Making History: an introduction to iMovie and documentary ...€¦ · Part I – an introduction to...

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Transcript of Making History: an introduction to iMovie and documentary ...€¦ · Part I – an introduction to...

Making History: �an introduction to iMovie and

documentary filmmaking

RAHS Digital Media Officer Graham Sciberras

Part I – an introduction to iMovie - What is it? What can I do with it? How do I get it? - The Layout - The Process

Part II – an introduction to documentary filmmaking - Treatment and Proposal - Audio - Storyboarding/Shot Lists - Lighting - Shooting - On Location - Framing

Part III – Where to next? - Purchasing equipment - Sourcing funds - Further Resources

What is iMovie? •  a video editing software application sold by Apple What can I do with it? •  Import video footage from various sources, edit, add titles, sound, transitions, etc. •  Create a video file that can be distributed and shared


How do I get it? •  Accessing a Mac already set up •  Purchase a new Mac (bundled with iLife) •  Purchase the application from Apple to upgrade from

previous version


Event Library

iMovie ‘11 iMovie ‘13


iMovie ‘11 iMovie ‘13


iMovie ‘11 iMovie ‘13


iMovie ‘11 iMovie ‘13

iMovie ‘13

Event Library




The Process Create a New Event and Import

The Process Create a New Event and Import

The Process Create the Movie

The Process Create the Movie

The Process Add footage to the timeline

The Process Add footage until complete

5. Editing

Cut Mix/Dissolve/Crossfade Fade Wipe Trimming, Splitting and Moving Clips !

5. Editing

The Process Adjustments and Effects

Colour Balance Colour Correction

Cropping Stabilisation

Volume Noise reduction and Equaliser

Speed Video and Audio Effects

Clip Information

The Process Adding Titles

The Process Adding Stills

The Process Transitions

The Process Audio

The Process Narration

Recording Process Narration Tips Hardware Options

The Process Exporting

The Process The Theatre

The End Result

Part II – Documentary Filmmaking

1.  Treatment and Proposal

•  A treatment is a short story narrative written in simple, non-technical language (ie. no camera angles, transitions, etc).

•  A proposal is a thorough description of all aspects of a project.

Part II – Documentary Filmmaking

2. Storyboarding/Shot Lists !

3. Shooting !

Shot Variations�

Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Wide Shot (WS) Medium Shot (MS) Close Up (CU) !

3. Shooting !

Shot Variations�

Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Wide Shot (WS) Medium Shot (MS) Close Up (CU) !

3. Shooting !

Shot Variations�

Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Wide Shot (WS) Medium Shot (MS) Close Up (CU) !

3. Shooting !

Shot Variations�

Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Wide Shot (WS) Medium Shot (MS) Close Up (CU) !

4. Framing

The Rule of Thirds Look Room Background !

4. Framing

The Rule of Thirds Look Room Background !

4. Framing

The Rule of Thirds Look Room Background !

5. Audio

Equipment Narration Mixing !

5. Audio

Equipment Narration Mixing !

Microphone Placement Record a Demo Use Headphones Practice Read standing Keep hydrated Relax! !

5. Audio

Equipment Narration Mixing !

6. Lighting

Indoors Outdoors 3 Point Lighting

7. On Location

Shot List/Scene List Timing Practice and Patience Preparedness

Where to next?

Purchasing Equipment

Sourcing funds

ClubsNSW ClubGrants

Further Resources

Media College


Atomic Storytelling Guide

Windows Movie Maker Tutorial