Making the most of your website for business with Omniserve

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Making the most of your website for business with Omniserve


Making the Most of your Website

Presentation by Eoin Costello


This presentation could save your business’ life…..


• Hands up who has a business website?

• Those that don’t have a website, what are the main reasons why not?

• Those that do, hands up those that get at least 10% of their business from their website?

About You


Who is this?

Your invisible staff member... Aka your website!


Characteristics of your invisible staff member...

• Available for work 24x7.

• Can carry out repetitive, mundane tasks without complaint.

• Can be extremely cost effective if used properly and given enough to do.

• Responds well to constructive criticism and monitoring.


However is this your invisible staff member?

47% of businesses with a website are not happy with level of business it

generates for them


What your invisible staff member could be doing for you…

Generating new business leads

Informing Selling Fulfilling orders


Making the most of your site


Why is this important now?

The .com (Web 1.0) bubble never delivered all it promised!


That’s going to change in the next 5 years


Trend #1: Productisation of services

• Amazon and Ebay led the change in 90’s.

• 2000-2005 travel, music and accommodation, betting.

• 2008 Onwards- Traditional services in a wide range of areas such as book keeping, graphic design, financial services, legal services, IT services, retailing etc etc


Trend #2: Traditional methods of getting business no longer doing the business

83% of Irish internet users turn to search engines in order to track down information and services they want, compared to 48% a year ago.

If you are not Google customised you are invisible to these customers!

– Source Amarach


What this means for you

Findings of Study of traditional businesses such as record shops, bed & breakfasts and travel agents that failed to adjust.


from traditio

nal metho


Business from the




No. of

years survival


What are the traditional barriers to getting a website live?


Now it’s easier than ever thanks to the Omniserve Xpress Creation process

We collect your customer’s requirements via an online form

Your customer schedules the virtual meeting Consultation Session with us

We create your customers’ website in front of their eyes via a virtual meeting

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Now it’s easier than ever thanks to the Omniserve Xpress Creation process

5 page website that we create with customer’s input

Each site customised to ensure appearance in Google + we ensure preliminary entry in Google index within 48 hours

We include free Dynamic Features that the customer can request for their site:

•Guestbook: Enable customers to publish positive experiences

•Blog: Keep customers updated

•Contact Us Form


Ability to go in and edit the content of the website at any time

Full visual records of all visitors to the website

Web control panel to manage your Digiweb email & hosting account. Domain name included too:


The future is in your hands

• 97% of businesses in Ireland are Small businesses( >50 staff) and employ over ½ of total private sector workers

• Services sector is our country’s future (ESRI: Services exports currently 43% of total exports, by

2025 predicted to be 70%.)

• To make this happen all small business need to participate in the Knowledge Economy and with our offering

there are no excuses for not taking the first step in a low risk way.


Resolve today to get yourinvisible staff member ‘working for you’


Thank youEoin Costello
