Mandeep Project Report

Post on 02-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Mandeep Project Report

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    I Mandeep Singh studying in Punjabi university school of Business Studies, Talwandi Sabo

    do hereby declare that this project report relating to CST!M"# S$TIS%$CTI!&T!'$#(S $I#T") $&( *!($%!&"+ -as been prepared by .e after co.pleting .y

    project in the sa.e, as part of the re/uire.ents of the MB$ progra. of Punjabi university+

    (ate M$&(""P SI&0-

    Place1 Talwandi sabo #!)) &!+ 234

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    This is to certify that Mandeep Singh, student of niversity School of Business Studies has

    co.pleted his project on the topic of CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS AIRTEL AND

    VODAFONE. nder the supervision and guidance of S$&(""P 5M$# $ssistant Professor of

    niversity School of Business Studies+ To best of .y 6nowledge the report is original and has not copied

    or sub.itted anywhere else+ It is an independent wor6 done by his+

    P#!7"CT &("#

    $ssist+Prof1 S$&(""P 5M$#

    niversity School of Business Studies

    Talwandi Sabo

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    'hen I e.bar6ed this project, it appeared to .e as onerous tas6+ Slowly as I progressed I did reali8ed that

    I was not alone after all+

    I wish to e9press .y gratitude to SBS, %$C)T: M"MB"#, Progra. coordinator who have e9tended

    their 6ind help, guidance and suggestion without which it could not have been possible for .e to

    co.plete this project report+

    My sincere than6s to .y all entire faculty .e.bers and all staff .e.bers for offering .e all 6inds of

    support and help in preparing the project+

    I a. deeply indebted to .y guide for not only his valuable and enlightened, guidance but also for the

    freedo. he rendered .e during this project wor6+

    I a. than6ful to .y class.ates, well;wishers who with their .agnani.ous and generous help and support

    .ade it a relative easier affair+ My heart goes out to .y parents who bear with .e all the trouble I caused

    then with s.ile during the entire study period and beyond+

    M$&(""P SI&0-

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    CHAPTER -1


  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    Custom! s"t#s$"%t#o&

    Custom! s"t#s$"%t#o&is a .ar6eting ter. that .easures how products or services supplied by a

    co.pany .eet or surpass a %ustom!'se9pectation+ Custom! s"t#s$"%t#o&is i.portant because

    it provides .ar6eters and business owners with a .etric that they can use to .anage and

    i.prove their businesses+

    Custom! s"t#s$"%t#o& is a ter. fre/uently used in .ar6eting+'hile itratings? e9ceeds specified satisfactiongoals+ In a survey of

    nearly 3@@ senior .ar6eting .anagers, 4A percent responded that they found a

    satisfaction .etric very useful in .anaging and .onitoring their businesses+

    It is seen as a 6ey perfor.ance indicator within business and is often part of a Balanced

    Scorecard+ In a co.petitive .ar6etplace where businesses co.pete for custo.ers,

    satisfaction is seen as a 6ey differentiator and increasingly has beco.e a 6ey ele.ent of business


    ='ithin organi8ations, satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects+ They focus

    e.ployees on the i.portance of fulfilling custo.ers< e9pectations+ %urther.ore, when these

    ratings dip, they warn of proble.s that can affect sales and profitability++++ These .etrics /uantify

    an i.portant dyna.ic+ 'hen a brand has loyal custo.ers, it gains positive word;of;.outh

    .ar6eting, which is both free and highly effective+

    Therefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively .anage satisfaction+ To be able do

    this, fir.s need reliable and representative .easures of satisfaction+

    =In researching satisfaction, fir.s generally as6 custo.ers whether their product or service has

    .et or e9ceeded e9pectations+ Thus, e9pectations are a 6ey factor behind satisfaction+ 'hen

    custo.ers have high e9pectations and the reality falls short, they will be disappointed and will

    li6ely rate their e9perience as less than satisfying+ %or this reason, a lu9ury resort, for e9a.ple,
  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    .ight receive a lower satisfaction rating than a budget .oteleven though its facilities and

    service would be dee.ed superior in

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  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    $irtel is a brand of teleco..unication service in India operated by Bharti $irtel+ $itrel is the

    largest cellular service provider in India in ter.s of nu.ber of subscribers+ Bhari $irtel owns the

    $irtel brand and provides he following services under the brand na.e $irtel1 Mobile Service

    >using 0SM Technology ?, Broadband and telephone service >fi9ed line, internet

    connectivity>(S)? and leased line?, long distance service and enterprise services

    >Teleco..unications onsulting for corporate?+ It has presence in all 3D circles of the country

    andcovers 4AE of current population + )eading international teleco..unication co.panies such

    as *odafone and SingTel held partial sta6es in Bharti $irtel+

    ()"!t# A#!tl L#m#t*is an Indian globalteleco..unications services co.pany head/uartered

    in &ew (elhi, India+ It operates in 3@ countries across South $sia, $frica, and the Channel

    Islands+ $irtel provides 0SM,D0and F0 )T" .obile services, fi9ed line broadband and voice

    services depending upon the country of operation+ It is the largest .obile networ6 operator in

    Indiaand the third largest in the worldwith D3G .illion subscribers+ $irtel was na.ed India

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    in the world+ The co.panyJs .odest journey fro. a regional operator li.ited to the city of (elhi

    to second largest .obile operator in the $sia Pacific region is nothing short of inspiring+


    %ro. the hu.ble beginnings in the Indian teleco. industry in AKL2 $irtel has its roots in Bharti

    Teleco. )i.ited+ %ounded in AKL2 by Sunil Bharti Mittal,the co.pany was the first in India to

    offer push button telephones, when the rest of the country was still using rotary phones+

    The first partnership they had was with Sie.ens $0of 0er.any, and they started .a6ing push;

    button landlines in India rather than i.porting it fro. Taiwan, as it used to be before+

    The co.pany then went on to launch various teleco. technologies to the Indian .ar6et and had

    innovation at its heart+ 0oing on to ac/uire license to build a cellular networ6 in (elhi, Bharti

    Teleco. )i.ited laid the ground wor6 for the .obile operations of the co.pany in the year

    AKK3+ It began operations in (elhi in the year AKKG as Bharti Tele;*entures+ The service was

    e9tended to various other states by various ac/uisitions and partnerships+

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    This co.pany is the brainchild of Sunil Mittal, who has wor6ed hard for his co.pany fro. when

    he asse.bled landline phones to his puschase of a cellular networ6 in India when it was just a

    fldgeling concept, to .a6ing it a household na.e within a span of a .ere 3@ years+

    Com"& P!o$#l

    The co.pany went through so.e a.a8ing strategic planning+ The goal was always larger than

    life+ Sunil Bharti Mittal rebranded all of his .obile teleco. ventures under a single brand na.ed

    $irtel in 3@@D+ The co.pany has grown to be IndiaJs largest .obile operator, with consistent

    hard wor6 and everyday innovation+

    $irtel had always adopted various cutting edge strategies to be one step ahead of co.petition+

    %ro. ac/uiring regional operators in its early years, rebranding entire operations under one

    u.brella to outsourcing activities to various corporations, $irtel always set standards in the


    They are the only co.pany who has every part of its operation e9cept .ar6eting, sales and

    finance and building the

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    $irtel built a Minutes %actory .odel at low cost and high volu.e output+ By

    outsourcing daily operations and retaining core functions li6e finance, sales, .ar6eting and

    .anage.ent, the brand built sustainable business .odel that wor6ed wonders over a period of

    ti.e for the co.pany+ The C"! of the co.pany right now is 0opal *ittal,and the and

    Managing (irector is Sunil Mittal, the .an hi.self+

    Glo,"l E/"&s#o&

    $irtel operates in India, Sri )an6a, Bangladesh, a few countries in $frican continent and

    the Channel Islands+ They are one of the largest .obile operator networ6 in the world in ter.s of

    subscribers, and has a co..ercial presence in over 3@ countries+ Its area of operations include1

    The Indian Subcontinent1

    $irtel India, in India

    $irtel Sri )an6a, in Sri )an6a

    $irtel Bangladesh, in Bangladesh

    $irtel $frica, which operates in A4 $frican countries1

    Bur6ina %aso, Chad, (e.ocratic #epublic of the Congo, #epublic of the Congo, 0abon,

    0hana, 5enya, Madagascar, Malawi, &iger, &igeria, #wanda, Seychelles, Sierra )eone,

    Tan8ania, ganda and Na.bia+

    The British Crown (ependency islands of 7ersey and 0uernsey, under the brand na.e

    $irtel;*odafone, through an agree.ent with *odafone+
  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    M"!0t#& St!"t#s

    In 3@@F, $irtel went ballistic with glit8y ideas+ The collaboration with world fa.ous .usic

    co.poser $ # brought about their the.e song which was an instant hit

    subscribers+ The tune went on to .a6e a uni/ue place in $irtelJs history+ The co.pany rebranded

    itself in 3@A@ with a new logo and a new the.e song to establish global identity+

    Today, co.pany offers various products such as 30, D0 and F0 wireless services, -igh Speed

    Internet, %i9ed line telephony and (T- services+ In a span of AK years, the co.pany went fro.

    offering .obile telephony services in one city in India to e9panding its operations in over 3@

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  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    Vo*"$o& I&*#" Lt*.is the second largest .obile networ6 operatorin Indiaby subscriber base,

    after $irtelwith a .ar6et share of AL+F3E+ It is head/uartered in Mu.bai, Maharashtra+ It has

    appro9i.ately ALG .illion custo.ers as of 7une 3@AG+ It offers both prepaidand postpaid 0SM

    cellular phonecoverage throughout India with better presence in the .etros+ *odafone India

    provides services on basis of K@@ M-8 and AL@@ M-8 digital 0SM technology+ *odafone India

    launchedD0services in the country in the 7anuaryOMarch /uarter of 3@AA and plans to spend up

    to G@@ .illion within two years on its D0 networ6s+ It has already launched its F0 services in

    Mu.bai fro. %ebruary 3@A2 and plans to e9pands its networ6 to various cities fro. March

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    *odafone India is a A@@E subsidiary of *odafone 0roup+ It co..enced operations in AKKF when

    its predecessor -utchison Teleco. ac/uired the cellular license for Mu.bai+ Brand *odafone

    was launched in India in Septe.ber 3@@4, after *odafone Plc+ ac/uired a .ajority sta6e in

    -utchinson "ssar in May 3@@4+ %ro. a single operation base with DA .illion custo.ers, the

    co.pany has e9panded its operations across the country to cover all 33 teleco. circles and

    service AL@ .illion custo.ers+ This journey is a strong testi.ony of *odafone

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    )eadership Position

    0lobal Brand Strength

    -igh 0eographical reach

    Centrali8ed Control O )ow


    -igh churn rates


    Oo!tut#s T)!"ts

    "9panding .ar6eting boundaries

    0rowth through F0

    Strategic $lliances

    Increased Co.petition

    ".ergencies of )ow cost




    The .ain strength of $irtel and *odafone within the teleco..unications .ar6et lies in

    its brand i.age and recognition+ $irtel and *odafone, having established a global presence and

    having invested highly in .ar6eting a differentiated i.age by pro.oting a $irtel and *odafone

    life style, currently enjoys a differentiating advantage that, if e9ploited properly, can offer a lead

    in co.petition+ The presence of $irtel and *odafone in nu.erous countries within in all part of

    the world enhances this i.age+ It allows custo.ers to travel and enjoy easily the services of their

    ho.e country operator+ In the few countries that $irtel and *odafone is not physically present

    it has well established strategic alliances which allow for a better service of .obile clients+


    The e9pansion of $irtel and *odafone has been co.pleted at the e9pense of direct

    control of its operations+ The co.pany grew through a process of ac/uisitions of national

    teleco..unications co.panies rather than organic growth+ This increased its subscribersJ base

    /uic6ly, offering direct .ar6et 6nowledge and i..ediate additions of bases at the

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    e9pense of direct effective control of the subsidiaries+ This has resulted in the neglect of local

    .ar6ets and local differences, allowing .ar6et share to be gained by s.aller local co.petitors+


    The teleco..unications .ar6et, even though highly saturated in so.e regions offers

    great potential due to the ageing population and the sophistication of the consu.ers+ It offers

    great opportunities through a careful .ar6et seg.entation and e9ploitation of particular

    profitable seg.ents+ (ifferent strategies should be pursued O si.ple phones and si.plified

    pricing plans to the ageing population and .ore updated, sophisticated solutions for younger

    generations+ The e9panding Boundaries of the .ar6et could provide further opportunities by

    allowing $irtel and *odafone to enter .ore aggressively into fi9edline service and to better

    enjoy the benefits of its high invest.ent in F0 technology+ This could further be enhanced to

    avoid being a lateentrant in this new .ethod of distribution which offers access to a wide

    potential base+



    The project is an e9tensive report on how the $irtel and *odafone co.pany satisfied his with his own .obile internet services and how he co.panies has been able in tal6ing

    the present tough co.petition ad how is scooping up by the allegations of the /uality of its

    service+ The repot begins with the history of the product and introduction of $irtel co.pany+

    This report shows a both co.panies .obile interne service regarding the preference in

    the project included so.e findings also why the .ostly preferred in choose one

    co.pany .obile internet pac6s+

    In todayJs world of cutthroat fierce co.petition, it is very essential to not only e9ist but also to

    e9cel in the .ar6et+ TodayJs .ar6et is enor.ously .ore co.ple9+ -ence fourth, to survive in the

    .ar6et, he co.pany not only need needs to .a9i.i8e its profit but also need to satisfy its

    custo.ers and should try to build upon fro. there+

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    #"*I"' !% )IT"#$T#"

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    #"S"$#C- M"T-!(!)!0:

    O,3%t#4 o$ t) stu*

    To study the satisfaction level of about $irtel and *odafone

    To find out the reason dissatisfaction+

    To find out which co.pany provide best offers+

    To give suitable suggestions to i.prove satisfaction level of

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report




    Mar6eting research .eans the syste.atic gathering, recording, analy8ing of data about

    proble.s relating to the $irtel and *odafone service


    #esearch .ethodology is a way to syste.atically solve the research proble.+ -ere we study the

    various steps generally adopted by the researcher in studying the research .ethods to continue a

    part of research .ethodology+

    In this research, both Pri.ary and Secondary data ta6en into consideration+ The project would be

    e9ecuted through pri.ary data i+e+ /uestionnaires, discussion with various age groups of

    custo.ers, infor.ation fro. internet dataJs+

    P!#m"! *"t"+ - This is those, which are collected as fresh and for the first Ti.e, and

    thus happen to be original in character+ There are .any ways of data collection of

    pri.ary data li6e /uestionnaire, observation .ethod, interview .ethod, through

    schedules, distributors audit, panel etc+

    S%o&*"! *"t"+ - These are those data, which are not collected afresh and are used

    earlier also and thus they cannot be considered as original in character+ There are .any

    ways of data collection of secondary data li6e publications of the state and central govt+,

    website, journals, co.panies reports, reports prepared by researchers, reports of various

    associations connected with business, Industries etc+ %or this project secondary data was

    ta6en fro. co.panyJs websites+


    A T o$ !s"!%)+ (escriptive research design3 Sou!%s o$ *"t"+ Pri.ary (ata Secondary (ataD P!#m"! D"t" 5uestionnaireF S%o&*"! D"t" 5'ebsitesG D"t" %oll%t#o& mt)o*+ Survey Method,uestionnare2 Su!4 I&st!um&t+uestionnaire >Closed and !pen "nded?

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    4 Mt)o* o$ %ommu%"t#o&+ Collect the data through survey of the

    custo.ers of $irtel and *odafoneL S"ml s#6+A@@K S"ml ut+-ere the researcher has selected the respondents

    of the ("t)#&*" "&* T"l7"&*# S",oA@ S"ml#& Ds#&+ Convenient sa.pling >sa.ple collection?


    To stu* t) %ustom! s"t#s$"%t#o& "mo& t) %om"&.

    To stu* t) %omt#t#o& ,t7& t) A#!tl "&* Vo*"$o& #& t) m"!0t.

    (ot) %om"s !o4#*#& *" to *" ,st o$$!s to "tt!"%t t) %ustom! ,ut %ustom!s

    "! s"t#s$ o! &ot.

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    There are .any benefits related to ta6e this study+ So.e of the benefits of ta6ing this study are as


    By analy8ing this infor.ation, the co.pany would be able to better design

    services target right prospectsJ needs wants+

    More people will get aware about $irtel and *odafone that will increase profit level of

    $irtel and *odafone+

    This study helps to identify the behavior and satisfaction of consu.erwhen there are no

    offers fro. $irtel and *odafone+

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report






  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report



    F!:u&% T",l


    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    Valid 17-25 81 81.0 81.0 81.0

    25-33 13 13.0 13.0 94.0

    more tan 33 ! !.0 !.0 100.0

    "otal 100 100.0 100.0

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    I&t!!t"t#o& 1 In the given figure it is observed that LAE respondents between A4;3G years ,

    ADE respondents are 3G;DD years , 2E respondents are .ore than DD years +


    %re/uency Percent *alid Percent



    *alid Male 44 44+@ 44+@ 44+@

    %e.ale 3D 3D+@ 3D+@ A@@+@

    Total A@@ A@@+@ A@@+@

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    I&t!!t"t#o& 1In the above figure it is observed that 44E respondents are Male and 3D E

    respondents are %e.ale+

    W)#%) s!4#% "! ou su,s%!#,#&;

    %re/uency Percent *alid Percent



    *alid $irtel G@ G@+@ G@+@ G@+@

    *odafone G@ G@+@ G@+@ A@@+@

    Total A@@ A@@+@ A@@+@

  • 7/26/2019 Mandeep Project Report


    I&t!!t"t#o& 1In the given figure it is observed that G@E respondents are using $irtel, and G@E

    respondents are using *odafone

    Ho7 lo& )"4 ou us* t)#s %o&&%t#o&;

    F!:u&% P!%&t V"l#* P!%&t



    V"l#* ? >?.< >?.< ?@.-8 "! = =.< =.< B>.> >>.< >>.< >>.