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more of remote-viewing is on the /UFO.htm page at doc pdf URL

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived on April 26, 2018. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from any website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site.

StealthSkater note: The following articles propose that the Nazi Bell not only was capable of UFO-type flight but also a time machine. Hermann Oberth (the Father of Modern Rocketry and a mentor to von Braun) once remarked that the Roswell craft behaved more like a time machine than an interplanetary craft. I've always wondered why UFO investigations were being held from the public. At first I thought it was because of Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" scenario where the nation panicked from his broadcast. But nowadays I don't think the public would give a hoot about existence of aliens. Actually they would welcome it as people love new discoveries. A newer twist on the enigma is that "they" are actually US (i.e., humans) from the Future (possibly also applying to crop circle messages).

Possibly the most frightening thing to the public would be if timelines could be controlled/manipulated/altered. It would be every general's wish to win a war without a bullet being fired. That is the legend of the Montauk Project which evolved from merely viewing another time to actually changing it doc pdf URL .I saw a PBS/NOVA episode where it said "seeing into the Future" was easy if you could get near an extremely large gravitational field. (Some physicists postulated that it may even be possible to peer back in Time.) They're talking about Minkowski space and lightcones here which I never understood. How can you see into the Future when it hasn't happened yet? What about free will?

A modern sci-fi movie ("Paycheck" with Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman) was made about viewing timelines although I think it may have been more like viewing the likelihood of a possible event from the many quantum histories. Folklore has it that "they" gave us a Yellow Book which holographically projected mankind's future possibilities. Lazar said that Project Looking Glass was using the intense gravity field of the alien reactor to view Time. Other interpretations of PLG are at doc pdf URL .

In ways, the Montauk Project (which involved reading the thoughts of a psychic/remote-viewer seated in a special electronic to open up a time portal) is similar to Tom Skeggs' Star Chamber which would allow realtime interactive remote-viewing of a viewer and a view-ee ( doc pdf URL ). The M-P allegedly went a big step further and created a stargate-like portal which allowed physical teleportation through time and space. Other legends of such portals (including Robert Bigelow's NIDS ranch) are at doc pdf URL . Then there are always the really bizarre things like going into an alternate dimension like the Incunabula Princeton rebel physicists. Leonard Nimoy's "William Bell" (named after the Nazi Bell?) did this in the tv series "Fringe".

I still think the answer to UFOs lies in the correlation nuke tests and sightings. Before 1947 or after the 1980s worldwide moratorium, not much. But maybe a nuke "event"/detonation has something to do with altering Time also.

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Did Nordic-looking "Star People" provide the Germans with plans for a revolutionary time-travel device?

By Sean Casteel

“We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped by the people of other worlds ... We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a spacecraft.”

-- Professor Hermann Oberth / Father of Rocketry

“When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages. But they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers.”

-- Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, USAF Project Blue Book

On a recent a recent airing of “Ground Zero” -- a nationally-syndicated, conspiracy-focused program heard in the U.S. on the I Heart Radio Network -- researchers Tim Beckley and Tim Swartz shocked bombastic host Clyde Lewis and his thousands of listeners by declaring that NOT ALL Unidentified Flying Objects originate from the stars. Some may have been developed here on Earth by a group of Nazi earthling scientists who were working in collaboration with a group of Nordic-looking extraterrestrials channeling information to the German nationalists as far back as 1919.

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"Ground Zero" with Host Clyde Lewis

This, say Beckley and Swartz, is partially the reason why there is no “Disclosure” in our future because of fear that the American military would have to admit they have known about these “wonder weapons” in our sky ever since thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers were “legally” ushered into the United States under the highly classified “Operation Paperclip” program which exonerated them from their war crimes while many hundreds of other Nazis were executed or fled from the Fatherland. [StealthSkater note: also German and Japanese medical doctors who performed inhumane experiments on captives were exonerated in exchange for their handing over their research. Makes one wonder why? Do humans have to be genetically altered to take advantage of antigravity or time-travel technologies?]

While admittedly a sensational hypothesis, Beckley and Swartz in collaboration with several other investigators lay out their complex concept in a just released book Nazi UFO Time Travelers: Do We Owe The Future To The Fuhrer? published by the Conspiracy Journal, an imprint of Beckley’s Global Communications paranormal publishing complex.

For over half a century, Beckley and his writers have taken on just about every conceivable topic related to UFOs and Fortean phenomena. The iconoclastic Beckley and Swartz (who also co-host a weekly podcast "Exploring The Bizarre" on produced Nazi UFO Time Travelers with the added assistance of Phenomena magazine editor Brian Allan from the UK and, in the interest of full disclosure, myself.

At the outset we should explain that we in no way intended to glorify the Third Reich. In some instances, others have used the Nazi UFO theory as a springboard to promote pro-Nazi propaganda which was the farthest thing from our minds. But in all honesty, this complex theory needs to be bought to the attention of others who refuse to examine any of the evidence which indicates that we could be dealing with a number of explanations for the UFO phenomenon all rolled up into one.

But the uppermost concern here is the acknowledgement that some of the craft we have been seeing in our skies could have been manufactured in underground bunkers somewhere in Germany during various phases of the Second World War. And if indeed some of these craft can travel through time, well then some of the older sightings of “wonder weapons” could be attributed to highly advanced Germanic technology.

As Beckley explains the matter in the book’s opening chapter:

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“Beyond the mere ability to fly what may still seem like technologically ‘miraculous’ aircraft is the haunting, troublesome possibility that the ships also function as time machines, bringing the ability to travel in time within human reach for the first time in recorded history. Devices like Die Glocke (translated as ‘The Bell’) may have been used to bend both space and time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE.

Are we plummeting headlong toward a World under fascist domination? A nightmare in which grinning, sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to ‘catch up’ in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis who are possibly hiding out on the surface of the Moon or in ‘secret cities’ at Earth's poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down?”

At several archaeological sites, many bell- and saucer-shaped artifacts have been uncovered. Could this be proof of Nazi time travelers?

The concept is a little tricky. But it involves the idea that the Nazis were able to move into the future and exert total control once they got there. That concept does, of course, sound “fringe” on the surface. But according to Beckley, we should not assume that the Nazis acted “alone” in achieving such a feat. They obviously had help from “Aryan Space Brothers” who seized an opportunity to use the fledgling Nazis to their own otherworldly ends. In other words, the aliens made building a time machine simple enough that mere humans (once properly instructed and provided with the raw materials) could accomplish the task sufficiently well in real-world terms. [StealthSkater note: Reminiscent of the folklore of aliens helping military/government scientists to construct advances devices using current manufacturing techniques and Earth-based materials. Supposedly a conflict resulted when a guard would not let an alien overseer into an area which resulted in the former's death

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(the Dulce War?). The aliens allegedly pulled out of the project somewhere around the late 1970s.]

What their motives were is open to dispute and debate. Some see the Aryan “Space Brothers” as friendly visitors from the Future (or humans from the Future?) while others wonder why they would want to share their secrets with a very negative group of earthbound scientists. Perhaps they were deceived by the attractive mediums who they thought they may have been related to. Or they could have simply lacked the information required to see their channels’ coming evil before sharing their technology.

The history of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis has always included elements of their occult beliefs. But the new book goes back further in time to the early 20th century and the mediums associated with the Vril Society. The female mediums referred to as true “Nordic beauties” began to channel messages from extraterrestrials whose origin was many lightyears away. The messages included the technical designs of advanced aircraft unheard of in their day in addition to a kind of “blueprint” for a time machine.

Maria Orsitsch (also known as Maria Orsic) was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society.

Some years later, Hitler himself along with several of his SS henchmen came under the influence of the Vril Society as he began his rise to power in a Germany that was sick enough and corrupt enough to be mesmerized by his unchecked anti-Semitism and militaristic obsessions.

When combined with the high caliber of scientists the Nazis “recruited” to design weapons for the war effort which included now-legendary names like Wernher von Braun and Hermann Oberth, the fact that they had alien “help” along the way makes some of their more exotic advances a little more plausible. In fact, the scientists themselves talked openly about this alien help.

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The father of rocketry Professor Hermann Oberth said the space program was being helped by “Them.”

“We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds ... We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a spacecraft.”

So said Professor Hermann Oberth, one of the early fathers of rocketry and the mentor to the young Wernher von Braun.

Meanwhile, von Braun himself stated in 1959 that: “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed and whose base of operations is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into a closer contact with those powers. And in 6 or 9 months’ time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.”

While neither Oberth nor von Braun specify that they were aided in their efforts by "Aryan Space Brothers", they are nevertheless surprisingly candid in what they DID say for public consumption. Their openness may have been part of some larger strategy to steer the belief in UFOs in the direction of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (or the “ETH” for short) and therefore away from a darker point of origin in the blueprints and designs of the Nazis.

In the decades-long campaign of disinformation waged against the truth of the UFO phenomenon, Oberth and von Braun may have simply been firing another salvo of confusion and subterfuge. Or were they simply being sincere in reflecting on their own invention processes? Was there an undeniable alien presence working alongside them? Like most unanswered questions about the UFO phenomenon, the answers await their time.

Another fascinating thread of the story that Beckley holds fast to is this: In many alien abduction accounts (especially the early stories from the late 1950s and early 1960s), the UFO occupants are said to speak in German and to speak English with unmistakable German accents.

The new book quotes a well-known contactee named Reinhold Schmidt who encountered an alien ship in Kearney, Nebraska in 1957. After accepting the flying saucer captain’s invitation to come onboard, Schmidt heard the captain and crew speaking to one another in “High German”. It was a dialect that Schmidt had been versed in by his parents from his youth up. Apparently unaware that

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Schmidt could understand them, the beings spoke to him with their Deutsche accents intact and made no effort to disguise their voices.

On Oct. 5, 1957, 48-year-old Reinhold Schmidt said he stumbled across a spaceship when his car stalled near the Platte River in Kearney, Neb. Schmidt said he was invited inside to chat with the humanoid occupants – 4 men and 2

women who spoke both English and German.

The 1961 abduction of New Hampshire couple Betty and Barney Hill is much better known than Schmidt’s. But when studying their case, there is an often overlooked moment when Barney as he undergoes regressive hypnosis with post-trauma specialist Dr. Benjamin Simon begins to panic when one of his alien abductors takes on the appearance of a Nazi in full uniform. [StealthSkater note: this classic case also led to a previously unknown star - Zeti Reticuli => doc pdf URL . Barney was a black man who married a white woman Betty. Sometimes I wonder if this had something to do with their "abduction" in those racially troubled times. There are some rumors that it was more a test of a memory implant. Offshoots of this are that it was a technology codeveloped by aliens along with government agents. But it is hard to explain the newly-revealed star.]

Was this a glimpse into the aliens’ “true” agenda? As an African-American in the early 1960s, Barney was certainly familiar with the oppressive fears that come from being a victim of racism. Did his unconscious mind somehow conjure the Nazi image as an expression of those fears? Or was it intended as a grim warning of future totalitarian domination?

The Nazis also cast a shadow over even the beginnings of the contactee movement in the 1950s. Many people will be familiar with the 1952 meeting between George Adamski and the androgynous, blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Space Brother who called himself 'Orthon'.

But one may not know that that first contact in the California desert was facilitated by Adamski’s associate George Hunt Williamson who worked out the time and location for the landing in the days

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before it took place by using an Ouija board to communicate with the Space Brothers. Williamson was himself associated with right wing extremist William Dudley Pelley, an American Nazi-sympathizer who had served time in jail for sedition and anti-government rabblerousing. While Williamson would later disavow that he held any racist beliefs at the time, he did serve in Pelley’s employ writing and editing pro-fascist pamphlets and magazines.

Admittedly, no one wants to give up the utopian hopes that accompany belief in the Space Brothers. But the fact that their physical appearance embodied the ideal of Aryan or Nordic “good looks” is not an easy one to ignore.

In the case of the desert encounter between Adamski and Orthon, we have this to consider as well: The new book Nazi UFO Time Travelers offers a line drawing based on a plaster-of-Paris cast taken at the site of the meeting of the boot print of Orthon. One can easily discern a pair of swastikas engraved into the sole of the alien’s boot leading one to consider the possibility that the visiting alien followed “on the heels” (so to speak) of the Nazis defeated some short few years before.

From an imprint left in the soft soil. Adamski’s space contact known as 'Orthon' had the symbol of the swastika etched onto the sole of his space boots.

I think at this point we now have a clearer idea of just what Beckley is aiming for in Nazi UFO Time Travelers. When one combines these seemingly disparate events with one another, they coalesce into a picture of the possible: Aryan aliens who matched their advanced knowledge and technology with willing scientists bent on controlling the World. A kind of 50-50 split between extraterrestrial and human efforts that resulted in the flying saucer phenomenon as we know it today.

But there is still more. One of the most generally agreed upon historical aspects of the Nazis/UFO theory concerns an aircraft called “Die Glocke” (which is German for “The Bell”). It was believed to be

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a product of both alien guidance and the work of topflight scientists like the aforementioned von Braun and Oberth.

A mock-up of this purported airship is featured on the cover of Nazi UFO Time Travelers. It is indeed a bell-shaped aircraft although what kind of propulsion system could enable such an ungainly monstrosity to fly at mind-bending speeds remains unknown. The Bell is also said to contain the time travel apparatus that is so essential to the story.

But which remains an even deeper mystery than what kind of fuel propelled it through the skies. Some contend that the propulsion system is based either in the long sought after antigravity energy or some manipulation of electronic principles which can be tapped into throughout the Universe.

In 1965 in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, numerous witnesses saw an unknown object crash in the woods outside town. Locals reported that some kind of Government/Military cleanup crew was on the scene nearly immediately which indicates that the Federal interlopers had been following the craft’s descent on radar.

The witnesses say the object was put on the back of a flatbed truck under some kind of tarp covering and hurriedly hauled away. But it was still possible to discern that the clandestine cargo was a large acorn-shaped object that could easily be said to have resembled the contours of the Nazis’ Bell. In fact, the similarity is so remarkable that one hesitates to conclude that it’s all a simple coincidence.

According to witnesses, the object that crashed near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania was acorn-shaped much like the descriptions of the Nazi Bell.

Nazi UFO Time Travelers also features a pair of chapters by Tim R. Swartz who writes about a tangled trail of conspiracy and secrecy that involves pioneering inventor Nikola Tesla’s research being commandeered by Nazi spies in their desperate quest to develop weapons for defeating the Allies.

Swartz also contributes several anecdotal accounts of ordinary people who have experienced time distortion, missing time, and other similar anomalies while within close proximity to a UFO. Time does more than stand still at such moments and Swartz gives some needed insight into how ordinary non-Nazi witnesses also encounter a kind of time that dances outside our normal understanding.

Brian Allan, a Scotsman of longstanding fame in the world of the paranormal, provides an introduction into the many elements of the Nazi/flying saucer theory that are essential to the reader’s

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understanding, a kind of primer in the basics. Allan’s writing is both caustic and amusing which is treading a fine line when it comes to this kind of analysis of this heavy (some would say “grim”) subject.

So with Nazi UFO Time Travelers: Do We Owe The Future To The Fuhrer?, a certain amount of license must be granted to the authors. While most UFO believers quite understandably like to ignore the links between flying saucers, alien abduction, Germanic origin stories, and Nazi technology rumors, Beckley and his crew prefer to look these nightmarish ideas in the eye and report on them as objectively as possible.

Have we assembled a book of “inconvenient truths” (to paraphrase environmental activist and former vice-president Al Gore)? It might be more accurate to say “frightening possibilities” and then to commence praying for deliverance from a future world of high-tech Nazis leering at us from some beer garden around the next corner in time.

SUGGESTED READING (Available On Amazon)

Nazi Time Travelers: Do We Owe The Future To The Fuhrer?

The Secret Space Program: Who Is Responsible? Tesla? The Nazis? NASA? Or A Break Away Civilization?

UFOs, Nazi Secret Weapons?

The Omega Files: Secret Nazi UFO Bases Revealed

Also, visit Timothy Green Beckley’s YouTube Channel – “Mr. UFO’s Secret Files”

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10 Interestingly Outlandish Conspiracy Theories About The Nazisby Marcus Lowth / May 24, 2016

To say that the Nazis caught the world off guard when they unleashed their military might at the end of the 1930s would be an understatement. In the 70 years since the fall of the Third Reich, there has been much theorizing and questioning to find out just how the German military became as strong as it did so quickly.

Some of those theories venture into an area bordering on absurd. Absurd or not, however, they are possibly some of the more interesting conspiracy theories of their time.

#10. 1936 Black Forest Incident

According to various reports that surfaced toward the end of the 20th century, a UFO crash-landed in Germany’s Black Forest near Frieberg in 1936. It is claimed that the craft was saucer-shaped and was ultimately recovered by SS troops shortly afterward.

The object was allegedly taken to Wewelsburg Castle, the main headquarters of the Third Reich where their top scientists worked to reverse engineer it and find ways to use the technology to their advantage. Whether they achieved this or not is open to debate. But it is widely accepted that German scientists and engineers were far ahead of other countries at the time.

Although it should be treated with a large pinch of salt, an article that appeared online in 2013 claimed that the author had been able to “channel” into the crash site that evening. He had achieved this by allegedly tracking down a pair of field glasses that had belonged to an SS officer who had witnessed the crash. [StealthSkater note: "channeling" may be what today is called remote-viewing]

The author stated that not only were there survivors but that they were also shot on sight by the SS. The article also claimed that the craft was not an alien vehicle but was in fact a time machine containing humans from the Future.

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#9. The Nazi Bell

In the 2000 book The Truth About The Wonder Weapon, author Igor Witkowski claimed that he had translated the documents of Nazi SS officer Jakob Sporrenberg regarding a top-secret Nazi weapon. According to Witkowski, the documents were given to him by an unnamed source in the Polish intelligence service. He was allowed to translate them but not allowed to make copies.

The documents referred to Die Glocke (also known as the Nazi Bell) and went into great detail about how it worked and what it was capable of. Housed in a military facility called Der Riese which was close to the Czech border in Poland near the Wenceslas Mine, Die Glocke stood around 5 meters (15 ft) high and measured 3 meters (9 ft) across.

It was underground beneath a stone circular structure called “The Henge” which is still there today. It was also said to have ancient symbols like hieroglyphics around the bottom of the bell shape. 2 counter-rotating cylinders within the structure were filled with a substance called “Xerum 525” with Die Glocke employing antigravity technology. When tested and in motion, it was released from its underground facility while chained to The Henge to prevent it from flying off.

When Die Glocke was in motion, it was claimed that visions of the Past could be seen upon its inner mirrorlike surface. Some even stated that the antigravity technology could warp time and space and that this was the true purpose of Die Glocke. It was, in fact, a time machine.

Die Glocke has not been found yet. But a 1965 incident in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania raised a few conspiracy-minded eyebrows. The initial reports stated that a strange bell-shaped object had crashed in the woodlands near the town. The mysterious craft had strange hieroglyphic symbols around its base.

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#8. Ahnenerbe And The Hunt For Ancient Artifacts And Relics

Although the Indiana Jones movies are complete fiction, their portrayal of the Nazis’ interest in ancient relics and artifacts is very much true. It is said that Hitler was obsessed with ancient texts and philosophies and that he made genuine concerted efforts to bring into his possession such revered items as the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Spear of Destiny.

It appeared to be Heinrich Himmler, however, who was the main driver behind Ahnenerbe (officially a study institute for German ancestral heritage). The real reason for its existence, however, was to acquire knowledge of the Aryan race of “superior” humans whom Himmler believed were once residents of Atlantis.

Not only that, but Himmler also claimed that survivors of the disaster at Atlantis had fled northward and that true Germans were descendants of this race. Privately, Himmler felt that providing proof of this would pave the way for him to establish a new Aryan religion that would replace Christianity.

Under Himmler’s direction, the SS explored areas all over the World including Scotland, Iceland, France, North Africa, and India. Following his research, Himmler believed that he would find evidence that the Tibetans were descendants of the Aryan people. A 1939 expedition to Tibet followed in which the SS crudely scrutinized the local population including the bizarre procedure of measuring a person’s head to determine their true race.

Himmler returned to Germany from this particular exploration feeling satisfied that he had proven his theory. More chillingly -- especially given the horrific events that unfolded throughout German-occupied Europe over the next 5 years -- he felt sure that the descendants of the Aryan race had been weakened by mixing with the indigenous Tibetans. Himmler is regarded as being directly responsible for the millions of deaths at the dreaded concentration camps throughout the early 1940s.

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#7. Seeking Knowledge In Ancient Sanskrit Texts

To mold their own twisted ideology, Hitler and the Nazis turned to many ancient beliefs and occult reasonings, not the least of which were ancient Sanskrit texts. Even the swastika ( a symbol that the vast majority of us automatically link with Nazi Germany) was “stolen” from ancient cultures of the region. “Swastika” is actually a Sanskrit word. The Nazis called their symbol Hakenkreutz.

The Nazis were particularly interested in the ancient Hindu texts of India due to their belief that an ancient Aryan race had attacked the country in antiquity and installed a rigid society of caste systems. It should be noted that mainstream scholars completely reject this notion and state that the Aryan civilization simply did not exist.

Himmler was also said to be quite proficient in reading and translating Sanskrit texts. In the same way that many ancient astronaut theorists take ancient texts more at face value to prove their points, so did Himmler with these particular writings. For example, he believed that references to thunderbolts in these texts actually spoke about ancient technological weapons of the Aryan society. Technology that he and Hitler were desperate to obtain and master.

#6. The Haunebu Disc

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Beginning in 1935, Nazi scientists were said to have begun the process of developing an antigravity-powered flying disc (essentially a flying saucer). A lot of this work involved alternative “free” energy sources that would create electromagnetic fields which in turn would power the craft.

These craft were allegedly tested and developed in northwest Germany in Hauneburg. They measured around 8 meters (25 ft) across and could seat 8 personnel. Although they could only fly at low altitude, they allegedly could reach an astonishing 4,800 kilometers per hour (3,000 mph). At their most developed, the craft supposedly reached speeds of 17,000 kilometers per hour (11,000 mph). It was also believed that metallurgists had developed a heat-resistant armor called Victalen (aka Frozen Smoke).

In 1942, 3 years after the first Haunebu test flights were carried out, the Haunebu II was developed. Slightly larger than the first craft and able to seat one more crew member, the Haunebu II’s main difference was its flight endurance which was said to be a staggering 55 hours as opposed to the 18-hour limit of the first flying disc.

Whether the Haunebu was real or only legend is unknown. But the fact that Nazi scientists and engineers experimented with antigravity systems suggests that it wasn’t completely beyond the realm of possibility however unlikely it was.

#5. Vril And The Vril Society

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The Vril Society was alleged to have been a secret society whose members were said to have included Adolf Hitler and other high-ranking Nazi members. The name of the society and, to a point, their philosophy comes from the 1871 science-fiction book The Coming Race by Bulwer Lytton. The book tells of a highly advanced civilization (the Aryans) who could tap into the Vril (essentially the energy of the Universe) and use it for their own ends.

The Vril Society, who believed that they were direct descendants of the Aryan race, also believed that they could master and tap into this energy field. Female members of the Vril Society let their hair grow as long as possible in the belief that doing so allowed them to tap into the Vril.

It is said that the Vril Society positively encouraged Hitler and other influential people in the Nazi Party to embark on their searches for ancient relics and ancient technology.

#4. Secret Arctic Expeditions

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In 1938, the Nazi regime sent the Schwabenland vessel to western Antarctica. Upon arrival, they claimed New Swabia as their own. This was done to “secure Germany’s whaling industry” which seems very reasonable given the number of valuable products the Third Reich would have used from whaling.

For some, though, the expedition has led to much debate about its true purpose. They believe that the Nazis’ real intent was to establish a military base named Base 211 in Antarctica. The Nazis were also allegedly searching for an entrance to the “Inner Earth” that they firmly believed had been inhabited by the Aryan race.

Interestingly, an Alaskan man named Joe Watson recently claimed to be in possession of a letter from a German crew member who had been aboard submarine U-209. In the letter, the crew member claimed that the purpose of their mission was to find the location of the Inner Earth, a goal that they had supposedly achieved. German records do show that U-209 was in this area in 1943. But the submarine went missing in early July.

Perhaps another comment that should be looked at more closely is that of Karl Donitz who was in charge of the German U-Boat fleet. In 1943, he stated that the Germans had rebuilt their submarines “in another part of the world. A Shangri-la land; an impregnable fortress!” Could he have been referring to the top-secret base in Antarctica?

Some have even claimed that Hitler escaped to the Nazi base in Antarctica and did not commit suicide in a Berlin bunker at all. While this claim is almost certainly not true, there are official records of Nazi activity in Antarctica in the weeks immediately before their surrender to Allied forces.

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#3. Claims Of Help From People From Other Worlds

While there is no doubt that the Nazis were quite ahead of the Allied forces in terms of technology and advanced weapons, some claim that the reason is due to help they received from aliens. The theory itself is crazy, right?

But the stories have been around almost since the end of World War II. And very recently, an Iranian news platform stated that they had documents from whistle-blower Edward Snowden that also made such claims. This particular report stated that these aliens (known as the “tall whites”) are also secretly controlling the U.S. Government today. So make of the claims what you will.

A similar story was told decades earlier in 1970 by UFO researcher Allen Greenfield. He said that he had asked Dr. Wernher von Braun (who is generally regarded as the “man who put the U.S. on the Moon”) how Germany had gotten so far ahead of their enemies during World War II.

According to Greenfield, von Braun replied “We had help! From them!”. And then he pointed to the UFO files that Greenfield was searching through at the time. For clarification, Greenfield asked if he meant extraterrestrial help to which von Braun replied “Yes!”

Hermann Oberth, another German engineer, also made similar comments in the book Did Spacemen Colonize The Earth by Robyn Collins. As to why Germany was so far advanced in the 1930s and 1940s, Oberth stated “We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped.” When he was asked who had given this help, he stated “The people of other worlds!”

Of course, both von Braun and Oberth have long since passed away. So it is impossible to verify either of their comments.

#2. Hitler Was Possessed By The Devil?

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Although he is not considered reliable by the vast majority of historians and researchers, Hermann Rauschning is just one of many people who have claimed that Hitler may have been possessed by none other than the Devil himself. In his book Hitler Speaks, Rauschning stated that Hitler would go into a “trance” while giving various speeches. He felt that the leader of the Third Reich was a medium for evil spirits and even the Devil himself.

August Kubizek, one of Hitler’s childhood friends, has also made similar insinuations. In his book The Young Hitler I Knew—The Memoirs Of Hitler’s Childhood Friend, he recalled a conversation in which the 17-year-old Hitler spoke of his ambition to restore Germany to the glory it once enjoyed. Kubizek said of the conversation: “It was as if another being spoke out of his body!”

It is even said by some members of the Catholic Church that Pope Pius XII attempted an exorcism of Hitler from a distance but he ultimately failed. More recently in 2006, Pope Benedict XVI’s “caster out of demons” Father Gabriele Amorth claimed that Hitler was almost certainly possessed by the Devil. He added that it is not only individuals who can be possessed but that entire populations are susceptible.

It should perhaps be noted that Father Amorth has also cited the Harry Potter book series as being responsible for children wanting to experiment with the occult. He even went so far as to say “Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the King of the Darkness, the Devil!”

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#1. Hitler Really Escaped To South America

In summer 2014, declassified FBI documents alleged that Adolf Hitler didn’t commit suicide in Berlin but instead fled war-torn Europe on his way to Argentina. It is said that he landed in the South American country just over 2 weeks after Berlin fell into Allied hands.

The declassified files state that the FBI was given this knowledge by an informant who was seeking political asylum in the United States. Allegedly aided by the Argentinian government, Hitler settled for a time in a small village near the Andes Mountains. The files concluded that the information they had was not enough to justify further investigation.

Just weeks before these files were released into the public domain, a photograph that allegedly showed Hitler in Brazil found its way online. The picture was released by a Nazi hunter and author who believed that Hitler had gone to Paraguay from Argentina before finally settling permanently in Brazil. The photo allegedly shows Hitler in 1984 without his mustache and with his arm around Cutinga, his Brazilian lover. This photo was supposedly taken 2 years before Hitler’s death at age 95.

If Hitler did escape from Germany in the final days of World War II, then the question would be Did the Russians (who discovered and identified his body) know that he had actually fled and covered it up? Or did they genuinely believe that they had the remains of the leader of the Third Reich? As shown above, a retouched photograph by an artist with the US Secret Service shows how Hitler might have looked in disguise if he had escaped from Germany in 1945.

In 2009, archaeologist Nicholas Bellantoni was allowed to conduct DNA tests on one of Hitler’s skull fragments. The results showed that the recorded DNA samples that are thought to be Hitler’s didn’t match the skull fragment held by the Russians. Of course, this only fanned the conspiracy flames even more.

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Review of In Search of Aliens S01E02 "Nazi Time Travelers"by Jason Colavito -- 8/2/2014

In only the second episode of "In Search of Aliens", it has quickly become clear that the “aliens” in the title are little more than window dressing for what is otherwise a rather amorphous program that orbits around two foci. Giorgio Tsoukalos’s cult of personality and the broadest definition of fringe culture.

This episode S01E02 “Nazi Time Travelers” focuses on the so-called Nazi Bell or Die Glocke, a device with which I was not familiar before "Ancient Aliens" started going on about it on various episodes. Tsoukalos, however, descended into the disturbing in this episode explicitly citing an anti-Semitic book banned in many Europe countries as a source and asking a man with documented racist opinions to discuss the Nazi Master Race and their achievements.

The sad thing is that I don’t think anyone involved on this show from Tsoukalos himself down to the production staff has any idea what kind of material they are putting out on the air.

It turns out there was a good reason I hadn’t heard of The Bell. The story of The Bell begins in 2000 when a Polish journalist named Igor Witkowski claimed that a Polish military official showed him secret documents describing the so-called Nazi time machine in 1997. The Bell does not have any independent evidence to confirm its existence. And these alleged documents have never been revealed because (conveniently) Witkowski said he was not allowed to make copies.

From here, the story entered fringe culture through the work of Nick Cook, Joseph P. Farrell, and Jim Marrs. The Discovery Channel, the Science Channel, and Ancient Aliens all broadcast speculative claims about the device culminating now in "In Search of Aliens" devoting a full hour to a device few outside of fringe culture think actually existed. In short, it looks to be a hoax or at least a wild exaggeration.

Tsoukalos is devoting this hour to Nazi occult interests and so-called Wonder Weapons (particularly The Bell) using recycled animation from Ancient Aliens. Tsoukalos asks whether aliens were behind the Nazis’ wonder weapons. If so, they did a piss poor job of it.

Tsoukalos opens the show by claiming that some believe the Nazi scientists who were brought to the United States after World War II were “diabolical minds” who brought “secret knowledge that may have had an extraterrestrial origin.” He meets with Witkowski and simply accepts Witkowski’s version of events at face value. Which is sad because there is no documentary proof that anything Witkowski says is actually true. The show does not give the audience enough information to understand the threadbare evidence for Witkowski’s views.

According to Witkowski, the Nazis were engaged in Project Chronos which Tsoukalos says is named for “the Titan god of Tim,” and thus refers to time travel. He is following late Alexandrine confusion in which Chronos (Time) was conflated with the Titan Kronos (Cronus), the king of the gods before Zeus. Chronos was a personification of Time and not one of the Titans. Although it is a very small point, the confusion over the word Titan shows that Tsoukalos (and his researchers) know very little of the mythology they claim to have mastered.

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Witkowski and Tsoukalos travel to “The Henge” near the Wenceslaus mine, a famous 1943 or 1944 concrete ring vaguely resembling Stonehenge that fringe theorists suggest was used as a launch pad for The Bell. The structure is almost certainly the remains of a planned industrial cooling tower at a Nazi research base.

“I’m speechless right now,” Tsoukalos says. “I don’t even know what I’m looking at.”

Witkowski claims that there is an entire buried city beneath the Henge and the 2 men explore various tunnels and bunkers.

Witkowski claims that the Bell was an anti-gravity device caused by a “high energy vortex” (whatever that is supposed to mean). Tsoukalos says that the vortex can be caused by spinning balls of mercury which he likens to floating UFOs. [StealthSkater note: the alleged TR-3B black triangle is said to use pressurized mercury plasma to take advantage of a loophole in Einstein's General Relativity to negate 89% of gravity => doc pdf URL ]

The show gives us a shot of Witkowski’s book. Open to the page where there is a drawing (known to me only from internet postings) of a flying saucer labeled the Vril 9 (named for Theosophy’s adaptation of the science-fiction substance vril from Bulwer-Lytton’s novel The Coming Race). Here’s the hilarious part. Tsoukalos refers to vril as a form of “power in ancient Tibetan and Sanskrit texts.” Yes, the “ancient texts” written by Helena Blavatsky in the 1870s and 1880s based on an 1871 sci-fi novel. Great work, Giorgio! Witkowski agrees that vril is an antigravity power source.

The alleged Vril 9, from a widely-reproduced Internet image. It's the same one used in Witkowski's book.

After the break, Tsoukalos visits a gorgeous building in Lower Silesia that I would very much like to have known more about. Instead, Tsoukalos tells us that it “has been widely reported” that the Nazis were obsessed with obtaining religious artifacts and studying the occult. Well, Heinrich Himmler was for sure. But the Nazis in general? Not so much.

The more Witkowski talks, the more obvious it is that his ideas are just a recycled reflection of 1960s fringe claims about Nazi occult science such as those from Morning of the Magicians. He asserts

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that the Nazis incorporated ancient secrets into their technology and that they were searching for alien life. Tsoukalos likens the Nazi UFO to vimanas from “ancient Hindu texts.”

Just as he did on "Ancient Aliens" an hour earlier, Tsoukalos conflates the actual Sanskrit epics with a fake one written in the early 1900s. My criticism from the previous hour still stands. Claims for Hindu flying saucers come from the “Vaimanika Shastra, an early 20 th century fraud that falsely claimed to be an ‘ancient’ text channeled psychically from the Past. The Mahabharata has no flying UFO-like spacecraft. It has flying chariots and floating cities. The Ramayana even has flying palaces transporting monkeys.” [StealthSkater note: many Buddhists and Zen practitioners swear that they can "fly" while in a trance. But perhaps this is some out-of-body experience.]

Tsoukalos sees the flying palaces and flying cars with giant wheels as uncannily similar to modern UFOs. He also likens the shape of the Bell to Buddhist stupas, a claim he made long ago on "Ancient Aliens".

This is all silly stuff. But suddenly the show takes a very dark turn. Tsoukalos cites Jan Van Helsing’s 1993 book Secret Societies. This is extraordinarily disturbing because as I reported in reviewing an episode of Ancient Aliens years ago, “Van Helsing’s name is a pseudonym chosen in honor of the famous vampire hunter because van Helsing believed Jews were bloodsuckers who used the Brotherhood of the Snake to control the World.”

The author (whose real name is Jan Udo Holey) had his books banned in France (where he was convicted of inciting anti-Semitic hatred) and other European countries for their anti-Semitic claims. (Van Helsing claims he is not anti-Semitic. Just opposed to the stranglehold Jews have over Global finance and culture.)

Let us very clearly state this. Giorgio Tsoukalos is citing an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist who believes in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to “prove” that the Nazis captured a flying saucer in the 1930s. More bluntly: In a show about Nazis, he is citing an anti-Semitic author on the glorious achievements of Nazism. What is wrong with the H2 network? Why do they keep going into the depths of racism and anti-Semitism?

I’m also uncomfortable with Tsoukalos returning to Switzerland (well, let’s be frank: they filmed all the Swiss scenes in the series at once) to speak with Erich von Däniken about Nazis. I am uncomfortable again because von Däniken has expressed wildly racist views.

In Signs of the Gods (1981) he once wrote: “Was the black race a failure and did the extraterrestrials change the genetic code by gene surgery and then programme a white or a yellow race?” Asking a racist to comment on the Master Race is rather awkward in the best of cases. I don’t think Tsoukalos has ever though through his sources deeply enough to realize that he’s working with racist and anti-Semitic material.

Von Däniken asserts that stupas are stone copies of flying saucers. But the stupas did not originate as bells but rather as burial mounds. The bell shape is a stylization of the original “heap”-shaped burial mound. Von Däniken bizarrely asserts next that Lord Pacal of Palenque’s famous coffin lid depicts a stupa (!) despite not being bell-shaped. It is, he said, “a flying machine.” You can only make it look triangular by picking and choosing which lines to highlight on the rectangular coffin lid.

“This is all garbage,” von Däniken says. Sadly, he’s not referring to his own ideas but rather to a straw man version of skeptics’ claims that mythology is fictional rather than a literal account of History.

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So does he accept that vimanas transported monkeys as the Sanskrit texts claim? Or are those more of the Black people he thinks are a failed alien experiment. As he once wrote: “… in his new environment, the black man would also have to lose his curly hair, his prominent dark eyes, and protruding lips. Otherwise he could never become a white man.” Translation: Blacks are primitive!

Von Däniken asserts that Nazi rocket scientist Hermann Oberth and his colleagues “were studying the Hindu and the Vedic texts definitely.” He claims Oberth told him that the Nazis were working on a bell-shaped device. But nothing von Däniken claims Oberth said supports the idea that they were actually adapting prehistoric technology.

After the break, Tsoukalos decides to investigate whether time-travel is possible. I don’t care about this because it has nothing to do with ancient history. But it’s worth noting that physicist and ufologist Stanton Friedman shows up to give Tsoukalos a lesson on time-travel at a diner in Pittsburgh. This quickly descends into allegations of a U.S. Government UFO cover-up although Friedman claims to have no knowledge of how any of this could relate to time-travel.

Tsoukalos wants to know if the Bell is aerodynamic even though there is no Bell, no proof it existed, and no genuine documents to tell us what its exact shape (if it existed) actually was. Honestly, I skipped this segment because I did not care about watching wind tunnel tests of an imaginary version of the Bell which doesn’t even match the computer graphics version used elsewhere in the show!

This leads to the Kecksburg, PA UFO event. Why? Because Joseph P. Farrell speculated that the 1965 Pennsylvania fireball was the Nazi Bell shooting forward in time. "Ancient Aliens" let Jim Marrs ramble on about this in S04E09 “The Time Travelers.”

The allegation is that the object that crashed was cone-shaped. Some news reports claimed NASA said in 2005 that the object was a crashed Russian satellite although those stories have since disappeared. Most skeptics and scientists believe it was a fireball meteor. Tsoukalos does not mention this and allows Stan Gordon to give a wide variety of fringe explanations including antigravity technology and time machines.

In a bit of fringe television circularity, the pair travel to view a model of the Kecksburg “object” that was actually created by "Unsolved Mysteries" and then gifted to the community. The model (located near the local fire station) is shaped like an upside down acorn. soukalos says it’s “sort of blowing my mind” because it looks somewhat (but not exactly) like the Nazi Bell (as most rounded cones do). No one mentions that the model was from "Unsolved Mysteries", all the better to make it seem to be a quasi-official acknowledgement of the truth behind the crash event.

So as we sputter to a conclusion, Tsoukalos asks if a Nazi time machine crash landed in Pennsylvania in 1965. “I’m not saying this is what happened. But just the possibility is mind-blowing.”

Unwittingly, Tsoukalos seems to have uncovered the raison d’être for science-fiction. As H.P. Lovecraft said in the Whisperer in Darkness: “To shake off the maddening and wearying limitations of time and space and natural law—to be linked with the vast outside—to come close to the nighted and abysmal secrets of the infinite and the ultimate—surely such a thing was worth the risk of one’s life, soul, and sanity!”

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Some people find this release in fiction. Others insist that fiction is fact in order to achieve that same level of mind-expanding bliss. And some people pretend that anti-Semites and racists have some good ideas about what the Nazis were really up to.

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The SS General and Die Glockeby Terry Meyer

{the following was excepted from the book ...}

Chapter 1Kecksburg, Pennsylvania December 9, 1965

Roger Murphy was sitting on his favorite porch chair sipping a cold beer as he gazed out at the late evening sky. The reddish afterglow of the sunset was gradually turning into the dark blue of night.

All of a sudden he saw a bright object hurtling across the sky leaving a smoky fiery trail in its wake. He stood up from his chair in a panic as the object crashed in the woods near the pasture in front of his house. When he heard the loud thump of the object hitting the ground, he thought it might be a plane going down in flames.

Through a column of thick blue smoke rising above the trees, he saw a brilliant star-like object shining from a clearing the woods. He rushed inside to call the police about the incident. Fumbling nervously with the phone, Roger dialed the number of the local police. As he put the phone to his ear, all he could hear was a beeping busy tone.

He now knew that he wasn't the only one who saw the mysterious object crashing in the woods. As he looked out the porch window, he could see the fire department trucks racing up an access road to the crash site. The fire trucks were closely followed by several state police cars with their sirens blaring. The backlit figures of the firemen descended from their trucks and cautiously mov4ed into the woods searching for where the object had crashed.

Roger thought that this could be a big story for a small town like Kecksburg. He decided to call his old friend Jim Sawyer who worked as a reporter for the local newspaper in Greensburg. Jim answered the phone.

"Hello. Jim Sawyer here."

Roger was so excited that he could hardly speak.

"Jim! Jim, this is Roger! Some kind of weird object was flying through the sky in flames and crashed into the woods near my house. I don't what it could be. Maybe a plane, a meteor, or even a UFO. The police just arrived to investigate it."

Jim said with a hint of reassurance: "I've already had several calls from other witnesses who saw the same thing. I'll be over in about 20 minutes to check it out. Meet me at the entrance to the access road."

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Roger hung up the phone and grabbed his hat and jacket running out the door to the access road below his house. As he crossed the pasture, he could see more cars pull up to the crash site as a crowd of bystanders began to gather.

When he arrived at the scene of the crash, a thick cloud of blue smoke hung in the air like an eerie fog. He could see a bright white light beaming from the woods where the object had crashed. The shadows of the firemen could be seen surrounding a large, glowing, bell-shaped object.

As he slowly made his way through the thick stand of trees, Roger could see the object resting in a shallow hole surrounded by mounds of dirt. It appeared to be metallic, shaped like and an acorn, and had strange hieroglyphics imbedded around its base. The force of the crash had brought down several large trees making a small defined clearing around the object.

Roger couldn't believe his eyes. It wasn't a plane or meteor but some sort of strange craft not of this World!

As he moved forward to get a closer look, 2 police officers approached him and ordered in gruff voices: "You better leave immediately. This area is being evacuated because of fire danger."

Roger stammered nervously: "Okay. I am going."

The scene quickly became chaotic as the rumbling of big trucks could be heard coming down the dirt access road. As he made his way through the crowd of police and bystanders, Roger headed to the access road entrance to meet Jim. Meanwhile a procession of military jeeps and trucks passed by him heading toward the crash site.

When Roger turned around to see what was happening, several armed soldiers jumped out of the jeeps and yelled out: "Everyone leave the area immediately or be shot on sight! This is a secure area and will be sealed off!"

The armed soldiers surrounded the crash site and blocked it off. As Roger made his way down the access road to meet Jim, 2 large military flatbed trucks passed him heading toward the crash site. He thought that this was getting really strange.

When Roger arrived at the entrance to the access road, he saw Jim's car parked on the side of the road. He walked over, opened the passenger door, and jumped into the sea.

Jim looked at him with a serious expression. "What-the-hell is happening here? A convoy of military trucks just passed by. This isn't just a plane crash. Did you see what crashed in those woods?"

Roger said: "Yeah. I saw it. It was very weird. Like some kind of spaceship. It was glowing blue giving off a bright white light. I would say it was about 9 feet tall and 15 feet wide with no windows or doors. It was a metallic bell-shaped object with strange writing on its base. I never seen anything like it. And if you ask, me it is out of this World."

Then he added: "The military has armed guards at the site and sealed the area off."

Jim took a deep breath. "Well, we will sit here and wait for the convoy to leave. Maybe we will see something."

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About 40 minutes later, the military convoy pulled out onto the highway from the access road at a high rate of speed. When one of the large flatbed trucks passed them, both men saw a large bell-shaped object underneath a heavy tarp. The flatbed truck was escorted by armed soldiers in jeeps.

Jim turned to Roger and said: "Whatever is going on here is a big military secret. Leave it to me to find out what is going on."

After dropping Roger off at his house, Jim headed back to his office in Greensburg to make some calls. When he arrived at the newspaper office, he got out of his car and looked up at the sky. He mumbled "Nothing there". He turned to his desk, picked up the phone, and called the state police. The desk sergeant answered with an annoyed voice.

Jim said: "This is Jim Sawyer with the local newspaper. Did you hear about an object crashing in the woods near Kecksburg? I mean the state police were seen at the site investigating some sort of crash there."

The desk sergeant said: "Well, we received a report about a crash and some officers were dispatched to investigate it. They reported back that the military was handling the situation and they said it was a meteorite crash. Something about NASA requested them to recover the meteorite. Jim, I don't thin anything much really happened. Not like some alien spaceship crashed there like some people think. Maybe you should call the Arkdale Army Base to get more details.

Jim said "Thanks" and hung up.

Calling the commanding officer at the Arkdale base, Jim got the same answer about the crashed object. All the CO could tell him was that it was a meteorite that had crashed and NASA requested the military to recover it. He could not comment any further on the matter.

Jim thought this story had signs of a Government coverup. What the Army and State Police told him sure didn't agree with what eyewitnesses shad said. He knew from pas investigations when Government officials say nothing unusual happened, they were hiding something. He thought that he had enough for one night. It was time to get some sleep.

Jim Sawyer grew up in a working class family having been born and raised in Pittsburgh. His father worked in the steel mills like many other men from Pittsburgh. He always told Jim that a good education was the way to a better life. Jim excelled in school and later attended the University of Pittsburgh. His journalism career began while he was a student reporter at the University where he had been the news director and host of a radio talk show. Later he received a degree in journalism from the University and began working for several local newspapers in the Pittsburgh area as an investigative reporter.

Jim was tall and thin with prematurely graying hair. His glasses gave him a studious look which reflected his endless intellectual curiosity to get to the bottom of things. He usually dressed casually with a coat, tie, and slacks. He had a great interest in covering local politics and government. He reported about issues relating to the local school system, the environment, crime, and conflict of interest disclosures and decisions made by the county government. He enjoyed informing local residents much needed information about events happening in their community.

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He was a hard-nosed reporter and it didn't bother him to create some controversy. He doggedly held community agencies and elected officials accountable for their actions and decisions exposing local government misuse of funds of corruption.

Jim finally found a home in the Greensurg community located in southwestern Pennsylvania about 10 miles from Kecksburg. There he went to work for the local newspaper. It was a small quiet town located in an area of green pastures surrounded by thick forest. His wife had died of cancer at an early age having no children and he never remarried. It was only an accident that he was working late when the UFO crash occurred and he received Roger's fateful call. The incident put Kecksburg on the map as major news outlets throughout the Country reported the crash. Jim knew this incident would be the biggest story of his career and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

The next morning, Jim got up refreshed from a good night's rest. He took a shower, grabbed a cup of coffee, and headed back to his office. On his way to work, he thought that he would shake up the powers-to-be and their coverup. He would publish a headline in the pile title "UFO Crashed IN Kecksburg Woods".

When he got to his desk, he began typing the story about how dozens of witnesses saw a bell-shaped craft which flew over Kecksburg and crashed into the woods. Witnesses saw the fiery object t jurtle through the late evening sky and crashed in the woods below Roger Murphy's farm. They also noted that a strange cloud of blue smoke could be seen coming from the crash site.

Jim went on to write that a large military convoy pulled up to the crash site and sealed off the area with armed guards. A flatbed truck was seen hauling the object off to an unknown destination. He decided to wait a few days before the article would run so that he could gather more witness reports. He only wished that he had seen the object himself so that he could believe it was real.

Later that day, Jim had his secretary compile a list of people who called him on the night of the crash. He was shocked to learn that he had received at least 30 calls from the local area. After narrowing down the list to the ones who lived closest to the crash, he began calling each of them. Most of the witnesses didn't want to go on record with that they saw, fearing some kind of ridicule or trouble.

Only Tam Martin, a local farmer, would come forward. He said that a bright object with a trail of flames flew over his place and crashed in the woods a few miles away.

The next day, Jim drove out to Tom's farm which was only about 3 miles from Roger's house. Of course he had Roger's testimony. But he would need more witnesses to make the article believable. As he drove d entering the farm, Jim could see Tom standing next to his barn unloading hay from a flatbed truck. He got out of his car and walked over to greet Tom.

"Hi, Tom. I'm Jim Sawyer from the local paper in Greensburg."

Tom looked at him in the eye with surprise.

"It's good to see you. I didn't think anyone would believe me. You know what I saw. Some military guys paid me a visit yesterday. They told me to keep my mouth shut about what I saw. I imagine I wasn't the only one they told that to. I think the whole thing smells like something Top-Secret."

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Jim said: "Yeah. I know the military is up to its neck in this thing. They even denied it was some sort of craft. The commander at the Arkdale Base told me they hauled away a meteorite. Some story, huh?"

Tom nervously shuffled his feet and spat on the ground.

"I'm damn sure it was no meteorite. I could see it was a metallic object that flew about 1,000 feet over my house before it crashed. And I'll tell you another thing. My brother lives in Michigan and he saw it too. He said it was floating in the air, kind of hovering, way up in the sky and then it shot off to the east."

Jim said: "I would really like to know where the military took it. If it is a UFO, it could be bigger than the Roswell story. Anyway, thanks for the information. I'll let you know if I find out anything."

He shook Tom's hand, got into his car, and headed back to the office. He ran the story for the evening edition using what witnesses he had.

Little did he know how much flack it would cause.

When he arrived at his desk the next morning, there was a stern message from the editor on his answering machine.

"Jim, this is Harry. I want to see you right away."

Jim could smell big trouble. He walked over to the editor's office.

Harry had a stern face and a look of displeasure as he said: "Come in, Jim. Have a seat."

Jim sat down facing Harry and asked: "Hi, Harry. What's up?"

Harry began to grumble sitting behind his stack of papers.

"Congratulations. Every paper in the East Coast has picked up your story. You really stirred up a hornet's nest about this UFO thing. The commander at the Arkdalen Base called me and told me retract the whole story. It was a bunch of lies and misinformation. He said that it was only a meteorite that NASA wanted to examine."

Jim gulped trying to get rid of the knot in his throat.

"You know that is a load of bull. Something happed up there and the military is trying to cover it up. I have several witnesses who claim it was some kind of unusual craft that could be classified as a UFO. I intend to find out what it really was."

Harry lit his cigar and took a deep drag.

"Okay. Find out whatever you can. Just don't step on anyone's toes. I don't need the Government and Military breathing down my neck."

Jim <winked> at him, got up, and went back to his desk.

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Jim sat at his desk staring into space. He wondered where he could go with this story. The police and military aren't talking and there were only a few witnesses who will testify to what they saw. Nobody knew where the object was taken. And there was no record of it even existing.

All of a sudden his phone rang. Jim picked it up.

"Hello. Jim Sawyer here."

A deep gruff voice at the other end of the line said: "I read your report in the paper about a UFO crashing in Kecksburg. Well, you don't know half of the story. The Military is covering it up because they could be in a whole lot of hot water. It goes all the way back to World War II and the top-secret advanced weapons the Nazis were developing.

"I'm not talking about jet fighters or rocket bombs, either. They had projects to develop flying saucers, death rays, anti-gravity, and nuclear propulsion. They also researched flying wing aircraft which couldn't be seen by radar, night vision optics, surface-to-air missiles, vertical takeoff aircraft, and ICBM rockets which could carry atomic warheads. Some say that they even had a time machine.

"The only thing was all this research came too late and none of it could be implemented so that the Nazis could win the War. That was a blessing for our side in more than one way. Our military located and captured all their top-secret stuff, shipped it back here, and protected all the criminal scientists and administrators of these projects.

"Most of these exotic prototypes were stored in secret underground bunkers at Wright airfield near here. Many of the top German scientists continued their research in the same location. You can only guess what they developed based on their discoveries while working on the Nazi top-secret projects. This kept us one step ahead of the Russians."

Jim waited for a minute wondering if this guy was on the level.

He then asked: "How do you know all of this?"

The voice on the other side said: "After graduating from college, I joined the military as an officer. I ended up spending the rest of my life as a military man. I spent most of my early career in the military police conducting investigations and interrogations. With my experience, I was later recruited by the Counter Intelligence Corps near the end of the War. I knew who was responsible for locating and capturing all the top-secret weapon sites and the scientists who worked there. Additionally, they conducted interrogations of all the captured high-level Nazi scientists and officers to determine if they could be of any use to us. I can't really discuss this any further over the phone."

Jim cleared his throat and said: "By the way, what is your name?"

The voice said "Just call me Bill. I'll be in touch with you in a few days."

Jim heard a <click> on the other end of the line as Bill hung up. It was evident that there might be more to this incident that originally thought. Jim was puzzled by the Nazi connection but excited that more clues were falling into place about the mysterious object. Was it some kind of experimental military aircraft using new technology? Maybe that is why the military kept a tight lid on it.

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The next day, Jim called an old friend at the Pentagon who had served in Army Intelligence during WWII and questioned him about the Nazi advance weapon programs. Colonel Davis answered the phone.

Jim said: "Mike, this is Jim Sawyer. Remember me? The newspaper guy?"

The Colonel repleid: "Hey, Jim. How's it going? It's been quite awhile. Maybe we can get together next summer for a round of golf. Say, I heard about that ruckus up in Kecksburg about the crash. I dion't think there is anything to it."

Jim snickered to himself. "By the way, did you ever hear of a Nazi secret weapons program during WWII?"

There was a long pause at the other end of the line ...

"I don't know anything about it. Why do you ask?"

Jim was thinking of another coverup.

"I just heard some rumors about how our military captured a bounty of really advanced weapons developed by the Nazis and brought them back here for further research along with the scientists who worked on them."

The Colonel replied in a harsh manner.

"Sure, we recovered some jet fighters and V-2 rockets. But that is all I know about. Look, Jim. I have to run. I'm late for an important meeting. Keep in touch."

He hung up the phone.

Jim knew that Mike's denials meant that he knew more than he was letting on. In a way it only confirmed what Bill was saying. There was more to this than met the eye. Now if only he could get in touch with Bill again.

Several days had passed and he had not received any word. He wondered if Bill was really on the level or if the Military had gotten to him. There was no way that Jim could track Bill down. All he could do was wait and hope.

About a week after the crash incident, everything had quieted down and moist of the townspeople in the area had forgotten about it. The Christmas holidays now drew everyone's attention. Jim was at his desk working on some local news reports. He heard his phone ringing and picked it up.

It was Bill who sounded somewhat secretive and nervous.

"Sorry about not reaching you earlier. But I was doing some sniffing around. I heard through the grapevine that the Kecksburg object is being kept in a top-secret hanger at Wright Air Force Base. We used to call it 'The Bell' during the War. The Germans called it Die Glocke. It was seen being delivered by a large flatbed truck hidden by a tarp the day after the crash." [StealthSkater note: the infamous Hanger-18? The "Blue Room"?]

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Jim said: "I guess there is no way to verify that this happened."

Bill said with a hint of trepidation: "No way. It is under heavy guard. We have to meet somewhere quiet so I can fill you in on all the details. It is very sensitive information. So no more phone calls or quoting me as a source. Everything is off the record. But I'll give you enough background so that you can fill in the blanks." [StealthSkater note: why would anyone with such a stellar military background be offering such secret material? Is it a disinformation scheme?]

Jim wondered what he was getting into. "Okay. Where should we meet?"

Bill said: "I live in a small town called Yellow Springs outside of Dayton, Ohio. You know. It is near the Wright Air Force Base. There is a small college nearby called Antioch. I'll meet you at the library entrance there. Say 10 AM Wednesday, January 5th. Got it?"

Jim said: "Good. I'll be there. Count on it."

He could hear Bill hang up. He wondered why Bill seemed so cagey. Maybe that was a sign that he was on the level. The only snag was Jim had to the editor's permission to go to Ohio and meet with Bill and he needed funds to pay for the trip. The thought that the worst Harry could saw was "No". Then he would go anyways on his vacation time.

Jim walked into the editor's office. Harry looked up with a scowl.

"What do you want now? Look, you are way behind on your local reporting chasing that flying whatever-it-is around."

Jim found a twinge in his neck.

"Look. I have contacted an insider. This story is a lot bigger than anyone can imagine. He told me that the object that crashed was taken back to Wright Air Base and put in a top-secret hanger under heavy guard. It has to do with highly advanced weapons developed by the Nazis during WWII. This guy is on the level. He used to work for Military Intelligence. He said that I only half the story. I have arranged a meeting with him next Wednesday in Ohio.

Harry said angrily: "I'll cut you some slack on the story. But if it turns out to be another wild goose chase, I am pulling the plug on you and the story."

Jim <winked> at Harry. "So you will back me?"

Harry chuckled: "Get out of here and go to Ohio."

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Hawk replied: "I guess that is why the top brass is so intent on his capture. Do you have any more to add?"

Wernher von Braun looked up at the ceiling lost in thought. After a few moments he said: "This is only based on rumor. But I have heard of a project in southern Poland was given the highest security protocol by the SS. It was described as 'war ending'. It was current-edge science using exotic materials to create a vortex that bent the space-time continuum. It was called Chronos which I think means 'time portal'. It used a bell-shaped device call Die Glocke to spin the materials a high speed counter-rotation manner which created torsion and a vortex. I really don't know what its purpose was. But I heard it was Kammler's prize project."

Mr. Hawk continued to write down all the information given by Werner. He looked up and asked: "What happened while you were staying at the hotel?"

Wernher looked up at the wall clock and said: "Well, it was a very trying and stressful time. His chauffeur told me that the Fuhrer wanted to General executed by his staff officer. We also learned that the Fuhrer had given orders to Kammler to execute all the scientists under his command. I was so concerned about the safety of my fellow scientists that I decided to confront the General.

"At the hotel where we were hiding, I went upstairs to his makeshift office and asked him directly about his orders to have all of us executed. His door was wide open so I entered his office. He was sitting at a desk fumbling with a loaded pistol. This made me nervous. The General looked up at me with those cold steely eyes and told me to come in and have a seat. I though I was facing the last minutes of my life.

"He had looked out the window momentarily, cleared his throat, and told me that in the morning he received orders from the Fuhrer himself to have all the V2 scientists executed so that they would not fall into the hands of the Allies. The General told me directly that he had no intention of carrying them out. He said that the Fuhrer had gone off the 'deep end' and he is not long for this world.

"He added that he would be departing soon and would order the SS guards to leave. He had one important request for me to carry out. It was to tell the Americans that he had some important business to take care of and he would be in contact with them in a few weeks. Also he wanted me to send a letter to his wife. After that, the General told me to leave."

Mr. Hawk asked: "Do you have any idea where he went?"

Wernher added with an expression of relief: "The next morning, the General and his chauffeur drove off never to be seen again. I suspect that he was headed for the Skoda Works to recover all the files and documentation from the Kammlerstab research facility. He is a very cunning man. I think he needed all the valuable information he could get his hands on to trade for his freedom. He was always a survivor. He knew that he would be found guilty of countless war crimes when he was caught and could

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face execution of a long prison sentence. My advice to you, Mr. Hawk, is to just wait. He will contact you."

Mr. Hawk said: "I have one more question. How did your scientists develop such advanced technology that we Americans can only dream about?"

Wernher pointed up to the sky and quietly whispered: "Up there."

Mr. Hawk knew that Wernher was exhausted by now and had little more say.

"Well, I guess that wraps it up. Mr. row will get you some food and then escort you and Magnus to the Army barracks at Camp King Obervirsel where you can join the rest of your group. I'll contact my superiors to request your extradition to the USA."

Mr. Crow led Wernher and Magnus out of the interrogation room as Mr. Hawk walked back to his office. Mr. Blue met him in the hallways. "The Chief, Lt. Col. O'Brien, is on the phone from London Headquarters. He wants to discuss the latest news on General Kammler."

Mr. Hawk went to the communications office and picked up the phone: "Mr. Hawk speaking."

The Chief said: "Yes, Mr. Hawk. I have some important news about General Kammler. The search is off. We have 4 reports of his death from his staff executing him to the general swallowing a cyanide capsule. There is no use in hunting down a dead man."

Mr. Hawk seemed puzzled. "Well, I just finished Wernher von Braun, one of his top scientists working on the V2 project. He was probably the last man to see General Kammler alive. He said the General was very much alive and headed to the Skoda plant to recover important documents relating to his advanced weapons programs. I think those stories of his death are just a cover-up circulated by the General's aides following his orders. After all, who is going to look for a dead man. This will give him enough time to recover all the top-secret documents and prototypes he would need to negotiate a favorable deal with us for his freedom. I'm going to follow this up until either the General surrenders or we find his dead body."

The Chief said: "Kammler still has the problem of transporting tons of documents to a secret hiding place before he can turn them over to us."

Mr. Hawk replied: "From what Wernher told us, the General has the whole Nazi evacuation corps under his control in addition to a large transport aircraft capable of flying over 6,000 miles. He could the stuff anywhere in Europe or for that matter South America.

The Chief was silent for a long moment.

"I see. Well, continue on your search for him. I'll contact General Patton whose Combat Command B under Brigadier General Boudinot just captured the Nordhausen V2 underground facility and secured a bounty of V2 rocket technology. Patton with his Third Army division is our lead man to capture a lot of these Nazi secret weapons and is closing in on Czechoslovakia. He can send a detachment from Combat Command B to the Skoda plant and see if they can recover any secret weapons documents or find out where Kammler may be headed. The only problem is the Russians are moving into Prague and could be a threat. I'll have them leave a present for the Russians. Some phony documents. They will think they have the real thing."

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Mr. Hawk laughed. "Great idea, Chief."

When Boudinot's detachment reached the Skoda works, they found out all the Germans working there had fled to parts unknown. The only personnel left were some Czech engineers and technicians. Captain Hansen, the officer in charge, assigned some men to search the plant for any documents relating to the Nazi secret weapons programs. He warned them some of these hiding places could be booby-trapped with explosives. The rest of his men would unload all the phony documents and put them in hiding places throughout the plant. After hours of searching, the Captain's men could not find any documents. It seemed like General Kammler had beaten them to it.

The next day, the Sergeant in charge of securing the plant came over to Captain Hansen. "Some guy named Voss is over by the engineering office ordering the Czechs to load all our phony documents onto his truck. He claims he was the plant manager here and worked directly for the SS and General Kammler. He seems very worried that the Russians will get the documents and we will be left holding the bag."

Captain Hansen replied: "Where is he now?"

The Sergeant said: "Well, Sir, we stopped the truck with all the documents down by the main gate. He seems awfully upset."

The Captain jumped into his jeep and drove down to the main gate where Voss was standing next to his truck loaded with all the phony documents. He walked over to Voss.

"Hello, sir. Are you the man who used to manage this plant and worked for General Kammler?"

Voss said: "Yes. I knew General Kammler for many years. These documents were used for all his secret weapons research. They must be sent to the Allies before the Russians get them. They are very valuable."

The Captain told him: I hope you understand that we have to hold you for interrogation."

"Voss said: "Yes. I understand."

He ordered the Sergeant to esc ort Voss to his jeep. He told the rest of his men to unload the documents and put them back in their hiding places. Voss was taken back to CIC headquarters at Camp King Obervirsel near Frankfort.

Lieutenant General Clay and his team had been assigned to interrogate Voss and any other high level SS administrator or scientist at the CIC headquarters called Camp King Obervirsel. Clay knew that Voss would have a lot of valuable intelligence about the Nazi secret weapons programs and especially about his boss General Kammler. He was head of the Central Armaments Division and War Production Minister under Albert Speer, chief of all armaments programs. He became Director of the Skoda works under the SS direction of Himmler and Kammler who had taken over all armaments programs after Hitler sacked Speer. He would know all the SS funds for secret research and development programs based at Skoda were spent and the names of the top German scientists who worked there. Clay was counting on Voss knowing the possible whereabouts of Kammler or where he might have gone after leaving Skoda.

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In the interrogation room at Camp King Obervirsel, Clay looked into the elderly tired eyes of Voss who had been a prominent German industrialist and began to question about the Nazi secret weapons programs.

He asked Voss: "How important was the Skoda plant in developing sec ret weapons for the SS? Specifically, what kind of research were they doing?"

In his subdued and proper aristocratic manner, Voss said: "Skoda was the center for all research and development of our newest technologic ally advanced weapons systems. It was alarge state-of-the-art factory with highly advanced and efficient manufacturing equipment. General Kammler was in charge of the administration and security of all these programs. He was head of the SS organization known as Amtsgruppe C which was responsible for the construction of concentration camps, the building of underground weapon manufacturing facilities, and supplying slave labor to work on these projects.

"Later he was put in charge of all research and design projects concerning top-secret advanced weapons by SS chief Himmler. As an undercover operation for the SS, we had the highest level of security at Skoda which guarded these programs and their research centers. The purpose was to develop new weapons that could turn the War in our favor. Himmler had radical ideas for producing what we called 'wonder weapons'. We had programs to develop jet-powered aircraft, long-range guided missile, atomic bombs, new forms of propulsion, surface-to-air guided missiles, remote-controlled aircraft, and some programs to develop weapons that would stagger the imagination.

"The SS had complete control of our research facilities at Skoda. I reported directly to SS Chief Himmler and held the rank of SS Colonel. Himmler funneled all the secret weapons programs through Skoda and other various satellite sites throughout Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. I along with General Kammler had complete control of all records, plans, documents, and files pertaining to our research programs at Skoda. I also had access to a large slave labor force for weapons production and any military divisions to ship them.

"The only group at Skoda that I had no control over was the Kammlerstab. It was a special think tank of top scientists organized and controlled by General Kammler to research and develop the most cutting edge advanced weapons. Only he knew where the top-secret documents were hidden."

Clay's aide came into the room and whispered into his ear. "Sir, you have an important call from Polish Intelligence."

Clay looked at Voss and said: "Excuse me for a moment. I have an important call. I'll be right back."

He left the interrogation room and walked over to his desk. Picking up the phone he spoke: "Lieutenant General Clay here."

The voice on the other end of the line answered with a heavy acent.

"Hello, Sir. I am Kazik Bulinski with Polish Intelligence. We have been interrogating a German prisoner here named Lieutenant General Jakob Sporrenberg who head a section of The Special Evacuation Command in southwestern Poland. He told us some intriguing information about a General Kammler and one of his prize experimental projects. Apparently it was given the highest level of security by the SS.

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"He also said that Kammler shipped many tons of equipment and documentation to an unknown airfield near Prague. The top-secret experiment was located in several sites throughout southern Poland and finally moved to the Wenceslas mine near the Czech border. The mine had been requisitioned by the SS for underground secret weapons experiments.

Sporrenberg mentioned that it was called Project Chronos. According to him, it was a bell-shaped object made of heavy metal and filled with a mercury substance violet in color. The liquid was stored in a tall thin flask. It was called Xerum 525 and was rapidly spun in chambers at very high speed inside the Bell in counter-rotating directions.

"The Bell or Die Glocke was kept in an underground laboratory enclosed with ceramic bricks. During testing, the Bell emitted a bluish glow which was radioactive. All equipment and personnel were shielded from the effects of it. The SS used slave laborers from the Gross-Rosen concentration camp to work on it. Many of them became ill or died after being exposed to the effects of the Bell during its testing. Any living thin in close proximity to the Bell's field was either destroyed or decomposed."

Clay eagerly said: "That sounds like something Kammler might be after. We think he is getting as much top-secret stuff as he can to negotiate his freedom with us."

Bulinksi said in a factual manner: "Sporrenberg heard that some of the testing involved nuclear material which emitted a radioactive field. He had personally witnessed some of the Bell's experiments and heard the scientists talking about 'torsion', 'vortex compression', 'warping space-time', and 'magnetic field separation' ."

"Along with other top German scientists, a Nobel Prize-winning researcher named Dr. Walter Gerlach oversaw the project and its testing. Sporrenberg said that Gerlach specialized in nuclear physics and had been recently involved in magnetic field research. The Bell used spin polarization of atoms and photochemistry to crate plasma which could be turned into Uranium. This was Gerlach's specialized field of research. He was also in charge of projects to build a nuclear bomb under the direction of the SS.

Other scientists had a hand in researching and developing the potential of the Bell. Dr. Kurt Debus, who specialized in high voltage engineering, and Dr. Herman OBerth, a space flight theorist, also took part in the Bell's experiments. Sporrenberg speculated that the Bell was being developed for several purposes. It could be used for anti-gravity propulsion or a weapon of mass destruction. It could produce nuclear material to be used in a bomb. It might even function as a time machine. It was the pinnacle of German scientific research.

"He learned that the scientists had figured out how to "tune" the Bell and were getting satisfactory results. It is not a coincidence that the Wenceslas mine site is only 100 kilometers from an airfield where the largest cargo plane in the German inventory was stationed. Sporrenberg said the JU-390 plane was at the Opole airfield and was painted with Swedish military markings. It is the only aircraft capable of carrying tons of stuff and had a range of 6,000 miles. There were only two of these aircraft available in the German inventory and Kammler had requisitioned one of them."

Clay said: "That sound like what we've been looking for. I'll inform my commander of these developments. Thanks for the information and take care."

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He hung up the phone and turned to his aid. "We need to find out where this Wenceslas mine is and the Opole airfield. Call headquarters and tell them that General Patton needs to send a detail ASAP up there to find out what's going on. I think we've got Kammler in our sights now."

He returned to the interrogation room, sat down, and told Voss: "We have no further questions. You are free to go."

Voss looked surprised and replied: "You must find General Kammler before the Russians do. You don't understand how important it is. If the Russians get all the top-secret documentation he has, America will be years behind them in weapons development. I am only trying to help you out."

Clay said sternly: "I understand what you are saying. But as I said before, you are free to go."

Voss got up with a look of disgust. Shaking his head, he said "You will regret this."

He got up and left the room in a huff.

Chapter 4Yellow Springs, Ohio January 5, 1966

Jim could see Bill's tired eyes closing and his head slightly nodding after listening to him spin his story about the CIC interrogations. He didn't want him to fade out after the first day. Bill hadn't even gotten to the part about General Kammler and the Bell. He looked out the window and the sky was darkening as night began to fall.

He reached over the table and gave him a slight pat on the back. "How about we get something to eat for dinner?"

Smiling, Bill appeared to get a second burst of energy.

"Good idea. There aren't any first class restaurants in this town. But I can take you to an old historic tavern."

Jim said "Sounds fine to me."

They walked out into the snowy night and got into Bill's old Lincoln. Driving down the main drag of Yellow Springs, Bill abruptly stopped and parked in front of a rustic looking build with a wooden sign hanging down saying 'Ye Old Trail Tavern'. It was build in the 1800s and had the appearance of an old log cabin. It served mostly sandwiches and beer.

They walked inside the dimly lit tavern and took a seat at one of the tables. The young waiter came over and handed them the menus.

Bill didn't take long to order and told the waiter: "I'll have a Reuben sandwich and a large beer on tap."

Jim carefully examined the menu. After pausing for a few moments, he said: "I think I'll have a large bowl of chili and a beer too."

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He looked up at Bill and asked: "Now that you are retired, how do you pass the time of day?"

Bill said: "I used to play a lot of golf before I got this cancer thing. I liked to fish a lott too. Sometimes I hang out with some old buddies and tell war stories. I guess nothing spectacular. I took some road trips with the wife and kid. We went to Disney World once. Now I just spend time the family until I go to the next world."

Jim replied: "I guess I love my job too much to retire. I haven't even thought about it."

The waiter brought over the food and drinks and placed them on the table. Bill dug into his sandwich and gulped down the beer. Jim cautiously nursed his bowl of hot chili, only taking a few spoonfuls at a time. He wiped his face with a napkin and looked up at Bill.

"Some of those Nazis sounded like they were pretty weird. Like they were trying to tap into some other-wordly power using the Bell.

As Bill's eyes squinted and his mouth tightened, he said: "One of my associates in the CIC told me a story that I still find difficult to believe. His team found some documents in a bombed-out SS office build in Munich which describes something called the Vril Society. Apparently the Vril were an ancient technologically-advanced civilization who created a utopian society. They came here from another planet. They fled underground after a natural worldwide disaster struck the Earth. Apparently they mastered a new form of powerful energy which allowed them to build highly advanced weapons and aircraft. It was believed by the members of the Vril Society that the Vril would rise from their underground home and take over the World. Many of the top leaders ... ... ... ...

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Why Nazi Technology might be the origin of 20th Century Flying Saucer Phenomenaby S. Dougllas Woodward on August 5, 2016

Were Nazi Scientists Responsible for Early UFO Reports in the United States?

Many authors suspect American intelligence operations lay behind early UFO claims and counter-claims. Likewise, these researchers remain convinced the Nazis should be the ‘cause célèbre’ for the 1950s ‘Flap’ and subsequent cover-up.

Joseph P. Farrell in one of his most recent books Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops challenges the popular notion that extraterrestrials explain UFOs. Instead, he theorizes flying saucer appearances after World War II (1947 onward, at least through the 1960s) [i] are better explained by an unexpected evolution of Nazi technology post-World War II.

The purveyors of this secret capability were scientists smuggled out of Germany escaping the grasp of both the Americans and the Soviets. Farrell proposes that an ‘ET explanation’ for flying saucers was a carefully constructed campaign of disinformation by American scientists working with our intelligence services. Or perhaps in a more clandestine fashion, it was a tale concocted by former Nazis (once they began working for the Americans right after the War ended) to divert attention from covert plans for continued German development of advanced technologies, particularly those aeronautical in nature. Farrell cites a statement made in 1968 by the famous (former Nazi) scientist Dr. Hermann Oberth then working for the United States [ii]:

Today we cannot produce machines that fly as UFOs do. They are flying by means of artificial fields of gravity. This would explain the sudden changes of directions… This hypothesis would also explain the piling up of these disks into a cylindrical or cigar-shaped mothership upon leaving the Earth because in this fashion, only one field of gravity would be required for all disks. [StealthSkater note: reminiscent of Bob Lazar's claim that only one "gravity amplifier" (out of the three) was used in an "Omicron" configuration for in-atmospheric navigation doc pdf URL ]

They produce high-tension electric charges in order to push the air out of their path… and strong magnetic fields to influence the ionized air at higher altitudes… This would explain their luminosity… Secondly, it would explain the noiselessness of UFO flight.

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Finally, this assumption also explains the strong electrical and magnetic effects sometimes (but not always) observed in the vicinity of UFOs [iii].

The epigraph at the beginning of the previous post refers to an even more mysterious (if not highly strange) public statement made by Werner von Braun in January 1961. To repeat it here for the convenience of readers:

We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with those powers and in 6 or 9 months’ time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter. [iv]

Returning to the information shared by Oberth in a reputed show of self-deprecation, he indicated (paraphrasing) “We can’t take credit for the many advances we have enjoyed in aeronautics… We have had help.”

Fred Steckling upon his retirement at Bell Labs remembers Oberth clarifying his statement when asked “From whence did this ‘help’ emanate?” “Those guys out there from the other planets.” [v]

This same Fred Steckling constitutes a most interesting character in his own right. He would later propose alien bases had been found on the Moon based on many anomalous features seen in photographs post-Moon landing (from 1969 forward).

However, Steckling’s outlandish claim hardly stands alone. In a later chapter of Power Quest, Book 2, I touch upon the evidence for life elsewhere in our Solar System. A matter at the forefront of claims a ‘third’ or ‘hidden’ space program exists. Likewise, this notion involves both Nazis who work visibly within NASA as well as ‘invisible’ (theorized) Nazi scientists lurking outside public view.

Farrell (a controversial figure, prolific author, and Oxford PhD to which this author has frequently turned) points out that Dr. Oberth’s background (prior to his ‘coming to America’) involved the occult. The reader may recall the opening chapter to Power Quest, Book 1 dealt with the prevalent and undeniable occult connection to Nazism.

This evil esotericism was even presumed by the earliest mediums of The Vril Society. Namely Maria Orsic (soon subsumed in the Thule Gellenschaft in 1923) who supposedly channeled contacts originating from the nearby star system Alderbaran ("nearby" of course is a relative term, being a mere 65 light years away!). Thus the notion of neighborly aliens is hardly a recent development.

Farrell cites a recently published and extensive passage from accomplished Polish researcher Igor Witkowski confirming the connection between Oberth and von Braun but dealing with the mysterious nature of Oberth’s exact job description during World War II. Oberth was considered by the Americans to be a leading authority in aeronautics.

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But Witkowski suggests his area of research was a non-traditional area of flight research. Namely ‘zero point gravity’ (aka an ‘advanced’ propulsion system for flying saucers). In particular, the puzzlement arises when Oberth’s statements are combined with his interest in the occult. Did he believe in extraterrestrials or was this just a convenient cover story? It is a matter of record that Oberth made strongly-worded and explicitly clear statements to explain UFOs by resorting to extraterrestrials. Farrell concludes:

What this quite plainly means is that long before Oberth came to the USA. and made his “Extraterrestrial diagnosis” of the UFO phenomenon, he was clearly involved in a very terrestrial project with explicit anti-gravity capability and potentials. In other words, when Dr. Oberth was waxing lyrical about intelligences from beyond the Solar System, he was obfuscating at best (or lying at worst). If this is so, then this implies in turn that he was under some sort of orders as part of a larger psychological operation.

The question now becomes why was he lying? And under whose orders was he doing so? Or to put it differently, when, where, how, and for what reasons did the idea of coupling antigravity technology to psychological operations first begin?

A German Flying Saucer Myth?

However, Farrell is quick to point out that while anti-gravity propulsion remains the usual supposition of those who believe in flying saucers explaining their great speed and maneuverability (and which allows for the possibility of interplanetary space travel), the technology behind the first flying saucers was most likely much more terrestrial. Namely, they were powered by jet turbines. The speed consistently estimated by witnesses was ‘about 1,000 MPH’. This was certainly fast for the 1950s but hardly Star Trek speed.

While there were various unconfirmed stories about Nazi engineering flying disks during the War, the first credible statement appeared in a French publication in the June 7, 1952 issue approximately one month before ‘the UFO Flap’ in the District of Columbia. A Dr. Richard Miethe claimed in France-Soir

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that he built a turbine-based flying saucer craft for the Germans in 1944. It was known as the V7,whose engines the Russians found in Breslau at War’s end. [vi]

But there is further intrigue. We learn from Farrell that Miethe was part of a joint West German–CIA sponsored coup against Egyptian King Farouk on July 23, 1952. Ironically at the very same time ‘the Flap’ was transpiring in the Western Hemisphere.

Perhaps it is purely coincidental the flying saucer ‘attack’ on Washington DC happened while the CIA eliminated the Egyptian monarch and paved the way with the services of former Nazis to develop missiles for launch against the young State of Israel (only 4 years old at the time of the Egyptian coup). Then again, maybe there was cause and effect. As some evangelical authors have pointed out (namely, Gary Stearman who authored the Foreword to Book One of Power Quest), the timing of many UFO outbursts often coincides with key crisis events in the Middle East. Go figure. [vii]

Nazi Flying Saucers in Antarctica?

The CIA failed to recognize another significant fact. Gamal Abdel Nasser (then a lieutenant colonel) was the real force to be reckoned with in Egypt. He would soon seize power in 1956, throw out the British, and take control of the Suez Canal. As I have written elsewhere, John Loftus (mentioned earlier, a key member of the Nazi hunting unit in 1979 within the Department of Justice) confirms that America was especially duplicitous in regards to Israel.

While publicly supporting Israel, along with Great Britain, America was taking steps behind the scenes to see the young Israeli government brought to an end in the first half of the 1950s, mostly to protect Anglo-American petroleum relationships (already decades in the making) with key oil-producing Arab states. Israel may be the Holy Land. But the Arabs possessed petroleum vital to our economy. America has been a friend to Israel through most of Israel’s history. But it hasn’t always been that way. Nor is it a totally reliable friend today.

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However, Miethe’s account stands as only one piece of evidence which links Nazi technology to the UFO ‘Flap’ of the 1950s. Farrell mentions a Georg Klein whose testimony is contained in a CIA report dating back to May 27, 1954.

Klein stated that he was present when in 1945, the first piloted ‘flying saucer’ took off and reached a speed of 1,300 miles per hour within 3 minutes. The experiments resulted in 3 designs. One designed by Miethe was a disc-shaped aircraft, 135 feet in diameter which did not rotate. Another designed by Habermohl and Schriever consisted of a large rotating ring, in the center of which was a round stationary cabin for the crew. When the Soviets occupied Prague, the Germans destroyed every trace of the ‘flying saucer’ project and nothing more was heard of Habermohl and his assistants. [viii]

Additionally, the German ‘myth’ of flying saucers seems to be strengthened by the publication of Luftwaffe Major Rudolf Lusar and his book German Secret Weapons of the Second World War (published in 1959 in the United Kingdom). Farrell extensively quotes a Kevin McClure, a researcher on the UFO-Nazi connection who cited the material from Lusar. For clarity and succinctness, I will recap the discussion here paraphrasing Farrell’s analysis and citations.

Lusar indicates that flying saucers have been “whirling round the World since 1947, suddenly turning up here-and-there, soaring in and darting off again at unprecedented speed with flames encircling the rim of the saucer’s disc.” [ix] Even though they are usually detected by radar, they have never been officially confirmed.

We learn these flying disks were first undertaken in 1941 and were designed by Miethe, Habermohl, and Schriever (along with an Italian identified as Bellonzo). Some were circular in shape and others were adjustable wing aircraft (think Grumman F-14 ‘Tomcat’). They could take off vertically and could reach diameters of over 120 feet.

At Prague, the first was test flown on February 14, 1945. As stated before, it took only 3 minutes to reach a speed of 1,300 MPH with an attitude of almost 40,000 feet. The design specification called for a top speed of 4,000 km/h (over 2,500 MPH or Mach III). The high speeds demanded special heat reducing materials. While well-developed, the project never benefited the Nazis as the Russians reached Breslau confiscating the materials at the end of the War. [x]

Then additional significant information relevant to our study comes to the forefront. According to Lusar, the Soviets took all the materials and shipped them off to Siberia “where work on these ‘flying saucers’ is being successfully continued’.” [xi] Lusar claimed that Habermohl was probably in the Soviet Union while Miethe was definitely in the United States.

The evidence mounted that all parties continued to develop the technology since. In 1952 saucers were observed in Asia (Korea) and plainly seen during the 1954 NATO maneuvers over Europe (Alsace). However, Lusar surmised the U.S. continued to deny the existence of these circular flying machines “because U.S. development has not kept pace with the work of the Soviets.”

If even half of these testimonies are true, we can easily see why military intelligence grew frantic over the Washington Flap. The fear of Soviet aircraft advancement was plausible. And it remained an obscure possibility that somewhere (unbeknownst to the American government) Nazi scientists continued to build advanced aircraft. Namely, flying saucers which we couldn’t shoot down. In a word, we were defenseless.

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Given the many other technologies we knew the Nazis had already advanced, the U.S. had reason to be afraid. At the very least, our awareness may well have included what has now become the position of some researchers. That Germany had ‘the bomb’. But they hadn’t developed an effective method to ‘deliver it’. Farrell concludes:

All these considerations suggest that the U.S. military came to the realization that it was dealing with some terrestrial entity that was pursuing its own research into exotic propulsion systems and aerodynes [an aircraft heavier than air]. By all documentary indicators explored [in his book]… that entity appears to be some independent Nazi organization… those documents suggest the politically and technologically explosive reasons for an ongoing cover-up. That Nazi entity had at least a decade’s head start (if not more) on the United States in the development of such technologies. [xii]

The Mastermind of Arcane German Technology

The worries about rogue Nazi scientists escaping the Allies weren’t without precedent. In fact, the most notorious of all German scientists seemed to disappear into thin air at the end of World War II. His name was Hans Kammler.

Kammler was regarded as the greatest evil genius in all the Reich. Researcher Henry Stevens documents that Kammler operated “in the Skoda Works at Pilsen in what is now the Czech Republic. During World War Two, this region had been annexed by Germany and was part of the Greater German Reich… Skoda did many things and must be thought of like one of the major technical industrial manufacturing firms in the USA today.” [xiii] Since Kammler spoke Czech, the location was perfect for him.

The mystery of Hans Kammler stems in part from the silence of the Nuremberg trials regarding his whereabouts and role. He was barely mentioned. This is rather odd since he was the highest ranking official outside of Hitler’s ‘cabinet’ and eventually took over responsibility for all top secret weapons research.

Even more provocative. Kammler had as many as 14 million people working for him, many of them Jews and slave laborers. This is according to Tom Agoston in his book Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Away Nazi Super Secrets to Russia (Mead & Co.) [xiv] Kammler took over the V2 project from Walter Dornberger, (who later worked for 15 years at Bell Helicopter; we will meet him again in a later chapter).

[Nick Cook’s book The Hunt for Zero-Point provides considerable detail into Tom Agoston’s uncovering f an enormous failure of the United States to exploit the technology that was within its grasp… Literally boxes of scientific information trucked off from under the noses of our troops after capturing the work done by the Germans at the Skodawerke (Skoda Works) in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia.]

Additionally, in January 1945 only months before the War’s end, Kammler took over all of Germany’s aerospace programs. On the surface, it would certainly seem that finding Kammler would have been one of the most important of all post-War efforts for which the Allies should have pulled out all the stops. Nevertheless, Kammler simply vanished. Furthermore, the Allies didn’t seem bothered by

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his missing in action. This can only mean one thing: the threat that Kammler posed had been neutralized. But how?

In April 1945, Kammler disappeared. Some reports suggest that he was assassinated by a member of his staff acting on orders from Himmler not to allow personnel with detailed knowledge of the rocket program to fall into Allied hands. Others indicate that he may have been killed in action or committed suicide somewhere around Prague. The fact that his exact fate is unknown and that his body was never recovered led to some speculation that he continued his work in the United States after the War where it is alleged he worked on anti-gravity and other advanced devices. [xv]

Then again, could it be that Kammler was one of those ‘rogue’ Nazi scientists clandestinely operating a laboratory in a faraway land? Much has been made of Kammler’s Bell Project by Joseph Farrell in several of his books with one devoted to the topic (The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, 2006). It is conjectured today that the Nazi Bell may have been a time machine. Or even more likely, an experiment to create a wunderwaffe (wonder weapon) drawing massive energies directly from the ‘aether’. This theorized ‘atmosphere’ exists throughout the Cosmos by many physicists including American Nickola Tesla (a person upon which Book One elaborates).

The Nazi Bell — A Time Machine?

Farrell exposes the depth of Nazi research and the role of Kammler including ordering the death of his entire research team in an apparent attempt to keep the Allies ignorant of his spectacular experiments. As dramatic as this sounds, it seems that overestimating what Kammler represents is no easy task:

Indeed, one would have to add to Agoston’s list. For such a Soviet general [who could have the impact of a Kammler] would also have had to be in charge of the coordination of all the most post-nuclear and super-secret advanced scientific research and black projects in the entire Soviet Union.

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It is thus in the person of SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler that all the lines meet. The Buna factory and slave labor of the camps, exploited for grizzly medical experimentation and labor in the secret underground laboratories and production facilities, the atom bomb project, and… even more horrendous and monstrous aircraft and weapons development.

If there was a gold mine of information, then it was available in the blueprints and files that were locked in Kammler’s vaults or even more securely in his brain. It is this fact and Kammler’s extraordinary dossier that make his post-War fate even more problematical. [xvi]

Author Alex Constantine provides ‘insider information’ from Albert Speer, architect and Hitler’s head of new weapons development who distrusted and envied the man responsible for constructing the mass murder center at Auschwitz. Constantine quotes Speer: “Himmler heaped assignments on him and brought him into Hitler’s presence at every opportunity. Rumors were afloat that Himmler was trying to build up Kammler to be my successor. I found Kammler absolutely brilliant yet cold, a ruthless schemer, a fanatic in pursuit of his goal, as carefully calculating as he was unscrupulous.” [xvii]

So how did Kammler ‘just disappear’? Why is there no record of his whereabouts? Why didn’t the Allies care about where Kammler was? Had Kammler made a deal with the Americans? Or did he (like Farrell imaginatively hints) jump into the Nazi Bell and fly to a different place and time? [StealthSkater note: this recalls the legend of the Incunabula. A group of "renegade" Princeton physics professors who allegedly constructed a metamaterial "Egg" that allowed them quantum transport to a parallel dimension. (This theme was seen in the television series "Fringe" where Leonard Nimoy played "William Bell" who could transfer into an alternate dimension.) Although the Ong's Hat tale popularized by Joseph Matheny has received much skepticism, UNITEL's Larry Maurer doc pdf URL insisted that an Incunubla group of physicists did exist in Japan (without the dimensional transfer).]

The reality? Many Nazis were never called to account and, like Kammler, seemed to disappear into thin air (or the aether to leverage the metaphor a bit more precisely).

The Extraterrestrial “Cover Story” to Hide the U.S. Vulnerability

To sum up Farrell’s thesis regarding the association of the Nazi saucer stories and their exclusion from the more popular space alien theory of UFOs, we quote Farrell directly in his own words:

We now propose that the sudden appearance of Nazi suction-saucer [jet propulsion] stories during this crucial period of Cold War tensions was not accidental but an international psychological operation… designed to do 2 things:

On the American side, to convince the Soviets that the alleged Nazi technology fell into American hands and thus that America had a preponderant technological advantage in air power over the Soviets;

On the Nazi side, the purpose was… two-fold yet again:

To obfuscate the real story of suction saucer development and,

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To obfuscate the development of genuine field propulsion technology (namely, the Bell. [xviii] [Comment mine])

To unpack this a bit: from the American point-of-view, it was necessary to cover-up the UFO story to either (1) keep the Soviets guessing about what our military capabilities really were OR (2) to keep Americans from discovering that certain super-smart Nazi inventors were (like mad scientists) still at large in the World experimenting with aeronautical technologies which threatened our country.

Either possibility demanded disinformation be concocted by U.S. intelligence and adopted by the American public. For those who subscribe to this latter point of view, it seems clear this ‘necessity’ would keep our intelligence services busy for at least the first 15 years after World War II.

On the other hand, if we seriously entertain the notion that ‘captured’ Nazis had covenanted continued belligerence (albeit acting as scientific ‘double agents’), then we can grasp why high-profile German scientists, ostensibly working for the American government after World War II (as they did at NASA), promoted extraterrestrials as the explanation for flying saucers. This would remove rogue Nazi scientists from suspicion and give ‘hidden Nazi scientists’ time to develop their more advanced propulsion systems based on ‘anti-gravity’ or electromagnetism. [xix]

If the UFO stories are to be believed, these flights might have occurred as early as the ‘Washington Flap’ (if not 5 years earlier at Roswell). Given the amazing and still esteemed German track record for rapid accomplishment of many engineering feats (not the least of which is advanced weaponry), it is hardly implausible to hold this theory. Given the alternative—that being a plethora of concealed visits from outer space aliens—one might even say the Nazi explanation ‘stands to reason’ while the alien theory is a bit too "far out".

For those who still believe in the extraterrestrial hypothesis, it is nonetheless instructive to recognize this fact. Postulating extraterrestrials as responsible for the flying saucer ‘invasion’ didn’t commence because we lacked any evidence of terrestrial origins. Just the opposite is true.

It originated because we knew there were terrestrial explanations. We just couldn’t afford (from a national security standpoint) to admit them. It was much safer to deny them altogether or to suggest UFOs evinced benign entities visiting us from somewhere else in our Solar System (or beyond the reach of our Sun’s gravity completely). Given the choice between space men and rogue German technologists, we choose the aliens since highly advanced aliens wouldn’t dare annihilate us while the Nazis just might!

The devil we don’t know (in this case) seems safer than the devil we do. It would seem such extraterrestrial belief is the real leap of faith.

Not that the preferred approach for our Government was to openly advocate the extraterrestrial explanation. It preferred then (and now) to deny them outright. But when denial was no longer possible, dismissing UFOs as alien visitors out for a Sunday drive was okay. After all, the worst thing our Military could do was admit we had ‘non-friendly’ flying saucers playing keep-away in our air space.

Simply put, the whole story smacks of an Intelligence operation. Never mind that it spawned a ‘good alien hypothesis’ to explain the supposed evolution of humankind. Likewise, we should also dismiss the fact our Government supposed an anti-biblical cosmology closely tied to the occult ‘religion’ the Nazis advocated in their inner circles. It was all done in the name of national security and keeping

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our citizens calm. However ironic and at odds with its cherished founding principle of the separation of religion from politics, the American Government found it politically necessary to create an extraterrestrial religion even if it hadn’t really participated in developing rituals and ‘a holy book’ to go along with it. [xx] [StealthSkater note: Actually Bob Lazar doc pdf URL said that he and other researchers at Area S4 were indoctrinated with briefing materials regardless of which project (Galileo, Sidekick, or Looking Glass) they were assigned to. One of the materials was what he called the "Government Bible" which alleged that the human race had been genetically altered 65 times in 10,000 years by aliens. But Lazar was quick to admit that these were only words on paper without any proof unlike the "UFO" which he saw and examined with his own eyes.]

Certainly, there are many prominent people today who are true believers in extraterrestrials. One only need listen to Edgar Mitchell, former Apollo Astronaut and New Age explicator extraordinaire. Constantine offers this not-so-supportive jibe: “The ubiquitous ‘aliens,’ he [Mitchell] insists, are at the heart of the federal UFO cover-up, visitors from a civilization ‘a few million or even a few billion years older than we are.’ His book The Way of the Exploder is chock-a-block with the astronaut’s rambling metaphysical cover stories.” [xxi]

(I discuss Mitchell and his enthusiasm for extraterrestrials later in Power Quest, Book 2.)

POWER QUEST BOOKS 1 AND 2 CONTINUE TO BE ON SALE at Amazon for $4.99 on Kindle. See my authors’ page to review details on the books. Click HERE.


[i] My view is flying saucers aren’t due to a single phenomenon. While Nazis may have been responsible for the outbreaks during the first 2 decades after World War II, by the 1970s other parties may be involved as well. While I doubt extraterrestrials were responsible, ultra-dimensional entities may have been. As we will discuss later, one Government agency even accepts this fact. [StealthSkater note: former ELINT Sgt. Dan Sherman hinted that his "off-world" contacts in Project Preserve Destiny may not necessarily be in another star system. The fact that they said they evade time but do travel "through it" (as that was impossible) was interesting => doc pdf URL Also, mainstream physicist Fred Alan Wolf speculates that an interdimensional "bleed-through" may be occurring => doc pdf URL .]

[ii] Oberth, while not working there, recruited Werner Von Braun into the notorious Nazi research and development center for rocket research at Peenemünde, Germany in the 1930s.

[iii] Joseph P. Farrell, Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, Kempton, Illinois, Adventures Unlimited, 2011, p. 61, citing Timothy Good, Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up , New York: Quill Books, William Morrow, 1988, p. 267.

[iv] Farrell, Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, p. 61, citing Timothy Good, Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO cover-up, New York: Quill Books, William Morrow, 1988, p. 225.

[v] Farrell, Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, p. 65, quoting Fred Steckling, We Found Alien Bases on the Moon: II, George Adamski Foundation, 1981, p. 144.

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[vi] Farrell, Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, pp. 72-74, citing Kevin McClure, “The Nazi UFO Mythos: An Investigation,” .

[vii] The evidence offered by J.R. Church and Gary Stearman in several of their television shows and magazine articles connects key events in Israel’s life with UFOs, suggesting something supernatural was in play concurrently with political events surrounding ‘red-letter dates’ such as the 1967 and 1973 wars.

[viii] Farrell, Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, p. 76, quoting McClure,

[ix] Ibid.

[x] One of the physical and aeronautical reasons why these aircraft may have reached such incredible speeds was the discovery of what is known as ‘the buoyancy layer’ which is a very thing gathering of molecules ‘stuck’ on the wing surface. If a means is employed to ‘suck off’ this layer internally through the wing surface and expel it outwardly in some manner, a significant increase in air speed is achieved.

[xi] Ibid.

[xii] Farrell, Roswell and the Reich, p. 436.

[xiii] Stevens, Henry, Hitler’s Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology, Kempton, Illinois, Adventures Unlimited, 2007, p. 4.

[xiv] According to the Wikipedia article about Kammler, Agoston is a self-identified British intelligence agent. This point the article appears to make in order to discredit Agoston and Farrell.

[xv] See .

[xvi] Ibid.

[xvii] Constantine, Alex, op. cit., p. 84, citing Speer in Agoston’s book, p. 8.

[xviii] Farrell, Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, p. 86.

[xix] See Paul A. LaViolette, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology, Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Co., 2008. A flying saucer basically creates a gravity ‘wave’ and like a surfer, glides on top. LaViolette contrasts traditional propulsion to the revolutionary propulsion system theorized by ‘zero point gravity’ or electromagnetism calling upon the science developed by American Thomas Townsend Brown in the 1930s and 40s. Quoting LaViolette from this book:

A full-scale version of Brown’s vehicle was thought to be able to accelerate to thousands of miles per hour, change direction, or stop merely by altering the intensity, polarity, and direction of its electric charge. Because the wavelike distortion of the local gravitational field would pull with an equal force on all particles of matter, the ship, its occupants and its load would all respond equally to these maneuvers. The occupants

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would feel no stress at all, no matter how sharp the turn or how great the acceleration. A turbo-jet airplane, by comparison, must produce a 20-fold increase in thrust just to attain a twofold gain in speed. Whereas jets and rockets attempt to combat the force of gravity through the application of opposed brute force, electrogravitics [as Brown called it] instead attempts to directly control gravity so that this longtime adversary is made to work for the craft rather than against it (p. 45) [Comment mine]

[xx] Constantine adds yet another bizarre (but probably true) data point as further confirmation:

The ‘New Age’ (still dripping with occult beliefs reminiscent of the ‘New Age’ in proto-Nazi Germany), saucer mythology and drugged clairvoyance are blinds for involvement in extreme human rights violations. The gamut of zany cover stories combine in the enigmatic C.B. Scott Jones, yet another military intelligence officer who as a Navy pilot in the Korean War happened to witness a UFO overflight [sic]. It has long been suspected by abduction researchers that Jones is a veteran of electromagnetic mind control operations. Constantine, op. cit., p. 118.

[xxi] Constantine, op. cit., p. 130.

- 52 - Machine is Already Invented

Time machine and time-travel both are interesting topics for always. That’s why it is natural to have difference about them that whether they are or not. If some scientists believe that time travel will be possible in next 50 years, then other consider it a science-fiction story which can never be possible.

But there is an incident in history that time travel is not just possible but a machine has been built already which makes time travel possible. This machine was made in the 20th century of Germany in the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler and it is known as The Nazi Bell.

The Henge – Time Machine was Kept Here :

Actually after the Second World War, a ring-type stone structure was found in valleys of Ludwikowich in Southern Poland which is also known as The Henge or The Fly Trap. According to the experts, there was an energy production plant at this place and this ring-like structure was built as a support base of Cooling Tower.

But during Hitler’s regime, so many military weapons were practiced here that it is hard to believe that there was only an energy plant. According to many researchers, a very advanced machine was made and tested here. There is lot of proofs that "The Father of Rocketry" Hermann Oberth, Wernher Von Braun and their team were experimenting on a bell-shaped aircraft. The important thing is that this bell -haped structure was based on Electromagnetic and Anti-Gravity Theory.

The Nazy Bell – Time Machine or Aircraft :

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In 2000, a German writer Igor Witkowski has mentioned about this secret experiment and machine in his book The Truth About The Wonder Weapon. In his book, he mentioned that this machine is so powerful that if Germany had used it against Soviet Army in the last days of the War, then the result of the War may different. When the pictures of this machine were out, it appeared that the machine was around 10 feet long and 5 feet wide, with that it was covered with Ceramic Soil. But if it was an aircraft, then due to its shape like hovercraft it just move up and not. It looked impossible for this machine to move forward or backward like a plane. In this situation it is clear that this machine was not an aircraft. Then what was this machine?

The Henge Time Machine was Kept Here

If we believe on Ancient Astronaut experts, then this machine was a Time Machine. But again the question is Time-Travel Possible? The answer of this question comes from a great and famous German Scientist Elbert Einstein who believed that theoretically time-travel is possible.

Proofs of Time Machine in Second World War :

There is no such proof which tells that this machine was used in Second World War. But a surprising thing is that in the last days of War when Germany was on the verge of defeat, the commander of this machine’s project Hans Kammler, his team, and this machine were disappeared mysteriously and they were never seen again as well. According to some experts, this machine was time machine which took them in other dimension of time.

But after some years there was an incident in Kecksburg Pennsylvania, according to which the local people of Pennsylvania have seen a flying object like a bell which was look like the Nazi Bell with which Commander Hans and his team were disappeared.

Later, the U.S. Army seized that flying object. But they refused that they had found any such machine or object. After this, a UFO Researchers team came their and investigated. After their investigation they were told that no UFO or Aircraft had come on that place but a bell-like structure was

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definitely fall there. It is said that The Nazi Bell had an Anti-Gravity quality and that’s why it had to tie in the Henge.

The Nazi Bell Time Machine or Aircraft

Friends, what do you think that is time machine was already made in 20th century? Is the structure named The Henge had witnessed the biggest experiment ever?

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