Managing Individuals

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Transcript of Managing Individuals

Chapter 1

Managing Individuals

Niklas Funk & Patrick Wessels 05/09/2008


Why Psychology? Psychology at Work Perception at Work Perception & Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

Why Psychology?

Why Psychology? Psychology at

Work Perception at

Work Perception &

Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

Managing people Being a workplace psychologist,

therapist, and counsellor Psychological principles

Psychology at Work

Why Psychology? Psychology at

Work Perception at

Work Perception &

Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

Nature vs. Nurture debate ‘Selfish Gene’ Perspective vs.

Cooperative Perspective Values are critical in how we

perceive and interact

Perception at Work

Why Psychology? Psychology at

Work Perception at

Work Perception &

Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

Model of perception

Schema’s Types Difficult to change

Perception & Common Errors

Why Psychology? Psychology at

Work Perception at

Work Perception &

Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

Stereotyping Self-fulfilling Prophecies

Illustrative Movie Halo Effect

Devil Effect Fundamental Attribution Error Self-serving Bias Cognitive Dissonance


Why Psychology? Psychology at

Work Perception at

Work Perception &

Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

“To form, sustain, and improve relationships with people, or to motivate people, we must understand what is and

what is not important to them.” (Clegg et al, 2008)

Can create Tension Guide our Behavior Priorities


Why Psychology? Psychology at

Work Perception at

Work Perception &

Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

Trait Approach Sociocognitive Approach Psychoanalytical Approach Humanist Approach

“Try to identify the traits that those with whom you work exhibit, and try to adjust your expectations and behaviour appropriately.” (Clegg et al, 2008)


Why Psychology? Psychology at

Work Perception at

Work Perception &

Common Errors Values Personality Happiness

Happiness requires a positive environment

Happier => Healthier Happier <=> increased

performance Wealth is not a consistent fact for



Clegg, S., Kornberger, M., Pitsis, T. (2008) Managing & Organizations, SAGE Publications

Questions/ Remarks

Open Discussion

Is self serving bias helpful or not?

Do you recognize it?

If so, want to change it?

What could be problems with it?

Open Discussion

Are we born for competition or a cooperative live?

Do we need each other?

Do you have to be the best?

Open Discussion

Is personality more influenced by social circumstances or by genotype?

Who supports Nature-idea and who is for the Nurture-theory?

Born with competencies or clean slate?


Please have a look

Psychometric Testing - Find your ideal work environment


Rank the values given on page 64 & 65 Highest priority first

Do we really have different priorities?

Quick Open Discussion

What do you think of such a questionnaire and the outcomes?

Open Discussion

How important is happiness for the individual at the workplace?

What are the main causes for happiness (personally and generally)?

Open Discussion

Did the view and opinion on happiness changed in the last decades?


Managing Individuals Psychology Values Personality

Have a fun weekend!