Mansión Del Ingles

Post on 12-Dec-2015

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apuntes de ingles

Transcript of Mansión Del Ingles

Steph On Cooking

1. Does Steph prefer Spanish cooking or English cooking?

2. What is Steph's favourite Spanish food?

Ahora, unas preguntas un poco más difíciles

1. Where did Step live before she came to Spain? 

2. Why does she think that Spanish cooking is better that English cooking? 

3.  Why has Steph's cooking become more Spanish since she moved to Spain?

4. Does Steph prefer eating out in restaurants or cooking at home?. Why?

5. Why doesn't Steph want to open her own restaurant?

¿Podrías identificar las palabras que faltan?

- Steph, welcome to Mansion Ingles. How long have you been in Spain? - We've been living here just over five years now.

- And where did you live ? - We lived right in the centre of London.

- Uh ha, and can you tell us what there are between Spanish cooking and English cooking?

- Well, personally for me I find Spanish cooking is much . Their ingredients

are much better. They have more , and they use a lot of olive oil, so this is very healthy. - I see, and do you think that your cooking has become more Spanish since you

here? - Yes, because obviously you're used to the ingredients that are available in the

supermarkets and also the markets, and it's and has a lot of flavour.

- What's your Spanish dish, Steph? - Ooo, I would say paella because that is very healthy, and I also love the tortilla. - Do you prefer cooking erm.. at home, or eating out in restaurants? - Well, I love cooking, but I must be honest and say that when you eat out in

restaurants there's not much work there.

- So no , Stephanie - Exactly! - Okay, and er.. would you like to open your own restaurant one day?

- I think now I'm , but it would have been very nice perhaps many years ago.

Steph and El Tel On Cinema

Escucha la entrevista con Steph y 'El Tel' y elige los actores que oigas.

Kirk Douglas         Tom Hanks             Michael Douglas

Sean Penn            Brad Pitt               Richard Gere

Sean Connery        Halle Berry            Julia Roberts

Tom Cruise           Robert Redford       Liz Taylor

Lee las siguientes frases. Escucha otra vez y decide si son verdaderas (

=True) o falsas ( =False) .

1. Steph and El Tel don’t go to the cinema often.

2. Steph prefers going to the cinema than watching videos at home.

3. El Tel prefers watching films at home because it’s cheaper.

4. Steph doesn’t like films that make her cry.

5. ‘The Jungle Book’ is one of El Tel’s personal favourite films.

6. Steph thinks Sean Connery is attractive.

Ahora, unas preguntas un poco más difíciles.

1. Do Steph and El Tel live in England?

2. What type of film is El Tel's favourite?

3. Why does El Tel think that modern films are better that the films or the fifties and sixties?

¿Podrías identificar las palabras que faltan?

Hello Steph and El Tel, thank you for joining La Mansion del Inglés. I’d like to ask you about films and cinema. Do you go to the cinema often?

No, we don’t.

Well we used to when we lived in England.

Do you prefer to the cinema, or films on video at home?

I prefer, personally, to the cinema, because I believe there are certain

films that come over better when you see them in a cinema, sound etc.

What about you Tel?

Totally the opposite. It’s so much and more to sit at home.

There are many different film genres, for example science fiction, action/adventure,

comedy, romance. What’s your ?

My would be drama along the lines of ‘Basic Instinct’.

And mine would be a film where I can cry.

How do you think the old black and white films of the forties and fifties modern day blockbusters?

For their time, the films of the forties and fifties were . But try

to today’s technology, there isn’t anything . It’s so superior today.

I totally.

Steph, is there one particular film that you could see over and over again, a personal favourite?

I think, with me, it would be a Disney cartoon, for example, ‘Lady And The Tramp’, or maybe ‘The Jungle Book’.

And Tel?

Mine would be more , along the lines of ‘Terminator 2’. Difficult to name another one that comes close to that for my feelings.

And what about erm… your favourite actors and actresses?

My favourite actor at the moment would be Michael Douglas.

And I think mine would be Tom Cruise.

And what about the most or sexiest?

I think Halle Berry is a very very woman

And I like , so I would go for Sean Connery.

Sean Connery, good choice. Okay, thank you very much for your time. 

Pam’s House

1. Pam lives in

2. There are  rooms in Pam's house

3. Pam lives with her

4. Jim likes to work on the  

5. Pam's house is closed to  

1. Is the dressing-room upstairs or downstairs? 

2. Where is the parking area? 

3. How many televisions have they got? 

4. Have they got a swimming pool? 

5. Make a list of the furniture in Pam's house

¿Podrías identificar las palabras que faltan?

My name is Pam and I live in a house in Maidstone in Kent, which is in England.

We have five rooms downstairs and five rooms .

Downstairs we have a kitchen, a living-room, which is to the dining-

room, a and also an entrance hall.

Upstairs we have two main bedrooms, bathroom en-suite, separate bathroom and a dressing- room.

We have quite a large garden at the back, and at the front we have an area

for parking.

There are two people who live in the house, my husband Jim and myself.

As for furniture, we have, in the dining-room, a large dining-room table, and in the

living-room we have a and two and a television, and in the study my husband likes to work on the computer, so we have a separate computer there and his area where he uses ..erm.. P.C. and also a separate television.

Why I like it is, the house is the Maidstone main town centre, it is very close to the town and also to motorways to allow me to get to work.

I like it very much. Thank you.

Checking Into a Hotel (

Your going to listen to a man checking into a hotel. Before you listen, read the following questions.

1. What kind of room has the man reserved?


2. How long is the man staying at the hotel?


3. Does the man ask for a smoking or a non-smoking room?


4. What time does breakfast start?


5. On what floor is the man’s room?


6. What kind of restaurant does the hotel receptionist recommend?


7. How far is the restaurant from the hotel?


  Now listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 


  Listen again and complete the following transcription. Use the ‘pause’

button on your media player to give you time to write.

Hello. Good evening.

Good evening sir. How can I help you?

Erm..I have a for a double room for three nights.

O.K.…and… sorry, yo…your name again? I beg your pardon, sir.

Yeah…sorry, it’s Colin Smith.

O.K. Yes, I have that. Erm..if I could just take..erm..a few

. Could you just note down your address on the…on paper sir.

Sure. O.K.

And while your doing that, could you give me your . I just need to know the numbers.

Of course. Here’s my…here’s my .

Thank you. Was that a smoker or a non-smoking room, sir?

Non-smoking, please.

O.K.. Then…here’s your k...erm…


Thank you.

Breakfast will be from 6 o’clock in the morning ‘till 9 o’clock. And the

are just round on the left hand next to the coffee table. And your room is on the 8th floor, sir. If you need anything,

me a .

Just one question. Is there..erm.. a good restaurant you’d recommend around here?

What of food are you looking for, sir?

Erm…oo..anything;…erm Chinese,..erm.. Indian..anything.

There’s a Thai restaurant just around the , sir.

A Thai restaurant?

About 200 metres down the road.…erm…Do I have to a tie?

I think you’ll find a tie is provided, sir?


Chocolate Therapy

A person who is addicted to alcohol is called an alcoholic.Someone who can’t stop eating chocolate is a chocoholic.

 Before you listen to a psycho analyst’s interview with a chocoholic read the following questions.

 1. How much does the man weigh?


 2. What chocolate product did he eat yesterday?


 3. Which of the following does the man NOT describe as being a reason for wanting to eat chocolate


 4. The man associates chocolate with which emotion?


  Now listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 

  Match the words and expressions on the left with their Spanish equivalents on the right. Follow the example.

to fall apart                                             

at short notice                               



to melt                                         

to break off (a relationship)                

  Listen again and complete the following transcription. Use the ‘pause’

button on your media player to give you time to write.  

Good morning Doctor.

Good morning

Thank you for me at such short notice.

Not a problem. What’s wrong?

Well, I’ve got this..erm..chocolate addiction…that’s rather



I’m a chocoholic

And I came to this a few weeks ago and I decided to look for help, professional help.

O.K. So, what happens?

I eat chocolate .

And how does that make you feel?


Are you fat?

I’m fatter than I should be.

A lot fatter than you should be?

Probably about 12 kilos.

And how much do you weigh?

84 or 85 kilos.

And how does that make you feel about ?

Very . Especially when I eat chocolate and I can’t stop myself.

I had the most hot chocolate yesterday; Aztec, dark, 70% cocoa. It was orgasmic.

And what makes you want to eat the chocolate?

The smell, it stimulates me. It melts at body temperature, and it gives a warm sensation; rather like being in love.

So you make the association between chocolate and love?

It’s a similar feeling. There’s this feeling of …feeling euphoric and just incredibly upbeat, happy…and then you get on the scales and the world just falls apart. Can you help me doctor?

And, do you have a ?

I had been seeing a girl from Cadburys, but we had to break it off 

Joel’s Job

Before you listen to an interview with Joel, read the following questions.

 1. Joel is a



  c)safari driver

 2. How many years has he been doing the job?

  a)three years

  b)two years

  c)five years

 3.One thing that Joel likes about his job is

  a)the people he meets from all over the world

  b)the hours he works

  c)the money he makes

  Now listen to the interview and answer the questions.


  Now read the following questions.

 1. Apart from meeting people and making friends, Joel likes his job because

  a)he can buy many things

  b)he has a lot of free time

  c)he is often busy

 2. One thing that Joel dislikes about his job is when he gets

  a)a bad cold

  b)a bad car

  c)a bad client

 3. Another problem with his job is

  a)poor road conditions

  b)dangerous animals

  c)getting wet in the rain