Managing FATS, OIL and GREASE “It’s Easier than YOU Think!”

Post on 08-Jul-2022

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Transcript of Managing FATS, OIL and GREASE “It’s Easier than YOU Think!”

Wipe pots, pans, and work areas prior to washing.

Limpie con una toallalas ollas, sartenes, yareas de trabajo antesde lavarlos.

Do not pour cooking residue directly into the drain.

No vierta residuos decocinar directamente en el desague.

Do not pour waste oildirectly into the drain.

No ponga aceite usado directamente en el desague.

Do not wash floor mats where water will run off directly into the storm drain.

No lave tapetes de piso en un lugar donde el aguacorra hacia el desague.


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Dispose of food wastedirectly into the trash.

Deseche los desperdiciosde comida en el bote de basura.

Do not dispose of food waste into thegarbage disposal.

No ponga desperdicios de comida en el trituradorde comida.

Clean mats inside over a utility sink.

Limpie los tapetes de piso dentro de una tina o fregador.

Collect waste oil and storefor recycling.

Junte el aceite usado y guardelo para que sea reciclado.




For more information call Tahoe City Public Utility District (para mas informacion llame al) (530) 583-3796

Tahoe City Public Utility District

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ManagingFATS, OIL and GREASE

“It’s Easier than YOU Think!”:




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