Magazine cover, analysis, double spread page

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Magazine cover, analysis, double spread page

The font that I used for the masthead was a font called Sandre Regular that I downloaded from a website called the da.font. Furthermore I created coloured shapes for some of the letters of the masthead by using the rectangle tool and the brush tool. Then I placed these shades behind my chosen letters of the masthead. The main purpose for this was to add a bit of colour to my cover

Another feature that I added on my cover page was a starburst. I used a certain shade of red for the filling of the starburst whereas I used a different shade of colour for the text of the starburst. I used three different types of fonts such as KG Sorry Not Sorry Chub, Freshman & Master of Break that I downloaded from dafont for the text of the starburst. I also made each part of the text different sizes from each other. Therefore with the combinations of different fonts and different sizes this would make it easier for the reader to differentiate this starburst’s text from the rest of the text on the cover page.

For my artist’s name I used a font called James Fajardo that I downloaded from dafont. Then I proceeded to place a quote from the artist underneath the artist’s name. I used the fonts from Photoshop such as Helvetica Regular and Helvetica Bold for the quote text. Furthermore I created a border for the quote by using the rectangle tool on Photoshop. Then I placed the artist’s name and the quote next to the main image, which is an image of the artist.

All of the text on the cover page beside from the starburst is placed on the left side of the cover page. I did this on purpose to ensure that my readers would be able to read the cover page without any difficulties.

The text underneath the quote is a brief introduction of the contents inside the magazine issue. The purpled coloured text act as subheadings whereas the black text underneath is a brief explanation of what the subheading explicit to the reader.

For my cover page I took numerous photos of my model so I would be able to have a wide selection to pick from. These photos were a full body shot as my model did a different pose for each photo that was taken. In the end I chose the highest quality of photo out of the selection which is the photo that has a red border around it. I didn’t pick the other photos due to the facts that the poses don’t suit the R &B genre.

The next thing that I did was to remove the green screen by using the eraser tool and the background eraser tool on Photoshop.

I also created my own barcode for the cover page on Photoshop. I used the rectangle tool and the ruler tool to created the barcode.

For the contents page I used a real image for the background instead of a typical green screen. I did this because I wanted my contents page to look different from typical R & B magazine contents page where these contents page normally uses a green screen as their background.

The subheadings and the explanations of the subheadings are placed on the right side of the contents page in the corner. By doing this text won’t overlap with the artist in the photo. The subheadings are typed in a font called Be True To Your School whereas the texts underneath the subheadings are typed in a font called Soft Elegance. These fonts are widely different from each other in appearance wise hence why I picked these two fonts so the reader would not get the subheadings confuse with the text underneath them.

As for the subheadings, the text is typed in white whereas the page numbers are typed in a grey whitish colour. The main reason why I did this was to enable the reader to clearly differentiate from each other. As for the text underneath the text is also typed in white so it will compliment the subheadings and also make it easier for the reader to read the text against the background image, which is a red brick wall.

The Editorial is in a grey rectangle that is placed at the bottom of the contents page. Therefore the Editorial stands out against the contents page, which will ultimately catch the reader’s attention. The reader also won’t get confuse by the editorial as well since they will know what exactly it is due to the subheading Editorial that is typed in Adobe Garamond Pro. I also placed one black rectangle next to each side of the subheading in order to put emphasis on the subheading. I did this by using the rectangle tool, which is available in photoshop.

As for the title, which is contents, I used the font Chub Ghotic for the title. Furthermore I typed the title in a deep navy blue so that the title will contrast against my model’s light blue jeans that she is wearing in the main image.

By using the skewer function in photoshop that is under transformations I was able to skewer each letter individually so that the title would look like it was graffiti that was painted on the red brick wall. As a finishing touch I added the stroke effect to each letters since the title was hard to read against the background scenery. I also made the stroke effect the colour white since the title would compliment the text and subheadings that is placed on the right side of the contents page.

To align the title contents against the background scenery that is a red brick wall I used a transformation called skewer to do this. I did each letter individually therefore this took me quite a while to complete the skewer process for the title.

In the middle of the process of skewering

the letter N.The skewering process

is completed.

As a finishing touch I added a stroke effect to each letter by using the effects tool.

Since the photo contains background scenery, which is a red brick wall, there’s also small amount of leaves that is growing through the floor. These leaves are bright green as well therefore I used a tool such as the magnetic lasso tool to select the leaves and the colour balance to darken the shade of green of the leaves so that the leaves wouldn’t stand out. The edited

version of the leaf.

I selected the magnetic lasso

tool to select the leaf.

The colour balance tool is circled in red.

I have placed a quote from the artist that is featured on the double spread page. I have made the quote bigger than the main text on the double spread page since I want to catch my reader’s attention to this quote.

Furthermore I have placed the quote in between the artist’s interview rather than above the main image which is the artist because the quote is a small extract from the interview that is on the double spread page.

The main image which is a photo of the featured artist is placed next to the text since I did not want to place the

The interview is divided into columns because the interview is the main bulk of the text on the double

I also used two black rectangles to divide the two columns from each other. Then I placed another rectangle which is red in between the two rectangles in order to add a splash of colour between the other rectangles and for the divider to compliment the double spread’s page colour scheme which is white, black and red

I used a white background so the colour scheme of the double spread page would suit the background colour. For example the usage of red stands out well against the white background whereas the usages of black contrast with the white background since black and white are neutral colours.

I have typed in the artist’s name in bold capitals letters by using a font called Sequel that I have downloaded from dafont. Therefore the artist’s name immediately stand out on the double spread page due to it large size and the bright red that is it in typed in. Furthermore I placed the artist’s name right at the top of the double spread page so it would be the first see that a reader would see when they see the double spread page. Hence this is made clear to the reader that this is the artist’s name.

This is important because the reader may start to become frustrate at the fact that they can’t find the artist’s name easily. Therefore this may lead to the reader not buying the magazine issue at retailers stores such as WHSmith since the double spread page have fail to catch their attention.

I have typed the answers and questions in the same font which is code bold that I have downloaded from dafont. However I have placed the questions in red and the answers in black for two reasons.

The first reason is that the different colours will make it easier for the reader to differentiate the questions and answers from each other. The second reason is that this usage of colours matches well with the colours that I have used for the quote on the double spread page and the colours of the divider that I have created.

The main image which is a photo of the featured artist is placed next to the text since I did not want to place the

The interview is divided into columns because the interview is the main bulk of the text on the double

For my cover page I took numerous photos of my model so I would be able to have a wide selection to pick from. These photos were a mid body shot as my model did a different pose for each photo that was taken. In the end I chose the highest quality of photo out of the selection which is the photo that has a red border around it. I picked this photo because I thought that it suited R & B the most while the photo was taken with very good lighting. As you can see the photo that has a blue border around it is very pitch dark due to the poor lighting that this photo was taken in. Hence I did not pick this photo for my double spread page. As for the other photos I did not pick them because I thought their poses were too artificial and fake to suit the R & B genre.

The next thing that I did was to remove the green screen by using the eraser tool and the background eraser tool on Photoshop.

Since the interview on the double spread page is the main bulk of the text on the double spread page I made sure that the text look appealing to the reader’s eye. A technique that I used that I justify each paragraph of the interview so that it would look better to the reader’s eye. I did this by clicking on the justify icon that can be find under the paragraph icon.

A paragraph from my double spread page that isn’t justify.

A paragraph from my double spread page that is justify.

The justify last left icon is circled in red.