Mammoet World 3

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Mammoet projects 2003

Transcript of Mammoet World 3

3VA N S E U M E R E N G R O U P w o r l d w i d e s p e c i a l i s t s i n h e a v y l i f t i n g a n d t r a n s p o r t



Kizombaon wheels

New York…New York… page 16

Local alliances create added value page 18

UK’s biggest bridge slide page 10

Running up the hill page 4

Kizombaon wheels

New York…New York… page 16

Local alliances create added value page 18

UK’s biggest bridge slide page 10

Running up the hill page 4

Getting the best out of our employees firstrequires Mammoet to offer a challenging workenvironment with lots of opportunities for per-sonal development and career planning. In addition, the Board of Management shouldhave adequate tools at its fingertips to manageand steer the organization effectively and in linewith the corporate strategy.

COO Roderik van Seumeren reflects on his recentassignment. “The streamlining of our organizationis facilitated by four key drivers. I’m pleased toshare these with our readers because I am con-vinced they will add to an even better understand-ing of each other.”

“The first driver is our attitude, our ability to listencarefully to what customers say. The sooner weget involved in the preparation of their plans andschedules, the better we can anticipate whatequipment will be required or develop special

devices that make it easier to solve complex pro-blems. Our equipment fleet has been standardizedand designed so that even the most remote partsof the globe are within reach at short notice.”

“The second driver in our organization is directaccess to all relevant information. We alreadymake extensive use of our Enterprises ResourcesProgram supported by SAP software and will con-tinue to explore its facilities more widely and moredeeply. It enhances the transparency of our orga-nization by keeping the entire chain from ‘firstcontact’ to ‘final invoicing’ under control.Moreover, SAP provides an insight into the currentand future availability of equipment and personneland lets us analyze various logistics scenarios toexecute the contracts we are awarded. In addition,by keeping formalized records of our pastachievements, project governance is a valuableasset to develop new solutions that draw directlyon our experience.”

“Driver number three is our complete dedication toworking safely, on time and within cost limits. Thisis supported in part by the SAP data and in partby in-depth investments in training, courses, jobrotation and other activities that increase qualityawareness and skills. Scheduled maintenance, ofcourse, also contributes to preserving our highquality standards.”

“Finally, the focus is directed at all times at offer-ing quality at a fair price. It means that internaloverheads are subject to continuous scrutiny inorder to identify potential savings. Our attitude isto search for an optimal balance between highquality performance and limited cost. Theeconomies of scale realized by pursuing marketleadership offer the greatest benefits in terms ofcost reduction for our customers.”

What the past year has clearlyshown is that the times are chang-ing faster than ever before. The col-lapse of the stock exchange, the fallof the dollar against the euro andthe threat and then execution of warin Iraq have all had a serious impacton international companies such asMammoet. When it comes to reces-sion and hardship, it’s best to antici-pate them as soon as possible.

So what have we done to ensureMammoet stays at the front andcontinues to offer customers theservices they demand? The first actwas to make sure we had the rightskills in the right management posi-tions. We asked Roderik van

Seumeren to become COO and tointensify his productive cooperationwith Siem Kranenburg, who hasremained as CFO. Both of themhave been appointed representativedirectors of Mammoet. In addition,Patrick Freericks has joined theteam, taking over Roderik’s formerresponsibilities as Managing Directorof Mammoet Global. Neil Birkbeckhas been appointed ManagingDirector of the South East Asia andthe Middle East Region. Tim Sittlerhas been appointed CEO MammoetCanada, with Russ Watters becom-ing Vice President MammoetCanada responsible for CanadaWest and Mark Metcalfe responsiblefor Canada East.

In the USA, the management teamhas been strengthened with DarrenAdams as COO, and Piet Noorenand Bernadette Coney have beenappointed Board members atMammoet USA. Hans van Breukelenis the new President of AVS and, lastbut not least, Ton Bakker has beenappointed Mammoet’s RegionalManager for South America.

The second vital measure to adaptto the world’s changing playing fieldis to make better and more efficientuse of the huge resources of the twoformer merger partners, VanSeumeren and Mammoet. Roderikwill address this special challenge.Under his leadership, our organiza-tion will be tailored even more close-ly to the customers’ needs, whileorganizational effectiveness will beboosted by shorter lines of commu-nication and a stronger emphasis onthe personal responsibilities of allour staff. Our pay-off Moved by Mammoetcertainly applies to our customersand relations but it also symbolizesour perseverance, personal commit-ment and dedication to keepingMammoet at the forefront of marketdevelopments.

A third aspect is an on-going call toimprove the quality of everything wedo. Above all, customers expect usto work safely, on time and withincost limits. Jan van Seumeren Jr. will consider this aspect elsewherein this issue. The fourth element is that, even in an economic downturn, well-reasoned investments can make allthe difference between winning orlosing market share. This is why weare investing in new solutions suchas the Jumping Jack, our newlydeveloped Jack-Up Vessel for exe-cuting projects at sea, in particularthe installation of windmills, and sal-vage and decommissioning jobs.

It is of great importance that weclosely monitor economic develop-ments and trends in the various

regions. In particular, the slowdownin the power industry and the post-ponement of several large orders inAmerica and Canada impacted neg-atively last year. However, there arealso new challenges, especially inChina and Russia.

The competition in our industry isvery fierce but our customerschoose Mammoet for our worldwideequipment coverage, our localknowledge in the various countriesand, in particular, the quality of ourwork thanks to the continuous atten-tion we pay to it.

When asked what my deepest feel-ings about Mammoet are, I reply thatI am “moved by Mammoet”, so areall our employees. And they are notthe only ones. The award by HisRoyal Highness Prince Willem vanOranje of The Netherlands of theKing Willem I Prize, the most presti-gious prize in country for interna-tional business success built on thetwin pillars of creativity and innova-tion, was tangible evidence that weare on the right course.

Mammoet is a corporation to beproud of. It is a unique companythat controls and manages a widerange of expertise and enjoys aprominent market position thanks to the dedication of its board, staff,operators, riggers and all whobelong to our Mammoet family. I share this feeling with you andhope you will enjoy reading in thisissue what we have achieved, withyou, in the recent past.

Frans van SeumerenPresident & CEO

Mammoet World 2003 Page 2

Adapting to a changing playing field

Moved by Mammoet’s winning team

Roderik van Seumeren,COO.

A characteristic of Mammoet is the diversity ofactivities, ranging from huge one-of-a-kind pro-jects with high end equipment, to daily operationsfor almost any contractor on a rental base.

The rental activities are based on a clear concept.Mammoet joins so called base-industries, such aslarge petrochemical plants, steel production compa-nies or offshore industries. At these locations, thereis a continuing flow of activities deployed by a largenumber of subcontractors. They are often involvedin maintenance jobs, extension plans and therenewal of existing facilities. In many cases, thesesubcontractors require temporary support with liftingand transport equipment, for instance cranes from30 up to 650 t capacity. Mammoet offers a uniqueconcept of on-site presence, with guaranteed avail-ability of equipment, to the benefit of these subcon-tractors and their common customer alike.

Wouter van Noort, member of the board of Mana-gement Cranes Benelux, explains: “The establish-ment at such base industries serves as a homebase, from which additional activities in the areaare supported. For instance, customers in civil pro-jects that require crane assistance for just a coupleof days or even hours, may call upon the residentMammoet fleet. This ensures quick and tailor madeservices with a high degree of flexibility”.

This concept has been adopted already in TheNetherlands, Belgium, Germany, the UK, Canadaand South Africa, and is being expanded to otherareas. Examples of base industries are Shell, Dow,DSM, Suncor and Leuna. The on-site establishmentserves as gateways to other customers in their sur-roundings. The economics of scale leads to attractivepropositions, both for the on-site customers andothers. It is a good example of win-win situations.

Sander Splinter, also member of the board ofManagement Cranes Benelux adds; “Within theon-site concept and contracts for day-to-dayrental, Mammoet offers flexibility. Although mostequipment is rented with operators, certain areasprefer the rental of equipment as such. Likewise, at some sites Mammoet offers servicesin competition with others, but at other sites thecustomer likes to be assured of high quality levelsand safety, and orders all its subcontractors to use Mammoet services. Together with 24-hoursservices, the in-house training of operators andriggers, that is also open to third parties, obviouslyencourages the latter viewpoint”.

Aannemingsbedrijf Mammoet B.V., formerly Van Driel, is Mammoet’s concrete-assembly division. Aannemingsbedrijf Mammoet B.V. is anentirely autonomous company which is special-ized in the total assembly of concrete elementsfor structures such as prefab offices, multi-storeycar-parks, and viaducts. The company is alsoactive in the petrochemical industry, for which itinstalls concrete structures such as piperacks.

Mammoet World requested Mr Frank Melse,Managing Director of AannemingsbedrijfMammoet B.V., to indicate his company’s percep-tion of the added value it offers to its clients. "We changed our name from Van Driel to Mammoetone year ago, and it has since become evidentthat this has further increased our clients’ confi-dence in our company. Over the course of the

years Mammoet has acquired a reputation suchthat the very name is reason enough for manyclients to opt for us. In actual fact this is only logi-cal, since clients who are confronted with projectsthat require a great deal of lifting expertise – andthat’s often the case – consider our in-houseaccess to Mammoet’s knowledge to be a greatbenefit offered by our company. Moreover duringthe past few years we have developed into a full service provider in concrete assembly. In additionto the installation of prefab elements, such as forthe HST line, we have also focused on what isreferred to as "wet concrete" – i.e. the pouring ofthe foundations and cellars for buildings, but alsothe on-site pouring of floors and walls. By virtue ofthe experience we have acquired in a wide varietyof fields in the construction industry the role weplay in construction projects is increasingly shift-

ing from sub-contractor to main contractor. Onerecent example which clearly demonstrates thisevolution is the construction of a warehouse inGroot-Ammers. In addition to the construction ofall the concrete required for this project we alsobear the ultimate responsibility for the construc-tion of the steelwork and the entire finishing of thebuilding – and all to the client’s full satisfaction."

The ‘Beam in abundance’ project photo showsthree contracts to which AannemingsbedrijfMammoet contributed its knowledge and exper-tise: the Arena Stadium (1995-1996); Offices,stores and car-parking facilities for Lots 4&6(2000); and the recent expansion of Station Bijlmer.

Crane rental is core business

Concrete Solutions

Mammoet World 2003 Page 3


The PO-11 project is an example of Mammoetssupport during the construction of a new petro-chemical plant. The complex project, for whichABB Lummus Global B.V. is prime responsible,called for various contracts to supply cranes,transport equipment and rigging crews. Thesesupported the construction of foundations, theinstallation of pipe racks, of steel constructions,and of storage tanks. The special EquipmentErection Contract covered the complete logisticsfor handling more than 400 items up to 390 t.The logistics included offloading, site transports,

storage and retrieval, positioning, shimming andalignment. A steel plate road of 950 meters longand 7 meters wide eased the SPMT moves, whilea CC 2800 erected a 165 meter high flare stack.




Main equipment

Versatile equipment for new constructionPO-11ABB Lummus Global B.V. Rotterdam, The Netherlands Hydraulic cranes, crawler cranes, SPMTs, CC 2800


Redevelopment work has already been underway in Amsterdam’s South-East district for someyears. The new offices, shops, apartments andplaces for entertainment constructed during theproject are to be linked by a long boulevard.However the Amsterdam – Utrecht railway linecurrently transects the site of the planned boule-vard, and consequently it was decided that thenecessary free passage would provided by theconstruction of a new concrete viaduct for therailway track 7 meters above the boulevard.

The concrete beams for this project are beingmanufactured by Betonson, near Eindhoven.Aannemingsbedrijf Mammoet B.V. transports thebeams to Amsterdam using Mammoet trailers. The beams vary in length between 2 and 30meters, with weights of between 75 and 144 t.On their arrival in Amsterdam two 300 t cranesunload the beams and bring them into positionin the new viaduct. On the completion of theproject in 2004 Aannemingsbedrijf Mammoet B.V.will have transported a total of 192 beams.




Main equipment

Beams in abundanceAmsterdam-Utrecht elevated railway trackAmsterdam, NetherlandsBetonsonExtendible trailers, prime movers, 300 t hydraulic cranes

Wouter van NoortManager Cranes Benelux

Sander SplinterManager Cranes Benelux

Frank MelseManaging Director of

Aannemingsbedrijf Mammoet B.V.


A 550 t reactor, 34 meters long and with a diameter of 5 meters, kept everyone at Mammoet busy for a week.The whole structure had to be transported by road fromthe sprayer to the manufacturer, Escher. The reactor thenhad to be carried by water to its final destination at theDEA Wesseling refinery in Germany.

First, the reactor was transported using a 20-line SPMT.The reactor was then put on saddles and moved by apair of 18-liner conventional Scheurle trailers. A primemover and the necessary ro-ro doors were used to drivethe reactor onto the pontoon. After three days’ sailing

Mammoet reached the ferry quay at Mondorf, where thero-ro operation would take place at night. To overcomethe 12% gradient, four prime movers were placed infront of the trailer combination. There must have been an article in the local paper because there were lots ofonlookers. There was also a large police presence tomake sure everything went smoothly. The audienceapplauded loudly when the engines started and theyprobably thought the whole operation would be complet-ed in five minutes. Unfortunately they did not know thata ro-ro operation takes some time. The final climb wasspectacular… burnt rubber and all!




Mammoet was contracted for thetransport and installation of threecolumns for an extension at ShellMoerdijk. The work included theinland water transport fromRotterdam to the Shell site atMoerdijk. The columns were trans-ferred by two floating derricks ontosix-lines single and six-lines doubleconventional Scheuerle trailers. Thecolumns were transported to a dress-ing area where additional steps andplatforms were mounted. In themeantime, a path and a plateau wereprepared for the lifting using 718Azobe mats and 20 steel bulkheads.

The lifting crane, a CC/CP 4200 withan 84-meter main mast and 300 t of

superlift ballast, was set up with theassistance of an LR 1250. This cranewas later used as a tailing crane. Thelargest column, 74 meters long with adiameter of 5 meters, was drivenunder the crane hook using SPMTs.The 271 t tower was erected andplaced on the foundation in a swiftand safe lifting operation. The twoother columns were subsequentlyplaced in the following days.

The client’s response: “Certainly asuccessful operation, but we didn’texpect anything else from Mammoet!Thank you for your effort and a per-fect round-up of this project”.

Trends in the market

The first trendpossibly worthy ofnotice is the Asianregion’s continual-ly important rolein the world’senergy market.Although it is

expected that the needs for import-ed energy in United States ofAmerica, Canada and Europe willincrease in the next two decades,the largest increase will neverthe-less probably be focused on Asia.In fact, whilst the Asia Pacificregion’s net imports of oil & gas arecurrently 30 percent lower thanthose of Europe and NorthAmerica, by 2020 they couldexceed the latter regions’ needs bymore than 10 percent. Although oilstill plays the leading role, thedemand for and supply of naturalgas continues to grow; thisincreased demand is due to theneed for clean fuel required by thepower stations to meet the enor-mous growth in capacity. Since thelargest gas reserves are below theSouth China Sea the majority of thenew scheduled LNG trains, GTLplants and gas plants required tomeet the growing demand for ener-gy will be located in the MiddleEast/Asia Pacific regions.The downstream developments inthe Oil & Gas sector are essentiallysimilar in nature; several new petro-chemical complexes are scheduledfor construction in China, Indo-china, Australia, the Caspian Seaarea, and several Middle Easterncountries.Mammoet’s major strength in thissegment of the market has alwaysbeen the concern’s easy accessto local knowledge – by virtue of itsoffices in most countries in theworld – in combination withMammoet Global’s powerful inter-national backup and experience.Consequently Mammoet is in aposition to provide optimum ser-vice to its Asian customers in theAmericas, and to its European/American customers in Asia.Although some plans in the MiddleEast and Asia Pacific have incurreda delay it is nevertheless clear thatboth regions will continue to offeran enormous potential forMammoet’s versatile equipment,fleet and services during the com-ing twenty-year period.

Ton Bakker, Regional Director Mammoet Asia

Exchange columns C101Shell Chemicals MoerdijkABB Lummus Global B.V.Floating derricks, conventional trailers, SPMTs and CC/PC 4200 and LR 1250 cranes

Columns for Shell Moerdijk




Main equipment

Running up the hill




Main equipment

DEA Wesseling refineryMondorfEscher B.V.SPMTs, conventional trailers, prime movers


Mammoet World 2003 Page 4




On the instruction of boiler con-structor Winkels of Kleve, Germany,Mammoet collected a boiler with adiameter of over 9 meters, a lengthof over 26 meters and a weight of320,000 kg. Using combined waterand road transport, Mammoet car-ried it from Germany to the Texacosite in Pembroke, Wales.

Engineering had calculated that theobject had to be loaded onto 18lines of conventional trailers, con-sisting of 4 x 3 lines and 1 x 6 lines.After both the combinations hadbeen formed, the boiler was loadedonto the trailer by two LTM 1500cranes. After securing it, the teamhad to wait for nightfall becauseoversize transport by day is notallowed in Germany. The transportto the banks of the Rhine tookplace without any hitches. The first

attempt to push the boiler onto thebarge using two prime movers didnot work and it was decided toplace a prime mover in front of theboiler in order to drive it on boardsafely in a pull-push combination.

At the Mammoet premises inSchiedam, the conventional trailerswere removed but not beforeMammoet employees had raised theboiler to a height of 2 meters, usingthe built-in vehicle hydraulics. This meant that for the last stage inPembroke, the SPMTs could easilybe positioned under the boiler. Afterthe boiler was raised to the requiredheight in two strokes, it wassecured for its sea passage. With this, the Dutch part of the jobwas finished. It was now over to ourEnglish colleagues who installed theboiler carefully on its final location.

tions constitute an especially chal-lenging task, since engineering andoperations need to co-operate indeciding on the lifting material to be used on the basis of schedules,logistics and availability.Consequently any amendments tothe overall schedule will affect theavailability of the rigging equipment.Warehousing set up for the riggingequipment will provide for the con-trol and management of the requi-site logistics. Additional prepara-tions include the implementation ofQC procedures and control proce-dures for all the documentation, themajority of which pertains to themaintenance and certification of allthe cranes and rigging equipment.

In early May 2003 Mammoet liftedthe last of a series of four reactors(of which the heaviest weighed 650 t).A Gottwald RG912 served as themain crane for all the reactor lifts,with a Demag CC2800 as the tailingcrane. In the mean time a DemagCC4800 began lifting the verticalpipe rack modules of Unit 8-3, alsoreferred to as the ‘Fluid Coker Unit’.A Sennebogen SL5500 series cranewas used for the tailing workinvolved in these lifts. The LiebherrLR1550 began its work at Unit 9-4

(‘Hydrogen Generation’), where thecrane lifted a turbine, a generator,and three modules. The LiebherrLR1350 began its duties by provid-ing assistance in moving a 300 tcolumn; the crane will subsequentlybe deployed in a variety of lifts atdifferent locations on the site.

To date more than 15 cranes havebeen shipped from all over the worldfor this project, one of the biggestupgrade projects in Mammoet’s his-tory. Work on the UE-1 Project willcontinue well into 2004.

Syncrude UE-1 reactor transportCanadaSyncrudeRailcars, SPMTs, strand jack lifting gantry, Gottwald RG-912, Demag CC 2800 and other cranes.




Main equipment

“Mammoth” project at Syncrude Canada

Boiler for TexacoGermanyWinkelsSPMTs, conventional trailers, prime mover, LTM 1500’s, barges, tugs




Main equipment

One-way ticket to Pembroke


Fluor Canada awarded Mammoet a contract to transport several largepipe-rack modules to the site of a refinery in Nanticoke, Ontario,Canada. The modules, each weighing more than 460 t, were trans-ported using two 12-axle SPMTs. The shape of the modules made itnecessary to use support steel between the SPMTs and the structure.With this simple yet clever solution, the modules could be lifted safelyby means of the hydraulics of the SPMTs prior to their transportation.

Nanticoke refineryCanadaFluor DanielSPMTs, steel supports




Main equipment

Inventive use of SPMTs


Fort McMurray is a small village inthe northern region of the CanadianProvince of Alberta. The ‘UpgraderExpansion 1 (UE-1)’ project is to becarried out at the Syncrude CanadaLtd refinery located about 50 km

north of Fort McMurray. The lifting operations required for theUE-1 project involved two main oper-ations, i.e. Heavy Lifts and GeneralCranes. At present the Heavy Liftwork encompasses the engineering,scheduling, transport and lifting of

approximately 1300 objects.The engineering of all lifts prior tothe actual operations is a majortask; in addition to individualapproved lift studies, approved rig-ging studies are required for the liftof each object. The rigging prepara-

Mammoet World 2003 Page 5

Clean Fuels Project USAFluor DanielSPMTs, pontoons, ro-ro ramps, CC 12600, CC 2800, LR 1450




Main equipment

Suncor 5C-99 fractionator replacement projectCanadaSuncorConventional trailers, prime movers, 2,000 t Heavy Duty Platform Ringcrane, Liebherr LR 1400




Main equipment

500 kilometers in 10 days!


The Hamaca Crude Upgrader Project in Jose, Venezuela, involves the con-struction of a completely new refinery. Mammoet’s contribution to this pro-ject was to receive all the heavy lift items in the port of Guanta, transportthem to the Jose industrial estate some 50 km away and then lift and installthem. The heaviest items were two 250 t reactors, a 660 t vacuum tower, a700 t reactor, various reformer modules, two 500 t coke structure decks andfour 320 t cylinders. They were transported in three ways: items up to 70 twere transported by road, items between 70 and 350 t were transportedusing a small pontoon (50 x 15 m) and items over 350 t were transportedusing a large pontoon (90 x 30 m).

When the equipment arrived at the quay at the refinery, it was stored tem-porarily near the foundations. Various cranes were mobilized for the liftingand installation, including a Demag CC 1400, a Demag CC 2600 and aDemag CC 12600. 48 lines of SPMT trailers, 16-axle Goldhofer trailers andadditional equipment was used for the transport.




Main equipment

Hamaca Crude Upgrader Project VenezuelaFluor Daniel/Grupo AlvicaConventional trailers, SPMTs, pontoons,Demags CC 1400, CC 2600 and CC 12600.


Recently, Mammoet USA has successfully completedthe Clean Fuels project.The project involved heavy lifting and transport activities for the upgrading of theChevron oil refinery in Pascagoula and was divided intothree different phases.

Phase 1 was subdivided into a number of separatestages. The first tank, the Feed Surge drum, was trans-ported to the plant by using a total of 34 axle linesGoldhofer trailers. The Vacuum Tower was unloaded inthe Port of Pascagoula using the M4600 ringer. The unitwas then placed on a pontoon, unloaded at Chevron’sdock and driven into the plant with just a few centime-ters’ clearance. In the same week, the first shipload ofCoke drums arrived at the port. After that the Cokedrums were safely transported to the lay-

down yard, where they were temporarily stored.Phase 2 began while Phase 1 was still in progress; it entailed lifting the Vacuum Tower into position using a CC 2800 with a 72 meter main boom and superlift. An AVS Services LR 1450 was used as the tailingcrane. Even though the indicator was positioned virtually on the limit, there was only minimal clearancebetween the platforms and the main boom. The Tower was lifted into position on the 18 meter tall concrete foundation without any problem.

In the final phase Mammoet replaced six Coke drumsand three derricks using the CC 12600. This crane liftedthe 300 t units and positioned them at a working radiusof some 70 meters, overhead of three smoke stacks,each of which was 75 meters high!


Mammoet Canada Western was awarded the loading,transport and unloading of a large diameter fractionatorvessel. The vessel had to be transported over a distanceof over 500 km from Edmonton, Alberta, to the Suncorplant, north of Fort McMurray.

The vessel had a diameter of over 8 meters, was approx-imately 60 meters long and weighed around 400 t includ-ing the transport saddles. Hurdles that had to be overcomeincluded strict government axle-loading regulations,crossing more than 20 bridges and removing street fur-niture, such as traffic signs and lights. This demandedcoordination, with 30 wire-lifting crews from five separateutility companies.Mammoet jacking crews installed the saddles at theCessco factory and raised the vessel so that the trailers

could be brought underneath. The trailer configurationconsisted of two double 18-line Inter-combi Scheuerleswith turntables. A number of axles were removed toreduce the weight and spread the load when crossingbridges. The total transport unit was around 10 metershigh and weighed 700 t. It was pulled by four primemovers. The transport operation was completed in tendays, two days ahead of schedule. The vessel was off-loaded in a temporary storage yard, where it was fittedwith insulation, cladding, ladders and platforms. Thecompleted vessel was then driven under the lifting hook.

With the aid of the 2,000 t Heavy Duty Platform Ring, the fractionator was pulled upright and successfully seton its foundations. A new Liebherr LR 1400 was used as the tailing crane.

Pascagoula revisited

Mammoet World 2003 Page 6

Many roads lead to Jose






Mammoet was contracted to carryout the heavy lifting operationsrequired during the construction ofa new methanol plant in Trinidad. A MSG-50 was used to lift anderect three vessels varying in weightbetween 209 to 600 t. The MSG’s102 meter main boom providedample outreach for the positioningof the columns on the foundations.A portal gantry crane was used toinstall a 600 t reactor vessel and a490 t boiler in a confined area. Atthe same time a 365 t reactor wasplaced on its foundations at thenearby Hydro Agri plant. The reac-tor had been manufactured in Italy;it was loaded onto an ocean-goingvessel at Porto Maghera and trans-ported to Point Lisas, in Trinidad,where the reactor was collected onconventional trailers and brought to

the site. Two 900 t strand jacks lift-ed the vessels and installed themon their foundations – whilst theplant was on-stream.

Atlas Methanol Plant and Hydro AgriTrinidadParamount and Lurgi Conventional trailers, MSG-50, Portal gantry crane




Main equipment


B&J Mammoet won a contract to transport a number ofreactors with a total weight of 12,500 t from the port ofMaptaput to the Asian Silicone Monomer site. Sankyu, a company with operations all over the world, is special-ized in logistics and engineering solutions and hasassumed overall responsibility for the project from JGC.The largest reactor was 61 meters long and 5 meterswide and weighed more than 200 t. The 12-kilometerroute brought Mammoet along such roads as thefamous Sukhumit No. 3 motorway, where Mammoet wasconfronted by obstacles with clearances that are better

expressed in centimeters than in meters. Mammoetdelivered the cargo safely and subsequently lifted it intoposition. The distillation reactors will be used to convertcrude oil into finished products such as petrol.




Main equipment

LNG 4 new building in Australia


New records were set in the Middle East when pontoonscarrying two gigantic vessels weighing more than 900 tand with a length of 95 meters arrived in the harbor ofAssaluyeh. The columns were destined for the Aromatics 4 Project,which Mammoet Middle East is carrying out for J.K.T.Mammoet mobilized 48-axle lines of SPMTs and 18-axleCometto trailers for the transport of the enormous towers. Once they had reached their final destination the vessels were lifted into position by a PTC crane, a Manitowoc M999 and a Demag CC 3800.

At the same time, Mammoet erected eight columns atthe Third Aromatics plant in Bandar Imam Khomeiny. The weights ranged from 210 to 520 t. For this particularjob, Mammoet used a PTC with a 75-meter main boomand 69-meter jib and for the tailing an LR 1400. Onceset up, the base (520 t) and the center unit (510 t) weresuccessfully erected and positioned. While client J.K.T




Main equipment

Aromatics 3 and 4Middle EastJ.K.T.SPMTs, conventional trailers, PTC crane, Manitowoc 999, DemagCC3800

Giant columns in Middle East


The LNG 4 project in westernAustralia is the largest project of itskind undertaken on the continent.Mammoet had a large part to play in the construction, using aCC 2800, a CC 4800 and a crew of 25. Mammoet was responsible

for lifting items of over 50 t and forexecuting 150 dual crane lifts. Thelifts of the cryogenic heat exchang-ers were very impressive.

The delivery, lifting and positioningin a very confined area left no roomfor error. Mammoet was warned ofan imminent cyclone when it stillhad 20 booms to lift. But thanks tohard, steady work the last boomwas soon removed.

The cyclone, however, never mate-rialized and in the end we had onlya few inquisitive kangaroos to dealwith.

Reactor on the motorwayAsian Silicone MonomerThailandSankyuConventional trailers, prime movers

was preparing the column for the upper part, Mammoetinstalled another 210 t tower at a radius of 78 meters. A few days later the 500 t top section was successfullyplaced at a height of 80 meters. The PTC was relocatedto a second position where four additional vessels were lifted.

LNG 4 AustraliaKellogg Joint VentureDemag cranes CC4800, CC2800

Heavy Lifting on the sunny island of Trinidad Project



Main equipment

Mammoet World 2003 Page 7




The construction of the high-speed train (HST) line in Belgiumincluded the construction of two bored tunnels for the subterranean“Koningin Astrid” roundabout and the “Dam” roundabout section ofthe line in Antwerp.

Herrenknecht supplied the tunnellingmachines; Mammoet was requested totransport the various sections of thedrilling machines from the factory to thesite. Seven sections were too large forroad transport, and consequently theyhad to be moved over water. These sec-tions varied between 70 and 140 t inweight, with dimensions of up to 4.15 min height, 8.28 m in width, and 14.2 m inlength.

An inland vessel brought the drilling sec-tions to the port of Antwerp, where theywere unloaded using a 650 t hydrauliccrane. Three sections were temporarilystored on supports in the harbour; theremaining four were transported directlyto the construction site by 9 and 12 axle-line trailers. At the site a 400 t crane lift-ed the various sections into the entry pit.The remaining four sections of thedrilling machine were assembled using a650 t and a 200 t crane. Once the firsttunnel had been completed the sectionsof the drilling machine were lifted fromthe exit pit and then lowered and assem-bled in the entry pit ready for the drillingof the second tunnel.

Trends in the market

In a world wheretime is of theessence, a con-tinuous processis underway tofind ways of saving construc-tion and/or instal-

lation time. Besides improving the efficiency of existing methods,new construction and installationprocedures are being developed.

One of these new developments is the procedure to build the com-plete structure near to the finallocation. This procedure minimizesdisturbance of normal processesand decreases the total construc-tion time. A good example of thismethod is a project in the UK,where Mammoet transported intoposition a complete railway bridgeof 10,000 t using the hydraulicskidding system.

The railway bridge was construct-ed near to the existing railway.Due to this installation procedurethe railway was only blocked for 4 days. Mammoet is increasinglyinvolved in projects based on thisprinciple. To enable our clients toderive the maximum advantagefrom this procedure, it is veryimportant that Mammoet isinvolved at an early stage. In thisway our clients should be able tooptimise their construction methodbased on the transportation/instal-lation possibilities that Mammoetcan provide, combined with theknowhow of the Mammoetemployees.

Jan KleynDirector Operations Projects Europe


Mammoet transported and positioned a concrete fly-over of 120 meterslong with a weight well over 3,300 t. This giant links a newly constructedhighway in one of the busiest traffic centers of The Netherlands. In total134 axle lines of SPMTs transported the fly-over to the foundation in twohours. Because of the extensive pre-engineering the applied solutioncalled for closing the surrounding highway just for one weekend insteadof almost a year, initially scheduled by our customer.

Transport of concrete fly-overBadhoevendorp, The NetherlandsCombinatie kunstwerken A5SPMTs




Main equipment

The right equipment for the right job




Main equipment

HST line in BelgiumHigh Speed LineAntwerp, BelgiumHerrenknechtConventional trailers, prime mover, 650, 400 and 120 t hydraulic cranes


Mammoet World 2003 Page 8


After the completion of the new bridge overthe river Douro in the city of Oporto, Portugal,Mammoet was awarded the contract toremove the two 800 t auxiliary piers. The firsttask involved the use of the auxiliary crane onthe site to insert the lifting axle through thepier and the rotation point for the tailing oper-ations. The next phase was comprised of theassembly of the skidding system and the con-struction of the lifting towers.

Once the strandjacks were under tension theauxiliary pier was cut free at the base andlowered to the bottom. However the entireoperation needed to be repeated on the otherbank of the river – where there was no spacewhatsoever. A 45 t Liebherr crane lowered 65meter from the bridge was used to assemblethe jacking towers, which were then skiddedinto their final position.

The greatest problem confronting the teamwas the complete lack of clearance betweenthe lifting tower and the existing rock-face.However once rock had been cut away fromthe surface at several locations it was never-theless possible to lower the second pierusing the jacks in the appropriate – and safe –manner.


Mammoet recently played a nostal-gic home match in FC Utrecht’s“Galgenwaard” soccer stadium. Thestadium is currently being renovat-ed; during the construction work a135 meter and 220 t support beamhad to be lifted into place for thenew roof on the south side of thepitch. The lifting plan included theuse of three lattice boom cranes.The CC 2800 and the LR 1450 HD,both fitted with a superlift, lifted thefuturistic roof truss to a height ofapproximately 20 meters. Next, thecrane masts were then swivelled tomanoeuvre the truss into therequired orientation. Both craneswere then moved, whilst carrying

the load, along a levelled trackpaved with steel mats to the loca-tion in the stadium where the steelconstruction was to be positionedon the some 30 meter tall supports.The complicated lifting/transportoperation proceeded without ahitch. A S-5500SL crane placed thesupports for the truss. The specta-tors invited to watch the proceed-ings watched open-mouthed fromthe grandstand on the north side,and applauded once the beam wasin position on the supports. A Spiering crane was used toassemble the roof construction forthe tribune on the south side of the stadium.

Dismantling a steel railway bridgeBrussels, BelgiumCampenon Bernard SGE-BPC-AbebPC 4200




Main equipment

A ‘cast-iron’ performance…




Main equipment

High and MightyRenovation overhead crane at the Oxys Steel plantIJmuidenCorus Gantry lifting system, SPMTs




Main equipment




Main equipment


Mammoet was contracted for the lifting andtransport operations involved in the renovationof Loading Crane 21 in the Oxys Steel Factory2 at Corus’ IJmuiden plant. Since LoadingCrane 21 was located in between two otheroverhead cranes it was necessary to disman-tle one of the outermost cranes to gain accessto the overhead crane. Mammoet constructedan extension comprised of two beams bearingeight 900 t strand jacks to remove the outer-most crane and lower it outside the mill. Freeaccess was then available to Loading Crane

21, which was shifted outwards over the firstcrane and lowered onto SPMTs. The cranebeam was then transported by land and waterto Messrs Duyvis, in Koog a/d Zaan, for reno-vation. The crane, weighing about 850 t, wassubsequently returned to IJmuiden in thesame manner. On its arrival Loading Crane 21was lifted with the strandjacks and returned toits position using the temporary beams. Thethree cranes have since returned to full opera-tion, whereby they are used to transfer thepots carrying iron melt from one location toanother in the mill.

Mammoet World 2003 Page 9

FC Utrecht StadiumUtrecht, NetherlandsHardstaal b.v.Demag CC2800, Liebherr LR-1450HD and Sennebogen S-5500SL


Mammoet deployed a PC-4200 inBrussels to dismantle a steel railwaybridge dating from 1926. The jobinvolved the removal of a bridgewith a span comprised of four fields,with a total weight of 750 t. A num-ber of railway tracks alongside andunder the bridge were subjected tointensive daily use, and consequent-ly lifting was permitted solely duringspecified periods in the weekends.Mammoet’s time-window began at09.00. A total of 8 demolition chains

were attached to the railway bridge.The parallelogram-shaped bridgesections had already provided forthe necessary brainwork, whereby avariety of computational models hadbeen employed to determine thecorrect location of the lifting points.At 10.30, Mammoet began the liftingoperation at 10.30; once some 150 twere pulling on the 190 t section ofthe bridge it became apparent thattheory and practice could occasion-ally be quite remote from eachother. According to the computa-

tional models the bridge would bevery rigid – but in practice it twistedto an extent such that it was notsafe to continue. After some discus-sions between the parties involved asolution was found: additional slingsand shackles were fitted to the twooutermost corners, and at 12.15Field one was lifted in a safe andresponsible manner. The other threefields were lifted out of the way inthe same manner, and to everyone’sfull satisfaction – all in all, a ‘cast-iron’ performance.

Portugal, here we arePier removalOporto, PortugalNesco Entrecanates CubiertasStrand jack system, jacking towers, skidding system

Mammoet and FC Utrecht: a perfect match


Mammoet was awarded a contract to assist inthe transport operations involved in the length-ening of the mv Gariep during a complete over-haul of the vessel. The first phase entailed cut-ting through the vessel to separate the twohalves. The 3000 t bow section of the vesselwas then repositioned using SPMTs with 118axle-lines. Next, 24 axle-lines were temporarilyrelocated to the yard’s construction facility forthe transport of the new middle section from thebuilding. The middle section was rotatedthrough 90 degrees and transported to the otherside of the construction facility, where it wasthen positioned above Mammoet’s Jacking and

Skidding System. This jacking and skidding pro-cedure was required since the building’s layoutprecluded the use of wheeled transport. Onceoutside the building SPMTs were positionedunderneath the middle section so that it couldbe moved to a temporary location in the drydock. During the intervening period SPMTs hadbeen positioned in the dry dock ready for thelifting of the 400 t middle section onto the trail-ers. The middle section was then transportedand fitted to the vessel’s stern section. The pro-ject was successfully completed when SPMTswith 118 axle-lines positioned the bow sectionagainst the new middle section.

Mammoet World 2003 Page 10

Ship lengthening Hebburn, UKA&P TyneJacking and skidding system, SPMTs




Main equipment

Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL)Northfleet, UKRail Link Engineering ( RLE)SPMTs, skidding system


In Portugal there are currently threestadiums being built for the 2004European soccer championship.Mammoet has been awarded the

contracts for the new-building at allthree stadia, which includes theSporting Lisbon stadium. Activitiescomprise the lifting of more than1000 roof sections ranging from 35

ton to 45 t. A Liebherr1250 with a 46 metermain boom, a 47 meterluffing jib and aManitowoc 888 are cur-rently working for a peri-od of 12 months tocomplete this massivetask. Once finished,70,000 spectators willbe able to watch theirfavourite team playing.




Main equipment

Sporting Lisbon StadiumConstruction of Sporting Lisbon StadiumSIMI, PortugalLisbon, Portugal LR 1250, M 888

UK’s biggest bridge slide

Positioning railway bridgeSachsen-Anhalt, GermanyIndustriemontagen Leipzig GmbHSkidding system, telescopic boom cranes


Mammoet was contracted to move a 680 t bridge overnine railway tracks at Dessau, Germany. The short timespans during which the railway tracks were free of trainsrendered this an extremely demanding job for theMammoet specialists assigned to the project.

The bridge was ‘launched’ using Mammoet’s skiddingsystem. This involved the use of an inverted skid con-struction between the rails, whereby the skid shoeswere fixed in place and the bottom girder of the bridgeserved as the skidding track. To achieve the correctheight the skid shoes were mounted on boom sectionsand load spreaders designed especially for the purpose.A skid plate fitted with Teflon blocks was mounted onthe skid shoes. Once the actual transport began thebridge was skidded from boom to boom; the lateralguides fitted to the skid plate provided the necessarymeans to make any corrections to the transverse move-ment of the bridge that were required. The bridge wasmoved to the other side of the railway tracks in a three-night period (10 hours) with an accuracy of 5 mm.

Skidding a railway bridgeProject



Main equipment




Main equipment

Ship extension MV! Gariep

RLE stated: “We congratulate every-one involved for an extraordinaryengineering achievement. This wasa highly complex job performedunder intense time pressure and inphysically constrained worksites. Itgoes to show what can be achievedthrough preparation and partnering.”

During this same weekendMammoet also installed BridgeStructure N-160. Mammoet engi-neered another solution for thetransport of the bridge (65 meterlong and 2250 t). This solutionemployed 88 axle-line SPMTs. The preparations for the transport

entailed the use of standard CSC-certified containers as packingbetween the SPMT bed and the roofof the bridge structure, inclusive ofthe transport beams at both ends.These containers made it possibleto use much lighter steel supportstructures.


Mammoet was awarded the con-tract for the transport of a newly-constructed railway bridge inNorthfleet near London. Inclusive ofthe abutments and piers this 9,500 tgiant bridge was 100 meter long, 15 meter high and 15 meter wide.Mammoet carried out this challeng-ing contract by the use of its skid-ding system, comprised of 30 skidshoes each with a capacity of 600 t.

During the transport only a very limited deflection in the deck waspermitted – just 16 mm over the full

length of the bridge. Compliancewith this stringent tolerance wasachieved by the computerization ofthe entire skidding operation. A testslide was performed to verify thesystem, and to demonstrate to RLEthat transport within the stringenttolerance was a feasible proposi-tion. Once the last train had passedthe rail track was closed and demo-lished. When the “ready to go” sig-nal was given the complete bridgewas jacked up and then transportedover a distance of 50 meter to itsfinal position. The first trains ranagain on Tuesday.




Mammoet Canada Eastern was recentlyawarded a contract for the transport and posi-tioning of 1000 houses. A major local real-estate developer, Mattamy Homes, is buildingthe new homes in a new district in Cambridge.Mattamy decided that the company would notuse the conventional construction method,whereby houses are built on their foundations;instead it would build them indoors in a special construction facility, where the workwould be unimpeded by cold and/or wet

weather. Moreover overhead cranes will allowbuilding materials of larger dimensions to beused during the construction work. Once thehouses have been completed they are trans-ported to their final location, and placed onthe foundations using Mammoet’s skiddingsystem. Each house is 15 meter long, 12 meterwide, 15 meter tall, and weighs 60 t. At a rate of about one house a day the projectwill extend over a period of several years.


For the construction of the second level ofconcrete viaducts, a huge overhead craneneeded relocation to a 8 meters higher posi-tion. SWIP considered the full disassembly ofthe launching girder and re-assembly at thehigher elevation. However, since this processwas estimated to take 3-4 months. SWIPneeded a quicker alternative. Mammoetexplored the possibility of lifting it in onepiece. Since the available space was verylimited, Mammoet applied its TITAN jacking

system. Two towers were built on 44 axlelines SPMT. The launching girder, which hasthe ability to move by cantilevering itself overlarger distances, was then “launched” ontoMammoets towers. Finally, the cargo wasmoved sideways onto the concrete piers. Thecomplete operation, including the (de) mobi-lization of equipment, was completed in lessthan three weeks.


The MV ROSS SEA project inMalaysia was comprised of the FSO(Floating Storage) conversion of atanker – a project which entailedlengthening the vessel by the ‘simple’ insertion of an extra section.Mammoet was requested to carryout the transport involved in theproject.

On the client’s request the vesselwas lengthened in a procedure com-prised of four separate phases. Inthe first phase SPMTs were located

under the new mid section of theship and then moved as close aspossible to the existing mid section.

The second phase involved movingthe stern section of the vessel 50meters from the stern section readyfor the insertion of the new 4000 tmid section. During the third phaseof the project the new mid section

of the vessel was positioned againstthe stern section, whereby the maxi-mum tolerance was 3 mm. In thefourth and final phase Mammoet’sSkidding System was used to posi-tion the bow section of the vesselagainst the new mid section.

Mammoet World 2003 Page 11




Main equipment

MV Ross Sea ProjectMalaysiaMSESPMTs, skidding system

Precision skidding operation




Main equipment

Home delivery projectCambridgeMattamy homesSkidding system, SPMTs

Houses on the run




Main equipment

Central Artery/Tunnel projectMassachusetts, USASIWPTITAN gantry system, SPMTs

Engineering on a high level


Mammoet’s TITAN Lifting System recentlyproved to offer the perfect solution for theremoval of a railway bridge in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, USA. Subsequent to a meetingwith the client Mammoet proposed that thehighway be closed completely in the middle ofthe night, when traffic would be lightest. Itwould then be possible to lift the entire bridgeand move it to one side of the road, where thebridge could be dismantled without causing anyinconvenience to traffic. In contrast, severalweeks are required when cranes are used forthe conventional on-site disassembly of bridgesover roads.

Mammoet prepared for the lift by assembling arelatively short TITAN tower (just 4 meters tall)on SPMTs. Once the highway was closed theSPMTs were moved under the bridge – and justtwo hours later the bridge had been lifted,moved 100 meters from the road, and offloadedready for demolition in complete safety. Theclient was extremely satisfied with the new,rapid demolition technique.

Removal of railway bridgePennsylvania, USAAlan A. MyersTITAN lifting system, SPMTs




Main equipment

TITAN System Meets Interstate 76�AMERICA’S





The project involved the installationof the “Rivers Field Calder Platform”in the Irish Sea, some 40 km fromHolyhead. Since the work waslargely dependent on the tide theproject was executed according toa tight time schedule. Fortunatelythe weather co-operated, and theoil and gas platform was installed ina record time of 40 hours. Theunique feature of this project was

the ability of the entire platform toinstall itself using the double-actionstrandjacks modified especially forthe purpose. SMPTs had alreadyunloaded the 650 t wellhead plat-form; once the four legs had beencollected from Genius Vos inIJmuiden and lifted into the modulethe journey to the final location atsea could begin. On arrival at theultimate destination Mammoet usedthe strandjacks to allow the legs to

drop into position; the suction-anchor technology ensured thatthey became anchored in the sea-bed. The strandjacks were thenused to lift the entire deck up thelegs, and in the final phase the deckwas firmly secured in position. Thisnew method of securing offshoreplatforms on the seabed does notrequire the use of divers to releasethe pilings – consequently resultingin a much safer procedure.

Trends in the market

In the offshoremarket we arecurrently complet-ing an extremelybusy first half of2003, involvingsome fairly heavyload outs – inclu-

sive of one operation in which wealmost broke our own world recordon the load out of the 10,500 tKvitebjorn main deck. Howeveralthough we have been remainedfully occupied to date, we havenevertheless observed an overallslow-down in the offshore market,especially in North-Western Europe.This is a somewhat surprisingdevelopment in view of the currentoil prices, since at their presentlevel they render the developmentof even marginal fields a viableproposition. We have also observeda trend towards subsea develop-ment and large floating units. Todate subsea development has pro-vided some work for Mammoet;however the units are often small,and the work is carried out off-shore, and at great depths.Unfortunately for Western Europe,most of the huge floating units arebuilt in the Far East. Neverthelesssome companies have been suc-cessful in ordering the steel in theEast and having the mating workand detailed outfitting carried out inEurope; examples are the Kizombaand Bonga projects.In a favourable development inNorway some huge projects for on-land modular plants have now beencommenced. These projects gener-ate work for our wheels/cranes andour special techniques. Moreoverthe time is approaching when off-shore structures will need to beremoved, although it is difficult toestimate the timetable for the actu-al work. Fortunately we canobserve that essentially the sameengineering and construction com-panies play an important role in thenew remote developments.Mammoet, as a solutions provider,can offer the expertise it hasacquired in developing into aninternational global player in trans-port and lifting work.

Frans Segeren, Market Segment Manager Offshore


MS Rocknes, a ship owned by Van Oord, was dry-docked at Keppel-Verolme for a large-scale conver-sion. One of the sections for this conversion wasfabricated in Poland and subsequently shipped bypontoon to Rotterdam.

Once there, it was offloaded with a floating crane. It was then placed onto a Keppel-Verolme trailer,which was moved alongside the MS Rocknes.

Mammoet was contracted to position the 120 tweighing section from the quay onto the ship. Aftera thorough preparation by the staff of both Keppel-Verolme and Mammoet’s Technical Sales dept., thetask was completed to everyone’s satisfaction usingtwo AC 650 cranes.





Main equipment

Burlington Calder Project UKIrish SeaSuction Pile TechnologySPMTs, eight 900 t strandjacks

Lifting operation at sea

Mammoet World 2003 Page 12




Main equipment

Ship lengtheningBotlek, RotterdamKeppel-VerolmeConventional trailers, two AC 650 cranes

Conversion of MS Rocknes


The Kizomba A project constitutes the firstphase of the development of four WestAfrican oil fields discovered in Block 15, offAngola’s coast. This phase includes theinstallation of a surface wellhead platform(SWHP) linked to a floating production, storageand offloading (FSPO) vessel. The Kizomba-ASWHP is comprised of six separate modulesmanufactured at various locations around theworld. The two topside modules were manu-factured by the Heerema Fabrication Group,in Zwijndrecht.

Mammoet was contracted to transport thetopside modules, each weighing some 6000 t,from the construction hall onto the ocean-going barges. Mammoet used SPMTs with240 axle-lines for these two spectacular oper-ations, which were performed in a number ofphases. Once the modules had been weighedand jacked up the SPMTs were moved underthe units in the construction hall and coupledtogether. Some 5 hours were required to load

each module onto the barges. Since thebarges were to be loaded at high tide bothload-outs began early in the morning.Mammoet cranes also assisted in the com-pletion of the topside modules, which weremoored alongside the yard.




Main equipment

Kizomba-A ZwijndrechtHeerema ZwijndrechtSPMTs, jacking, weighing and ballast systems

Kizomba on wheels


On instructions from McDermott Middle East,Mammoet undertook a load-out of a buoy. Itwas a floating oil storage buoy, with a lengthof 180 meter, a diameter of around 30 meterand a weight of no less than 12,000 t!

Mammoet’s instructions were to pull the buoyonto a pontoon using four 900 t strand jacks.The client provided the sliding system. First,the buoy was released and pulled to thequayside, from where it could be pulled ontothe pontoon.

The total sliding distance was about 200 meters.The average speed was about 10 meters perhour. The job was completed successfully inthree days, resulting in two further orders forMammoet from Mc Dermott.


The Norwegian Statoil oil and gascompany has constructed a largeproduction platform for the develop-ment of the Kvitebjorn field. Thesections of the platform were con-structed by different yards; thedrilling modules were manufacturedby Heerema Tonsberg, and the livingaccommodation by Leirvik Module,in Stord. Mammoet transported allthe sections to Haugesund. InHaugesund, the largest section ofthe production platform was manu-factured by ABB offshore systemsand consequently the completed liv-ing accommodation was fitted to theproduction platform at this location.

Before the enormous structurecould be moved out of the con-struction hall Mammoet’s computer-ized weighing system verified thepre-calculated weight of the plat-form; the precise weight was 10,500t. In the mean time a 20-man

Mammoet crew was hard at work onthe unloading and assembly of theaxle lines. Mammoet’s ballast sys-tem was also required for the job,and consequently pumps, waterpipes and power packs wereinstalled on the pontoon. In the finalstage of the preparations all 48 axlelines were coupled in long rows anda total of 1664 wheels were movedunder the platform. Once the client

had carried out a final check thegreen light was given to start thetransport. Within two days the enor-mous platform had been loadedsafely on the pontoon. Once again,Haugesund’s ABB had completedyet another eye-catching offshorestructure – safely moved byMammoet.




Main equipment

Murphy MedusaMiddle EastMcDermottStrandjacks, skidding system

12,000 t Murphy Medusa loadout




Main equipment

Mammoet World 2003 Page 13

Kvitebjorn FieldHaugesund, Tonsberg and StordABB Offshore systems, Heerema Tonsberg and Leirvik Module technologySPMTs, Jacking, weighing and ballast systems





The Bonga oil and gas field, which was dis-covered in 1995, is about 120 km South Westof the Niger Delta and at a depth of in excessof 1000 meters below sea level. Shell willextract oil and gas extraction from the Bongafield using a FPSO (Floatable ProductionStorage and Offloading facility). Most of theconstruction work for the FPSO has been con-tracted to Amec, a large offshore constructioncompany in Wallsend, UK. The various sec-tions of the structure were manufactured byand collected from countries around theworld. On the completion of a number of thesections of the FPSO in Nigeria Mammoet wasrequested to ensure for the load out of threesections. Each section first needed to beweighed to determine its precise weight; theSPMTs also had to be coupled in a specificconfiguration for each section to accommo-date the differences in weight, dimensions,

and centers of gravity. The work was carriedout in severe weather conditions – a very highhumidity, and average temperatures of 35degrees. On the successful conclusion of thejob Amec thanked the Mammoet team for theirexcellent, professional and safe completion ofthe load outs.

Mammoet also worked on the Bonga projectin the Netherlands, where Mammoet trans-ported seven modules with weights varyingfrom 500 to 2200 t for the HeeremaFabrication Group at Zwijndrecht.




Main equipment

Falcon NestIberia, USAOmega Natchiq IncGantry lifting system, weighing system, SPMTs

Innovative and safe in Louisiana


The Falcon Nest project is a classical exam-ple of innovation, whereby Mammoet andOmega Natchiq Inc. drew up proposals for analternative lifting procedure for the FalconNest Platform, carried out the engineering,and then implemented the method. In the firstphase the production deck and the main deckframe were stacked on each other usingOmega cranes. In the second phase the twostacked decks were completed and fitted withthe necessary equipment and piping. The finalphase involved lifting the entire 1,500 tassembly using Mammoet’s mast system;whilst the entire unit was lifted from theground SPMTs positioned the cellar deck,inclusive of the legs and load spreaders,under the deck. The two sections were thenmated together.

The advantage offered by this new procedureis the ability to work at reduced heights. Thisobviates the need for large cranes, since thestructure can be manipulated using smallerlifting equipment. Work at lower heights isalso beneficial to safety; this issue alsoplayed a key role in the decision to employtowers rather than cranes, since this providesfor the pre-programming and synchronization

of the maximum load for each lift point –thereby minimizing the risk of torsion or over-loading.

Once the deck was finished and ready for theload out Mammoet used its electronic weigh-ing system to weigh the entire 2,772 t deck,involving the use of measurements at 16 loca-tions. The job was completed once theSPMTs had moved the whole combinationonto the pontoon – in just 4 hours.




Main equipment

Completing a puzzle….SNEPO Bonga Project Nigeria & The NetherlandsAmec, Heerema Fabrication GroupSPMTs, Jacking, weighing and ballast systems

Mammoet World 2003 Page 14





Wind Farm projectRotterdam EuropoortNordex Energy GmbHCC 2800 lattice boom crane, 300 and 120 t hydraulic cranes

Farming the windProject



Main equipment

Trends in the market

The global powersegment hasundergone anoverall marketcorrection duringthe past 12 - 18months, largelydue to the severe

cutbacks in the construction of newpower generation plants in theNorth American market. The phe-nomenal growth experienced in thefossil-fuel arena from the late1990s until early 2001 has come toa virtual standstill. Although thisslow-down in the industry has hadan impact on the volume of pro-jects, it has nevertheless openedthe doors to other opportunitieswithin the segment, such as stor-age sites, plant relocations, service,repairs and replacements ofmachinery. Mammoet has beenhighly active in these markets, andalthough the concern has beenunable to maintain the rate ofgrowth of the past 5 to 6 yearsMammoet has nevertheless beenable to focus its energy on theretention of the concern’s marketshare within this segment.

The continued growth of GreenPower in the USA, Canada andMexico offers another major oppor-tunity to Mammoet. Green Power isextremely environmentally-friendly,since it involves the use of sustain-able sources of energy such aswind, thermal, and hydro resourcesin the generation of power.Mammoet has been highly active in the transfer of the concern’sknowledge of Wind Power Farmdevelopment from Europe to theAmericas. Mammoet continues tocooperate with wind-turbine manu-facturers in the development ofnew and cost-effective transportconcepts for the continuallyincreasing size of the equipment –not to mention our innovative liftingconcepts used during the erectionof the turbines. Mammoet has alsocommenced the development ofthe installation of wind turbines tomechanical completion.The Mammoet Power SegmentTeam has made use of the opportu-nities offered by the correction infossil-fuel plants to expand theconcern’s wind-power knowledgebase and increase its marketshare in the global Green-Powerindustry; nevertheless Mammoethas also simultaneously beenpreparing for the initiation of newfossil-fuel projects in late 2004 andearly 2005.

Jim Hamilton, Account Manager Mammoet USA


Mammoet Europe was contracted to provide for the trans-port and installation of two 310 t combustion turbines andtwo 302 t generators.

Both sets of turbines and generators were loaded ontobarges at the Siemens factory in Germany, and then

shipped via inland waterways to the Mammoet Yard inSchiedam, The Netherlands. A floating derrick was usedto lift the two sets of turbines and generators onto asecond barge for transport to a ro/ro jetty near theRijnmond Energy Center site. The turbines and genera-tors were then loaded onto a 12-axle conventional trailerand transported to the construction site.Mammoet had installed a sliding gantry system with atotal lifting capacity of 400 t at the site, and consequent-ly after only a few hours the turbine was in position onits foundations. The job was completed once the genera-tor was in place.

In between times Mammoet has installed one of two 200 t transformers; a 325 t steam turbine generator willbe positioned at a later date.




Main equipment

Rijnmond Energy CenterRotterdam, the NetherlandsBechtel-Enka Holland VOF, Siemens Power Generation AGFloating derrick, pontoon, SPMTs, sliding gantry system

Building a 800MW power plant


Mammoet was awarded a contractfor the transport of two largehydro-electric turbine runners inMontreal, Canada; the runners aretwo of a total of 14 that will gener-ate electricity for the Three GorgesPower Project in China.

Once the runners were ready fortransport they were moved fromthe factory using 2 x 12 axle-lineSPMTs, and then transferred ontoconventional trailers with 2 x 16axle-lines that complied with the

local road-transportrequirements andconsequently werepermitted to travel 3km through the cityof Lachine. At theend of the journeyby road the runnerswere loaded ontopontoons for a 20-km transport alongthe St LawrenceRiver to the Port ofMontreal.

The cost of the entire Chinese pro-ject is estimated to amount to USD25 billion; the work is comprised ofthe construction of a 2-km damwith a height of 185 meters acrossthe Chang River to form a 19 trillionliter water reservoir over a distanceof 600 km upstream. The project isscheduled for completion in 2009.On its completion the new facilitywill be the world’s largest and mostpowerful hydro-electric power sta-tion, generating the equivalent ofthe combined output of no lessthan 15 nuclear power stations!




Main equipment

Three Gorges Power ProjectMontreal, CanadaG.E. HydroSPMTs, conventional trailers, pontoons


The Wind Farm Project is the first substantial deploy-ment of wind-turbine technology by both BP andChevronTexaco. Mammoet’s share in this project wascomprised of the provision of the cranes and staffrequired for the installation of nine wind turbines withan 80 m tower. Mammoet used a CC2800 (96 metermain boom and 100 t superlift) in combination with a 120 t hydraulic crane as the tailing crane for thetower sections. A 300 t hydraulic crane was deployedfor the installation of the individual vanes. To minimizethe risks involved in the installation Nerefco imposeda requirement on Mammoet stipulating that theCC2800 crane should be dismantled prior to eachrelocation. However subsequent to the installation ofsome turbines Nerefco permitted Mammoet to movethe complete crane with boom, subject to the provisothat this took place outside the perimeter fence andthat the boom was directed away from the plant.

The project will result in the generation of an amountof electricity equivalent to the needs of 20,000households – and reduce CO2 emissions by 20,000 tper annum.

Turbine runners for China


Mammoet World 2003 Page 15




Main equipment

New York…New York…Mirant Bowline ProjectNew York, USAMirant PowerPontoons, SPMTs, floating crane


Mammoet was contracted for thetransport of 59 items of machineryand 26,000 cubic meters of otherequipment required for the con-struction of a large power station on the Hudson River in the State of New York.

The combustion turbines for thepower station were manufactured inGreenville, South Carolina. In thefirst leg of the transport the turbineswere moved by rail to the port atNewport News, Virginia, where theywere transferred onto pontoons bya port crane prior to their 550-kmjourney over sea to New York. Ontheir arrival the combustion turbineswere unloaded from the pontoonsusing SPMTs with 12 axle-lines, andwere then transported to the powerstation. The steam turbine and thesteam turbine generator, with aweight of 370 t, were manufacturedin Albany, New York State. A 500 t

floating crane lifted the load onto apontoon, which was then towed tothe power plant. SMPTs with 24axle-lines were used to unload theturbines and transport them to theirfoundations.

During the second phase of the pro-ject Mammoet was responsible forthe transfer and transport of a fur-ther six steam drums and 16 HRSGmodules with weights of up to 190 t.

Mammoet World 2003 Page 16


Mammoet recently transported and installedtwo steam turbine generators required for apower station in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The generators were manufactured in Germany,and were transported to the Port of Baltimoreharbour over sea. The first generator was loaded onto a railcar for the 200-km journey to thepower station; on its arrival the 165 t generatorwas unloaded by a portal crane, and thentransported to a temporary storage location atthe site using 2 x 6 axle-line SPMTs.

The generators were to be installed on a floorin the new steam-turbine building at a heightof 10 m above ground level. The first genera-tor was lifted to the required height usingMammoet’s strandjack tower lifting system,where it was skidded 30 m through a small

access opening in the wall of the building. Inthe final phase of the job an overhead cranelifted the generator from the sliding equipmentand placed it on its foundations. The same procedure was used for the second generator.The client contracted Mammoet to provide avariety of services. Mammoet Netherlandswas requested to weigh the generators;Mammoet USA railway transportation group,of the Greens Bayou branch in Houston, wasresponsible for the collection of the generatorin the Port of Baltimore and its further trans-port by rail; and Mammoet Canada Easternwas responsible for the lifting and transportwork on site. Consequently this project con-stitutes a supreme example of the total – andworldwide – service package Mammoet canoffer its clients!


Mammoet was requested to transport andinstall 94 items of machinery and equipment(generators, turbines, transformers, HRSGmodules, steam cylinders and capacitors)required for a large power station south ofOhio, about 150 km east of Cincinnati. Themajority of the machinery and equipment wastransported in seventy-six rail wagons.

Mammoet designed and constructed a uniquemobile hoist for use in lifting the machinery fromthe wagons onto trailers. Each unit was liftedand positioned sideways on the trailer usinghydraulic bogies. The mobile hoist was builtabove the rail track; each unit was unloadedwithin an hour, irrespective of the geometry, the weight, or the number of hoisting points. By virtue of this procedure, ever day Mammoet

was unload and transport the machinery trans-ported by a maximum of 15 to 20 wagonloadsper week – with just one team!

Mammoet completed the job by installing themachinery and equipment on the foundationsusing its sliding or mast systems. The HRSGmodules were installed using an AVS LiebherrLR-1450 caterpillar crane as the main crane,and a Maxim Manitowoc M250 as the auxil-iary crane.




Main equipment

The Full service providers




Main equipment

Hanging Rock ProjectOhio, USADuke FluorRail cars, mobile lifting/sliding system, Liebherr LR-1450, Manitowoc M250

Powered by Mammoet!

Bethlehem Power StationPennsylvania, USAAlstom PowerRailcars, SPMTs, weighing system, strandjack lifting system.



Mammoet was awarded the contract for the replace-ment of two 350 t steam generators at the Sequoyanuclear power plant in Chattannooga, Tennessee. In preparation for the job a Platform Twin Ring latticeboom crane with a 66 meter main mast and 35 meter flyjib was erected in a protected area. Pursuant to a strin-gent safety policy all parts of the crane were required toundergo an inspection prior to admission to the plant.

The first phase of the work involved cutting openings inthe dome to gain access to the containment; the con-crete slabs were removed using the PlatformTwin Ring.In the second phase the existing generators were liftedthrough the dome and positioned horizontally on thesite using a specially fabricated tailing frame. During the third and final phase the tailing frame was used toerect the new generators, which were then lifted andcarefully passed through the openings in the power station’s dome.


Brighton Beach Power – a jointventure between Ontario PowerGeneration and ATCO Power – hasbegun construction work on a new550 MW power station in Windsor,Ontario, Canada. Mammoet wasawarded the contract for the trans-port and lifting work required forthe installation of the turbines, gen-

erators and HRSG equipment. Theturbines and generators were builtby General Electric and transportedto Windsor by rail. Mammoetunloaded the freight using a skidsystem and transported the equip-ment to the site.


Mammoet has completed the first of severalshipments to a new power station nearHartford, Connecticut, USA. Mammoet wasrequested to transport all the heavy cargo to the facility by the plant’s EPC contractor,Dick Corporation.

The first phase of the project involved thetransport and installation of the steam turbineand generator that had been manufactured inJapan. Mammoet collected the equipment ona barge at the Port of Newport News, Virginia,and then towed them north along the AmericanEast Coast to a beach near Hartford, a distanceof over 800 km. On arrival the equipment wasrolled off the barge and transported to theconstruction site on a low-height transportercomprised of conventional Scheuerle trailerswith 24 axle-lines coupled to a 450 t transport

frame. This impressive vehicle, with a length of80 meters, was required for permission fromthe Connecticut Department of Transportationto cross a long-span bridge along the route.The transports took place at night so as tominimize the disruption they caused to trafficover the 25 km route, which passed through ahighly urbanized area. The greatest challengeconfronting Mammoet was the final entranceto the job site – a narrow and winding road ofapproximately 1.5 km, and with grades of asmuch as 12%. On their arrival at the siteMammoet’s 400 t capacity strand jack liftingsystem was used to lift the turbine and gener-ator to the required height.

New Power StationConnecticut, USADick CorporationPontoon, conventional trailers, transport frame,strand jack lifting system




Main equipment

Brighton Beach PowerOntario, CanadaBrighton Beach PowerSliding system, SPMTs




Main equipment

Beach Power



Main equipment

Exchange of generatorsTennessee, USAPlatform Twin Ring

Mammoet World 2003 Page 17

Lifting through the dome

The looooong, narrow and winding road


In a contract awarded via Mammoet’s Italianjoint venture partner, Mammoet Palumbo,Mammoet Gulf was requested to install all theheavy machinery required for a new powerstation in Barka, Oman. The machinery wasdelivered to the port of Mina Qabooz, inMuscat, and was then transported over a distance of 60 km to the site.

All transports, which took place at night,made use of 14 and 16-axle Cometto trailers.The route included a steep hill just outside theport, as a result of which Mammoet had tomake use of 8x8 MAN and 6x4 Mack primemovers to tow the trailers.During the same period Mammoet was alsooccupied with work on a major expansion of

the Qida power station in the United ArabEmirates, where Mammoet had been awardedthe contract for the transport and installationof all the heavy machinery and other equip-ment required for the expansion.

The generators, turbines and transformerswere transported using Cometto trailers andthen installed using Mammoet’s skidding andjacking equipment. The work was carried outin the power station whilst it continued togenerate electricity; consequently on occasionthere was very little clearance for the trans-ports under the existing pipelines that werestill in operation! Moreover the work was car-ried out during the hottest period of the year,when temperatures could reach as high as 53degrees Celsius.

In Qatar Mammoet is currently engaged inwork on the expansion of a gas factory whichinvolves the transport and installation of atotal of 60,000 t of equipment.



Main equipment

It ain’t half hot mum…Various power stationsOman, Qatar, United Arab EmiratesCometto trailers, prime movers, skidding- and jacking systems

Market Developments

Since its incorporation in 2001 MammoetIrga do Brasil has achieved a substantialgrowth by virtue of the high quality of itswork. Mammoet Irga currently employscranes from 200 to 450 t lifting capacity;during the course of this year the fleet willbe supplemented by a 600 t capacity crane.Major projects carried out at two Petrobrasrefineries involved the replacement of a 240 treactor at Minas Gerais and the lifting oftwo 270 and 230 t units at Sao Paulo.

At Usiminas, in the state of Minas Gerais,Mammoet Irga was awarded a rental con-tract for 15 cranes required for the expan-sion of a steel mill.

Consequently Mammoet Irga has been ableto laid solid foundations for the further de-velopment of Mammoet’s operations in theSouth American region, especially with res-pect to the major projects planned in Brazil.

Mammoet Irga do Brasil

In the southern countries, our jointventure partner Mammoet Fostransspecializes in large projects inPortugal. In addition to havingassisted in the building of theIstanbul and Tunis stadia, the com-pany was also awarded the contractto lift the roof sections of twoPortuguese stadiums, where the2004 European soccer champi-onships will be held. Large projectsindeed, which, it must be added,also involved a partnership with alocal company, which enabledMammoet Fostrans to have accessto any projects requiring a heavy lift.The aggressive policy aimed atentering this particular market isbeing reinforced by the presence ofa sales correspondent agent basedin Portugal.

Greece and Spain are other marketsin Southern Europe where MammoetFostrans has got established. InGreece, works are in progress atTitan Cement (Thessalonica), whilein Spain Mammoet Fostrans hasbuilt a new LNG (liquefied naturalgas) plant in Bilbao. Mammoet

Fostrans wants to get established inthe Mediterranean basin and is set-ting off to conquer the Maghrebmarkets. With that in mind, commer-cial or representative agents arehandling North Africa. Projects arebeing executed, such as one inAlgeria to transport and set down a300 t reactor for the account of ABBCompany. The job involves carryingthat load (27 meter length and 300 tweight) over 1800 km in the south ofAlgeria, which is 43 days’ trans-portation. In Libya, gas and oil pro-jects are being studied that requirecrawler cranes of heavy capacity(400,600,800 t). In Egypt, MammoetFostrans has a contract to build agas-processing plant at Damiette.

Mammoet Fostrans

Mammoet World 2003 Page 18

Patrick FreericksManaging Director

Mammoet Global

Patrick Freericks recently became a member of Mammoet’s Board ofManagement. He has succeededRoderik van Seumeren in charge ofMammoet Global and thus the compa-ny’s overall commercial operations. He shares some of his visions with us.

Although these are hard times in eco-nomic terms, can you identify areas inwhich Mammoet can expand?“There are certainly areas that aretruly emerging markets. Examplesare Australia, China, the SakhalinIsland area in Russia and theCaspian Sea area. We have alreadyconcluded contracts in these regionsand work is in progress to expandour activities quickly. However, theseare not the easiest parts of the globeto do business in.

Local regulations, difficult accessibil-ity, language and culture differencesall pose special challenges. Anotherarea of expansion I would brieflymention is Brazil. We won a verylarge lifting contract from ABB /Snam Progretti there that will beexecuted by our joint venture,Mammoet Irga. The contract is animportant boost to the joint venture’sfurther successful development.”

Are there any opportunities forexpansion in established markets,such as Europe?“There certainly are. In Scandinavia,the activities in the offshore marketdo continue and onshore activitiesare even increasing in that area.That is why we have allocated moreequipment to Northern Europe on a

permanent basis, for instance a 500t hydraulic crane. The same develop-ment can be seen in Denmark. Wesatisfy customer requirements eitherdirectly or in joint ventures andstrategic alliances with local serviceproviders.”

Do you foresee any special developments that customers wantto be achieved?“The general trend is to increase the number of solution options fromwhich customers can choose. To do so, we have to use a versatile,young equipment fleet. TakeMammoet Irga for instance. Westarted this joint venture in 2001 withfive cranes. In 2002 we increasedthis resident fleet with an LK 1400/1,which today enables us to execute

the Rio Polimeros project I men-tioned. Or take Mammoet Palumbo.It started with 24 axle lines ofSPMTs. They have been fully bookedand we are planning to expand thefleet. A last example is our joint ven-ture with Kranringen Wind. It wasestablished in 2001 and now oper-ates two CC 2800 cranes, one TC2800, one TC 2000 and a 500 thydraulic crane. This reflects thegrowth in activity for the installationof wind farms. Combining the bestthat the parties have to offer in ajoint venture is an essential part ofour strategy to stay successful. Byentering into strategic alliances withlocal partners, the local content cre-ates added value for our customers.”

Local alliances create added value

Subsequent to the North Sea’s heavy-lifting boom the1990s marked the return to a more rational view of theuse of installation equipment designed for specific jobs.Super-large capacity vessels were no longer regarded asthe solution for all offshore installation work, and conse-quently increasing use was made of smaller, more flexi-ble and less expensive equipment – a trend which ulti-mately resulted in Mammoet Van Oord’s "Jumping Jack".

A special jacking system provides for a rapid transitionfrom a floating to a standing platform, and vice versa.This, in combination with a 2500 m2 deck area and 4000ton payload, renders multiple transport and installationtrips within a single project a cost-effective proposition.Last year Mammoet Van Oord was responsible for thesuccessful installation of the foundations for 80 wind tur-bines for The Horns Rev Windfarm Project. The HornsRev Offshore Windfarm (Elsam A/S) is located in NorthSea waters of about 15m in depth some 20 nautical

miles from Esbjerg, Denmark. The project was brought toa successful completion well before the scheduled date.

Mammoet Van Oord has been recently been awarded twoother challenging projects for the 2003 season. The firstproject, for GE Wind, entails the installation of seven 7 x3.6 MW wind turbines, inclusive of the monopile founda-tions, required for the pilot-trial phase of the Arklow BankOffshore Wind Project off the coast of County Wicklow,Ireland. The second project, for Vestas-Celtic, entails theinstallation of 30 sets of foundations for the Scroby SandsOffshore Windfarm Project on the Middle Scroby Shoallocated off the coast of Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom.During this latter project Mammoet will supply the onshoreservices (crane and SPMTs) in Great Yarmouth required tounload the foundations and load the monopiles, whilst VanOord ACZ will lay the offshore export cables in the seabed and construct the scour protection required aroundthe foundations.

Mammoet Van Oord

Last year Mammoet began its newMammoet Palumbo joint venture,with offices in Livorno and Milan.The company is now in full opera-tions and, according to DavideAndreani, Managing Operations, hasalready completed some spectacularprojects – with plenty of work in thepipeline. In preparation for theCanadian Syncrude projectMammoet Palumbo was requestedto transport several exchangers fromthe Italian factory to the quay.Moreover the company has alsoloaded out two 750 t modules for

Shell, as well as a 1300 t offshoremodule for Petrobras.In March a 700 t yacht with a lengthof 56 m was loaded out for Benetti,whilst four 200 t ship sections wereloaded out and transported by bargefrom Ancona to Riva Trigoso forFincantieri (navy division). A job car-ried out for the cruise passengerdivision involved the transport of a300 t ship section from the yard tothe quay, after which it was loadedout and transported by barge fromPorto Marghera to Venice. Within thenear future Mammoet Palumbo will

carry out a complete factory-to-foundations transport on the transferof a 930 t reactor from Italy toFrance. On its arrival Mammoet willerect and position the reactor on itsfoundations.

Mammoet Palumbo

Over the whole range of horizontaland vertical transport work, thequality of the services provided isof profound importance. Any mis-handling or serious delay couldhave an enormous impact on thecustomers’ investments and pro-ductivity. Jan van Seumeren Jr.explains that Mammoet’s outstand-ing track record is founded on theprofessional skills and training ofits operators and the well-managedmaintenance of its equipment.

Quality of service is certainly a com-petitive edge that drives Mammoet’ssuccess. But how do you manage topreserve the high quality level?“Our world of heavy lifting andtransport is chiefly one in which pro-fessional skills and in-depth know-ledge of equipment are mandatory.

We employ highly rated engineers,designers and operators who knowexactly what the equipment perfor-mance is and where the safe-opera-tions envelope is. Even if newequipment is being commissioned,we know exactly what to expect. This is because we maintain strongrelationships with our equipmentproviders. In many cases, we are anintegrated part of the designprocess. The direct involvement inthe design process also makes iteasier to standardize our equipment.The fewer different types of equip-ment there are, the more effectiveour maintenance and managementcan be. Our Equipment Manage-ment Department (EMD) does a greatjob to combine ‘keep it simple’ with‘go for the best possible quality’.”

What about the maintenance proce-dures to prevent any technical flawsin the equipment’s performance?“It is just as important as the knowl-edge about the equipment. At theheart of our maintenance manage-ment is our Enterprise ResourcesProgram, supported by SAP soft-ware. We keep records of equip-ment assignments, the maintenancehistory, erratic behavior reported byoperators and other data. For eachmajor piece of equipment, we definein advance the future maintenanceactivities and integrate them withthe availability schedules. SAPwarns us in good time to prepare formaintenance set-up and execution,which is carried out at Mammoet’sown facilities. This procedure is

applied for all vehicles, auxiliaryequipment and cranes with capaci-ties of 14 t and up.”

What is the added value of keepingsuch records?The records are an asset for fleetmanagement. The complete mainte-nance history is recorded worldwide,both in the management informationsystem and at the cranes them-selves. The track records are there-fore available to everyone at alltimes. This enables us to identifytrends in particular machines, torespond accurately to repairs andfaults and to buy components cen-trally and on time. Downtime is there-

fore kept to a minimum. As a result,our procurement policy can concen-trate on buying the best equipmentand we have precise records of thetechnical state of the equipment wesell through Mammoet Trading.

This illustrates just how seriouslyMammoet takes quality and under-pins our competitive edge. In addi-tion, all our operators are trained tothink in terms of quality and safetyand they know that the equipmentbehavior will be recorded. Thismakes them even more aware of theimportance of working with dedica-tion and commitment.


The offshore sector is witnessingan exciting and challenging trend:the rapid increase in the weight ofoffshore module fabrication.

Due to a different installation method(float-over instead of lifting) heavierand bigger pieces can be installed. It is also understandable from aneconomic point of view. Reducing thenumber of components that have tobe mated in the final assembly cutsthe production time and the costsinvolved. But the technical challengesare breathtaking. Can theseleviathans be manipulated and trans-ported? Mammoet has addressedthese challenges with unprecedentedflair and is developing a jack up sys-tem to have these "supermodules"jacked up to the required heights.

Half a decade ago, installing an11,000 t offshore platform deck rep-resented the limit of the technicalability. Today, we are carrying out ajob to lift a 14,500 t deck to a heightof 12 meters, while an even biggerchallenge is looming: decks of over25,000 t that need to be erected upto 25 meters are already scheduledfor manufacturing at various yardsaround the world. A deck of 100 x

35 x 25 meters is no exceptiontoday.These enormous constructions areassembled on the ground. But whenready, they have to be raised, load-out onto a barge and shipped totheir final position where a float overoperation will take place. To do this,a special loadout truss must beinstalled underneath which requiresthe stack to be lifted off the ground.In the current jobs this elevationheight is 12 meters. How can this beachieved? Multiple crane systemsare costly and do not offer sufficientcapacity in cramped workingspaces. This leaves the jackingoption as a perfect alternative.John Vermeeren, in charge of the

development of special devices atMammoet, states that the solutionwas found by using existing, stan-dardized equipment. "We widelyapply standard hydraulic skid shoeswith a capacity of 600 t. The trick isto combine four of these skid shoesand integrate their systems,hydraulics and electronics so thatthey act as one giant 2,400 t jackingsystem. Using this system, we canprovide virtually any jack capacitythat is required. For this job, weconstructed eight of these giantswith a total jacking capacity of20,000 t. The stroke of the standardjacks is 60 cm and this will not letus reach 12 meters high directly.The four-clustered jacks are there-

fore fitted with a smart mechanicaldevice that accommodates jackingcolumns of about 1 meter. Thesehave clamp holes for the jackingmode and after each stroke, theplatform rises another half meter. By inserting jacking columns, thestack gradually rises to 12 meters."

An advantage of using standardequipment is that it fits into normalcontainers and thus this super jacksolution is easy to dispatch to anyplace in the world. Once again, itillustrates Mammoet’s dedication tooffering customers solutions thatwork safely and quickly while keep-ing cost within acceptable limits.

Mammoet World 2003 Page 19

Increasing power to erect extremely heavy loads

John Vermeeren,Manager Operations Special Devices

Jan van Seumeren Jr.Managing Director EMD

Quality in everything we do

Mammoet Holding B.V.Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442

Mammoet Global B.V.Phone +31 (0)10 204 2614 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2455

Mammoet Trading Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442


The NetherlandsMammoet Europe B.V.Phone +31 (0)10 204 2614Fax +31 (0)10 204 2455

Mammoet Nederland B.V.Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442

• Mammoet Geleen / ElslooPhone +31 (0)46 477 1802Fax +31 (0)46 476 8114

• Mammoet Pernis / MoerdijkPhone +31 (0)10 472 0374Fax +31 (0)10 416 48 85

• Mammoet Velsen-NoordPhone +31 (0)25 122 9341Fax +31 (0)25 122 4488

• Mammoet TerneuzenPhone +31 (0)11 564 8050Fax +31 (0)11 563 0724

Mammoet Aannemingsbedrijf B.V.Phone +31 (0)10 204 2400Fax +31 (0)10 204 2415

Mammoet Road Cargo B.V.Phone +31 (0)16 53 19 650Fax +31 (0)16 53 15 535

Mammoet Van Oord Windmills B.V.Phone +31 (0)10 204 2549Fax +31 (0)10 204 2696

BelgiumMammoet Belgium N.V.Phone +32 (0)93 459 891Fax +32 (0)93 455 376

CroatiaMammoet CroatiaPhone + 385 (0)1 2306 243 Fax + 385 (0)1 2341 491

DenmarkKRWPhone + 45 98 17 74 33Fax + 45 98 17 28 07

EgyptMammoet Fostrans EgyptPhone +20 (0)2 519 5919Fax +20 (0)2 519 6519

FranceMammoet Fostrans MarseillePhone +33 (0)495 06 14 74Fax +33 (0)495 06 14 75

Germany• Mammoet Deutschland GmbH -

LeunaPhone +49 (0)3461 4326 81Fax +49 (0)3461 4326 88

o Mammoet Deutschland GmbH -HallePhone +49 (0)345 5755 673Fax +49 (0)345 5755 677

Italy• Mammoet Italy

Phone +39 02 9552 9521Fax +39 02 9573 1216

• Mammoet PalumboPhone +39 02 577 777Fax +39 02 57777471

NorwayMammoet NorgePhone +47 (0)35 505 950Fax +47 (0)35 505 960

RussiaMammoet MoscowPhone +7 095 956 0838Fax +7 095 956 0738

SpainMammoet SpainPhone +34 (0)91 372 8473Fax +34 (0)91 372 9433

Southern AfricaMammoet Southern AfricaPhone +27 (0)11 882 4499Fax +27 (0)11 882 4422

United KingdomMammoet UK Ltd.Phone +44 (0)191 263 9222Fax +44 (0)191 263 9333


ChinaShenyang Mammoet HeavyTransport & Lifting Co. Ltd.Phone + 86 (0) 24 231 80 456Fax + 86 (0) 24 231 80 457

JapanMammoet Transport JapanPhone +81 (0)3 3280 6671Fax +81 (0)3 6408 0722

MalaysiaMammoet Romstar SDN BHDPhone +60 (0)679 932 00Fax +60 (0)679 932 20

SingaporeMammoet (S) Pte Ltd.Phone +65 (0)686 11 638Fax +65 (0)686 12 718

ThailandMammoet BanchangPhone +66 (0)38 882 556 to 882 560Fax +66 (0)38 603 800

IndonesiaP.T. Mammoet NusatamaPhone +62 (0)21 829 1864Fax +62 (0)21 830 5114

KoreaMammoet KoreaPhone +82 (0)2 420 7791Fax +82 (0)2 420 7790

AustraliaMammoet Australia Pty LtdPhone +61 (0)7 3010 9424Fax +61 (0)7 3010 9828


United Arab Emirates• Mammoet Dubai

Phone +971 (0)4 333 1252Fax +971 (0)4 333 1366


USAMammoet USA, IncPhone +1 281 369 2200Fax +1 281 369 2178• South El Monte CA

Phone +1 626 442 5542Fax +1 626 442 0841

• Greens Bayou TXPhone +1 713 422 8850Fax +1 713 422 8880

• Atlanta GAPhone +1 404 696 4982Fax +1 404 696 4984

• Charlotte NCPhone +1 704 331 4749Fax +1 704 331 2672

• Tranco MammoetPhone +1 414 475 3180Fax +1 414 475 3256

• Mammoet USA NEPhone +1 860 443 0451Fax +1 860 442 9565

Mammoet Seattle Phone +1 425 258 1135Fax +1 425 258 1171

AVS ServicesPhone +1 281 369 3900Fax +1 281 369 2178

CanadaMammoet Canada Eastern Ltd.• Montreal QC

Phone +1 450 923 9706Fax +1 450 923 1815

• Cambridge ONPhone +1 519 740 0550Fax +1 519 740 3531

• Halifax NSPhone +1 902 450 0550Fax +1 902 450 0545

Mammoet Canada Western Ltd.• Calgary AB

Phone +1 403 252 0551Fax +1 403 258 3846

• Edmonton ABPhone +1 780 449 0552Fax +1 780 417 9623

• Ft. McMurray ABPhone +1 780 791 5049Fax +1 780 791 5035

TrinidadPTM Limited Phone + 1 (868) 653 3802Fax + 1 (868) 652 8030

MexicoMammoet Mexico S.A. de C.V.Phone +(52) 81 83-782029Fax + (52) 81 83-782170

VenezuelaMammoet Venezuela CaPhone +58 281 274 4866Fax +58 281 275 0539

BrazilMammoet Irga BrazilPhone +55 (0)11 3942 8100Fax +55 (0)11 3942 8150

New corporate campaign

Larissa van SeumerenManager Corporate Communications

Do what you say and say what you do. That’s ourcompany culture. And we want our communica-tion to be just as direct. The basic idea of our newcorporate campaign can be encapsulated in threewords, and it can be given shape in a stamp.Because Mammoet literally and figuratively placesits stamp on projects in a wide range of sizes, onevery solution that we design, and on the appear-ance of our entire industry. ‘Moved by Mammoet’symbolises quality in accomplishments, safety andadded value for the customer.

Our new campaign was launched at the offshoretrade fair (ONS) in Stavanger (end of August 2002)where we exhibited with our new stand. Its flexi-ble design allows it to be used for various kinds ofpresentations. The stand, whose shape is derivedfrom our head office ‘De Bolder’, shows real-lifeexamples of what being ‘Moved by Mammoet’

means via video, photo, text and oral explanation.A bar in the middle of the stand, on revolvingSPMT wheels, acts as the central meeting place.Visitors who used the taxis bearing our logo wereliterally ‘Moved by Mammoet’.

Another development worth mentioning is ourupdated website at content and navigation optionsallow visitors to discover exactly what being‘Moved by Mammoet’ means with just a fewmouse clicks.

Besides our new corporate campaign, we’ve alsomade a start on merchandising activities so as toretain and strengthen our image and create a cor-porate brand. We’re increasingly noticing thatpeople want to have closer contact with our com-pany, they want to be kept informed about ouractivities and they want to identify with everythingthat Mammoet stands for. Mammoet Store signi-fies heavy work, endurance, adventure, strength,safety and teamwork. Mammoet Store gives youthe opportunity to join the world of Mammoet.Visit us at

Corporate Communications

Editor Mammoet Holding B.V.,Corporate Communications

PhotographyAad van Leeuwen, Employees Mammoet, De Telegraaf

Text Mammoet Holding B.V., Corporate Communications, De Spil B.V.

Design & LayoutGraphic Invention bv, De Meern

PrintingThreels & Partners, De Meern

CopyrightTexts and photos can only be reproducedafter permission from the editor
