Making project proposal

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Making project proposal

PROPOSAL- Is a request for financial assistance to implement a project. - It outlines the plan of the implementing organization about the project, giving extensive information about the intention, for implementing it, the ways to manage it and the results to be delivered from it 

PROJECT PROPOSAL- Is a document which you present to

potential sponsors or clients to receive funding or get your project approved.

- Is a detailed description of a series of

activities aimed at solving a certain problem

In order to be successful, the document should:

•provide a logical presentation of a research idea•illustrate the significance of the idea•show the idea's relationship to past actions•articulate the activities for the proposed project

1. Project planning   (formulation of project elements)2. Proposal writing (converting the plan into a project


Getting Ready to Start a Project Proposal

1.From vision to proposal - Decide what the problem is and develop a rough idea (vision) of how this could be solved.

2. Identify potential  funding options

3. Build a project proposal team

4. Hold a kick-off meeting

Proposal Writing

Parts of Full Project Proposal1. Title pageThe title page should indicate the following:- project title, - the name of the lead  organization (and potential

partners if any), - the place and date of project preparation - name of the donor agency to whom the proposal is


2. Project title Refer to a certain key project result or the leading project activity.

3. Abstract/Executive Summary includes: -the problem statement, -the project’s objectives, -implementing organizations; -key project activities; - potentially the total project budget.   

4. Context This part of the project describes the social, economic, political and cultural background from which the project is initiated.

5. Project justification Divided into 4 sections:

1. Problem statement2. Priority needs3. Proposed approach ( type of intervention)4. Implementing organization5. Project aims

6. Target group-define the target group and show how it will benefit from the project.

7. Project implementations :2 Elementsa.Activity plan should include specific information and explanations of each of the planned project activities. b.Resource plan should provide information on the means necessary to undertake the project.

8. Budget An itemized summary of an organization's expected income and expenses over a specified period of time.

9. Monitoring and evaluation The basis for monitoring is set when the indicators  for results are set. The project proposal should indicate: how and when the project management team will conduct activities to monitor the project’s progress; which methods will be used to monitor and evaluate; and who will do the evaluation.

10. Management  and personnel- A brief description should be given of the project personnel, the individual roles each one has assumed, and the communication mechanisms that exist between them.

• A proposal is an essential marketing document that helps cultivate an initial professional relationship between an organization and a donor over a project to be implemented.

• A proposal facilitates appropriate words for the conception of an idea.

• The proposal has a framework that establishes ideas formally for a clear understanding of the project for the donor.

• Successful proposals mean financial aid for the organization to grow for the replication of project and ideas.

1. Planning problems: Although a good idea exists, yet when we try to plan it out extensively, we face many unexpected challenges 2.There are often tight deadlines, and proposals may be rejected