Main Idea Congress opposed Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans for Reconstruction and instead...

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Transcript of Main Idea Congress opposed Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans for Reconstruction and instead...

Main IdeaCongress opposed

Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans for Reconstruction and instead implemented its own plan to rebuild the South

Reconstruction was an important step in African Americans’ struggle for civil rights

Terms to know…Andrew JohnsonReconstructionRadical RepublicansThaddeus StevensWade-Davis BillFreedmen’s BureauBlack Codes14th AmendmentImpeach15th Amendment

I. Lincoln’s Plan for ReconstructionReconstruction was the period in

American history just after the Civil War (1865-1877) in which the South was being “rebuilt” from a war torn region back to prosperity

Unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Congress all had different plans to go about Reconstruction.

Lincoln’s Plan Johnson’s Plan

Congress’ Plan

How are they alike?

How are they different?

Lincoln’s PlanBefore he died, he made it clear that he

wanted a lenient Reconstruction policyHe felt that it was individuals, not the

states, that had rebelled against the US; since the President had the power to pardon individuals, he wanted to pardon all and make this process as quick and easy as possible.

It was known as the Ten Percent Plan…

The Ten Percent PlanThe govt would pardon nearly all Confederates (except for

high-ranking Confederate officials, and those accused of crimes against prisoners of war) if they swore an oath of allegiance to the United States

Once 10% of a state’s population took this oath, the state could form a new state govt and gain representation in Congress

Under his terms, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Virginia moved toward readmission into the Union

Lincoln’s plan angered a minority of Republicans in Congress—they favored a stricter Reconstruction policy. They were known as the Radical Republicans (led by Charles Sumner (“Bloody Sumner!”)/ Mass, and Thaddeus Stevens/ PN)

They wanted all African Americans to be given full citizenship and suffrage

Radical ReactionRadical Republicans responded to Lincolns Ten Percent

Plan by passing the Wade-Davis BillThis bill proposed that Congress, not the president, be

responsible for handling the process of ReconstructionIt held that the majority (51%) of a state’s population

must take the oath for readmission to the Union (not just 10% under Lincolns plan)

Lincoln used a pocket veto to kill the Wade-Davis BillAccording to the Constitution, the President has 10 days to

either sign a bill into law, or to veto a bill. If he does nothing, the bill will automatically become a law. However, if a bill is passed less than 10 days before the end of a congressional session, the President can ignore it, and it will be vetoed by the closing of the session. This is a “Pocket Veto”

Johnson’s PlanLincoln’s assassination left Johnson the

responsibility to deal w/ ReconstructionHis plan (called Presidential Reconstruction)

differed little from Lincolns plan.Declared that the rest of the Confederate

states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North & South Carolina, and Texas, could be readmitted if they would…Withdraw its secessionSwear allegiance to the UnionAnnul Confederate war debtsRatify the 13th Amendment (which

abolished slavery)

Johnson’s PlanRadical Republicans in Congress were not happy w/ this

plan b/c they felt it was too lenientJohnson’s plan did not make high ranking Confederates and

plantation owners from taking the oath for readmissionRadicals especially upset that the plan did not address

three key issues for former slavesLandVoting RightsProtection under the law

Johnson didn’t believe that former slaves should gain suffrage

All but Texas quickly agreed to this plan, and drew up new state constitutions for admittance back into Congress

Johnson pardoned each Southern legislature who arrived in D.C. in Dec. 1865—Radical Republicans were infuriated, and African American’s felt slighted

Johnson’s PlanWhen the 39th Congress began in 1865 (112th

Congress in 2009), Radical Rep led by T. Stevens claimed that the South was not done w/ Reconstruction—that it didn’t seem much different than before the Civil War.

Congress refused to admit the newly elected Southern legislators

Moderate Republicans pushed for new laws to help former slaves assimilate into Southern culture

In February 1866, Congress voted to strengthen the Freedmen’s Bureau (which was created during the last month of the war)—the bureau assisted former slaves and poor whites with clothing and food. It set up 40 hospitals, 4,000 schools, 61 industrial institutes, and 34 teacher-training centers.

Civil Rights Act of 1866The Civil Rights Act of 1866 gave African Americans

citizenship, and forbade states from passing black codes, which were discriminatory laws that restricted their lives

Black codes prohibited blacks from carrying weapons, serving on juries, testifying against whites, traveling w/o permits, the right to own land.

When these two Acts (Freedmen’s Bureau and Civil Rights) reached President Johnson’s desk, he vetoed them both, claiming that Congress had overstepped its bounds allotted by the Constitution.

By doing this, he angered many people in Congress (Remember, Andrew Johnson is 1 of 2 Presidents who have had the process of impeachment began on them---can you name the other?)

Congressional ReconstructionJohnson’s actions united the Republican base, which began

working together to shift the responsibility of Reconstruction from the executive branch to the legislative branch.

The moderate and Radical Republicans joined together to override Johnson’s veto (2/3 of Congress)—they were successful

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 became the first major legislation enacted over a presidential veto—it was the basis for the 14th Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment (Ratified on July 9, 1868): “All persons born or naturalized in the United States” citizens of the country.

Nobody could deny African Americans life, liberty, or property w/o due process of law

This repealed the Supreme Courts decision in Dred Scott (1857), which said that slaves were property of their owners, not actual citizens of the US.

Bitterness b/t Johnson and CongressPres. Johnson went on speaking tours across the US

urging people to elect those who favored his Reconstruction plan

The 1866 saw the Republicans win in record numbers over Democrats, which ensured that they could easily override any Presidential veto—they had total control over legislation, thus total control over Reconstruction

Congress passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867: Didn’t recognize southern state govts except TNDivided 10 southern states into 5 military districtsVoters in each district (including black men) would elect

delegates to draft new state constitutionsTo reenter the Union, the constitution had to ratify the 14th

AmendmentJohnson vetoed this Act, but it was promptly overridden

Johnson ImpeachedRadical leaders in Congress felt that President Johnson was

not carrying out his constitutional obligation to enforce the Reconstruction Act on 1867—they wanted him impeachedThe House of Representatives had to first formerly impeach

(to formerly charge him w/ misconduct in office) JohnsonThe Senate would then carry out the trial

The Tenure of Office Act (1867) said that a president could not remove cabinet officials that they had appointed to that position.

Johnson fired his Sec. of War (appt. by Lincoln), which prompted the Radicals to bring up impeachment proceeding against him.

During the last day of the trial in the Senate, the 2/3 vote needed to impeach Johnson was not met by one vote—the total was 35 to 19.

Ulysses S. Grant elected PresidentA Civil War hero, Grant was elected to

become president in 1868The Radicals in Congress quickly passed

the 15th AmendmentFifteenth Amendment: States that no

one can be kept from voting because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”.

Some Southern states refused to enforce the 14th and 15th Amendments, but Congress passed the Enforcement Act in 1870, which gave federal officials the power to punish those who prevented African Americans the right to vote.

Main IdeasVarious groups

contributed to the rebuilding of Southern society after the war.

Many African-American institutions, including colleges and churches, were established during Reconstruction.

Terms you’ll need to know…ScalawagCarpetbaggerHiram Revels SharecroppingTenant Farming

Conditions in the Postwar SouthFormer CSA states Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,

Louisiana, South Carolina, and North Carolina joined Tennessee in reentering the Union in 1868 w/ newly elected Republican-dominated state legislatures

Because much of the Civil War was fought within the Southern states, many had to begin the process of physically rebuilding from the ground up (Sherman alone destroyed over $100 million in GA and SC!)

There was an immense economic crisis in the south—banks lost bonds, farms were ruined (ex: in Alabama, per capita income dropped from $18,000 to $3,000)

Population among men dropped due to war; 1/5 of adult men died during the war.

Conditions in the Postwar SouthThe Republican govts

began public work projects to revitalize the South; roads, bridges, and railroads were built, orphanages and hospitals were established, and the first public school systems in the South were created.

These public work projects were very expensive, and placed even more economic woes on the region

Politics in the Postwar South

Scalawags Carpetbaggers

Negative terms for any white Southerner (former Democrat) who joined the Republican Party after the Civil War

Any Northerner who chose to move to the South after the Civil War

Aptly named b/c of the small piece of luggage made of carpet they brought with them

Conditions in the Postwar SouthAfrican Americans made up the largest

group of Southern Republicans—they gained the right to vote as a result of the Fifteenth Amendment

In the South, nearly 90% of African-American voters voted (for the Republican Party)

Many Scalawags hated this new-found freedom amongst former slaves, and switched allegiance back to the Democratic Party.

Many white Southerners refused to accept the blacks’ new status, and refused the idea of civil rights among them.

Former Slaves Face Many ChallengesSlaves had been forbidden to partake in any

freedoms prior to the Civil War, so they were all to eager to begin their lives as true citizens

Many freedmen realized that they had no land, tools, money, skills, etc., and faced the dilemma of how to earn a living

Movement from the plantations to the larger cities was a common thing amongst many freedmen

Freedmen also took advantage of their ability to travel to search for family members who had been removed to far off plantations

Freedmen could now marry legally and raise children w/o fear of somebody trying to sell them

Former Slaves Face Many ChallengesBecause slaves were punished if they

learned to read/ write, nearly 80% were illiterate in 1870

The Freedmen's Bureau and African-American churches began opening schools and colleges

Even though white responded violently at the idea of this, many Freedmen received a formal education

African Americans began established their own was the one thing they could run with complete control. Black preachers became a cornerstone of their culture

Former Slaves Face Many Challenges

Hiram Revels was the first African-American senator

Changes in the Southern EconomyIn Jan. of 1865, Gen. Sherman promised the

freed slaves that joined his army “40 acres per family and the use of army mules.”

“Forty acres and a mule” was the hope for many Freemen to begin their new lives; 40,000 settled in land across GA and SC

Thaddeus Stevens claimed that Southern plantations should be confiscated, and the land redistributed to the former slaves who worked it

Republicans felt it was wrong to seize property, as a result, land distribution was not a huge part of Reconstruction

Former Slaves Face Many Challenges

Sharecropping was a system for old plantation owners to continue to harvest their fields w/o the use of free labor

Former slaves and poor whites were given a plot of land from a plantation, and were allowed to farm it…at harvest time, they would give a share of their crops (50%) to the owner


Former Slaves Face Many ChallengesClosely related to

sharecropping, tenant farmers would rent a plot of land from a plantation owner, and pay them rent, but keep all of their harvest.

Today, we use the words “landlord” and “tenant” quite often

Tenant Farming

Former Slaves Face Many Challenges

During Reconstruction, cotton became less and less important.

The South began diversifying their economy with textile mills, tobacco, etc.

The devastating economic impact of the Civil War rippled through Southern life into the 20th century

Terms you’ll need to know…Ku Klux Klan (KKK)Panic of 1873RedemptionRutherford B. HayesSamuel J. TildenCompromise of 1877Home Rule

Opposition to ReconstructionWhile most white southerners bitterly

accepted African American’s new position in society, some relied on violence to keep blacks from participating in government

Opposition to Reconstruction (1 & 2) The first Klan was founded

in TN, 1865 by veterans of the Confederate Army. Its purpose was to restore white supremacy in the aftermath of the Civil War.

The Klan resisted Reconstruction by intimidating "carpetbaggers", "scalawags" and freedmen. The KKK quickly adopted violent methods. The increase in murders finally resulted in a backlash among Southern elites who viewed the Klan's excesses as an excuse for federal troops to continue occupation.

The organization declined from 1868 to 1870 and was destroyed by President Ulysses S. Grant's prosecution and enforcement under the Civil Rights Act of 1871.

Scandals and Money Crisis Hurt Republicans (4 & 5)Scandals, fraud, bribery, etc. plagued the Grant

administration, which made it difficult for Southern Republicans to maintain their hold on Reconstruction govts

Grant was a military man, not a politician, so when he became President, he made the mistake of appointing his friends (dishonest), not experts to high govt positions

The Republican Party split over Grant: The Liberal Republican Party was formed in 1872; its goal was to find a candidate to beat Grant in the next election.They nominated Horace Greeley (editor of New York

Tribune), but Grant soundly defeated him in the 1872 election.

Corruption continued throughout Grant’s tenure

Economic Turmoil (6)The Panic of 1873 The Currency

DisputeBelieving that the

economy would continue on its same boom after the war, investors borrowed more than they could afford to invest in growing businesses

The railroad industry began going broke; banks began closing—a 5-yr period of depression ensued

During the war, greenbacks were issued (paper $ that was not backed by equal value in gold)

Debate whether or not to withdraw them, or to issue more of them, drew voters attention away from Reconstruction

Judicial and Popular Support FadesAlong with political scandals, economic

problems, and political rights being restored to former Confederate Democrats, the Supreme Court also began to undo some of the social and political changes that the Radicals had made.

Judicial and Popular Support Fades (7)The Supreme Court made decisions that

undermined the 14th and15th Amendments: Slaughterhouse cases (1873)---Most civil

rights were ruled to be state, not federal authority, therefore not protected by 14th Amendment

U.S. v. Cruikshank (1876)---The 14th Amendment was ruled not to grant the federal govt power to punish whites who oppressed blacks

U.S. v. Reese (1876)---The 15th Amendment was determined not to grant voting rights to anyone, but rather restrict types of voter discrimination

Democrats “Redeem” the SouthDemocrats recaptured state govts in

Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia

This was know as “redemption”; as a result, in 1876, congressional Reconstruction came to an end.

Election of 1876 (Compromise of 1877) (9)

The Republicans decided not to run Grant again due to all of his scandals; instead they chose Rutherford B. Hayes (governor of Ohio)

Smelling victory, the Democrats ran their ablest leader, Governor Samuel J. Tilden of New York

Tilden won the popular vote, but fell one vote short in the electoral college…therefore a deal had to be made.

Southern Democrats would accept Hayes IF…1. Federal troops were removed from LA & SC; 2. Federal $ to build a railroad from Texas to west coast;3. Federal $ to improves rivers, harbors, bridges; 4. Hayes had to appoint a conservative Southerner to cabinet

Republicans accepted all of these terms, and the Compromise of 1877 helped Hayes to become President in 1877.

Home rule was finally achieved in the South, which is the ability for Southern states to run state govts w/o federal intervention