Mainstreaming tertiary agricultural education to address ... · Improving food and nutrition...

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University of Abomey-Calavi

Improving food and nutrition security outcomes in West Africa:what role for university?

Status of food and nutrition security in Benin

Enoch Achigan-Dako, Nadia Fanou Fogny, Olivier Bello

CTA cross-learning workshop and writeshopInforming FNS Policy and Practice: Strengthening the Agriculture-Nutrition Nexus

and improving outcomesNovotel Hotel, Dakar, Senegal, 21-25 September 2015

Benin development facts Area: 114,763 km²

Population: 10 millions;60% in rural area;

52% women, of which 46% in reproductive age; 17% children under 5 yrs

GDP (2011): USD 1,481 (PPP)

47% living with less than 1 USD/day

Human development index (2011): 0.437

Benin development facts

Economic growth: below 5% for the last three years

Agriculture: income source for 60% active population; 32% GDP

Livestock: 15-18% agricultural GDP (cow, goat, poultry)

Fishery: 12% agricultural GDP

Import dependence rates (domestic supply provided by importation): 50-60% animal product; 27% cereals.

Current state of food and nutrition in Benin










2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011

Figure 4: Staple food production (tonnes), 2006-2010


Prevalence of undernourished persons: 12% (2005-2007)

Childhood malnutrition: 13 % low birth weight (2006), 17% underweight (2008),

37 % stunting (2009),

7% wasting

Adult malnutrition: 9% chronic energy deficiency

23% overweight/obesity among women

78% and 60% children and women suffering from anemia

66% of school age children showing clinical signs of vitamin A deficiencies

34% households in food insecurity

Current state of food and nutrition in Benin

Most current values for the 6 World Health Assembly (WHA) indicators and latest on-/off-course status for 5/6 WHA indicators for Benin

Progress in meeting nutrition status targets

Year Stunting


Year Overweigh

t (%)

Year Wasting


Year Exclusive



Year Anemia


Year Low




2014 34.0 2014 1.7 2014 4.5 2014 41.4 2011 49.6 200



2014 Off




2014 On course:



2014 On


2014 On course 2011 Off


• 0.1% government budget lines allocated to nutrition specific interventions

• 5.25% of government budget lines allocated to nutrition sensitive interventions

Strategic questions about role of highereducation in FNS issues

• What is needed in terms of capacities (from the point of view of the labour market but also of the university staff) in the area of increasing food supply and reducing hunger?

• How can these needs be translated into learning outcomes, research areas, and student competences to enhance the engagement of TAE institutes in ARD policy processes?

The University of Abomey-Calavi

• Established in 1970

• Since 2001 it was renamed the University of Abomey-Calavi and referred to as UAC.

The University of Abomey-Calavi

Our Mission:

To pursue national and international recognition and excellence in our core functions

of teaching and research while integrating our engagement with society and local

communities by using quality, relevance, transparence, and sustainability as our core


Our Vision:

To be a third Millennium

University, recognized

internationally for its quality,

relevance and impact, and

decisively involved into the

development of the society.

11 University centres

25 Faculties, Schools and Institutes

10 Graduate Schools

89 Full Professors

939 = Qualified lecturers

722 Administrative and technical staff

82 980 students in 2013

Lecturers/Students ratio is about 1/88

PhD = 675 (2013) 90 graduations/yr

Articles published: 566 (2012)

The University of Abomey-Calavi

Teaching programs related to FNS

• Basic courses: 3 yrs BSc/ 5 yrs Ir degree

• Advanced lectures:– DNSA: 12 majors → development and analysis of

nutrition/food security policies and programs; food securityand nutrition monitoring and surveillance programs;nutritional desorders; food and nutrition interventionsstrategies; socioeconomic aspects of nutrition

– DPV: 13 majors → seed storage and conservation; pestmanagement; agroclimatology; integrated soil management;Integrated pest management, biosafety and biosecurity,molecular genetics, plant genetic resources.

• MSc degree Dpt Nutrition and Food Science– Food policy (food security and nutrition, sociocultural factors

influencing nutrition, food and nutrition programs, etc)

– Nutrition and health (epidemiology, food security and nutritionsurveillance, community nutrition programs planing andmanagement, etc)

– Food quality and safety (nutrition and dietetics, sanitation andtoxicology, analysis, quality control and sensory evaluation,regulation and standardisation, etc.)

– Skills development (planning and management of projects, research methodology, statistics and informatics, etc.)

Teaching programs related to FSN

Teaching programs related to FSN

• MSc degree Dpt Plant Production– Soil fertility management: Breeding, Isotopes, Applied

chemistry, Soil physics, Pesticides use, Toxicology, Qualityand standard, Crops production, Experimental design, Soilbiology and biochemistry, Water and soil conservation, Soilfertility and fertilisation,

– Agrobiodiversity and crop protection: Applied genetics,Plant genetic Resources, Breeding, Phytopatology, Weedscience, Entomology, Nematology, Crop production,Experimental design, Seed and grains science, Pest anddisease management.

• International training workshop in nutrition and food security(FINSA): Capacity building and strengthening of local stakeholdersand professionals working for rural development

• Development and knowledge sharing international forum forsustainable rural development (FIDESPRA): contribution to localdevelopment by training local stakeholders on participatory andsustainable development approaches

• Food and applied nutrition regional center (CERNA): upgradingand scaling up food sciences research outcomes through supportingsmall agri-food projects or agribusiness

Professional training programs

• Capacity building and strengthening of local stakeholders and professionals working for rural development

• Started in 1992; every year, 4 weeks

• 2012 → 21st round topic «Nutrition and food security and development »

• Participants from Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Democratic Congo, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Bissau Guinea, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Centrafrican Republic, Sénégal, Rwanda, Chad, Togo, Haïti, Comores, Italia


• From Natural Resources to Healthy People: food-based interventions to alleviate micro-nutrient malnutrition – 3 trained PhD

– FSA , University of Ouagadougou (BF) & WageningenUniversity/INREF I (2000 -2005)

• Tailoring food sciences to endogenous patterns of local food supply for future nutrition (TELFUN) – 2 PhD students

– FSA , Ecuador, Ghana, India, WageningenUniversity/INREF II (2007 – 2012)

Research programmes

• Upgrading quality and competitiveness of fonio (Digitariaexilis) for improved livelihoods among rural stakeholders– 2006 – 2012: 2 PhD and 6 MSc

– FSA, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, France,Belgium & Wageningen University; European Union

• Improved nutrition through staple foods in Africa (INSTAPA)– Benin, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali & Wageningen University;

European Union

– 2008-2012: 2 PhD students, 6 MSc

Research programmes

• Convergence of Sciences: Strengthening agricultural innovation systems in Benin, Ghana and Mali– CoS: 2001-2006: 9 PhD– CoS-SIS: 2008-2013: 9 post-docs; 9 PhD students– Netherlands/DGIS

• West Africa Agricultural Productivity ProgramProject for Africa WAAP (2012 – 2016)– Generate and accelerate adoption of improved

technologies in top agricultural commodity priorities areas;4 components

– More than 12 PhD and 40 MSc

Research programmes

Auditing the roles of UAC in addressing FNS and reducing hunger in Benin

Investigation approach

Activity 1. Quick-scan at the macro level: current provisions, policy framework in Benin

Activity 2. Audit at the meso level: capacity development efforts, existing curricula, research programmes, community outreach

Activity 3. Stakeholders mapping: actors roles, capacities, responsibilities

Activity 4: National university seminar

Activity 5: National stakeholder workshop

Current provisions, policy framework and programmes in FNS Benin

1991: Declaration letter of the Rural development policy (LDPDR)

1999-2000: Declaration of the Rural Development Policy (DPDR, 2000), Overall Scheme for Agricultural and rural Development (SDSAR) , Operational Strategic Plan– PSO (2000), Agricultural Services Restructuration Programme (PRSA)

2004: Medium- term National Investment Plan (PNIMT), validated in Feb. 2004 as response to the recommendations of CAADP

2009: Strategic Plan for the Development of the Rural Sector (PSRSA)

2008-2015: National Programme on Food Security (PNSA)

Current provisions, policy framework and programmes in FNS Benin










Availability Access Utilization Stability



e o

f fo











Aspects of food security

Proportion of programs/projects by aspects of food security

About 200 programs/project implemented within 15 years. Most of the strategies focusing on food availability.

Current provisions, policy framework and programmes in FNS Benin

Current provisions, policy framework and programmes in FNS Benin

N° Program title Objectives Technical and financial




Selected target


Year of


1 AIMAEP Adminsitrative and technical

capacity buiding of the ministry

of agriculture (MAEP)

the kingdom of Belgium CTB MAEP staff 2009-2013

2 Improvement of

farmers access to

inputs non cotton in


Contributes to improving the

access of farmersto rice, maize

and pineapple

the kingdom of Netherlands Netherlands



rice, pineapple and

maize farmers


3 Improvement of food

and nutrition security

of vulnerable groups

in Mono communities

in Benin

Improve the nutritional adequacy

of existing schemes and

promote good feeding practices

Government of Finland (Agro

Food Research Finland : MTT)

and CGIAR through the

« agricultural research program

for nutrition and health »





Infants and children

from 6 to 24 months


4 APRA/INRAB New management system of

agricultural research based on

farmers demands

IFAD (International fund for

Agricultural Development) and

Danida (Danish Cooperation).

INRAB Farmers 2001-2009

5 ASPS Improve competitiveness, quality

and food security in Benin

EU, 10th European

Development Fund Benin

BDA, Belgian




staffs, entreprises,

women groups,

importers and other


Table 1. Some food security interventions in Benin (1991-2013)

Auditing TAE on FNS issues

Auditing workshop: 23 April 2013

Validation workshop: 30 May 2013

TAE and FNS issues

The audit shows that efforts are being made to enhance FNS teaching and research at UAC. Nevertheless, there are many challenges to overcome.

---------------------------------------------------------Université Abomey-Calavi

Etablissement EPAC-FAST-FSA

Auditeur BELLO Olivier

Coordinateur national ACHIGAN-DAKO Enoch

Nombre de participants 23

Secrétaire YETONGNON Imelda

Date évaluation 23-04-2013

Date dernière évaluation

Date situation désirée 3 ans


Mapping stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities

• Institutional Support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and Fishery (AIMAEP), • Improvement of Farmers access to non-cotton inputs in Benin: 2009-2013, • support program of the Agricultural research of National institute of Agricultural research Benin (APRA/INRAB), • GRISP (Global Partnership of rice Science) CGIAR research program,• Support program for Modern Poultry Industry Development (PADAM), • Framework Program for Rural Development Support (PADER), • Support Program to develop agricultural sectors (PADFA), • Rural Development Support Program of Mono and Couffo (PADMOC), • Supporting Participatory Development of artisanal fishery program (PADPPA), • Development support program in Agricultural Sector (PADSA I), • Development support program in Agricultural Sector II (PADSA II), • Program for Agricultural Diversification through the Valorisation of Valleys, • Roots and tubers Development Program (PDRT), • Framework support program for agricultural diversification (PROCAD), • NGO Programs for Food and Nutritional Security Phase 2(PROSSAN 2), • Food security program THP, Food Security Emergency Support Program (PUASA), • National Program of Witness shops for National office for food security support, • Community Nutrition Program, • Food Security Project by Agricultural Intensification (PSAIA), • Special Program for youth Integration in Agriculture (PSIJA), • Couffo household food Program and nutritional security (PSAN), • Ease support of agricultural sectors in Mono and Couffo (FAFA MC), • Local intervention project for food security (PILSA), • Project to Improve the Use of Results by the Agricultural stakeholders (PURRA), • project to improve food quality , • Project to improve nutritional and food security of vulnerable groups in Mono communities (Benin) through the increasing use of local agricultural

biodiversity,• Promotion of sustainable school supply, and finally the promotion of formal and informal education for children and youths.

we assessed 30 programs (1991-2013) selected based on their major policies

Several stakeholders and interventions

Mapping stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities

Producers: MTT, CGIAR A4NH

Theater: Benin (Bopaand Houéyogbé/ Mono)

Directors: BioversityInternational Benin

Screenplay: improvement of food and nutrition securityof vulnerable groups in Mono communities in Benin through the increasing use of local agricultural biodiversity

Public: infants and youngchildren (6 to 24 months)

Actors: Nutrition and Food Sciences Department/Faculty of Agricultural Sciences/ University of Abomey Calavi(NFSD/FAS/UAC), UAC et University of Helsinki, bioversity staff, NGO Lone children in Africa and the World (LCAW)



Mapping stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities

Producers: NB and government of Denmark

Theater: Benin

Directors: Ministryof rural dévelopment and DANIDA

Screenplay: Development Support Program in the agricultural sector I (DSPAS I)

Public: economics groups and growers of roots and tubers(PME: small and medium enterprisesand PO)Acteurs: Coordination of DSPAS I/ministry of rural

development , PTAA and PAPA/NARIB, DANA SPAFR, CFDAR, DPP/MALF, STAFF of CARDER and Researchdevelopment, NGO Intermédiaries, FAS/UAC



Mapping stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities

Lessons learnt

slight involvement of the government as ‘’producer’’;

lack of participation of target groups in programs conception;

the technical and financial partners can sometimes play the role of directors or even actors;

the role of the public not clearly defined;

a low involvement of university actors in the implementation of food security programs.

Expected changes from TAE in FNS issues

How can the university get involved in food security policies ?

How to promote academic research for better collaboration between universities and other food security stakeholders?

At what level can universities intervene in the conception and implementation food security programs?

Expected changes from TAE in FNS policies: strategic actions

inventory of existing training possibilities and update them as required;

identify areas for strengthening training opportunities at faculty level;

harmonize existing curricula. It does not mean having the same training content in all entities but to take into account a number of Teaching Units (ECUE) needed for a complete training in these entities;

organize capacity building sessions on food security for local officials and food security professionals;

Expected changes from TAE in FNS policies

facilitating access to research results (newspapers, web sites, TV and radio programs);

establishing of a platform involving all food security stakeholders

developing a strategic thinking mechanism

definition of food security programs monitoring and evaluation indicators

Lobbying university’s commitment in policy development;

establishing an early warning strategy for food security policies.

Pathway to mainstreaming TAE in CAADP process

Financial and technical partners

Script: Food security program


Nutrition and food council

National universities


Conception/elaboration Coordination

Govermental and non govermental bodies

Public: identified target group

Research Monitring-evaluation


Center of excellence

Initial and continuous training

Theater: BeninIncreasing

food supply and reducing


Institutionalization: Institute of Food and Nutrition Security (Funding NUFFIC)

• Document policies and programs and current passes on food safety;

• Strategic thinking and define impact indicators of food security programs;

• Create and manage a database on food security indicators for each municipality;

• Annually publish reliable statistics on the state of food security in Benin;

• Analyze nutritional status of local populations based on indicators defined

Pathway to mainstreaming TAE in CAADP process

• Develop networks and facilitate exchanges of information on food security;

• Analyse and update / harmonize training opportunities in the field of food security

• Carry out vocational training and continuous learning on issues related to FNS;

• Educate and inform monitors (general education) on food safety issues

Pathway to mainstreaming TAE in CAADP process

• Provide strategic guidance to gov. bodies involved in FNS issues ;

• Strengthen the capacity of municipalities on the management of FSN issues;

• Develop/update catalogues of research findings on specific aspects of food safety;

• Make publicly available research findings related to FSN (e.g. newspapers, local magazines).

Pathway to mainstreaming TAE in CAADP process