Malebog, læseproblemer,abc puslespil, bilibo abc leg

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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A child gets his first lesson at home and parents are the first teachers. Reading and writing are the two fundamental characteristics of learning. When a child can read and write effortlessly at home it become easy for him when he joins a school. Sometimes parents observe that their child shows no interest in the learning process particularly reading.

Transcript of Malebog, læseproblemer,abc puslespil, bilibo abc leg

malebog, læseproblemer,abc puslespil, bilibo – ABCLeg

Author: Thomsen Lucas

How can you help your child who is suffering from learning problems?

A child gets his first lesson at home and parents are the first teachers. Reading and writing are the two fundamental characteristics of learning. When a child can read and write effortlessly at home it become easy for him when he joins a school. Sometimes parents observe that their child shows no interest in the learning process particularly reading. This can be a matter of concern because reading is of prime importance. Nowadays parents worry a lot about the performance of their children because there is intense competition amongst children too. Grades are very important and children who have reading problems (læseproblemer) will definitely fall back on grades because this drawback will hamper their learning.

Therefore it is compulsory for parents to observe their children from a very early stage. If they notice that their child is facing a problem with reading they should get it corrected immediately. Otherwise as the child grows older his self confidence will diminish and this will affect his performance in school. Gradually the child will show disinterest in learning. There are several common causes which lead to reading difficulties. It is the responsibility of parents to identify those and get them rectified. Children may experience problems in reading because of poor eyesight, lack of comprehension, difficulty in uttering individual phonemes of words, difficulty in retention etc.

Difficulty in reading is a kind of learning disability. As your child grows up he becomes curious to know and understand about life and other things around him. If he is developing a disinterest in learning things then this will obstruct his curiosity. Thankfully today there are educational toys which not only entice a child to play but also urge him to hone his skills. A child’s sensory, motor and mental skills needs to be harnessed continuously for an all round development. For children with learning disabilities, this is very imperative.

Educational toys help enhance problem solving capabilities in children. Parents should give utmost importance towards complete development of their children so that they grow intellectually, emotionally and physically. When they buy toys (køb legetøj) for their children they should look into these factors.

Before purchasing toys ascertain the skill of your child instead of age if you want him to be ahead of his peers. Select toys that help stimulate all his senses. You don’t need to purchase a lot of toys at a time. This will confuse your child. Give one or a couple at one time and then move on as you observe that he is developing his interest as well as learning new things about his abilities.

How you can give your child the double benefit of playing and learning

Children love puzzles. That is why you will see parents buying them for their children. There are different types of puzzles and parents choose according to the fancy of their children. As children play with puzzles it engages them mentally as well as physically. They become engrossed in problem solving and this gives parents enough time to complete their household chores. Puzzles for children (puslespil til børn) are not meant to act only as playthings because there are many long term benefits associated with it. A child who regularly plays with puzzles becomes smarter because it enhances his problem solving skills.

When a child plays with a puzzle he gets mentally stimulated. Once they manage to solve it they again start from the beginning. This enables them to work on different strategies in puzzle solving. Puzzles act as a kind of challenge and when the child takes up this challenge successfully it increases his self confidence. This is what parents exactly want from their children. A puzzle also helps a child to develop his hand and eye coordination. For young children this is very necessary. Another benefit of playing with puzzles is that it helps small children develop their reasoning as well as problem solving skills. This trait helps them later on in their life. Apart from these there are many other benefits of playing with puzzles which is not available with other modern toys.

Sometimes children get bored playing the same thing over and over again. This can happen when the plaything is not interesting enough. Children play to get entertained and also to learn. Therefore to enable your child to play and learn (leg og lær) at the same time you need an effective method. The playing activity should be such that it is also an interesting learning process.

Therefore as a parent make sure to select a game which can make your child enjoy and which also teaches him/her different skills. The most effective method to teach your children is through the ‘learning by playing’ method. Toys that conform to this method come with a concept. When your

child plays with such toys he gradually unravels the concept. There are different games like for example the monopoly game, the scrabble game etc which actually helps a child to hone his decision making skills, develop word power etc.

Children need practical training and parents should start this training from a very early age. This way learning becomes effective.

Let you child develop creativity with color and motor skills with toys

Life is surrounded by color and children are very fond of color. This is one activity which attracts almost all children. If a child is not responding to other activities give him a coloring book (malebog)and see how he reacts. He will immediately start coloring even if he is doing it for the first time. Color is connected with creativity and we are all creative to the core. Creativity for children means a lot. The great thing is that when children start coloring it also helps them to develop other skills as well. They get to understand their motor skills. They also learn about hand and eye coordination.

While buying coloring books for children you have to look for certain things. Children have pre-set themes in their minds. Some characters or objects are their favorites. So when you choose books keep that theme in mind which your child finds attractive. Both boys and girls have their own favorite themes. Identify those and buy accordingly. Another thing which you should know is that these books have different levels. There are books for beginners as well as for those whose skill level are higher. Understand the skill level of you child and buy one which compliments his skill. This will important otherwise you child will get frustrated trying to figure out things which he cannot fathom.

It is normal for children to play with toys. As such, all parents buy toys for their children. Now the question is that why toys are necessary for children. Most parents give a vague answer that toys are meant for playing. However apart from playing a child also needs to develop his intellectual and motor skills. This is where toys can play a determining role. Apart from experiencing the joy of playing if your child can also develop his other skills then it can be really good for your child.

Motor toys (motorisk legetøj) are specially made to develop motor skills in children. When your child is able to develop his motor skills it also helps develop his brain. Children are naturally very curious and they love to explore. If this trait is appropriately harnessed through correct application then your child will grow up smarter. However it is incorrect to make your child play with toys without your participation. Human interaction while playing is very important. On your part you can explain a game or the features of a toy to your child. Once he gets engaged with the toy many questions will arise in his mind and you have to be there to answer those.

Know the History of That Toy

The times they are changing-- just look at what our children are playing with nowadays. Dollhouses and toy cars still continue to captivate the imagination of youngsters but the more popular playthings of the newer generation are interactive video games, remotely controlled toys and robots that talk!

Toy robots originated about at the same time when prototypes of actual robots were being built. Frenchman Jacques de Vaucanson built one of the earliest robot prototypes in the year 1738. It was remarkable at that time and the concept is still intriguing—he invented a self automated mechanical duck that could eat grain and digest it, flap its wings and was also able to excrete! Hisashige Tanaka, of Japan, outdid himself with a variety of excessively complex automated toys, or motor toys (motorisk legetøj), which could serve tea, fire projectiles and even paint!

The first humanoid robot saw its advent in the 30s at the hands of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. The robot was christened ‘Elektro’ and was on display at the World’s Fair from 1939 to 1940. In the year 1949, William Grey of Burden Neurological Institute (in Bristol, England) made the first electrically powered automation—in fact he built two—‘Elmer’ and ‘Elise’. These robots were capable of sensing light and contact with objects in their environment, even being able to locate their charging points in case their power source was running out of juice.

The first true toy robot can be allegedly acclaimed to the Tomy Kyogo Company which built ‘Omnibot 2000’ in the year 1985. The robot could be controlled by a hand held remote control or one could program a set of commands on a magnetic tape. The revolutionary toy robot dog AIBO was built in the 90s by Sony Corporation. AIBO was able to self navigate a room and play ball and fetch using its superior sensor array and locating sensors. AIBO still continues to evolve and astound. Other pet robots soon followed suit. Furby was created in ’98, by Tiger Electronics, which could interface with its owner. Then AIBo saw its competitor in NeCoRo in 2001 (by Omron). NeCoRo was able to generate and exhibit feelings!

Toy robots have come a long way. They form a steady companion for any child and are able to provide hours of fun and education as well. There’s nothing more influential, in getting your child interested in mechanics and electronics, than robots. Toy robots also form great institution toys (institutionslegetøj). So the next time you are out to buy toys—remember the toy robot!

Unlock Your Child’s ImaginationWe dwell in an age where the advent and advance of technology has killed the innocence our children once possessed. Even the youngest of our offsprings are exposed to television, computers, the Internet, playstations and other forms of recreational technology that surround them. However, reputed toy companies still continue to make educational toys that provide hours

of entertainment to children while still stimulating and aiding their mental development, learning, imagination and creativity.

Most noteworthy of such toys are institution toys (institutionslegetøj) which young kids can play with and still learn from. Perhaps the most popular of these toys is the ‘Lincoln Logs’. They were invented somewhere back in 1915 or 1916. Lincoln Logs form a part of the American culture and form a part of homes all across the globe now. The game is basically simplistic in nature. It has ‘logs’ which can be joined together into different works of imagination making them quite enjoyable to play with. Lincoln Logs are available in any major toy store, mall and online store and guarantee your child with endless hours of fun and enjoyment—only his/her imagination is the limit.

Who can forget the car and the train sets? They are still popular among toddlers between ages of 2 to 4. Kids of that age are so young (mentally in particular) that anything and everything grabs their attention—remember how you used to play with your own train set? These sets can boost both imagination and creativity. They are available in all shapes and sizes. Children tend to create an entire universe around cars and trains—watch entire toy stories and even movies come alive before them!

If you are looking for another option in occupying your child while still ensuring that he/she enjoys and learns in the process, then you can opt for the ‘Pyramid of Play’. It is, however, a bit expensive but has four walls which contain a variety of games and activities which provide endless hours of fun. If your child is still young, then you can go for the ‘Ball Pounder’—the child has to pound balls through holes of different shapes—simple, yet very amusing.

The list of educational and institution toys are virtually endless. Learning toys for children include: playhouses, boxes, shape sorters, activity desks etc. These toys are generally made of wood so they are easy to clean up, durable and most importantly, non-toxic. So light up your child’s life—buy toys (køb legetøj) today!