is lot to learn here on which our future will depend.

It’s true that B.Ed at AIE is not a walk through the cake

For it says my focus is on what teachers make.

Jaswinder Kaur, B.Ed


T wo travelling angels

stopped to spend the

night in the home of a

wealthy family. The family was

rude and refused to let the angels

stay in the mansion's guest room.

Instead the angels were given a

space in the cold basement. As they

made their bed on the hard floor,

the older angel saw a hole in the

wall and repaired it. The younger

angel asked why? The older angel

replied -”Things aren't always what

they seem.”

The next night the pair came to

rest at the house of a very poor but

very hospitable farmer and his wife.

After sharing what little food they

had the couple let the angels sleep

in their bed. Next morning the an-

gels found the farmer and his wife

in tears. Their only cow, whose

milk had been their sole income,

lay dead in the field.

The younger angel was infuriat-

ed and asked the older angel, “How

could you have let this happen ?

The first man had everything, yet

you helped him. The second family

had little but was willing to share

everything and you let their cow

die !”

The older angle replied —

“Things aren't always the way they

seem. When we stayed in the base-

ment of the mansion , I noticed

there was gold stored in the hole of

the wall. Since the owner was so

obsessed with greed and was un-

willing to share his good fortune, I

sealed the wall so that he can never

find it. Then, the last night when we

slept, the angle of death came for

the farmer’s wife. I gave her the

cow instead . Things are not always

what they seem.”

Sometimes, this is exactly what

happens when things don't turn out

the way you expected .If you have

the faith ,you just need to trust that

every outcome is always to you

advantage. You might not know it

until sometime later .So, don't lose

faith, and just believe in yourself.

- Deepti Madhura



EDITORIAL Members : Teacher Incharge —Ms Deepti Madhura Student board members — Ambika Rai, Nisha Nair, Shikha Diwakar, Shweta Gupta

A popular joke goes

like this – “You know you

are a school teacher when

you don’t have a life from

August to June”. I feel that

the joke was composed by

an Amity B.Ed student.

With its overwhelming

speed and unexpected twists

and turns, B.Ed at Amity is

like a roller coaster ride that

terrorizes you in anticipa-

tion of what’s to come and

then plummets you straight

down to the ground! But the

end is worthwhile and the

feeling irreplaceable.

This wisdom, how-

ever, has not come without

its cost. I remember my first

day at AIE…coming to the

institute, full of idealistic

notions about this noble

profession and even nobler

notions about myself for

choosing this profession!

That very self, however,

soon lay shaken and stirred

after one single shouting of

a teacher we came to know

as Puneet ma’am! And then

there was meditation! And

prayer!!! I bet there was not

a single person who dint

think “yaar..yeh kahaan

aagaye hai!!!” Pretty soon

we were acquainted with the

1034 rules of AIE

(including the ‘shocking’ no

western dress and the

‘impossible’!!! no cell

phone rule!) and some

equally disturbing legends

and myths (‘Yahaan sone ko

nahi milega ji…be prepared

to spend thousands on sta-

tionery!”). Any dreams of

enjoying at the Saket malls

or catching a morning show

at PVR were long forgotten.

There are no describe what we

all went through the teach-

ing practice phase! It almost

felt like the instructor

throwing you straight into

the deep end of the pool on

the very first day of swim-

ming class!! The sleepless

nights and incessant de-

mands of teaching practice

turned us almost into zom-

bies…But it was the love of

the students which warmed

our hearts and made us real-

ize that yes.. we belong in

the classroom.

Back at the institute,

we are burdened under a

barrage of presentations,

files, CCA work (will there

be enough spiral in the

world to bind it!!), work

experience (a difficulty for

an artistically challenged

person like me), preparing

for events (strangely we

always get a one day warn-

ing K). Even more challeng-

ing is the task of being a

group leader where some

days I feel so proud of my

group and there are days

when I feel like pulling out

my hair and bawling like a

baby!! But I have realized

something…that mobilizing

children for action is not so

threatening after I have done

the same with 22 adults. But

still…I am waiting for the

day when I’ll be done with

all this work and maybe

finally get a chance to go

the Saket mall. Alas..the

dream lives on…

Sometimes I feel like

everything is happening all

at once, and it's too much,

my head fills up like a bal-

loon that's about to burst...

And then I remember to

relax, and stop trying to

hold on to it, and then it

flows through me and I can't

feel anything but gratitude

for every single experience

of this continuing jour-

ney...and wouldn’t want to

change even a single thing

about it.

Jyotika, B.Ed