Manufacturing Skills Australia Case for... · Manufacturing Skills Australia ... Quality Report ......

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Manufacturing Skills Australia

(Manufacturing Industry Skills Council)

ABN 88 006 441 685

Case for Endorsement

MEA11v2 Aeroskills Training Package

Endorsed 15 August 2013

Modified for publication

Table of Contents

CASE FOR ENDORSEMENT: MEA11V2 AEROSKILLS TRAINING PACKAGE ....................................... 1

OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................. 1

SECTION 1: RESPONSIVENESS AND RECOGNITION .................................................................................... 2

MEETING INDUSTRY NEEDS ....................................................................................................................................... 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 2 CONSULTATION AND VALIDATION PROCESSES .......................................................................................................... 3

SECTION 2: QUALITY PRINCIPLES (FLEXIBILITY AND FUNCTIONALITY) .......................................... 4

QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Quality Report ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Editing ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Equity review ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

SECTION 3: IMPACT OF CHANGES .................................................................................................................... 5

OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Summary of changes – units and qualifications .................................................................................................. 5 Industry priorities and expectations .................................................................................................................... 5

IMPACT OF NEWLY ENDORSED COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................ 5 ENROLMENT AND DELIVERY DATA ............................................................................................................................ 6

FINAL APPROVAL – ENDORSED COMPONENTS ............................................................................................ 7

INDUSTRY AND RTOS ............................................................................................................................................... 7 STATE AND TERRITORY TRAINING AUTHORITIES ................................................................................................................... 7

APPENDIX 1: MEA11V2 COMPONENTS FOR ENDORSEMENT .................................................................... 8


MEA11V2 AEROSKILLS TRAINING PACKAGE DETAILS ............................................................................................ 9 MEA11V2 MAPPING INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................ 10

Manufacturing Skills Australia MEA11v2 Case for Endorsement –endorsed 15 August 2013 1

Case for Endorsement: MEA11v2 Aeroskills Training Package


This Case for Endorsement seeks approval by the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) of one updated qualification and eight new units of competency for inclusion as electives in existing qualifications in MEA11 Aeroskills Training Package (Version 2). The units will support employment within Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (CAMO), for overhaul of piston aircraft engines and for bolted repairs to aircraft composite skin. The following components are submitted for endorsement:

One new unit relating to employment in CAMO in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 42

Six new units that cover the repair and overhaul of aircraft piston engines in workshops

One new unit covering the performance of bolted repairs to aircraft composite skin

One unit not carried forward (content subsumed in the new electives)

One revised qualification (MEA41213). Refer to Appendix 1 for a list of the new endorsed components. Training Package details and mapping of changes is provided at Appendix 2. Full stakeholder agreement has been obtained and there are no outstanding issues related to any of the endorsed components.

Project background

The MEA11 Aeroskills Training Package undergoes a process of continuous improvement in response to input from Regulators, industry stakeholders and training organisations. This work is ongoing and maintains the currency of the MEA11 Aeroskills Training Package qualifications in a highly regulated environment. Two of the new units were developed in response to needs identified by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and the six units covering piston engine repair and overhaul were developed following an industry stakeholder and RTO request for urgent action. MSA was also requested by Defence to revise MEA41211 Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Armament) and remove one compulsory technical unit of competency, reducing the number of required units to 21. The unit (MEA261B) does not align to the requirements of the job role and was unable to be delivered in the workplace. Inclusion of this unit was disadvantaging existing workers and trainees. The unit remains available as an elective in MEA11 Aeroskills Training Package.

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Section 1: Responsiveness and recognition

Meeting industry needs

Industry drivers for change

The major industry drivers for the improvements to this package are outlined below:

As a consequence of the introduction of CAMOs it became necessary to collaborate with CASA to develop a unit of competency covering defined areas of employment in these organisations.

The introduction of bolted repairs to aircraft composite skin resulted in CASA seeking the development of a unit of competency for the application of this repair method.

With regard to piston engine repair and overhaul, an industry stakeholder and an RTO complained that the existing unit was unrealistic in terms of extent of coverage and should be replaced by a number of units similar in scope to those introduced for gas turbine engine repair and overhaul. This would better facilitate the employment of apprentices and their progression through training.

The new units are to be added to MEA11 Aeroskills Training Package to reflect regulatory requirements and to better meet the needs of organisations involved in the repair and overhaul of aircraft piston engines.

Project management

MSA Training Package development work is overseen by a high-level MSA Board Sub-Committee made up of major stakeholders. The MSA Board Sub-committees role is to oversight the development process and provide input and advice where necessary relevant to their area of expertise. Terms of reference for Board Sub-Committees are to:

assist in the identification of stakeholders to be consulted for the project

identify and assist in the resolution of industry issues in relation to strategic objectives of MSA’s projects

provide industry input and advice on: o industrial issues o training and assessment issues o priority areas for industry skills development o appropriate methods for collection, collation and consolidation of industry

information o validity of the content of project outcomes

provide feedback on MSA’s development work undertaken for the area covered

exchange information as appropriate between MSA, industry and other relevant professional groups covered

provide feedback on the project development work for the area of interest

make recommendations to the MSA Board on acceptance of the product of the project. The individuals and enterprises/organisations represented on the Aeroskills Board Sub-Committee are set out in the following table:

Name Enterprise/organisation

Michael Brown MSA Board (Committee Chair) Stephen Pickard BAE Systems

Manufacturing Skills Australia MEA11v2 Case for Endorsement –endorsed 15 August 2013 3

Russell Burgess Qantas Airways Ken Cannane Aviation Maintenance Repair Overhaul Business Association Dale Hall Regional Express (REX)

Jim Pilkington Hawker Pacific

SQNLDR Sean Bamforth RAAF/Defence

Darren Hanisch Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union

Graeme Rae Australian Workers Union

Matt Murphy Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union

Michael Weitenberg Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association

Nicholas Ward Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Thor Morris TAFE NSW/NARTOCOP network

This committee also acts as a technical working group and the members represent the major stakeholders in this sector. In addition to the working group, the following individuals and organisations participated in the development process. The great value of their expertise and input is gratefully acknowledged.

Name Organisation

Mike Broom CASA

Mick McGill CASA

Angela Barlow Brisbane Aero Engineers

David Paynter Brisbane Aero Engineers

The project was managed by Barbara Wallace, MSA Training Products Manager, with assistance from Brian Cobb, the MSA industry coordinator for this sector. Industry specialists were involved directly in the development of content of units of competence.

Consultation and validation processes

Consultations during the development and validation process were undertaken with:

technical experts from the relevant specialty area of expertise

representatives of RTOs who already are intending to deliver the new units

industry contacts from the organisations represented by the Aeroskills Board Sub-Committee and piston engine repair and overhaul organisations.

Consultation was through a combination of face-to-face contact and emails with expert input sought and obtained for the specific needs of the project. On the basis of email responses and the face-to-face feedback, eight new units were developed for inclusion in the MEA11 Aeroskills Training Package as elective units in existing qualifications. The new units in their draft form were then sent to industry and the Australian Defence Force (ADF) along with packaging details before consideration by the MSA Board Sub-Committee. Following approval from all major stakeholders, drafts of the new units were posted on the MSA website for broader validation. Stakeholders were advised by email about how to access the site and provide feedback. This included industry stakeholders listed on the MSA database, state and territory Industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs), and State and Territory Training Authorities (STAs). Clear and full support for endorsement of the new units of competency has been provided by the major industry and RTO stakeholders.

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Section 2: Quality principles (flexibility and functionality)

Quality assurance

The final drafts of the new units have been validated and signed-off by all major stakeholders (both industry and RTOs) with no outstanding or unresolved issues. Validation and acceptance of final drafts was undertaken by email. In developing the new units, the following quality issues have been addressed:

all changes were based on workplace requirements and the needs of individuals and enterprises

all development work was undertaken in compliance with Training Package Development Handbook guidelines and using the relevant TGA templates

packaging rules have been developed to ensure they are flexible and meet AQF requirements. Editing and quality assurance reviews were undertaken in two stages – early drafts were edited and underwent independent assessment for TPDH compliance and TP development quality principles.

Quality Report

The external quality review was undertaken by Andre Lewis & Associates, MSA’s independent QA consultant. It was noted that because of regulatory requirements the revised qualification (MEA41213) is exempt from the flexibility rules for Training Package qualifications. Following final editing, a final quality review of the Case for Endorsement and endorsement drafts was undertaken. There were no issues raised which needed to be addressed.


The qualification and all units were reviewed and edited by Gamper Consulting Services.

Equity review

An equity review was undertaken by Barbara Wallace, Manufacturing Skills Australia. The final Quality Report, Editorial Report and Equity Report are provided as separate documents.

Manufacturing Skills Australia MEA11v2 Case for Endorsement –endorsed 15 August 2013 5

Section 3: Impact of changes


Summary of changes – units and qualifications

One new unit covering employment in CAMOs to be added to Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications as an additional elective

One new unit covering bolted repairs to composite aircraft skin to be added to a Certificate IV qualification as an additional elective

Six new units covering the repair and overhaul of piston engines, subsuming content in an existing unit

One revised qualification: MEA41213 Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Armament).

Industry priorities and expectations

Industry representatives and RTOs see the new units as meeting an existing need. It is expected the units will be accessed by industry and RTOs immediately following endorsement.

Impact of newly endorsed components

STAs, RTOs and industry stakeholders have been consulted during the development process and have been kept informed of the changes. The new units will be accessed by RTOs specialising in delivery of maintenance management and trade training in the mechanical and structures fields. MSA is not aware of any issues that need addressing to ensure successful implementation. As the new units are packaged as electives in existing pathways in MEA11 Aeroskills Training Package, no changes to scope or registration will be required for RTOs. The unit relating to CAMO employment will be delivered to individuals enrolled in Diploma and Advanced Diplomas of Aviation Maintenance Management where the individuals are to be employed within CAMOs in positions defined in CASR Part 42. The unit relating to bolted repairs to composite skin will be delivered to individuals enrolled in Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Structures) where the competency is required in the workplace, and is also likely to be delivered post-graduate where the introduction of new aircraft types necessitates the competency. The six units covering piston engine repair and overhaul may be taken by those enrolled in Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Mechanical) in the workshop stream where they are employed on piston engine repair and overhaul. The units may also be used by individuals from allied trades who are converting from automotive or stationary engines to aircraft. RTOs delivering the current MEA41211 should be able to transfer to MEA41213 without having to extend scope. The number of units required has been reduced by one to 21, however, the overall workplace outcomes have not changed. The unit (MEA261B) remains available in other qualifications in MEA11.

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Enrolment and delivery data

Enrolment and delivery data for the existing MEA11 qualification is below. Note that these relate to all sectors covered by the qualifications and do not include 2012 information or any fee for service activity. Qualification RTOs with

scope Apprentice &

trainee commencements


Student enrolments


Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance 4

Certificate II in Aeroskills 10 15 163

Certificate II in Aircraft Surface Finishing 0

Certificate III in Aircraft Surface Finishing 2 2 4

Certificate III in Aircraft Life Support and Furnishing 2

Certificate III in Aeroskills (Mechatronics) 0

Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Structures) 12 25 138

Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Mechanical) 13 235 773

Certificate IV In Aeroskills (Mechatronics) 2

Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Armament) 2

Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Avionics) 14 160 253

Certificate IV in Aircraft Surface Finishing 2 2

Certificate IV in Aircraft Life Support and Furnishing 2

Diploma of Aeroskills (Non-Destructive Testing) 0

Diploma of Aeroskills (Mechanical) 6 62 30

Diploma of Aviation Maintenance Management (Avionics) 2 7

Diploma of Aviation Maintenance Management (Mechanical)

2 15

Diploma of Aeroskills (Avionics) 7 3 23

Advanced Diploma of Aviation Non-Destructive Testing 0

Advanced Diploma of Aviation Maintenance Management (Avionics)


Advanced Diploma of Aviation Maintenance Management (Mechanical)

1 4

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Final approval – endorsed components

Industry and RTOs

The final edited drafts and draft Case for Endorsement were validated and approved by all major stakeholders for submission for endorsement. This included the industry specialists, MSA Board Sub-committee, the MSA Board and RTOs delivering in this sector. Information on the MEA continuous improvement work was made available on the MSA website in March 2013. Early drafts of the eight new units were reviewed and validated by the technical working group and targeted RTOs. Issues raised were discussed and resolved and all major stakeholders have provided unanimous support for endorsement of the new units of competency.

State and Territory Training Authorities

The final drafts and the draft Case for Endorsement were made available on the MSA website from 17 June 2013, with information provided in the June MSkills Update. STAs and state/territory ITBs were advised by email and asked for final comments by 27 June 2013. MSA is confident that the MEA11v2 Case for Endorsement has full support of all major stakeholders. Barbara Wallace Manufacturing Skills Australia 3 July 2013

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Appendix 1: MEA11v2 components for endorsement

New MEA units of competency

Unit code Unit title

MEA147A Perform airworthiness management and maintenance program tasks

MEA392A Disassemble aircraft piston engines

MEA393A Repair and/or overhaul aircraft piston engine cylinder assembly components

MEA394A Repair and/or overhaul aircraft piston engine crankcase assembly components

MEA395A Reassemble aircraft piston engines

MEA396A Assemble aircraft piston engine quick engine change unit

MEA397A Test aircraft piston engines after repair or overhaul

MEA425A Perform bolted composite skin repairs

Revised MEA qualification

MEA41213 Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Armament)

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Appendix 2: MEA11v2 Training Package details and mapping of changes

MEA11v2 Aeroskills Training Package Details

Training Package Code: MEA11

Training Package Name: Aeroskills Training Package

First Published: 2011

Version Number: 2

Endorsed Date: December 2011

Copyright Year: 2011

ISC Name: Manufacturing Skills Australia

ISC Website URL:

Version Modification History

Version Release Date Comments

Version 2 TBA Addition of 8 new elective units of competency and one unit removed (MEA388A). One qualification revised: MEA41213. Refer to mapping for details.

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MEA11v2 Mapping information

Revised qualification MEA11v1 MEA11v2 Title Comment

MEA41211 MEA41213 Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Armament)

Not equivalent. Unit MEA262B Modify/repair single layer printed circuit boards has been deleted and the required number of units reduced to 21 (technical stream units reduced to 13). Imported unit and references to other Training Packages updated.

New MEA units of competency MEA11v2 Comment

MEA147A Perform airworthiness management and maintenance program tasks

New unit

MEA392A Disassemble aircraft piston engines New unit. Covers components of MEA388A (not equivalent).

MEA393A Repair and/or overhaul aircraft piston engine cylinder assembly components

New unit. Covers components of MEA388A (not equivalent).

MEA394A Repair and/or overhaul aircraft piston engine crankcase assembly components

New unit. Covers components of MEA388A (not equivalent).

MEA395A Reassemble aircraft piston engines New unit. Covers components of MEA388A (not equivalent).

MEA396A Assemble aircraft piston engine quick engine change unit

New unit. Covers components of MEA388A (not equivalent).

MEA397A Test aircraft piston engines after repair or overhaul New unit. Covers components of MEA388A (not equivalent).

MEA425A Perform bolted composite skin repairs Added as an elective to Group A in : MEA41311

Units not carried forward Code and title Comment

MEA388A Repair and/or overhaul piston engines Content subsumed in following units: MEA392A, 393A, 394A, 395A, 396A and 397A. Not equivalent