Magnify Prod.

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Magnify Prod.

Script by Hanna-Mariam Chowdhury and Shima Begum

Scene 1: NEW HOME Characters: Homeless child and child 1 Location: Heron Quays DLR Station WRLY:An establishing shot of the DLR train approaching the platform will be the opening scene. The camera will be in level with the train. The train will come to a halt and gradually stop and pass by the camera. There will be nothing but diegetic sound of the intercom of the trains, the hustle and bustle of bystanders and commuters. A Jump cut will be used and we see ourselves at the front of the door. The door will gradually slide open, and another jump cut will be used ,anextreme close-upshot will be used and the angle will change to a low angleand show the protagonists shoe/foot jumping off the carriage. Another jump cut will be used and we see ourselves face forward at the protganostis both feet. With the use of a Tracking shot the camera will move gradually in an upwards motion but stop at the neck where another jump cut is used. We are at the left side of the protagonist where she looks just above the camera known as a point of view shot. She seems lost and peers aroundand the camera seems quite unsteady and a little shakyHandheld shot. This is to show the protagonists (Homeless child) uncertainty. This is then followed by another jump cut looking to the right this time in which we see a distinctive plastic medicinal cable attached from her nose, the camera is quite close to her face using a Close-upshot thus adding definition to her face and forming an almost pause or reaction shot for the audience at this point non-diegetic sound will occur, quite sentimental and emotional.Another Jump cut will be used showing the homeless child walking away from the camera at a low angle that is slightly tilted. You see her feet walking away from the camera and a blurred sign saying ‘Way Out’ in the distance. She walks into the distance and with ajump cutwe are at the foot of the stairs in which a tracking shot is used to follow the protagonist on her journey. We are at the top of the stairs a High angle looking down at the homeless child while she climbs the stairs.

With a mixture of tracking shots, low angles, mid shots, long shots with the help of jump cuts wesee her walking across searching for a safehaven to live.She finds a large park, filled with grass, trees and a playground. A Panning Shot will show the fence of the park and the sign, which says “Sir John McDougal Gardens” so the audience knows where she is residing. She walks into the park and looks around. A close up shot shows her slight relief behind the sorrow and sadness on her face that she has found a place to stay. A wide shot shows her walking to an isolated and desolate place where she sees a damaged box in which she uses as shelter, she begins to build a home and slowly crawls inside the box and begins to weep where a low angle shot will be used at a distance and non-diegetic sound will emerge (sad emotive tone).

Scene 2: UNLIKELY FRIENDS Location: at the park where children play, in the background. And a new character enters Time: The Next morning WRLY: Child 1 is eating a packet of crisps and sees the box. A wide shot will be used in which she gradually starts to walk towards it. A tracking shot shows her cautiously approaching the box. She peers inside A point of view shot (a low angle facing upwards towards child 1) and she gasps Reaction shot (a close up) of the after seeing the homeless Child looking frail, disheveled and dehydrated. Child 1 Wrly: (eating crisps and speaking in an inquiring tone) Dialogue: What’s your name?why are you living in a box? Homeless Child Wrly: (stares emptily back at child 1 and moves her gaze to her crisps. The protagonist suddenly snatches her crisps and huddles back to her box) an over the shoulder shot is used were child 1 is looking down at the homeless girl. There is no dialogue from the homeless child apart from her heavy breathing as she eats the crisps in order to satisfy her hunger.There is the use of light tension non- diegetic sound Child 1

Wrly: (Sits on the grass and attempts to befriend) Dialogue: My names *Child 1*... how old are you?. Why are you all alone and living in a box? Where’s your family? (Echo on the word family) Homeless Child Wrly:looks wearily at child 1 and faces away from her and a jump cut is used followed by a close up shot at a low angle where the homeless girl is in a daze and starts to reminisce.

Scene 3: FLASHBACK: Acknowledgment of the illness

INT.HOMELESS CHILDS HOME-MIDDAY Name: HOMELESS CHILD LOCATION: At the House Wrly: There are distinctive things that will show the homeless girls illness. There will be distinctive objects scattered around the house. A tracking shot will be used to illustrate each item, alongside a series of jump cuts and flashing affects. We will see hospital documents scattered on the kitchen table, different bottles of medicine and fluids. There will be a document where it says private treatment and with the use of a zoom we will see the outstanding cost of the treatment. It becomes hazy and we flash back to reality, a Close up shot is used on Homeless child’s face. She is shocked and feels horrible and begins to hold her face into her hands. When she looks back up child 1 is gone.

Scene 4:Back to Reality (The two Characters meet again)

EXT. Sir McDougal’s Garden-MIDDAY Name: Homeless child and Child 1 Location: Sir McDougal’s Garden Wrly: It is the following day, we meet Child 1 again. The camera is at a distance at a Low Angle (ON THE GROUND) child 1 begins to walk up to the box, same as the first time she approached the homeless child. A Jump Cut occurs to speed up the walking and a point of view shot is used facing up towards the homeless girl and you see child 1 dropping all sorts of crisps and sweets all at the same time. Another Jump

Cutused to show the reaction of the homeless child. She is wrapped in her blanket unaware child 1 was present until food was dropped onto her.An over the shoulder shot is used to show this. (A High Angle looking down at the Homeless child.) The camera begins to Pan to the left at a mid-pace taking the two girls out of the frame until we see pitch black/darkness this is to illustrate another day and add a Montage affect. Straight after the black screen we see the girls on another day in the same position where child 1 gifts her snow globe. A Close-Up Shot is used on the snow globe. The camera focuses back on the two girls and again Pans to the left at Mid-Speed until we see pitch black screen to illustrate yet another day.This scene entails the two characters playing games on a Nintendo DS that child 1 had bought. you see them laughing and enjoying each other’s company. At this point the camera will be in Slow Motion to Fades capture the homeless girl’s happinessand joy. The scene slowlyFade out and we see the Homeless child walking near the river side (Fading In)

Scene 5: By the riverside (ocean walk) EXT.OCEAN WALK-EVENING NAME: HOMELESS CHILD WRLY:The camera is on the ground at a Low angle, where we see the homeless child walking away from the camera. We see the riverside on one end to illustrate the connection of the penultimate scene. She stops and rests near the riverside. A Jump Cut is used where we see the Homeless child turn directly to it and sit not too far from it. She begins to look out towards it. The camera will be placed on the right side of her with the camera held at a Mid-Shot. The homeless child will then turn her head towards the camera looking down and have constant flashbacks of her past. To emphasise that another flashback was occurring the tone of the screen will differ to Sepia Tone. The Homeless child’s Flashback will entail her parents arguing, their face will not actually show, there will be a lot of hand gestures showing anger and confusion. There will be the use of Non-Diegetic sound entailing tension. The anger elevates that the mother takes her ring and throws it towards the camera. The ring becomes in focus and the mother and father are blurred and they both walk out of frame.Another flashback will occur where she holds her head in between her hands trying to drown the sound of the parents arguing. A last flashback will occur where the homeless child nose is heavily bleeding whilst being hung over the sink.

These flashbacks will occur back to back. But there will be a few breaks in between where we seethe Homeless Child’s reaction of what she has envisioned. We see her start to cry as the next flashback hits hermost. A Flash is used to indicate that the last flash is taking place.

Scene 6: THE HIDDEN LETTER (The Last Flashback) INT.At the House-Afternoon Name: Homeless Child Location: Homeless child’s Home Wryly:The last Flashback commences where a handwritten letter is found on the floor, very close up to the camera. And in the distance you see the homeless child’s father coming towards the camera and kneeling down to pick up the letter. A tracking shot will be used as the father picks up the letter. A voiceover will begin in the voice of the young homeless child. An over the shoulder shot will be used at aHigh Angle, looking down at the letter. Sympathetic Non-diegeticmusic will begin also. As the letter is read out, there will be a split screen where we see the homeless girl escaping her home. Dialogue: (Voice over)

Daddy...I’m Sorry… I know it’s all my fault. I know something is wrong with me and no one can fix me.Daddy I know I am a burdenand you and mummy are fighting because of me… and maybe that’s why she left. She couldn’t cope and made you cry. And that’s all my fault.I know you are trying to find me a new hospital, but I don’t want it. You don’t have any money and I’m not that special anyway. I will love you daddy but I have to go. I have taken what I need and I’m not coming back. Do not come looking for me,I will run further. Ihave CANCER… daddy and I’m so scared!But I don’t want to make you sad anymore by staying. Maybe mum might come back now once I’m gone, I will miss you daddy. Love, *Homeless child*

EXT.CHILD LEAVES THE HOUSE-DUSK (same time as the letter is being read out) SPLIT SCREEN Name: HOMELESS CHILD Wryly:The homeless child begins to collect her items such as clothes food and blankets and places them in her rucksack a series of Jump-Cuts will help speed up her actions. She begins to walk up to the window; the camera will be placed at Mid-Angle outside of the house. We will see the homeless child begin to open the window and begins quietly creeping out of the house. At this moment the child is quiteworried and scared whilst she leaves the house, she walks towards the end of the road and gives one last look at the house before she sets in to the unknown world before her. She walks in to the distance and we flash back to reality.

Scene 7: BACK TO REALITY EXT. RIVERSIDE (OCEAN WHARF)-MIDDAY NAME:HOMELESS CHILD Wrly:In a daze, but feeling quite uneasy and sick. The camera is at a low angle facing up towards the child in which blood spews out of her mouth after relentless amounts of coughing. She is found crying and sobbing in pain aware that she is terribly sick and has no one to turn to. She gets up slowly and moves even closer to the edge of the riverside and this immediately cuts to the next scene.

SCENE 8: LOST AND FOUND EXT.PLAYGROUND-NOON NAME: Child 1 Wryly:It is the following day and we see child 1 happily approaching the where the homeless child resides. She walks up to the box where the And is worried when the homeless child is not there using a Tracking shot. She looks all around the playground a tracking shot is used at a fast pace in a circular motion around child 1 where she hopelessly looks for the homeless child. Tension music starts to arise, Non-diegetic Sound. She begins to avert her eye to theriverside near the

playground.She feels the need to run and is out of breath at her arrival a hand held shot is used to demonstrate them. Child 1 tries to look around and walks towards the riverside as if she can see something in the distance. At this moment the non-diegetic sound is drowned out by children laughter from the playground. An extreme close up shot is used just on child 1’s eyes showing the tension she has.Child 1 walks closer and stumbles across something on the floor a tracking shottravels in a downward motion to the floor. She sees the small globe in which Child 1 hadgiven her, the globe is broken in pieces she beings to pick it up slowly and again looks back at the sea and with much sorrow acknowledges that the homeless girls shoes are floating. A jump cut will be used and zoom in to the shows. The audience will accumulate that the homeless child has killed herself by drowning at sea, and thescreen will slowly fade out as will the sound of children laughing and playing in the background.