Make It Stick Parent Resource

Post on 05-Oct-2015

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Take Home Paper Jelly Bean Series week 2

Transcript of Make It Stick Parent Resource

  • 5 Simple Ways You Can Make This Lesson Stick With Your Kids



    IN THE CAR:On the drive home, ask your child what he learned about this weeks lesson:Today we read about Jesus arrest and betrayal. The disciples couldnt understand why Jesus allowed himself to be arrested. They didnt understand that dying was part of Gods plan to save us from our sins.

    HANGING OUT:Make this weeks lesson real:Next time youre watching a movie where a major character makes a sacrifice, take the opportunity to discuss why the storyteller put that into the story. Sacrifice is a recurring theme in movies and stories, and its a good reminder that Jesus sacrificed himself so he could give us eternal life.

    AT DINNER:Here are some great discussion starters:- How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus was arrested? - Why did Jesus have to die? - How would you explain why Jesus died to someone who had never heard the story?

    AT BEDTIME:Quiz your child on this weeks memory verse:- John 15:13 (NIV)Greater love has no one than this: to lay down ones life for ones friends.

    PARENT TIME:What you need to know:At this time of year, we all need to be reminded of why Jesus died. His pain and his sacrifice were very real, but they were necessary to save us from our sins. Thank God for sending Jesus, and thank him for his willingness to go so far to save us from sin.