Mandi Lynn's Body Love Quiz PDF

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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This is the results PDF from the Body Love Quiz located here:

Transcript of Mandi Lynn's Body Love Quiz PDF

The Body Love Quiz

Results Booklet

Rock on! You are a Muse... an Inspiration... and a bit of a Rebelle.

You are a body love hero! In a world that seems focused on tearing down women for not meeting and imaginary ideal you have managed to say...”Nah that’s not right...I might not be perfect but I am sweet with that.” You have learned how to honour yourself. How freaking cool are you?!

You are a teacher of others and have a strong rebellious streak. You have no problem challenging the system and questioning what is right.

You know there are bits of you that aren’t perfect but you have a sense of humour about it. When you look in the mirror for the most part you are satisfied. You have come to terms with your strengths and your weaknesses and you are constantly working to improve what you can but you are gentle with yourself as well. You treat yourself like a good friend and enjoy your own company.

People are drawn to you and your natural charisma because you com-fortably accept yourself. You take good care of your body you feed it healthily most of the time and move it as it needs to be moved. You are caring of others as well as yourself. You understand that there is importance in both giving and receiving and you can do each with grace.

You are welcome to join us as a thought leader in the Body Love Mind Spa and you might even learn some new tricks.

You have some resistant body hang ups but tend to get on with life despite it. Sometimes those hang ups feel a bit like a lead weight you are carrying around with you. They will occasionally limit you from a full expression of your life. Your energy often feels tied up and not available for use in the projects you would love to invest in.

When you look in the mirror you just king of shrug and go “Meh”. You ar-en’t often actively mean to yourself or at least you aren’t really aware of doing it but you do feel like you fall on the critical side of happy.

Would you like to go from Heck Yeah? If you would like to change your life so that your results read like the Luscious Muse of Body Love then just follow this link to a Free course called the Body Love Mind Spa.

Your relationship with your mirror is not a pleasant one. Your self talk is challenging you in moving forward in your life. You feel a bit stuck as if you are occasionally walking through mud.You try to tack on the happy face for the world but you just really aren’t feeling it.

It is a day to day plodding instead of a leaping with joy and lightness. Sometime you feel the weight of it all and it just feels frustrating and not really do able. But you carry on due to obligations but the lightness and joy of your life are not what you know they could be.

The good news is there is a way to get out of the trap of your negative cyclic thoughts. There are methods that will open the cage.

If you would like to go from Grrrr when you look in the Mirror to a soft smile; If you would like to change your life so that your results read like the Lus-cious Muse of Body Love then just follow this link to a Free course called the Body Love Mind Spa.

What you see in the mirror rarely reflects what others can see in you.

That is if you even look in the mirror. You struggle to live in your own skin. This more than likely has been from traumas you have experienced in your life. You may struggle with food addictions such as Obesity, Bulimia, or Anorexia. You may have even attempted self harm behaviors in the form of alcohol and drug addictions, cutting, or attempts on your own life.

In your life a large external pressure has possibly been placed on exter-nal appearance and you just can’t stomach the thought of not measuring up. Please know that this does NOT have to be your reality. The good news is that there is a way out of this hell and there is a way where you can eventually come to terms with the body that you have despite its “imperfections”. You may need or be under professional help. I spent years as a nurse but when I became a photographer I gave up my practicing certificate and I never worked in Mental Health nursing. But what I did do was personally carve a path from Body Rejection to Body Love Muse and that is what I would like to show you. The course is not a replacement for professional help but you might find it helpful.

This is Me. Mandi Lynn

theFairy Godmother of

Feminine Mojo

In this photo I weighed in at about 260lb.s/120kgs but I am a Muse of Body Love. That has sooooo not always been the case. I would have probably rocked up a score of about 20 when I was younger (and I weighed less then). I struggled and I struggled hard to pull myself out of it and into the Confident happy luscious woman that I am today...yep I did just call myself luscious.

My goal is to help you move to a mental space where you could conceive of doing it as well.

This used to be me

I worked for years as a Women’s Health Nurse Consultant. Specifically working to help women learn how to feed their babies and take care of themselves. In my late 30’s I decided to change careers and follow my dreams which I had been to afraid to do up until that point. I opened up a photography business that specialized in showing women their Inner Beauty. I did this probably for two I was born an artist and had never really given myself a chance to master it the way I knew I was meant to and the second reason was because I was on a deep interior journey and by caring for other women I was learning to care for, honour, and celebrate myself as well. It took a while but now I am an internationally award winning Master Photographer and I have pretty well mastered this whole self love thing too. I am happy, doing what I love, and loving who I am while I am doing it.

That is not always the case for the women that I meet. So I have decided to create a free course to help the women of the world to open their hearts to themselves and their long abused bodies. I have a beautiful vision of the world.

In my vision I live in a world where everyone in it is free to follow their dreams and give their gifts to the world. Free from internal and external blocks to manifesting their own unique superpowers.

So the course I created, The Body Love Mind Spa, is how I plan on starting to manifest that world. This course teaches women how to get past the very first hurdle to living their dreams. Because it is impossible to create a happy loving creative world if we are bashing ourselves constantly.

I use Body Love as the starting point to help you see how incredibly much the world needs you and your gifts. So if a month of Love Notes and deep soul diving work sounds like something you could use then sign up for the course.

Now by taking this quiz it has signed you up for my newsletter.

Mandi Lynn’s Mind Spa. This has tips on living a life full of adventure, lusciousness, playful-

ness and delight. There are inter-views with cool people I discover that I think might have something

useful to share with you. Sometimes it is just pure inspiration.

Sometimes it is new pieces of art that I am working on that I think

you might like to see.

If your mind is full and you want zero spa time no problem just opt out.

But if you would like to have little bits of love scattered in your in box from time to time then just hang out for my next one.

Any way It was lovely chatting with you and I look forward to hopefully catching you in the Body Love course. Take care and remember the world really needs you to rock your superpowers. So pull them out from under the bed where you might be hiding them and start learning to master them. We need what you got and that no one else has. Please share. And on the note of sharing...If you found anything in this useful is there someone else in your world that you think it might be useful too as well? Well share it. Send them the link to the quiz or the course. Please post on your social media networks...because you will be paying forward and creating a sisterhood of body love in the world. Thanks again.Sending you lots of love you gorgeous thing you from the green hills of New Zealand Cheers,