Manaia and Jahde's Powhiri

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Manaia and Jahde's Powhiri

  • 1. Powhiri

2. Fact 1
A Powhiri is a traditional Maori welcome.
3. Fact 2
It was used by Maori over 300 years ago to work out if visitors arriving at their Pa (village) were friends or foe (enemies).
4. Fact 3
First the Moari warrior standing guard at the entrance of the Pa would call out to his people that visitors were arriving.
5. Fact 4
Then a warrior would perform a wero a challenge and approach the visitors in a war.
6. Fact 5
He would lay down something like a piece of fern on the ground before the visitors and if they picked it up it meant they were coming in piece if they didnt pick it up it meant war!
7. Fact 6
If the visitors picked up the offering there would be a Maori calling.A song of welcome from the Pa site and the visitors would enter singing their own song of reply.
8. Fact 7
They would meet in front of the Marae which is the place in front of the carved meeting house and share information about themselves and the visitors would explain why they had come to visit.
9. Fact 8
Then there would be a feast before the visitors left.
And that is how a Powhiriworks!
10. 11. Video of powhiri
12. Bibliography
This is where we got all our Facts from
We got all our images from Google Images.
13. credits
Song Written By
Ed and his Whanau.
YouTube ,He Kakano Ahau .