Making an impact in Rural India with Ruby - Lightning talk at GCRC 2014

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Making an impact in Rural India with Ruby - Lightning talk at GCRC 2014


As programmers,what problems do we face?

What problems do peoplein rural India face?

- Food- Water- Shelter- Education

The Survey Project

Nutrition Survey

Kids 0 to 3 years, and pregnant women2000 households, 6000 records

gujrat, gurgaonmadurai, bhopal, jaipur

The Agriculture Survey- orissa, bihar, karnataka, andhra pradesh- 3000 families

landless women - nutrition levels are lowfarmers working in their own land - averagewith land and having livestock: above average

- 2 Rails apps- Backbone.js app- Cross platform mobile apps

We need your help!

You don't need to beBill Gates

to help these people
