Made up characters!

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Made up characters!

Made up Characters!

By Viarne and Lilli

This is Sqaurgalo he grows fruit on his head and he has carrots as ears and he also has olives on his face bananas as toes and celery as arms.

This is Super Scwigy he is a super triangle and he has got really big eyes and a wobbly mouth and wheels as feet.

This is the Wobstar. I called her the Wobstar because she has a wobbly body and a wavy mouth.

This is Spiygalie and she has shell pasta as ears, she has a bag, a bottle and a dummy.

This is Floogie cup. She is a baby flower and she is sucking her dummy and she is made outof shapes.( As you can see) .

This is Blob Stob. He is a blob and he is made out of fish eggs. He does not have any feet.

This is Cocky doo. She is part dinosaur and she is a baby. She is holding her bottle. She is under her special tree beside the river.

This is Sprooky and half of her face is rainbow and she has donut eyes. She has circles as her body and a cute little mouth.

This is Ningy. He is a baby and he is 2 and a half years old. One eye is bigger than the other and one foot is smaller than the other and his hair style is cool.

This is Chuckyboa and he is half cloud and half clown and he has disco pants and graffiti S eyes.

This is Ginger Werll. She is half pirate and half rabbit. She is made of different patterns.

This is Scalluboom and he has got piano teeth and he has got an eye patch. He is also made out of bones.

This is Yoshi. He is not a made up character but we decided to draw him. He is a baby dinosaur and he is from Mario brothers and other games with Mario and Luigi in them.

This is Shellshake Bubblebrake. He is made out of bubbles and his head is a shell and he is wearing goofy shoes. And he has ginormous eyes.

This is Fafoa. He has toes that are like sticks and teeth like blobs and we think they are very funny. He has cute little piggy tails and one eye bigger than the other.

This is Bloba Goba. He is a green blob. His eyes are both different to the others. He has got braces.