Macleod Report - Enablers of engagement

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Macleod Report - Enablers of engagement

The MacLeod Report in Practice

Practical ways to incorporate ‘enablers of engagement’ into your internal communications strategy


Our team was delighted that the findings of the recent MacLeod Report support our beliefs and philosophy surrounding employee engagement; that increased employee engagement acts as a driver of increased performance and profitability.

Part of the report identifies ‘enablers of engagement’ and this short presentation aims to give some practical advice about how to build them into your internal communications strategy.

Our summary of the report can be read at: and the full report can be downloaded here:


The Report says: leaders must provide strong narrative, be clear and open about the vision of the company and employees must understand how their role fits into the ‘bigger picture’.

We say: develop one channel that is the ‘voice of leadership’ – whether it’s a regular feature in the internal magazine, newsletter, a CEO blog or weekly podcasts. Make sure all communication links directly to business strategy and how employees can play a direct role in achieving the aims of the company. The communication channel of choice should be one that all employees have access to and all other channels should support these messages.

Engaging managers

The report says: an employee’s relationship with their line manager is the most important factor in achieving engagement.

We say: use regular briefing meetings, communications tool kits with templates and guidelines, and offer communications coaching to line managers. These are people that are often experts in their field, but may not have the relevant skills for clear, concise communication. Build in feedback mechanisms for all communication and establish processes to enable response. Line managers shouldn’t forget that a simple ‘thank you’ for good work makes a huge difference.


The report says: communications must be seen as two-way, where managers facilitate feedback and opinion from employees.

We say: although face-to-face communication is ideal, it’s not always possible in today’s workforce, where teams are based remotely. Investigate introducing social media tools as a way to increase collaboration, peer-to-peer communication and engagement. Many of the tools are easy, quick and inexpensive to use and provide the perfect channel to connect. The sharing of ideas, opinions and knowledge generates incredibly valuable information, vital for informed strategic decision making and business survival.

To find out more about the different tools available, download our social media white paper, Collaboration in Action at:


The report says: behaviour must be consistent with values.

We say: as with all good relationships, honesty is key; constant and consistent ‘walk the talk’ wins people’s hearts and minds. But it’s not just leaders who need to do it; supervisors must also show they’re living the corporate values. The values need to be at the heart of the business and live through the day-to-day running of the organisation – linking them to a recognition scheme can be a great way of ensuring everyone knows them and sees the benefits.

The future

The report says: Business leaders need to raise the profile of the employee engagement issue with leaders in all sectors of the economy. There needs to be leadership that ensures strong transparent and explicit organisational culture; engaging managers who offer clarity, appreciation of employees’ effort and contribution, and employees who feel able to voice ideas that are listened to - both about how they do their job and in decision-making in their own departments.

We say: If this is on your agenda this year then get in touch, with a creative and strategic approach to internal communication theblueballroom can help with anything: writing your internal communications strategy, producing your employee magazine or creating an online platform to give employees a voice.

For further information please contact Jenni Wheller at +44 (0) 1252 899 950 or email: