Magazine analysis- Media Coursework

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Transcript of Magazine analysis- Media Coursework

Magazine analysis

Masthead- Uses yellow sans serif font in contrast with the background which is used to make the magazine

stand out. The use of yellow on the cover gives it a clear colour scheme which makes it appear well put together

and is attractive to look at as there are not too many colours going on at once.

Puff and sub-Image- These reveal that the target audience of the magazine is people that like to go out clubbing and listening to dance music. This then enables to infer that it is targeted at young adults as they stereotypically enjoy these things. The fact that the sub-image caption is a ‘last minute NYE party guide’ could show us that the readers are spontaneous and go with the flow rather than plan carefully what they are going to do. ‘Don’t Stay In’ is written in bold capitals which could pressure the reader into going out as it would be uncool to stay in and not party. The picture of the girl at a rave singing along to music also reflects the ‘party animal’ attitude.

Selling line- ‘The world’s biggest dance music and clubbing magazine.’ This makes the magazine seem more reliable as it would not be the world’s biggest if it did not know what it was talking about.

Feature Headline- This is the largest serif text used and is designed to grab the targetaudience’s interest. The contrast of the white and yellow also links in with the colour scheme of the cover but also separates the different subjects of the title. The first line is informal and bold and gives out a clear attitude, this could show that the readers of this magazine are laid back and not likely to be offended by it. The bold impact of it could also reflect the dance music genre. The second line of the title infers that it has been memorable and jam-packed which could reflect the lifestyle of the mixmag reader.

Main Image- The main image presents DJ David Guetta against a plain, wood background. Although he is wearing sunglasses, you can tell he is looking at the reader, making it a direct address. His hair is long and he has stubble which may present him as being laid back and not caring to much about looking pristine as all times, presenting him as being cool. The dark sunglasses he is wearing help to emphasise this, especially as he is obviously inside. His facial expression is almost a snarl, this also presents him as being the stereotypical, cool, laid back young adult. By presenting him as being cool, girls may find him attractive and boys may aspire to be like him, if not, it may make readers want to listen to his music as it may reflect the vibe his photo gives off. The fact that the photo doesn’t appear too posed also reflects the laid back personality of both the readers and the celebrity on the cover.

Cover line- This is effective as the words ‘tunes’, and ‘albums revealed’ are highlighted in yellow which shows that among the other things the magazines have going on, music is the top priority of the magazine.

Freebie- Offering a freebie may draw the audience in as it may make them feel as if they are gaining something by purchasing the magazine. As not all magazines offer freebies, it makes this magazine more unique and stand out more than some of the other magazines on the market. This freebie is therefore the unique selling point of mixmag.

Cover Lines- The alternating colours per line is effective as it makes each individual line stand out, whilst in keeping with the colour scheme of the cover. The lines highlighted in yellow are artist names and the lines in white are magazine content. This could show that again, they are highlighting artists and music as the main focus of the magazine and reiterating this to the audience.

Barcode, date and price- The barcode is a common convention used on magazine covers as it enables the reader to buy the magazine. The date is displayed so the audience is able to keep track of which issue they are buying. The price is displayed in a small front at the bottom of the cover which means that they do not want it displayed in a large font as it may not be appealing to the audience. The price reflects the reader as if they have disposable income to spend on partying, they will be able to afford the magazine.

Masthead- The masthead uses black sans serif font which contrasts with the yellow and blue background it lies on top of which makes it stand out. The black colour connotes things such as darkness or stereotypes such as punk/goth/emo as it is a colour that they are often associated with wearing. This is effective as it may represent the genres of music featured in the magazine but also the stereotypical audience that may listen to it. The masthead also looks like it is underneath broken glass which may reflect the rebellious, bold nature of the music the magazine focuses on.

Selling line- The selling line offers 7 posters which is similar to giving a freebie away. This therefore makes the reader feel as if they are gaining something from spending the money on the magazine. The small previews of the posters enable the reader to identify a band or artist that they may be particularly interested in, which may be the reason why they buy this issue. The fact they are offering 7 different posters means they are appealing to a wider audience.

Feature headline- The feature headline shows which band is the cover focus. This is interesting as the band is ‘Black Veil Brides’ yet it is written on a red background in white writing. The red may have been used as it is often associated with warnings which may link to the idea that the lead singer is ‘ready to kill’. The white ay be used as it provides a better contrast with the red than black would which makes the headline stand out more. The main image also features a lot of dark colours, which makes the white more visually appealing. The theme of the article reflects the rebellious attitude of the music and the fact the cover line uses the direct address ‘you’ is effective as it becomes very personal and forms a connection with the magazine and the reader, however sinister is may be, which may compel them to buy the magazine.

Main image- The main image shows the lead singer of Black Veil Brides. He is looking at the audience which forms an immediate connection with the reader and the magazine. His facial expression is quite threatening as he seems to be glaring at the reader which reflects the idea that he is ‘ready to kill’. His outfit is all black which on a simple level reflects the fact that he is a member of ‘Black Veil Brides’ but also his appearance is that of a stereotypical punk. This style of dress is often associated with rebellion which also adheres to the theme of the article but could also represent the genre of music his band produces. He also looks as if he is putting his gloves on. Black gloves could have connotations of murder as people often wear gloves when committing a crime to cover up and DNA and evidence so the fact that he appears to be putting his gloves on could show that he is preparing himself to kill.

Puff and Sub-image- The quote is highlighted in yellow which therefore makes it stand out to the reader. As it is by itself as a puff, it doesn’t make much sense to the reader as it seems quite random, automatically drawing their interest and compelling them to read more. The world ‘revealed’ is effective as it makes it seem as if the magazine has gossip that the reader would want to keep up with. It also gives the magazine some sense of exclusivity as if they are revealing the gossip, it gives the impression that they are the first people to find out and that they are more ‘in the know’ than other magazines. The sub image is effective as it represents a stereotypical rock star as he looks cool with his sunglasses on and has a microphone in his hand. The fact that he appears to be screaming into the microphone could represent the fact that the rock stars are ‘crazy’, linking to the article that it is advertising.

Banner- This small banner advertises an article on tattoos. This could represent the lifestyle and interests of the readers as if they may have tattoos or a keen interest in them. By advertising bands that will be spoken about in the article, it enables to reader to identify a possible favourite which may attract them to buy the magazine so they can read more. The fact that the word ‘insanity’ is highlighted in a bolder colour reflects both the nature of the word itself and the article in the magazine. It also stands out which may draw the reader’s eyes to it, causing intrigue into what makes the article and the tattoos so ‘insane’.

Sub images and cover lines- This cover features 3 sub images which is effective as it makes the cover look as if there is lots going on. By featuring more than one article on the cover, it is appealing to many different people which means that there is a larger chance of more people buying the magazine. The images are also effective as they break up the text which makes the cover easier to read and more visually appealing.

Plug- The plug which advertises the opportunity to win festival tickets is effective as it makes the reader feel as it the are able to gain something from purchasing the magazine, similar to a freebie. The fact that the prize is tickets for a festival could represent the lifestyle and interests of the Kerrang reader.

Banner- This banner is effective as the band names are highlighted in a different colour to the other words which makes them stand out so they are easily identifiable but also highlights that music is the main focus in the magazine. The fact that there is another mention of festivals help to represent the interests and lifestyle of the person that may potentially but the magazine.

Barcode, date and price- The barcode is a common convention used on magazine covers as it enables the reader to buy the magazine. The date is displayed so the audience is able to keep track of which issue they are buying. The price is displayed in a small front at the bottom of the cover which means that they do not want it displayed in a large font as it may not be appealing to the audience. The price reflects the reader as it may reflect how much disposable income the typical Kerrang reader has to spend on the magazine. The fact that it is £2.20 means that a wide range of people could be able to afford it meaning it may be accessible to a wide range of incomes.

Masthead- The masthead uses an orange sans serif font with block, capital letters. This is effective because it stands out against the white background. The masthead is an abbreviated form of New musical express, which is written in a small, serif font in black underneath. Abbreviating this is effective because it is easier for the reader to say and remember.

Freebie- Offering a freebie is effective as it makes the reader feel as if they are gaining something from buying the magazine. This may encourage them to buy the magazine as they feel they are getting two magazines for the price of one.

Main image- The main image is effective as the article it is depicting is the reinvention of the artist. He is shown with a broken trumpet in both his hands and his face appears to look as if he doesn’t care. The broken trumpet links to the idea of reinvention and the fact that his is breaking out of his previous material in order to create something new. The fact that he looks as if he doesn’t care tells us that he may have been frustrated which links to the broken trumpet and doesn’t care it is broken as he is ready to move on. The denim jacket and dark t-shirt stand out clearly on the white background making him appear more prominent on the cover.

Feature headline- The colour of the feature headline is effective because it stands out so clearly against the white background. It is also effective as it is only the masthead and this featured article that are in orange. This makes it clear to the reader that this is the main article that the magazine focuses on.

Cover lines- The cover lines show the band or artist in a bold serif font and the topic of the article is written in a thinner, sons serif font. This is effective as it makes the band name clearer to the reader which helps them to identify the artist quickly and see if it is an article they would be interested in reading. It also highlights the fact that music and artists are the focus of the magazine.

Barcode, date and price- The barcode is a common convention used on magazine covers as it enables the reader to buy the magazine. The date is displayed so the audience is able to keep track of which issue they are buying. The price is displayed in a small front at the bottom of the cover which means that they do not want it displayed in a large font as it may not be appealing to the audience. The price reflects the reader as it may reflect how much disposable income the typical NME reader has to spend on the magazine.

Menu strip- The menu strip on the bottom of the magazine is effective as it enables the reader to potentially identify a band that they are interested in which may make them purchase the magazine. It also shows that the magazine has a wide range of content.

The image is the largest component on the contents page and shows two girls partying. The bright colours featured in the picture stand out against the black background which makes it visually appealing. The fact that partying is the main focus of the content could reflect the fact that partying is the one of the main focus of the magazine. The page number is printed in bold white on the picture. The pretty girls partying may make the reader turn to this article first as it is bold and the page number is clearly indicated.

The layout of the contents consists of 1 column, one row and a picture that is the main focus. The row contains information of about the free CD given with the magazine. This enforces the idea of it being the USP of the magazine as the reader knows that they are getting a gift that is worthwhile and just a cheap freebie stuck onto the front. The information is on the bottom row in a smaller font to show that it is not as important as the content of the magazine.

The column shows the page number and title of the articles. The page number is highlighted in yellow so it is easy to find and the title of the article is written in a white, bold font which stands out against the black and makes it easier to see. The VIP heading is effective as it will make the reader more likely to turn to that one as they feel it is the most important as it is singled out above the other features of the magazine.

The sub-image helps to make the contents not as text heavy and also attracts the reader to turn to that article as their eyes tend to be drawn to the pictures rather than the smaller text first.

The pictures on the contents tend to correlate to articles in the magazine. The fact that they are placed above the text means that the audience may feel obliged to turn to those pages first as they stand out more than anything else. The white banners with the page number make the reader able to find the articles easily.

The layout of the Kerrang contents is similar to the layout of the cover in that it is quite jam-packed and chaotic, a theme which runs through the magazine but also the genres of music the articles are about.

The layout of the contents is split into 5 columns, one of which is a letter from the editor of the magazine. This is effective as it establishes a more personal connection between the reader and the editor which may encourage the reader to buy the magazine on a regular basis as they feel they have a better relationship with it.

The contents is split into categories, which are highlighted in yellow. This means that the reader can find categories easily that interest them the most and can find the articles that go with that.

The page numbers are highlighted in red which make them easier to find without having to read through lots of text. The article titles are highlighted in bold which makes them easier to read and identify if the reader is scanning for a particular article.

Small previews of some of the posters at the bottom of the contents is effective as it enables the reader to see if there is a poster they particularly want without having to flick all the way through the magazine to find it.

Small advertisement for Kerrang magazine subscription on the first page of the magazine is effective because it will be the first advertisement the reader will see and because it is mixed in with the contents, the reader is bound to see it.

The contents page of NME is rather minimalistic and more text heavy than Kerrang or mixmag.

The layout of the contents is split into 3 long columns and the colour scheme consists of white, red and black.

Dedicating a column to regulars is effective as readers who have bought the magazine multiple times may have a favourite bit of content which they can easily find. Like Kerrang, the contents are divided into categories which are highlights in black and have a white contrasting font meaning that the reader can find the content that best suits them.

The features column is positioned in the middle and is slightly larger in width than the regulars column. This may highlight the fact that these articles may be more desirable and interesting to read. Like both of the other magazines, the title of the article is highlighted as well as the page number. The white contrasts directly against the black making them extremely easy to read.

NME is the only contents page out of the ones I have analysed with a band list and correlating page numbers. This is effective as it means that readers who are particularly interested in certain bands can quickly find the articles about them.

However, like the other magazines, the page number is always highlighted in a different font or colour which makes it stand out and good if the reader is scan reading for a particular article and doesn’t want to have to read through a large amount of text.

Having a preview of the poster here, in the middle of the column and also the page is effective as it breaks up the text slightly but also attracts the reader’s eyes to it which means they are easily able to find the free posters they were promised on purchase of the magazine.

Although the spread has a rather informal topic, the article follows a strict 4 column structure and everything on the page fits into it, for example the top right image fits across 2 columns yet the bottom left image of the DJs fits into one column. This structure is effective as it makes the article easier to read and the text is not as dense.

The article has a colour scheme of white, pink, black and yellow which is clear and consistent throughout the article.

The pictures used in the article all reflect the topic and all the pictures feature young people partying. This could show the target audience of the article and also their lifestyle and interests. The images also look like they were taken spontaneously on a night out rather than a constructed image for a purpose. This adds to the authenticity of the article and the believability of the magazine.

The article features 3 of the best places to go partying and they are spread over 2 pages. Number one has its own page which highlights to the reader that it is the best and the most important. Number 2 has the second largest feature and number 3 is slightly smaller which follows this pattern.

Each article ends with a summary paragraph with key information which tells the reader recommended places to go clubbing. This is effective as if the reader wants to refer back to the article they have a summary rather than having to read through the whole article again. It is also visually appealing.

The green background is effective as it compliments and ties in with the colour of the singer’s hair which makes the article seamless and visually appealing.

Article has a three column layout making the text easy to follow and read without being too dense.

The colour yellow is used as a highlight. This is effective because yellow stands out clearly against the green background. Yellow also has connotations of happiness which could tie in with the theme of hope and new found happiness that runs throughout the article

The article’s feature headline is a pull quote which is effective as it automatically draws the reader into the article as they are given a taste of the content, therefore making them want to read on. The pull quote also uses mixed fonts which breaks the quote into clear different sections.

The small letter from the artist to the artist is printed on what appears to be an old creased piece of paper which looks like I has been torn from a notebook. This is effective as it identifies a different section of the article but it also portrays the idea that it was already written down years ago, like a diary entry.

The sub image of the band in the corner is effective as it has a red background which contrasts to the colour of the main image but I also promotes he band rather than just the singer which most of the article has focused on.

The main image overlaps ono the right hand page of the spread which is effective as it makes the article seem more seamless and also links the picture to the text. The text in the first column uses a run around the picture which again means that he picture and the text complement each other rather than being separate, which encourages the audience to read the full article as the pictures and text are all interlinked.

Using a pull quote in the centre of the article is effective as the reader’s eyes are immediately drawn to it and it grabs their interest which encourages them to read the article in order to find the section that links with it. The bold, larger font breaks up the text which means the article does not look as dense. Text in the columns uses a run-around which shows that the pull quote is integrated in the article.

Sub image at the end of the article shows the text has finished and also at a quick glance, pictures break up the text on an article that does look quite dense.

Orange, white and black form a colour scheme that runs throughout the article. The colours found in the main image either match or complement these rather than contrast which gives the article a flow and a more relaxed aesthetic rather than bright colours everywhere.

The main image takes up one full page of the double page spread which shows that the person in it is clearly the main focus of the article. The theme and set up of the image juxtapose the idea of the title as the artist is meant to be in ‘good health’ yet he holds two very clearly alcoholic beverages in his hand. This could reflect the rebellious, nonchalant attitude that this artist is notorious for and may also present some humour. It could also show that the title has a different meaning than what appears on the surface, meaning the audience must read on to find out.

The text layout is split into three columns, which is a similar feature on all of the spreads. The effectiveness of this is that it makes the article look less text-heavy and makes it easier to follow and read.