“Man supposes that he directs his life and governs his...

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Transcript of “Man supposes that he directs his life and governs his...

“Man supposes that he directs his life and governs his actions, when

his existence is irretrievably under the control of Destiny. It governs

human life.”

Johann Wolfgang Von Gothe.

Chapter 4

Analysis of selected novels of

Vyankatesh Madgulkar

1. Bangarwadi, (The Village had no walls) 1954.

2. Vavatal (The Winds of Fire), 1964.

3. Pudhach Paul, (Next Step), 1978.

4. Kowale Diwas, (Tender Age)1979.

5. Sattantar (Change in Rule), 1981.

Chapter 4

Analysis of selected novels of Vyankatesh Madgulkar

Madgulkar’s Maandesh appeared through his novelsand depicted life in that region.

He used first person narration for realisticand heart touching presentation of all the events.

His revelation of man and destiny is a different type of humanitarian approach.Through his

novels he reveals human life and animal life.He has been identified as a writer who presented

Maandeshi regional life through his novels.

Madgulkar’s Maandesh

(Prepared for the study)

His characters can’t be separated from Maandesh.In his novels region is not used as

background but, it becomes part of the novel.His Bangarwadi is fine example of

it.Acceptance of experiences in human life andits free revelation is the main feature of his

novels.Common man living in Maandesh is the hero of his novels so his characters are

memorable.Setting of his novels is confined to Maandesh but variedand wide human life is

depicted through them.Maandeshi life is presented through-

happiness,grief,hate,mercy,cunning and evil nature of people.

This research deals with the following novels of Vyankatesh Madgulkar.

1. Bangarwadi (The Village had no Walls) (1954)

Madgulkar’s Bangarwadi is a natural revelation of life of Maandesh.Real and original

life experience is presented.Thers is no technical adjustment.It is the live depiction of barren

land and human life in that region.A teacher entered Bangarwadi to open the school which

was closed because of lack of students.His educational aspirations and dreams are

presented.He became the witness of that life.Barren land and pale people became his matter

of curiosity.All were common people.No touch of city life is seen here.Love and hate,affinity

and remoteness of people can be seen through it.But,all this never reaches to its

apex.Endurance is the Main tendency of people in Bangarwadi.They faced the blows of

destiny and grief courageously. Karbhari’s dream of his death, honest, illiterate Ayabu

Mulani,innocent villagers,Mauli Aai’s fair,many other superstitions,king’s visit to wadi etc…

are the main events of the novel.

In the preface of the special edition of Bangarwadi in 1999, Vyankatesh Madgulkar

has provided some details of Bangarwadi. It is a very small village in Maandesh is three to

four miles away from writer’s native place Madgul. It is the story of a village school master

Rajaram Vitthal Saundanikar, son of Vitthal Dhondo Saundanikar sevving in the sansthan as

a clerk.

Story begins with Rajaram’s entry a teacher in Bangarwadi. In the summer, he had

covered a long distance and reached at Bangarwadi. Here, writer gives some details of Wadi

– barren land, thirty to thirty five houses built by mud walls, simple roofs. Behind every

house there was a fenced place prepared for sheep. Thorny bushes were used for fencing.

No streets. Most doors were locked. He halted under a tree and decided to drink cold water

and to eat. But, a man called him and asked if he was egg merchant. Due to his pyjama, the

man said so. He answered that he was newly appointed teacher.

The man told him that there were no children in wadi. The school didn’t work

properly. Another old man came and asked his whereabouts, told him to sit in the school.

Rajaram, the teacher provided some details about him that he came from Vibhutwadi.

Teacher described that the building of the school might be closed from many days. He slept

in the noon and woke up in the evening and saw that wadi was started moving due to the

sheep, children, males and females. All were coming to their homes. Next three years, he

had to live in Bangarwadi. He decided to make that school famous. Karbhari (manager)

came to the teacher, gave him goat milk and took dinner. Meanwhile some shepherds

gathered and discussed about something. Karbhari told to send their children to school from

next day. Anyhow, they became ready.

Rajaram Saundanikar started living in a small house cooking and teaching to children.

Once Dadu Balatya, villain in the novel came to the teacher and told him to do his business

and don’t think of welfare of villagers. Not to do anything extra for them. It was shocking.

Dadu Balatya went away and Ayabu Mulani entered in the house. By caste he was Muslim.

He came from Ekhatpur. He was a butcher. He cut the sheep for the villagers and they

provided him food and shelter. Ayabu now, decided to live in teacher’s company.

The scene is then shifted to daily routine of Bangarwadi. In the morning shepherds

collected all sheep flocks and took them away for grazing. In the evening, they returned

back, made sitting arrangement of sheep and after dinner gathered in front of Maruti temple,

discussed something and then go to sleep. Females and children help them to do all this. It

was the common routine. Now, 10-15 boys started attending school. Sata, Bira Bangar’s boy

was one of them. He decided to complete his education. Along with these children – Ayabu

Mulani, Ananda Mandale and Rama Bangar sat in the school. Anya how, to pass the time

was their business. Then, Madgulkar described them with details. One day, Rama gave a

rupee to teacher and said him to bring change of it. Teacher did it. Then, it became the habit.

Rama gave him 340 rupees to bring change. Season also, changed and it rained heavily.

Now, Teacher became central figure in Wadi and the school became Court, Police Station,

and Gram Panchayat etc… Ultimately, teacher for the villager’s was Judge, Police Officer,

Stamp vendor. He declares that without noticing Dadu’s threat, he mixed up in the villagers

and they started following his guidelines. He realized that only teaching in school was not

his only duty but, people needed him for many other reasons. They started thinking him as

the support of village. His routine was fixed. From Monday to Friday he attended school and

on Saturday he went to his village and on Sunday evening he came back. During holiday, he

did many works of villagers. He brought change of Rama’s 340 rupees. As he was tired, he

slept in the house and frightened because someone had taken away all amount. He suspected

that perhaps Ayabu had taken it; but it was of no use. Next holiday, he told all this to his

father. He scolded Ram but mother supported him saying that very soon he will get that


One day, Anji, granddaughter of Karbhari came to him and made him to bring a tailor

made blouse for her from Taluka place. Dadu Balatya came to know it and he told Karbhari

this thing differently. Teacher wanted to tell Karbhari about Rama’s money but, he was not

ready to listen to the teacher. He suspected that teacher had illicit relations with Anji.

One evening teacher was eating. Ananda came to him and gave him the amount

saying that he had taken it. Teacher became happy and handed it over to Rama Bangar.

Rama bought sheep flocks from bazaar. Shepherds and farmers took crop of Bajara, pulses

and jawar. After harvest they had time to entertain themselves.

School boys told him the news about Sata that he killed a wolf with axe. Now, his

father, Bira made him to cultivate sheep. He will not come to school. Teacher’s dream of

making the school famous was shattered.

Karbhari come to him and asked about Anji. Teacher told the truth. Karbhari felt

sorry for what he had done and went away. Teacher told this episode to Ayabu. In the night

Dadu Balatya was beaten by someone severely. He couldn’t walk and talk. People started

saying that now, Badatya will die.

Middle part of the novel presents Teacher’s idea to build a hall for wrestling and that

can be used other purpose. The ruling king liked exercise so, teacher decided to build that. At

first, shepherds opposed this proposal but they gave consent and the work started. It took

about a year and some more months to complete it. Whole Bangarwadi engaged in that task.

It became the matter of pride so everyone was ready to do something. They decided to show

other villages that they built the huge building.

Then, Madgulkar described episode of Bala Bangar. He denied togive trees to build

the Talim. No villager kept contact with him. At last, in village fair, he declared that he was

ready to listen to Karbhari and others then, people permitted him to mix in the society.

Teacher decided to inaugurate Talim invitinging the king for this occasion,

Bangarwadi was eager to see their king. They cleared every street, school, houses. Ayabu

fell down from building of Talim and he was injured. Next morning king came to

Bangarwadi saw everything, inaugurated building of Talim, delivered a short speech, admired

teacher and villagers and went away. All shepherd now admired Teacher because, in the

rural, remote, illiterate, superstitious village, Bangarwadi all this had happened only because

of the teacher. King told in his speech that body building and acquisition of knowledge was

his aim.

Then, Madgulkar narrates episode of Jaganya who eloped with a woman from other

village. In the month of June, Karbhari saw a dream that someone was taking him away and

soon, he died. He told teacher to take care of Anji. Sheku will make arrangement of her

marriage.But, after his death Sheku himself decided to marry Anji and Sheku’s wife

complained about this to teacher. At last, Anji was married to another shepherd. Sheku

neglected his wife because she had no child. But, still she was hopeful. She said, if it is the

game of destiny, barren tree will also give fruit. If god had decided, she will give birth to a

child (Page 113).

End of the novel describes fair in the village. All did Pooja of Mauli Aai and became

happy. They hoped that it will rain soon. But, severe drought affected life in Bangarwadi.

Scarcity of water, food made people to leave the village with sheep. One by one they went

away. Teacher every day saw groups of people, flocks of sheep went away to earn living

elsewhere. Ultimately, this migration, displacement of the people, affected boys’ attendance

in school. Very effectively Madgulkar had described this drought in Bangarwadi – houses,

streets, school, were empty. Whole village was like a haunted place. Villagers couldn’t live

in Bangarwadi. So they decided to come back when it will rain. They said that it was their

destiny. At last, senior officials decided to close school at Bangarwadi and teacher had to

join a primary school at Taluka place. Madgular writes, “Barren Bangarwadi was left behind

and teacher was going away.” (Page 131) His dream to make people literate remained


Revelation of man and destiny in the novel

“Through this novel Madgulkar had presented a different social scene. Migration,

displacement due to drought, vagaries of nature is common in Maandesh. Though, now we

are globalised, modernized, same picture we notice in Bangarwadi. Realistic presentation of

all ideas makes the novel heart touching.”

(Mahajani Aniket’s review, goodread.com)

Still people think that it is their destiny that they have to suffer all this. Pursuing

Knowledge is not easy idea in such social condition. Illiterate, superstitious people still think

of the destiny and its role in human life. They accept everything as part of their predestined

life. Human life is governed by destiny. This idea is presented through Bangarwadi.

Teacher had tried to change the village and villagers but at last, nature made him to accept the

reality. Here, Madgulkar has shown that destiny operates in the form of drought and

whimsicality of nature. So, man is helpless, support-less and shelter-less.

“This novel has created a new standard of regional novel in Marathi literature. It has

shown that regional novel presents how social life of man is related to nature. After this

novel, V. Madgulkar came to be known as ‘Maandeshi writer’.It may be regarded as best

specimen of rural literature.”

(Pandit B.S. ‘Bangarwadi’, Yugwani, Yr.11 vol.6.)

Here, Social life of shepherds living in Bangarwadi is at the centre. The story is very

interesting and exciting till climax, a newly trained teacher, Rajaram Saundanikar was an

outsider, who got a job in a remote village, Bangarwadi, where there was a school just for the

sake of it, the school and studiy for villager children was a matter of joke. Education was not

a serious job and was considered as an optional and part time work for all of them. He

entered Bangarwadi with academic aspirations.

“This newly appointed guy tries to build a good image in front of people about school

and succeeds to help them in understanding the importance of education. Dreadful drought

occurs which makes people leave their loved adobes and village forever in search of water

and other needs of life. It is presented that due to social situation and vagaries of nature he

had to leave his thought of education. Madgulkar very effectively presented how destiny

works in different forms and controls human life. In this novel villager’s illiteracy,

superstitions, vagaries of nature are presented as different forms of destiny.”

(Patil T.R. ‘Marathi Novel Criticism’, pg.21.)

This novel has been translated in English too as "The village has no walls". The title

of this English translation very clearly presents the plight of the village Bangarwadi and that

of the people living in it. Due to drought, most villagers have been migrated to fertilized,

irrigated areas. People are illiterate and superstitious. Most are shepherds and they have to

travel along with the flocks of sheep to earn their livelihood. Most children also have to

accompany the elders to support them. Most small houses and huts, their walls are

demolished. Ultimately there is no seriousness of education. Such tragic, devastating picture

of the rural society in Maandesh of Maharashtra is presented in realistic manner. It has made

this novel very popular and effective. Bangarwadi very effectively presents a young school

teacher fired with academic aspirations fails due to tragic social situation in Maandesh.

Villagers were not ready to look at education as a means to change lives of people of

Bangarwadi. So, they gave much importance to their own traditional way of living life and

discarded the path of education.

“What Madgulkar tried to show is that the lives of the villagers are controlled by

nature. The situation of drought was common and fixed. People have to struggle very hard to

earn the bread. They need some help from their children time to time in performing different

tasks. It is very devastating picture. It shows their predestined way of life.”

(Bandiwadekar Chandrakant, ‘Deshiwan’.)

Vavatal (The Winds of Fire), (1964).

It presents event of jalit (aron) that had taken place after Gandhi’s death.It covers

the span from 1948 to 1963. Instead of dividing this novel into different chapters,

Madgulkar has named main happenings with different places and tried to narrate what

happened at that place. Inner workings of the minds of peaceful society, its anger, hate

and communal dislike is effectively presented through this novel. Novel begins with the

news story of Gandhi’s death and describes aftermath of jalit i.e. setting fire everything.

On 30th January 1948 at 5.10 in the evening, Gandhiji came for evening prayer.

His two hands were placed on the shoulders of Abhabehn and Manu, two grand

daughters. Going to the stage, he clasped his hands for ‘Namaskar’. Suddenly a man, N.

V .Godse came forward and fired three consequent shots on Gandhi. He died

saying’Hey Ram’. It was the news from New Delhi.

At night this tragic news spread over. It reached at pune with all details. Next

morning community riots started. Throwing stones, looting everything became common.

To control fierce mob police ordered curfew for next 36 hours. Then, madgulkar

describs empty pune – roads, bazaars, offices, shops etc…

Writer was sleeping in the noon. He woke up at 5 in the evening. In his hostel

this emptiness was filled. Yeshwanta his friend told him that they were called by his

‘saheb’ for dinner, anyhow, they ate and come to hostel. They discussed and seriously

thought about their relatives in the village. After this, scene is shifted from pune to the

actual journey to the village. After train journey, they caught a service motor to to

sarangpur. Writer, Yeshwanta and Gopu were travelling. They were from nandwadi.

Writer’s village was 5 -6 miles away from nandwadi. Different smells and sounds made

the journey uneasy. They reached Sarangpur. Motor to Nandwadi was at 2 o’clock in

the noon. They had to pass time of 4 hours. Gopu made them to go to his relatives at

Sarangpur. Gopu told them about arson, looting at Pune after Gandhi’s death. After

sometime they reached motor stand and people searched their bags. It was very


Motor started, a fat man started discussion about arson. The news overspread that

people looted Brahmin’ everything in all villages killing people. Three boys in the

motor were anxious, uneasy about their journey and relatives. They crossed shivghat.

Nandwadi was only 18 miles away from it. Suddenly motor stopped and a fellow

absaheb deshmukh told them that people started looting everything so, they must stop

there and the motor went away. Anyhow, they reached that place. Another motor went

away without stopping at that spot. So, they decided to go to belkaranji and next morning

to go to nandwadi. Gopu was seriously thinking about his appa. At Nelkaranji people

gathered round them, no one supported, helped, and only commented on them. Mahada

barbar was son in law of that village. He identified them and gave them shelter, food

and next morning they started journey to nandwadi on foot.

On their way, they saw burning somewadi, walwade. They met rangbhat and

asked about nandwadi but, he didn’t tell anything. They started thinking of arson at

nandwadi. It was a taluka place and it was under the rule of a princely state, aundh in

satara district. So, no one could attack poor people. It was their blind faith.

Anyhow, they came near to nandwadi. It was noon. Gopu told them to go to his

farm. There, they will get some news about everyone and everything from his farm

workers. They saw no one, but only wife of the worker who told them about arson and

loot in the nandwadi. All workers had gone to the village. Now, they were totally

frightened and started thinking of their homes and relatives. Nirmala, the worker’s wife

came to them running and said them to hidethemselves because the mob was coming to

the farm. Anyhow, they saved their lives. A shepherd gave them roti to eat and provided

details about what happened.

Middle part of the novel presents scene at Nandwadi. In the evening, workers

returned to the farm and told them the news about the tragedy of their relatives. Now,

they started going to their homes. Writer went with Yeshwanta. No one was there in

yeshwanta’s home. He frightened and cried because everything was looted and set on

fire. It was the wind of fire that destroyed everything and everyone. After some time

they met yeshwanta’s relatives. His elder brother said, “it was better that they reached

safe. Let them set fire houses, let them loot houses. No one can change their fate. They

had courage. They could earn what they lost.” (pg. 72) it presents role of destiny in

man’s life. All thought that it was their destiny so they faced all this.

Yeshwanta was relieved now. Looters had taken away everything and they set on

fire the houses. Still all were frightened. Gupte gave them food and that night all

community went to sarkarwada for shelter. End the novel presents happenings at

sarkarwada that night and further developments. Madgulkar described all people, their

actions at sarkarwada in detail. It was over crowded. People were gathered so, it

became a noisy place. All thought that looter may come again at night. So, many

gunmen provided safety to people. When anyone said, looter came, people startled at

night, they slept for some time. Here, madgulkar presented details about rich people who

lost everything. They were helpless, supportless and shelter less. they were tragic

because the looters were from different places and the villagers didn’t try to oppose them

so, they looted the houses and at last set on fire the whole estates of people. It was much


All govt. officials Taluka Magistrate, Judge ran away and people set on fire the

houses. PSI Shinde shot dead a boy from looters gang. So, they became furious. But,

no one turned round that night.

Next morning, writer with Yeshwanta saw burnt, looted houses. They started

thinking and discussing about how all this had taken place. Yeshwanta’s elder brother

said that, it was their own fault.

After three days, writer decided to go to his village and left nandwadi.

Yeshwanta accompanied him for some distance. Both discussed about their future and

said that now, it was better for their community to go away from villages and to live and

settle in cities. But, the elders will not be ready to go away from roots. Through this

discussion, madgulkar has presented different reasons for and effects of arson.

Yeshwata returned back and writer travelled to his village.

He reminded his ill father. He was suffering from asthama. Many times writer

had gone to nadwadi to bring his medicines. Very soon, he reached the village. Old Mrs.

Karandi told him that his relatives were at patil’s mansion. He went further and saw his

house half burnt, looted, and only walls, without roof, without people. There were heaps

of coal and dust. It was desolate and ruined. He went to patil’s mansion and saw his

mother, met her and relieved. She told him that people from Katphal came looted and

set on fire all houses. Patil’s wife interrupted and said now, leave it away, it was the

game of fate. (pg.106)

Madgulkar asked about aba, his father. He slept in. He was not feeling good.

Aba’s voice was low. It was very tragic. Then, he met his elder brother dinu. He

became somewhat happy. Next morning writer visited many houses and people from his

community.End of the novel describes living in the village temple. They had lost

everything. Now, they started thinking what to do next. Some of them decided to go to

cities to their relatives. So, he still had the hope that they will earn everything soon. He

visited the families living in village temple.

All of them thought that if the villagers saved them, nothing would have

happened. But, now, they were shelterless. They thought that what will happen next, it

was not fixed. He met his friends – Shripati Naik, Bhima Karande, Devrao Patil, Ganapa

Barbar etc… From them he could gather all information about arson - some threw the

ornaments, gold, and silver in the small wells. Some hid it in the farms.

All was unbelievable. Some started returning back the looted items.

Madgulkar’s elder brother wrote a letter. He was in mumbai. He called all of them to

mumbai. Mother and Aba decided to go. Now, aba had lost the courage to live in the

village. One day, writer visited Nandwadi. Many families had gone away to their

relatives in cities. He came back. Aba determined to live the village. That night, main

villagers – Tukadev Patil, Bhanudas Karade, Black Mahada, Vishnudas Sonar came to

aba, requested him to stay in the village. They were ready to build a huge house for him.

But, aba decided to leave the village. Early in the morning they left the village.

Villagers requested them and at last returned back.

Ending chapter refers to the year 1963. Aba died on 13th November 1948. He

tells that now, the house has been rebuilt using tiles and iron sheets. Everyone from the

community had left the village. Yeshwanta went to pandharpur and gopu to pune.

Rarely, writer now visits his village and the next generation that is his children tell

everyone that they are from pune with this noticeable change novel ends.

Revelation of man and destiny in the novel:

Depiction of Maandesh is done with most details. All characters present human

psychology well governed by social surrounding. Destiny of man living in manndesh is

presented. Narration of writer’s personal experience of jalit hints that arson was a

social problem and it changed lives of many people. At last they decided to go away and

to settle elsewhere that is far from the madding crowd. The crowd was mad and without

thinking did everything. People suffered a lot. Hardy’s Wessex and Madgulkar’s

Maandesh witnessed ill effects of thoughtless actions of far from madding crowd. In

madgulkar’s novel the wind blows and the fire overspreads. Pattern of human life is

predestined. One has to undergo many changes due to it. Madgulkar has very

effectively presented this idea through this novel. Changes in pattern of human life can

be seen through – shifting scenes, changing places, different actions and thoughts of

people etc…

Writer’s mother also had given up the thought to live in the village. She never

insisted on to live there. It shows that she had accepted her lot and changed pattern of

her life. Destiny played havoc with them, so they started a new life.

Social injustice done by masses in rural India is presented through this novel. It is

narration of novelist’s personal experiences after Mahatma Gandhi’s death. The activities of

masses-putting on fire the houses, people and estates of other social groups are presented.

Due to it novelist had to travel secretly, sorrowfully everywhere to get adapted but, he faced

many hardships. All these experiences created Vavtal in his life. He became the part of that

vicious circle and faced tragedy. Before this incident, everything was well and good but, after

it, friends became enemies and everything was totally changed. Reference to the madding

crowding is presented. Crowd is presented as mad and furious. So, people became support

less, shelter less and helpless. They left their native places and migrated to other places i.e.

Far from the madding crowd.

It presents typical socio-political, socio-cultural scene of maandesh of Maharashtra

from 1948 to1963. Man’s pattern of life is predestined- it is presented here. Central figure

in the novel tries to go away from madding crowd i.e. from the harsh, cruel masses and to

settle at new place. Unwillingly, this migration, unsettlement takes place. It was forced by the

masses. What man doesn’t like and what he doesn’t want to do, but, he is destined to follow

different path. This idea is forwarded here. Narrator’s fears, tensions, secret travels, his going

away from his family present economic, social, educational loss. He goes round and rounds

like the particles in the whirlwind. Due to it many times he had to change his ways of life-

freedom fighter, writer, painter…etc.

“What type of life man wishes to live, Destiny determines it-this idea is presented

through this novel. Migration, displacement, change in life pattern-all are effects of destiny.”

(Dhongade Ashok, ‘Thought of Century’vol.3, 251-268)

3. Pudhach Paul, (Next Step), (1978).

Chapter 1: Story begins with description of the evening in Devadi, one of the

villages in Maharashtra. Madgulkar describes the typical locality and actions of people -

calling children, milking goats and caws, cooking.... etc. Different types of voices and smells

mere intermixed. Few people were entertaining themselves by singing. Krishna, skilled

dholaki player, son of Deva, was playing dholaki and Akanya was singing song.It was about

the heroic deed of Ramank, who fought with the robbers. Suddenly, Chougula called Krishna

for davandi that next morning doctor will visit the village for vaccination. Krishna left song

and went to make people alert about the visit of the doctor. Illiterate, superstitious people

decided to oppose vaccination and to remain absent for tomorrow's program me.

Chapter 2: Next morning doctor visited the village but, no child was present for

vaccination till noon. After lunch, doctor ordered Patil to call children. During his visits to

different farms, all farmers called him to help them to do their works. He was tired.

Meanwhile, he met Bawaryanana, who went to Mumbai and earned much, purchased land

and was happy. Krishna thought that if, he could go to Bombay and earn money, he didn't

have to suffer.

Chapter 3: Doctor was annoyed because he one turned for vaccination and he

scolded Patil. Krishna entered the same time and Patil and Saheb scolded him. Krishna was

tired and hungry so, he opposed Saheb and said to beat him. Deva come forward and

apologised doctor for what his son Krishna had done.

Chapter 4: Hereafter, Krishna decided not to do Taralaki (a system in Balutedari).

He mixed in the Mehfil and played Dholaki well. Bawaryanana applauded him. His younger

brother Gana called him to eat something. Krishna went to the hut, took dinner and then

joined Bawaryanana. Now, he decided to go to Mumbai and to earn much by playing


Chapter 5: At night he left the village and went to Mumbai. He had his Dholaki with

him. He stepped down at Dadar railway station and asked about Delail road where there were

Tamasha Theatres. Now, he decided to present his skill of playing dholaki in Tamasha and to

earn a lot.

Chapter 6: Mama Chiplunkar, owner of a hotel gave him tea, biscuits, asked about

his whereabouts and sent him to 'Chandravilas Tamasha Theatre' with Sakharam.

There was show of Mogaribai of Islampur and Taterao. Sakharam introduced Krishna

to Mogribai as a skilled dholaki player. After trial, Mogaribai decided to give him the work as

dholaki player in Tamasha. She asked him all details and he provided them about his village,

work and family etc...

Chapter 7: Krishna started earning something and requested Chiplunkar Mama to

write a letter for him. He was illiterate.

Chapter 8: Then the scene was shifted to the village. Heat of the sun dried ever thing.

Deva's family without Krishna was facing blows of destiny. Deva thought that he had done

some sin so, Krishna had left them. Touching the beads he said God forgive him. I am sinful,

please forgive Krishna. One day Krishna's letter was received by Deva. Bawaryanana read it.

Deva became angry because Krishna entered the field of Tamasha. He thought that doing

service of the villagers and the Government was their destined path.

After wards the whole family Deva, Gana, Krishna's wife Rakhma and children

started living life like beggars. They had lost the head of the family. Deva told Rakhma from

their ancients they were living by winning the favour of the villagers. To earn this favour of

villagers was their prime duty. So, he opposed Krishna's going away to Mumbai. It shows

that elder generation believed in the role of destiny but, the younger opposed it and followed

new way. Deva supposed Mumbai thinking it as the cage of catching people.

Chapter 9: Bawarya met Krishna, Mograi and told her to give him money. He

warned Krishna to earn some money and then go to the village, buy a farm and live there.

Family members were reminding Krishna. He made Mogari to write letters from him and

gave Taterao to post them. But, Taterao tore all them. Mogari decided to marry Krishna. But

Krishna all time thought of his family. Mogari had not given him the payment. She promised

him to give it when he goes to village. Krishna thought that Mogari did all his expenses –

food, clothing, other. So he didn't need it. It was his saving. He could use it for future his


All waited for Krishna for Diwali festival but, he didn't come. Deva said them not to

think of Krishna. It made Rakhma very sad. Anyhow, they were living- Gana as Sevant at

Bawarya's farm, Binchya (Krishna's son) as cattle feeder; Rakhma was doing hard work on

other farm. Krishna was living in Mumbai by deserting his family.

Chapters 10, 11, 12: Krishna decided to go to village for Diwali and demanded his

payment to Mogari but, she denied and Krishna quarreled with her and denied to marry her.

She became furious. Taterao with other men fought with him. He left that place without

money. He tried to earn by doing other things but he couldn't. At last, he went to Chiplunkar

Mama. He said to Krishna to join other Tamasha but, he denied. (Mama said that he was fool.

Destiny supports these who try.) He gave Krishna some money and told him to try his luck

again. Then, he joined Godi and started doing work of a Coolie.

Chapters 13, 14: At Devadi, Deva was also not feeling well. Along with many other

pilgrims he decided to go to Pandharpur. All arrangements were made and by covering

distance of about 50 miles, he reached Pandharpur. He became very happy. He saw the God

and fell down. After some time, he woke up, bought some things for Rakhma and children

and returned back to Devadi. Due to this hard work of walking this long distance, Deva fell

ill and died. It was another blow of destiny for the family.

Chapter 15: Bawarya wrote a letter to Gana saying Krishna had left the job and he

didn't know where Krishna had gone. Now, Rakhma and Gana decided to find out Krishna.

They tried to collect some money but they couldn't. At last, they sold the goat. Children –

Rashhi, Binchya cried when the goat was driven. Rakhma thought it as ill omen. After Deva,

Goat had gone.

Chapter 16: Gana caught the train to go to Mumbai.

Chapter 17: He met Mogari. She told him all what happened to Krishna.She

misguided Gana telling him that Krishna quarrled with her and went away with other woman.

Gana was confused. She made him to live there. What she wished to do with Krishna, all she

did with Gana. Once Krishna saw both and startled. He realized everything but, he couldn't

tell all this to Bawarya or Mama. Mogari lured Gana and he forgot Devadi and family.

Chapter 18, 19: At the very end, Krishna met Bawarya, told him everything.

Bawarya told him about Deva's death. Krishna cried like a child praying God to stop these

blows of destiny and to make them happy. He thought that God (destiny) made them to face

all this. (Page. 145)

Chapter 20: Bawarya's wife made Krishna to live with them for some days. Bawarya

supported Krishna. He decided to meet Gana. Bawarya's wife said Krishna, what will happen

is written on everyone’s forehead by God. This is blow of destiny. What will happen, we

can't avoid it. (Page 145) Krishna was uneasy. He visited tamasha theatre to bring back Gank

from Mogari. He met Gana but, Gana denied coming with him and both brothers quarreled.

Gana threw a chair at Krishna; he injured and anyhow reached at Chiplunkar Mama's hotel.

Now, Krishna was totally defeated. Mogari lured Gana and he had fallen victim to her

advances. Krishna had lost everything. All this was the game of destiny.

Chapter 21: Krishna had beaten Mogari and now, he was beaten by his brother,

Gana. She told Gana that it was her reattack on Krishna. Gana realized her crooked nature.

Luckily, he visited Mama's hotel, told about him and Mama said all this was coincidence. It

shows V. Madgulkars use of coincidence. Both brothers met, cried, they realized what

happened to them. Now, they were happy. They reminded Rakhma and children. Krishna told

Gana God takes care of every one (Page 156). Both were uneasy and sleepless. Gana told all

details about the village to Krishna and Krishna told him what he did in Mumai. They slept.

Chapter 22: Next day, early in the morning both brothers Krishna and Gana went to

meet Bawaryanana. They received warm welcome. In the discussion he told Krishna to be a

dholki player once again and to earn money. Gana will go to village and then after getting

money from Krishna buy farm. This was the Next Step that is 'Pudhach Paul'. They decided

unitedly they move further and that was their 'Pudhach Paul'. After two days happily, Gana

went to village, Devadi.

Chapter 23: Rakhma was blaming her desty that she lost her husband though he was

alive. Nothing left in the hut, children started stealing small things. Rakhma beat children.

Both cried and sat under a tree. It was very tragic. Gana entered Devadi. Binchya and Rashhi

met their uncle. They cried. In the hut, Rakhma also cried. They became somewhat happy

after many days. Gana told them that Krishna will come soon.

Chapter 24: Krisha earned a lot of money. Gana wrote a letter to him calling him to

purchase two acre land in village. Krishna became happy.

Chapter 25: With Bawaryanana and others he went to Devadi. All became very

happy. Bawarya declared that his daughter Malan will marry Gana. It was also, Pudhach

Paul that literate Malan from Mumbai, married illeterate Gana from Devadi. Bawarya told

them that villagers must go to city that was their Pudhach Paul. All went to the newly

purchased farm. They reminded Deva at this time.

Revelation of Man and Destiny in ‘ Pudhach Paul’

Through this novel, V. Madgulkar has presented a different outlook. Krishna, the hero

suffers due to selection of immoral way of living life. At the beginning he is presented as a

Taral a servant working for villagers and Government. He denies all this and went to

Mumbai. It was his Pudhach Paul. At Mumbai, Mogari's lust overcomes his sense of intellect

and his struggle. He faced many difficulties. He lost everything including his father. His

downfall is the climax of the novel. At last, he is recovered from all this and could fulfill his

dream of buying land in the village. All time he is made to adopt new way of life. It is shown

that destiny makes man to face many difficulties and to change ways of life.

Madgulkar's belief in character is destiny is seen here every character has to follow

predestined path in life many ups and downs in Krishna's life present the same idea. Title of

the novel also highlights most proceedings of plot. Something advanced is referred to as

Pudhch Paul. Krishna's generation is advanced than that of Deva’s in all sense. This new

generation has discarded old system of ‘Balutedari’ and adopted new way of living life -

going away from village and earning money in Mumbai, purchasing own land than doing

hard work on other's land. It was matter of pride. All this is surely next step that is Pudhach

Paul. It presents changing social scene of maandesh.

“Total family of Deva – Krishna, Rakhma, Gana, Binchya, and Rashhi – all were

victims of the traditional social system in Maandesh. Krishna adopted new way of life, they

suffered due to blows of destiny, but at last all became happy. Struggle of life must go on,

though destiny overpowers man. This main idea is presented about man and destiny.”

(Hatakangalekar M.D. ‘V.Madgulkar, Maandeshi Manus aani Kalavant’)

Man is puppet in the hands of destiny but, he struggles very hard to endure blows of

destiny. This struggle of life is very effectively presented through this novel. Krishna's

Journey from Devadi to Mumbai in search of new way of life ends with success and he

returns back to Devadi from Mumbai as a successful man, who changed his life and his

family. It clearly presents the meaning of Pudhach Paul.

In this novel, hero Krishna denies to perform traditional duties in a village and rebels

against, the social system of balutedari. (Duties fixed by traditional social system). He knew

the art of bitting drums (Dholaki wadan), making use of it; he discards all conventional social

norms and leaves the native place. He went away from all his close relatives-wife, children

and father. He tries to live a new type of life by changing his profession from traditional to

that of dholki wadak in tamasha (a music concert). What he determined only to earn a

lot of money and to change future of his and next generations. At first he denies advances of

Mogari. But, at last he succeedes in keeping her away and joined other tamasha party as a

dholaki wadak earns a lot, buys land in the village where he earlier worked as a labour.

Ending of the novel is happy ending- Krishna went to his village, met his wife Rakhama and

children. Now, their luck was changed and due to this change in pattern of life they lived

happily. He suffers due to selection of immoral way of living life. He forgets his wife and

tries to make love with one of the ladies from that music concert. Thus, he selected the

immoral way of living life and regretted at last.

Destiny makes man to face many difficullties and to adopt a new way of life.

Sometimes lust overcomes sense of intellect. Krishna’s art and skill of dholaki wadan was

challenged by advances of Mogari. But, at last, he overcome all difficulties and succeeded in

life. Vyankatesh Madgulkar’s philosophy of life ‘Destiny governs human life’ is presented

through this novel.

4. Kowale Diwas (Tender Age) (1979)

Madgulkar’s this novel presents turning points in the life of a Teenager, his varied

experiences in life and at last how he became a writer.It was game of destiny. On one hand, it

depicts preindependent freedom struggle and on the other hand it deals with Yamu’s love.

Story begins with description of freedom struggle and Madgulkar's is active

participation in it. People started opposing the rule by all means. His group looted a temple

and used money for the 'Swaraj'. All of them were motivated by Gandhian principles and his

orders. He suspected that any time police may caught him. So, novelist decided to leave

Kolhapur. Police approached where he lived so, he rushed to the way to Rankala and directly

entered the house of a Tamboli. He told everything to Tamboli. Novelist hid himself on the

mala of Tamboli's house till late might. His mother gave novelist some rice to eat. In the

disguise of a milkman late night, he left Tamboli's house and reached Islampur, where his

colleague Pawar met him. Writer gave him the address of Tamboli to handover the bicycle

and other material and changed his clothes and caught a bus to his village.

The scene is then shifted to his school days at the village and school of Kundal where

he studied. Different incidents happened during this time are narrated. Madgulkar narrates

most details about his rural life in a village – what he ate, what he played, about his friends,

which skills he achieved etc... He introduces Yamu to us. They played bhatukali together.

Writer with Aba master's Nana sold his books and went to Sangola to join military but, the

Sahib identified them, scolded them not to join military and try their luck elsewhere. So, they

returned back to the village. This episode also introduces us his urge to do something for the

nation. It shows that he was motivated to do so in his 'Kawale Diwas'. On one hand, novelist

presents this happenings and activities about the freedom movement and on the other, he

developes story of his and Yamu's 'Kawale Diwas'.

When he returned back to the village, his parents became happy because they wished

that he should live with them. Now, his father was retired from his duties, elder brother had

gone to Mumbai. Another brother was a teacher.

His father, Aba, bought a cow, Harini and told him to develop it well. Middle part of

the novel covers these incidents. Every day he used to go to the farm with Harini and came

back late evening to home. Thus, he hid himself from police. Meanwhile, he heard that at

Satpati, taluka place same revolutionaries’ were gathered at the 'Khadi Bhandar'. He decided

to meet them and was ready to join them. So, he went to the bazar on Saturday. His only aim

was to meet them.

(While going to the fields, one day he met Yamu. This episode throws light on his

Kowale Diwas.) Yamu described the village having no facility at all – journey in bullock cart,

no post, no bazar, whimsical rain, all thinking of food, clothing and shelter – this illeterate

region. It was like demon's place. This description of a village by a teenager clearly presents

destiny of the people living there. This meeting of the writer and Yamu in the field is at the

centre of 'Kowale Diwas'.

After returning from field, he told about Yamu to his mother. She said that God helps

those who are helpless and supportless. She believed in the power of destiny. She thought

positively. Then, we notice the description about the 'Patri Sarkar' – a similar govt. system

run by people to stop injustice in villages about all civil and land cases, about money lending

on high rate of interest etc... His father was frightened. Also, writer suspected entry of

police but, he couldn’t go out as he was a Criminal. Writer heard news about people of Patri

Sarkar from his colleagues. One day suddenly in the dense field, he met Field Marshall –

Dnyanu Baad, his friend at Kundal School. He was the field Marshall in patri sarkar. At this

time writer reminded his schooldays at Kundal, his fight with Dnyanu at first day of school at

Kundal, now they became friends etc... Writer gives details of the skills that Dnyanu Baad

thought to him – how to swim, how to jump in water, how to kill snake, how to shoot etc...

In their discussion eveything about him became clear to writer. He told them that this Patri

Sarkar should do things of social welfare for villagers – roads shops, dams etc... but, Field

Marshall couldn't answer this question and left the village. Through this episode, Madgulkar

has tried to show plight of villagers. Having no facilities, people were living in villages.

Writer's father dreamed that Harini will give them a young Ox, by selling it they will earn

some money to dig out well in the farm. They will grow sugarcane and get some cash from

the land. Writer lived in the village for six to seven months. He writes,

‘I was living a frightened, directionless, lone life in my relatives and in my own

house.’ He thought that it was destiny that did it. Suddenly, in the evening, atmosphere was

changed. It started raining heavily. Harini, the cow gave a snatch and run away in the rain and

darkness. Writer came to home. They searched but without success. His parents became upset

because their dream was crushed with disappearance of Harini.

On one Sunday the police Inspector of Satpati, taluka place suddenly came to him. He

was there in the field for hunting. He told writer that there was a warrant in the name of

writer. But, his father was good fellow so, Inspector thought that such kowale /Teenage son

of the family shouldn't be in prison and he sent the negative report to the office. Writer

confesses that all this was his destiny. All his colleagues were arrested by police but, he

couldn't. Now, he decided to go to Satpati for weekly bazar on Saturday to meet Kachru Patil

and to join Patri Sarkar. Yamu came to him on Friday and told him that he must go with her

to Satpati for bazar next day. Early in the morning, Yamu came to him, the journey started on

foot. Satpati was 6 miles away from village. After some time, they reached Yamu's farm and

she called him to eat rose apples. They enjoyed it and went to satpati. He met Kachru Patil

told his wish to join patri sarkar. After bazaar, he returned with Yamu to the village.

He joined the moment at Sangli. He was assigned a task to carry a heavy bag to Miraj

on bicycle. After this, he had to leave Sangli and he went to Kolhapur and then returned to

village. After he lost Harini, he engaged himself in sketching landscapes. Here, he narrates

incident of Lotangan of Yamu's mother before God – a superstitious act to make God to help

them. She did it for Yamu's marriage.

Writer went to sketch the village temple. Yamu accompanied him and told that she

was pregnant from someone. It was a great shock for writer. Whole night he thought about

that but couldn't get the answer. After some days, he met Madhu, Yamu's brother who told

him that with her mother she had gone to Pandharpur.

After this, he received message from Patri Sarkar and again joined the movement. He

lived at Kini, a small village near Kolhapur. He lived in the mansion of Deshmukh. He met

the school master who invited writer to his house. There, he saw his Harini and shocked. At

last, he gave up thought of Harini, stayed there sketching landscapes, reading books.... etc.

An active participant of movement visited Deshmukh, asked about writer and

assigned him the duty to support the family of other participant. He was imprisoned for seven

years. By bullock cart a servant and writer started journey and next day they reached in

Chikhali, another village, found out Inamdar's mansion. Mai with her two small daughters

was living in it. Inamdar was in prison. There were many servants. After some days again

writer started thanking of his future. He travelled again and now, he joined a printing press as

an artist.

He met his old friend Narayan who became a famous tailor. He lived there doing

service as an artist in the press for some days. He met Uma a young girl from that family had

some developments with her. One night Naryayan had driven him out for that. Now, he

decided to go to Kolhapur and to tell Police Inspector everything what he did. He told them

about his deeds. But, the Inspector told him that all the charges against him were dismissed

and now, he was free. Very end of the novel presents total change in everything. He narrates

ideas after independence. All became happy. During this celebration in a party at a

participant's house he met Yamu. Now, she was a housewife. She told him all, what happened

to her after returning from Pandharpur. She followed the destined path.

Writer states that he married a lady from other tribe so, society discarded him. He

went to Mumbai reminded Uma and at last settled at Pune as a writer. He wished to be an

artist but due to blows of destiny he became a writer. Once Uma said to him that he will be a

popular writer .Now, after many years, he reminded these words. At the very end he refers to

Herodotus who wrote about a king. The king looked at his army and navy and became sad

thinking that human life is momentary. After 100 years not a single soldier will be alive. This

story reminded the writer, his books in the shelves. He thought that after 10 years, not a

single of them will remain behind, but, he is writing still. He refers to Nathanial Howthorne,

who supposed that at the very end there was no alternative left with him. But, only writing

V. Madgulkar's case was not different. He also had no alternative left but to be a writer.

Revelation of man and Destiny in the Novel

This novel through many different issues narrates main happenings during teenage of

Madgulkar's life. His playing with Yamu, his love making with Uma all presents activities of

'Kawale Diwas'. Also, there is another dimension to this title. What he did in his childhood,

what he observed, what he learnt in his teenage is described. Superstitions, illiterate villagers,

vagaries of nature create impression that destiny over powers man. All the characters are

helpless and supportless. They were living life only like a way to follow not more than that.

Writer's journey from one place to another, his meeting with other people, his active

participation of freedom struggle, his disguise, his hiding-all presents role of destiny in

human life. Up to the end, it was not fixed what he destined to do. So, he had to undergo

many changes –hunter, freedom fighter, and artist and at last a writer.

Through all this, Madgulkar has tried to show that man can't know what type of role is

assigned to him. We also, notice use of theme of coincidence in this novel. Writer’s meeting

to his colleagues, his hiding, and inspector’s favorable opinion about him and at last dismissal

of all charges against him, all these present coincidence. Up to the end, he could not under

stand, his destiny.

In all episodes of love he was defeated and he had to adopt profession of a writer. His

joining freedom struggle, keeping cow, service as an artist in a press and at last adopting

profession of a writer- all clearly shows role of destiny in human life. All other characters

also show it. Yamu and her mother had to live poor, support less, helpless life because they

had lost head of the family. Inamadars’ owned everything but, the head was in prison. So,

Mai was living alone. Narayan, writer's friend completed diploma in tailoring, became a

famous tailor but, due to blows of destiny he couldn't maintain all what he earned and at last,

he came to the writer for help. Through all these characters and their lives, Madgulkar had

effectively revealed man and destiny in this novel.

This novel of V. Madgulkar is a different type of novel that represents his teenage and

youth, his mind, activities and aspirations. It reflects the happenings related to freedom

struggle in India and side by side presents novelist’s personal relations and thoughts about

Yamu and Uma. These two characters present typical female psychology. Episodes related to

them are quite natural and romantic. What novelist observed, faced and experienced in his

teen age and youth is presented. Here, writer himself couldn’t understand real meaning of

life, travels hereand there, engages himself in freedom struggle, dreams of romantic meetings

with Yamu- all time thinks of better settlement and fulfillment of his objective .But, defeated

in all episodes of love and other due to the blows of destiny. At last he states that as for him

there was no way left to choose, he must have to select his career as a writer.

Thus, destiny governs man. Indirectly, V. Madgulkar stated this point. He took active

part in freedom struggle in India but, when it was over, there was problem before him what to

do. So, he decided to be a writer. His journey from village to town, his active participation in

freedom struggle, his aimless living- all present role of destiny in man’s life. Minor

characters in the novel, also present that how their lives are also transformed due to the

change in surrounding. At the very end, novelist refers to the story written by Greek historian

Herodotus. He says that human life is transitory. A king observes his huge army and sadly

uttered, “No soldier will remain here after 100 years.” Novelist thought over this and

questions that after 100 years, no book will remain behind. But still I am writing why?

Perhaps, he forwards the answer destiny Governs man’s life.

5. Satttantar (1981):

It is a popular novel in Marathi, a major language in India, published in the latter half

of the twentieth century, which presents Madagulakar's observation of the monkeys in the

sanctuary of Nagazira. Here, Madgulkar turned to animal life. Sattantar in monkey’s groups

is presented. This novel describes the routine behavior and power-struggle among the

monkeys. It shows that groups of monkeys and new intruders try to change the old

established order and to create a new pattern of life. But, due to fate they became the part of

old established order once again. Living in group as a social activity- this idea is presented in

this novel. Destiny makes man to follow the established order.

There are eight chapters in the novel. Each is well linked with the other. It presents

chain of events related to Sattantar (change of rule) in between two gangs of monkeys in a

forest. At the very beginning, Madgulkar refers to famous historian V. K. Rajwade.

‘Man is a wild animal

and his close wild relatives are monkeys.’

(Rajwade.V.K. ‘History of Indian marriage institution’)

By using this reference, he begins the first chapter.

Chapter I : It was noon. After eating, the whole gang started taking rest in the

branches of a huge redapple tree. Suddenly, from nearby tree loud voice of monkeys filled

the atmosphere with fear. They were six male monkeys. They were intruders and like a

storm they came. They were trying to possess hold of a gang of monkeys by attacking weak

leader of the gang. They planned to attack on the gang which was taking rest on redapple

tree. All frightened. Suddenly, the leader of the gang accepted the challenge and made

suggestive gestures raised his voice and due to it the intruders run away. For some time, the

danger was avoided. It was the beginning of Sattantar.

This leader of the gang had lost piece of his left ear in fight so, he was called as

Muda. It was his gang. He was the leader and head of that gang. Madgulkar then described

the bushes, trees, lakes, streams, birds, wild animals of that forest. Along with this, he

described changes in different seasons. It was summer. Through hot and dried land no

animal could easily get water and food. The area of about 1.5 sq. kms was the area of

Muda’s gang. Everything of this area was his – trees, fruits, flowers, gum, saltysoil etc…

The female monkeys and children were his family members. From last four rainy seasons, he

was the leader and head. All this was not hereditary. He struggled hard to acquire it. But, to

maintain it was very difficult. Always he must be ready to fight. Many had challenged his

authority. Along with his gang, there were other seven monkey gangs in the forest. Each had

its seized region. New births in the gangs had driven the elders out. New intruders were

becoming leaders. Looser were killed, defeated run away. ‘Continuous struggle was going

on. ‘Huge life cycle was encircling.’ (pg.6 ch.I) It was Sattantar.

Struggle could be in between different gangs, males, females, wild animals killed

monkeys, and hunters also killed them. Monkey’s lived such struggling life. Muda was one

of them. At the beginning, he was a monkey’s child, then teenager and in youth he became

head and gang. Male child couldn’t live in these fights and struggles. Monkey’s as a species

born in Africa then through Europe it entered Asia.

Muda’s gang was of sixteen monkeys – seven females, four children, three youngsters

and two young females. Then, he described all female monkeys – Landi, Unadi, Thoti, Kani,

Bokandi, Lajari (shying) and Bothari. Youg males were always driven away. No one knew

about their destinies.

After this description of Muda’s gang, Madgulkar tells about their activity of drinking

water. It was 10-15 minutes activity. Everyone was very watchful. After returning back,

Bothari came down and hounds attacked her and killed.

Chapter 2: Lalbudya was Muda’s neighbor. In the morning he gave response to

Muda and then every activity of the day began. All were busy in eating but, Moga and his

colleagues were watching them. Then, there was fight between Muda’s gang and Lalbudya’s

gang. But, they realized that fight was not good for them. Muda saw that Lalbudya was

disappeared suddenly so, he decided to capture that gang also. So, during day time he lived

in Lalbudya’s gang but, at evening, he slept with his gang. He believed that one day surely

all females of two gangs will live together. Moga also realized about Lalbudya’s

disappearance. He also tried to capture this gang. But, Muda challenged him and he ran

away. Female monkeys also fought. They were not ready for union of two gangs. Number

of monkeys in a gang were about 20 – 22 only not more than that.

Chapter 3: Moga with his colleagues intruded Lalbudya’s gang but Muda didn’t

challenge him. At this time a tiger roared and jumped in water to kill a deer but in vain. This

disturbed the fight and Sattantar. That deer was eaten by a crocodile in water.

Chapter 4: Here, Madgulkar writes that to take birth as a monkey’s child, to grow

and to be a leader, to rule others for some years and to grow old – this wasn’t a destined path

of all monkeys. For them life was an accident. (Chapter 4 page 43).Then in this chapter, he

describers about Lalbudya’s birth and life, his death due to snake bite.

Chapter 5: Moga and his colleagues had now judged power of Muda. There was no

possibility of union of two gangs. In the noon Muda and his gang was taking rest in dense

forest. Suddenly, Moga and his five colleagues attacked on them. All female monkeys,

children were frightened and injured. A young male attacked Muda and injured him. At this

time Moga attacked Muda. He fell down in the bloodshed and they went away. All were

frightened. Continuously for next three days Moga and his colleagues attacked Muda’s gang.

At last Muda was severely injured and he ran away and tried to drink water but fell down and

died. Moga became new leader of the gang. Thus, Sattantar in the gang of monkey has taken


Chapter 6: Female monkeys and children were not ready to accept Moga as their

leader. He was trying to mix among them but, they discarded him. So, at last he snatched

Landi’s child and killed. All three children, he killed. Moga thought that due to terror

perhaps, they may accept him as leader.

Chapter 7: During summar all of a sudden, it rained. Now, Moga captured that gang.

He became the leader. Mova’s five colleagues intruded Lalbudaya’s gang and one powerful

became leader and others ran away. Lalbudya’s gang got a new leader and six wanderers

(Four from Moga’s gang and two from Muda’s gang) ran away. The new bearded leader of

Lalbudya’s gang comes to know everything about the gang - hiding, sleeping places,

boundaries etc… At the end of this chapter, Madgulkar has commented on struggle.

Yesterday’s Pendharis now had become rulers. Madgulkar comments that with time struggle

continues. There is no end to it. It grows with population and crowd. It grows with increase

in number of distributers. It overflows when intruder tries to enter a gang, group or society.

Weapons are used in fight. Teeth and nails are monkey’s weapons. It shows that everywhere

struggle can be seen. (Ch-7 pg.70) From this, he states that basic cause of Sattantar is

struggle and it is predestined.

Chapter 8: It describes the change in the gang and in the forest. That was month of

April and Moga satisfied lust of all female monkeys. Fresh leaves, flowers made them fresh.

It was a new life after Sattantar. Before rainy season different birds built rests. Heavy rain

started raining. All birds, small animals and even crocodiles gave births to new children.

One day, Tarani also gave birth to a child. It was Muda’s child. It lived because it was

Muda’s child; it has taken birth after Sattantar. If it lived, after six years he will be the new

leader of the gang like Llbudya, Moga and Muda. At the end of the novel Madgulkar

comments that this life cycle of power, rule and struggle will be continued because this cycle

of Sattantar and struggle is due to destiny. As monkeys are forefathers of man like them

destiny makes man to act differently in different situations.

Revealation of Man and destiny in the novel

Through Sattantar Madgulkar has presented that characters, leaders or the names may

change but change is definite. That is role of destiny. What is fixed no one can avoid it

though he may be Muda, Lalbudya and Moga and so on. In life cycle everything is

predestined. Living in a gang is a social activity each one has to do many adjustments.

“This novel can be visualized as a socio – political satire. It critically points out

weaknesses, of certain species and how different characters act in certain situation. Male

dominated society is presented. It brings Madgulkar’s thought very close to that of Hardy’s.

In the concept of love things happen due to male domination and females have to suffer and

further it is labeled as path of destiny. In Sattantar all female monkeys in the gang follow the

leader and they endure the injustice. As leader changed, character changed but, there was no

change in their condition. They had to suffer a lot. It had been happening from many years.

So, Madgulkar presented it as destiny.”

(Joshi V.R. ‘Vyankatesh Madgulkar’s Novel: A thought’, ‘Yugwani’)

Symbolic significance of this novel has contributed for many rewards to his novel.

Man is very close to monkeys.So, everything written about monkey is related to man. All

ideas resented through this novel present human society and its real picture – how males fight

for domination, how females have to suffer. They don’t revolt because they suppose this as

their destiny. Like Hardy, through this novel Madgulkar has shown that the marriage

institution is baseless. In society male domination is the only principle followed everywhere.

Role of male in the society is for domination and suppression. Role of female is for

endurance and suffering. Change in Rule is Sattantar.

Sattantar shows the elderly female monkeys' love for the children; dog's love for the

family which makes him to hunt Bothari, Dhokari bird's love for children through the act of

bringing the fishes for the children, Tarani's love for Muda makes her to take his place in his

absence etc.

This novel presents the bad aspects of human behavior like power-worship,

selfishness, cruelty, use of violence and terror. It also presents the hero desires to be a ruler, a

dictator. It is essential for the dictators to preserve their power. Naturally they apply the cruel

ways of violence and terror. All the grown up male monkeys in Sattantar have power-worship

nature. The core part of the novel is the narration of power-struggle among Muda, Moga,

Lallbudya and even Dadhiwala. The continuous flow of power-struggle is the significant

mark of this novel. One who rebels against another, thinking him as his enemy later is found

influenced by the same. It depicts the cyclical structure and constancy in the power-struggle.

Sattantar ends with the birth of Moga's likely competitor, i.e. Muda's son. This novel

symbolically reflects the exploitation of the commons. It throws light on the truth that the

typical human weakness is to break the promises, especially the political wish to spoil the

society leaders are well known in this regard. Everywhere man is caught into his age-old evil

tendencies. Human life has become meaningless, chaotic and self-centered. The self-centered

behavior of the male monkeys in Sattantar is responsible for bringing the chaos in the lives of

all the female and children monkeys. The desire of power becomes responsible to create the

restlessness in the society. It happens due to the evil hidden in man. This novel presents wish

of the novelist to make the world free from such evils. The strong, at intellectual level as well

as physical level, always makes the weak to surrender. Sattatntar presents such truth by

describing the weak condition of the females and the children monkeys. They easily

surrender the winner male. This study shows the harsh truth that the weak are always inferior

and the strong are always superior.

The desire of power in the journey of power-struggle turns the common man into a

leader and at last converts him into a dictator. The dictatorship is the sole cause of many

sufferings of the present world. The chaos of the modern world in the life of common man is

one of the main evil consequences of the dictatorships.

“Once the leader turns into the dictator his selfless soul automatically transforms into

the selfish soul which always concentrates the attention on the preservation of the power. The

strong holds his power by applying the violence and terror. The restless, disturbed, confused

state of today's world is the result of such dominating aspect of the power-holders. While

removing to the would-be competitors from the way, Moga forcefully crushes the male

children snatching them from the female monkeys.”

(Madgulkar Vyankatesh, ‘Birth of Sattantar’, Speech, Thane, 1983)


1. Mahjani Aniket’s Review, goodread.com (2012), bookshelves: Marathi-book

world, about,’Bangarwadi.’

2. Pandit B.S. (1956), ‘Bangarwadi: a best specimen of rural literature.’Yugwani,

Yr.11, vol.6.

3. Patil T.R. (2009) ‘Marathi novel criticism’,Pune, Diamnd Publications.

4. Bandiwadekar, Chandrakant, (March 2002), ‘Deshiwan’, Mumbai, Akshar


5. Dhongade Ashok, (ed.) (2002) ‘Thought of Century, Presidential Speeches in

Marathi Sahitya Sammelan’, Pune, Dilipraj Prakashan.

6. Hatakangalekar M.D. (May, 2000), ‘Vyankatesh Madagulkar, Manadeshi Manus aani

Kalavant’, Satara, Shabda Prakashan

7. Joshi V.R. (1986), ‘Vyankatesh Madgulkar’s Novel: A thought’, Yugwani,

Yr.42.vol.7, 8, 9.

8. Madgulkar Vyankatesh, (1983), ‘Documentary: Birth of Sattantar’, Speech:

Nagarwachan mandir.Thane.

9. Hatkanangalekar M.D. (1977), ‘Sahitya Vivek’, Pratima Prakashan, Pune.

10. Jadhav R.G (2003) ‘Literature and Social References’, Continental Publication.
