Making Decisions... Parents' Advice

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Making Decisions... Parents' Advice

Do the Right Thing!


Parents’ Situations or Problems that needed

Decision Making

-deciding to buy a new car

- whether to get a dog or not

-whether to let dad go work in Iraq

-whether to move work to Manila headquarters

-what to study in college

-what job I would like to do

- to move to Philippines for work and leave home country

-deciding whether to go to university

-deciding to move away from home to go to college

-should I get married or not?

-which country to live in with family

- should I work for the state department?

- should we leave France to live in Switzerland?

- where to go for college?

-Should I accept the Presidency of the Korean Chamber of Commerce? ……………..

Parents’ Advice on the process of


- think about both the good and the bad parts of your decision

- learn how to ask questions or evaluate how the decision will have an impact on you or others

-communication is so important! Talk, talk, talk it out!

-accept the decision once it is made!

- think properly about things from ALL different angles

- don’t make quick, hasty decisions!

- don’t be afraid to take on new challenges!!

- take as much time as you need to consider ALL options (both big or small)

- If possible, try it out to see how it feels

- pray about it!

- talk it over with friends to get their advice and opinions… and their support!

- always be true to yourself… you will feel good about it in your heart (or not, if it’s a bad decision)

- think about BOTH sides by asking yourself: “If I do…then what? If I don’t… then what?”

- think about the future impact if you make this decision….

- make a list of good vs. bad things to help you make the decision

- talk with people whose judgement you trust

- think positively and always consult with others!

- be sure to spend enough time reflecting on your decision…

- make a list of pros and cons, then think critically about EACH one!

- do your research and know the facts

- talk to lots of people first.


- picture yourself in the situation… imagine what it will look like for this decision

- think about what it will look like AFTER you make this decision!

- think about your choices MANY times!

- study the pros and cons

- ask advice from others, like parents or teachers

- dare to take a risk (be sure it’s a good one, but go for it!!)

- be curious and think of all the options

-help with any questions

-ask yourself, “If I make this decision..what will life be like?..What will the results of my decision be..will that be something I want to happen? YES or NO?