Manager sickness absence - Marie Curie...Manager sickness absence Contents Entering Sickness absence...

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Transcript of Manager sickness absence - Marie Curie...Manager sickness absence Contents Entering Sickness absence...

Manager sickness absence

Contents Entering Sickness absence .......................................................................................................................................... 1

Open ended absence .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Extending an absence ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Amending absence start dates ................................................................................................................................... 13

Entering Sickness absence

1. Select employee from your team & then click next

2. Click ‘Request New’ in SICK - sickness type

3. Select sickness type from the drop down list

4. Enter dates of sickness from and to

5. If you do not know when the employee is returning, click on the opened button and

do not enter a to date.

6. The total time taken will automatically populate, select the certificate type form the

drop down list

7. If the return to work interview date is known enter the date, otherwise leave it blank

8. If the absence is linked to a previous absence enter the date

9. When entry is complete click submit

10. A successfully submitted screen will appear

11. The employee will receive an e-mail

Open ended absence If you have a member of your team that has an absence without an end date and they are returning to work.

1. Select the employee in My People – Leave Admin –Individual

Before you make the update please ensure that you know the exact dates and the category reason the employee was absent for

2. This can be found by clicking on ‘Open SICK history’

3. Scroll down the page and find the absence entry and click on ‘Edit’

4. The absence detail can be seen

5. Click on the radio button to change from open ended to full day

6. Enter end date

7. Enter return to work interview date if you have one

8. Click submit & success message will appear

9. The employee will also receive an e-mail

Extending an absence

Should you need to extend an absence for an employee Example – The employee has a sickness absence 14th November 2016 to 22nd November 2016

They are now going to remain on sickness absence until 25th November 2016

1. To continue this absence – select the employee

2. Click on Request New

3. Enter data into the fields

a. The Category – should be the same as the previous absence b. The dates – the start date should be the next day i.e. the original absence was

14/11/2016 – 22/11/2016, this extension of absence must start on the 23/11/2016

c. Enter certificate type

4. link date – this is the start date of the previous absence i.e. 14/11/2016

5. Click Submit and a thank you message will appear to confirm that the absence has been


6. The absence is now a continuous absence for 14/11/2016 to 25/11/2016 and the employee absence calendar will now reflect the continuous absence

Amending absence start dates If you have amended an absence, please contact your Regional Payroll Officer who will check that the entry is correct. If you need to amend an employee’s absence dates For example – This employee had a sickness absence for 16th to 21st November

But they actual came back from sickness on the 18th November

1. To amend this absence – select the employee

2. Scroll down the page and click on open sick history

3. Click on ‘Edit’ and the absence detail can be seen

4. Amend end date

5. Click submit

6. A successful submission message will be received

Note: If you have amended an absence, please contact your Regional Payroll Officer who will check that the entry is correct. Please do not delete any sickness Absences as this may affect the employees pay