Marble statues of pan

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Marble statues of pan

Marble statues of Pan, signed by M. Cossutius Cerdo

45-25 BC.

I choose to look at the marble statues of pan, which were singed by M. Cossutius Cerdo.

It was made around 45 to 25 BC. (Before Christ.)the statues was made from a Villa in Monte

Cagnolo, near Rome in Italy.

This statue is very revealing, which tells me that the person of who the statue is must be

proud of his body. In my opinion I think it is a roman private statue which could be made

just for them and to be away from the public.

The statue could be offensive to some people as it reveals a lot of the body which some

people might not be happy to look at.

The statue is made out of proconnesian marble from the Aegean. Also with pan.

Pan is identified not only with countryside, but with sexuality and fertility.

The statue is holding a cup of what could be wine which tells me that he is emphasizing his

links with Bacchus, god of wine.

On the tree stump the name of the artist (M. Cossutius Cerdo.) This is there so the artist of

the statue (piece of art work) to show/tell you who made the statue.

The purpose of making the piece is to give to the owner for their own pleasure as their

private statue.