Make a change

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Pizza Express Challenge - how to fundraise

Transcript of Make a change

Make a changechallenge


About Fairbridge 01Get involved 02Individual fundraising 05

Restaurant challenges 07Local area opportunities 13Fundraising toolbox 15Contact Us 17

“Knowing there are people there for me and

realising they want me to do well has changed

my life. When people see the good inside of you,

you start believing In yourself.”

Sam, 15

Thank you for taking this first step to support Fairbridge. Your fundraising efforts will help vulnerable young people in the UK to turn their lives around.

This booklet is designed to help you succeed with your fundraising – it offers information, hints and tips on fundraising for Fairbridge. It is not exhaustive, so if you need any more advice, help of support – or just want to tell us what you are up to, give our Fundraising Team a call on 020 7199 6033, or drop them a line at

Get involved with Fairbridge...

It’s all too easy to dismiss those on the margins of society as someone else’s problem.

Fortunately, our supporters recognise that if we want to create a more inclusive society, then we all need to take action. We all need to help bring about change for those who have never received the support and opportunities that most of us take for granted.

Last year, hundreds of employees made the decision to get personally involved in giving young people a future filled with choice and opportunity.

If you share their belief and enthusiasm, here’s what you can do...

... in three simple ways...

Individual fundraisingLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vehicula faucibus diam quis lobortis. Ut consequat enim ac ante volutpat tempor eleifend ipsum adipiscing. Donec sagittis convallis odio, a cursus urna pretium et. Ut vulputate odio non tortor facilisis quis iaculis nibh hendrerit.

Restaurant challengesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vehicula faucibus diam quis lobortis. Ut consequat enim ac ante volutpat tempor eleifend ipsum adipiscing. Donec sagittis convallis odio, a cursus urna pretium et. Ut vulputate odio non tortor facilisi quis iaculis nibh hendrerit.

Local area opportunitiesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vehicula faucibus diam quis lobortis. Ut consequat enim ac ante volutpat tempor eleifend ipsum adipiscing. Donec sagittis convallis odio, a cursus urna pretium et. Ut vulputate odio non tortor facilisis quis iaculis nibh hendrerit.

... and make a change!

It’s not just young people that benefit…

Change the community:Truancy, unemployment, juvenile crime, drug addiction, homelessness: the problems that our young people face end up facing us all. So, helping young people to make positive changes in turn has a positive impact on the wider community.

Change as an individual:Through getting involved at Fairbridge you will develop a range of transferable skills that will improve the way you work as well as your long term career prospects. However you choose to take part, you will be challenged in a way that will develop your:

confidence• communication skills• teamwork• ability to solve problems.•

Change your team:Unlike traditional training, employee involvement is a chance to develop members of your team through real life experiences. The challenges included here can be linked in to RBS group key competencies and are designed to widen the skills base and mindset of your team as a whole.

Individual fundraising

Organise your own activities...Independently or with a team, this is a really effective way to help Fairbridge. The choice of fundraising activities is endless, from sports tournaments to glittering dinner dances! There are even lots of ways to raise money without leaving the office – run an air guitar competition, organise a cake sale... see how inventive you can be.

Fairbridge is able to support you in your fundraising activities. We have a simple pack full of step-by-step instructions for an assortment of ideas and can provide promotional materials, and advice.

Join pre-arranged activities...Call us to find out what activities Fairbridge have planned...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vehicula faucibus diam quis lobortis. Ut consequat enim ac ante volutpat tempor eleifend ipsum adipiscing. Donec sagittis convallis odio, a cursus urna pretium et. Ut vulputate odio non tortor facilisis quis iaculis nibh hendrerit. Cras suscipit luctus consectetur. Nunc tristique mollis tempus. Proin ut lacus vitae ante ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse sit amet viverra tellus. Ut iaculis metus nec dictum semper. Dongrtsdjh gjfjdjdj djjfh oiyy f kerhec et libero ut tellus semper vestibulum at sed mauris.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vehicula faucibus diam quis lobortis. Ut consequat enim ac ante volutpat tempor eleifend ipsum adipiscing. Donec sagittis convallis odio, a cursus urna pretium et. Ut quis iaculis nibh.

Restaurant challenges

A positive way for your restaurant to help young people and • their communities

A challenging, fun method of building your team•

A unique tool to develop skills within your team•

Fairbridge met multiple objectives for us. Not only was it a great, cost effective

vehicle for staff development, it also enabled our staff to network, and directly

support the good work of Fairbridge.Alan Jones – HR Consultant, NatWest Retail

Knowing about the techniques Fairbridge uses with young people, we realised they would make for a

fantastic team building event. We weren’t disappointed!

Andrew Tummon – Regional Learning and Development Manager, RBS Retail Learning and Development

Local area opportunities

Fairbridge has 15 centres throughout the UK where you may be able to get involved directly.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametConsectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper pellentesque eros, ac tempor felis imperdiet bibendum. Donec bibendum ultricies erat eu volutpat. Praesent a diam libero. Phasellus congue semper mauris, ut vehicula nunc mattis non. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque faucibus varius purus, eget aliquam erat tempor vitae. Proin accumsan adipiscing quam, id fermentum tortor gravida malesuada. Aenean ullamcorper pulvinar mollis. Quisque tempus vulputate nisl nec adipiscing. Curabitur rhoncus, sem eget pretium bibendum, enim mauris vehicula est, sit amet tristique metus ante ut tortor. Nulla ut interdum nisi. Sed sit amet convallis purus.

Phasellus dignissim malesuada magna id ullamcorper.Integer sed lacus sapien. Fusce fermentum orci semper orci imperdiet iaculis. Duis neque eros, accumsan ut ornare quis, rhoncus sed velit. Maecenas sit amet libero sed velit dapibus auctor. Suspendisse volutpat cursus risus. Integer nunc metus, vehicula vel porta quis, mattis vitae neque.

Nulla faucibus risus sed augue eleifend mollis. In in lorem neque. Fusce sit amet velit dolor. Cras vel massa nulla, id tincidunt sapien. Nulla diam arcu, scelerisque vel posuere et, aliquam sit amet mauris. Curabitur id dolor velit. Nulla sit amet quam non risus tempor pellentesque ac vitae nibh. Nam feugiat scelerisque felis malesuada convallis. Morbi purus lacus, placerat sit amet lobortis sit amet, tempus dictum mi. Aenean nulla erat, mattis non laoreet ac, sodales eget leo.

imperdiet bibendumConsectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper pellentesque eros, ac tempor felis imperdiet bibendum. Donec bibendum ultricies erat eu volutpat. Praesent a diam libero. Phasellus congue semper mauris, ut vehicula nunc mattis non.

Phasellus dignissim malesuada Integer sed lacus sapien. Fusce fermentum orci semper orci imperdiet iaculis. Duis neque eros, accumsan ut ornare quis, rhoncus sed velit. Maecenas sit amet libero sed velit dapibus auctor. Suspendisse volutpat cursus risus. Integer nunc metus, vehicula vel porta quis, mattis vitae neque.

Nulla faucibusIn in lorem neque. Fusce sit amet velit dolor. Cras vel massa nulla, id tincidunt sapien. Nulla diam arcu, scelerisque vel posuere et, aliquam sit amet mauris. Curabitur id dolor velit. Nulla sit amet quam non risus tempor pellentesque ac vitae nibh. Nam feugiat scelerisque felis malesuada convallis. Morbi purus lacus, placerat sit amet lobortis sit amet, tempus dictum mi. Aenean nulla erat, mattis non laoreet ac, sodales eget leo.

Abseil down a local building, auction, art class – organise for a local artist to give a masterclass and charge for it!

bbq, book sale, barn dance, bring ‘n’ buy, Burn’s Night dinner, baby photos ‘guess who’ – get people in the office to bring in photos from their youth!

Cake stall, car boot sale, collection boxes, calendar, coffee morning, craft fair, comedy night, cookery contest, car wash

darts match, disco, or perhaps a dress down day

egg and spoon race, email, eBay – sell your unwanted goods on the net

fancy dress party, fashion show, football match, firework party, fun run, Facebook (or other social networking site)

gamesevening, garden party, garage sale, golf tournament, guess how many sweets in the jar

hot dog stand, hamper raffle, Halloween party, head shave

It’s a knockout competition, Italian evening, ice skating relay race

Jumble sale, jellybean eating contest, Justgiving

karaoke competition, kite flying

Line dancing marathon, lie in jelly, limbo competition!

match funding from your company, masked ball, murder mystery evening, musical evening

Newspaper publicity, night-time walks

Outings, opera evening, orange day – dress from head to toe in ORANGE!

Fairbridge’s A-Z of fundraising

Parachute jump, pet show, plant sale, pub games, pot luck supper – everyone brings a random dish and pays £5 for dinner

quiz night, quiet time – hold a sponsored silence, or get your little angels to do one and get a bit of peace!

Race day/night, radio campaigns, raffles (contact your local council for info on raffle guidelines in your area)

stalls at fetes, slave for the day, sports day, sweepstake, spacehopper race!

tennis tournament, tombola, treasure hunt, tea party, tug-of-war, talent contest, themed ball

university challenge, unwanted gifts – collect yours and others and have a jumble sale

volleyball competition,, valet service, Valentine’s party

wine tasting evening, white elephant stall, wheelbarrow race, website – yours or your company’s, worm-charming competition!

xmas party, Xbox tournament - organise a play-off on the games console! yachting trips,

Youtube race - get people to sponsor you to do daft things on YouTube and see who can get the most hits!

Zorbing, Zumba marathon, zombie fancy dress competition - re-create Thriller!

get creative! Here are some fun and exciting ways you can raise money for Fairbridge...

Fundraising toolbox

The more you put in the more you get out. With some planning, enthusiasm and just a little charm, you’ll be amazed at how easy it can be to raise money for Fairbridge!

ten top sponsorship tips

1 The earlier you start your fundraising the easier it’ll be for you to reach your sponsorship target.

2 Create an online fundraising page as well as using a paper sponsorship form.

3 Make sure that the first donation is a big one - it sets a benchmark for other supporters!

4 Use us – we love to hear about your fundraising efforts and have a range of materials to support your plans!

5 Develop a team of recruiting agents from among your family and close friends.

6 Find out if your company operates match funding for employees’ charitable donations.

7 Put a footer on all of your work emails reminding contacts about your fundraising venture.

8 Sit down and make a list of all your social circles: family, friends, clubs, PTAs, work colleagues, clients, etc. that you can ask for sponsorship. You’ll probably find that you know more people than you first thought!

9 Get your local press interested in what you’re doing. This is a great opportunity to publicise your event to the local community.

10 MOST IMPORTANTLY, DON’T FORGET TO ASK. Be persistent and confident and know you’re doing a really great thing.

sponsorship formsWe’ve included a sponsorship form at the back of this pack. Carry a copy with you wherever you go and be shameless! Ensure your first pledge is a big one and hopefully everyone else will follow suit.

Online fundraisingThis is one of the easiest and most effective ways of gathering sponsorship. Create your own personalised online fundraising page and people will be able to sponsor you online, using a credit or debit card, from anywhere in the world! They do charge a small admin fee but they are cost-effective for charities to use because they reduce our admin costs and maximise Gift Aid uptake.

You can even post a link to your fundraising page on social networking sites. Get your friends to post it on theirs too and you have instant access to a load more potential supporters!

This is a not-for-profit service. Admin charge = 2% of each donation.

Admin charge = 5% of each donation.

don’t forget to gift Aid!Please ask all UK tax-payers to Gift Aid their donations. This enables us to claim the tax back on their gift. Using Gift Aid means that for every pound your supporters give, Fairbridge gets an extra 28p from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), meaning that £100 can be turned into £128 for Fairbridge at no extra cost to you or your donors. Imagine what a difference that could make to young people’s lives!

making paymentsWhenever you send us a payment in the post please enclose your contact details – including your name – so we know who the payment belongs to. If any of your supporters want to send payments directly to us, please advise them to include your contact details. We’ll always acknowledge receipt of your payments. You’ll find the address for all payments and correspondence below.

Cheques and CAf vouchers* Cheques and vouchers should be made payable to ‘Fairbridge’.

*Please note that if you have been set a minimum sponsorship target by Fairbridge then we cannot accept CAF vouchers written in your name, or from your immediate family, to go towards this. This is because it would breach the rules of Gift Aid.

CashPlease don’t send cash through the post. If you receive cash from your supporters, you can pay it into your own bank account and send us a personal cheque made payable to ‘Fairbridge’, along with your sponsorship form if possible.

keeping a record of your paymentsYou might want to keep a record of your fundraising and the payments that you make. We’ve prepared a recording sheet for you to photocopy and use, which is included at the back of this pack.

Press release templatePurpose: to take something newsworthy about your event to news outlets. The release must be clear, interesting and, above all, relevant to the newspaper/broadcaster and their audience.

Issued: (date) For immediate release

tItLe (the title should be brief and attention grabbing – think about

what will interest the journalist and make it catchy!)

first sentence should be a summary of the story. It must answer all the important questions like who, what, where, when, why and how.Keep the journalist’s attention! Expand on details in the second paragraph. Make sure you pinpoint what is different about your story and why it will interest the publication’s readers.

following paragraphs can contain important facts or statistics that support the story.

Include one or two quotes at the end that illustrate the story. Try and use a variety i.e. those involved in the event, Fairbridge (FB) young person, FB staff member, MP, etc, depending on the piece. We can provide positive quotes from Fairbridge young people about their experience at Fairbridge.

(Example) XXXX (young person), (age), Fairbridge project participant, said, “…….”.

finish with any necessary details such as how to contact you, if photography/interviews are available etc.(Example) For more information and photography (insert what photos of) please contact XXXXXXXX on XXXXXXXXXXXX or email XXXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXX


Notes to editor

(this section is important as it anticipates any questions a journalist might have. See below for section on Fairbridge nationally – if you are supporting a particular Fairbridge centre you might like to add notes on that particular team.)

Working out of 15 centres in the UK, Fairbridge is a national • charity supporting young people aged 13-25 to develop the confidence, motivation and skills they need to turn their lives around. In 2008/9 79% of the young people we worked with achieved a positive outcome such as returning to the classroom, starting a college course or finding a job. Find out more at

Any notes on relevant corporates, projects, funding bodies. • Remember to add website if appropriate.

RemembeR: The press release needs to be as short and succinct as possible in order to keep the journalist’s attention. It also needs to be written in the correct tense i.e. depending on whether it is about a future event taking place or something that has already happened.

For any help and advice about contacting journalists please get in touch with Diane Leeming, Fairbridge’s Senior Media & PR Officer, on 020 7199 6044 or email

Press release template continued...

Help, advice and contacts

We have lots of information and fundraising material available for you to use and we’re here to provide you with as much help as possible. If you need any more advice, help or support - or just want to tell us about what you are up to, just contact us on 020 7199 6033 or

Fairbridge Fundraising Team207 Waterloo RoadLondon SE1 8XD








Registered charity no. 206807 l SC039288

Fairbridge teams

Fairbridge have teams in the following areas:

1 Dundee 2 Glasgow 3 Edinburgh 4 Newcastle 5 Middlesburgh 6 North Manchester 7 Salford 8 Liverpool 9 Birmingham10 Cardiff 11 Bristol12 Southampton13 Kennington, London14 Hackney, London15 Kent