Making Digipak

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Making Digipak

{Making Digipak

By Fahad & Nishat

In order to make our Digipaks we used Photoshop CS6.

We used a 139mm Width x 125mm Height Canvas for our Digipak

As our Genre was Indie Folk we decided to go for a more natural look and therefore did not add to many effects and over use the tools when editing.

We repeated the process for all pictures as each panel should match the previous one closely in terms of things such as colour and tone.

Shape Tools – We used shape tools to make her eyes more vibrant, her lips more pinker and her shirt more darker. We did this by selecting first the colour and then overlaying it and changing the opacity to get the right tone. We then used the eraser tool to smooth the edges.

Healing Brush Tool – We used Healing Brush Tool to make the skin more smooth by getting rid of hair, spots and dark areas on her face.

Dodge Tool – We used Doge Tool to make her skin, eyes and teeth more brighter and to get rid of dark circles under her eyes.

Tools Used

Text – We used Text to type the name of our artist and the album title. We imported text form ‘Da Font’ to make the text suit the genre.

Front Cover

Original Picture Photoshopped Picture

Back Cover

Original Picture Photoshopped Picture