Machine Learning: Understanding the Invisible Force Changing Our World

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Machine Learning: Understanding the Invisible Force Changing Our World

Understanding the Invisible Force Changing Our World

Machine Learning

KEN TABOR @KenTabor!

“I think that AI will lead to a low cost and better quality life for

millions of people. Like electricity, it’s a possibility to build a wonderful society.” Andrew Ng

"We were early in machine learning and are already seeing significant

dividends coming out. Many of the XXXXXXXX companies are already

using this technology and are planning to use it

even more."Larry Page

Machine learning drives … product search

ranking, product and deals recommendations,

merchandising placements, fraud

detection, translations, and much more.

Jeff Bezos

XXX XXXXXXX laid out a development plan on

Thursday to become the world leader in A.I. by 2030, aiming to surpass its rivals technologically and build a domestic industry worth almost

$150 billion.State Council

of China

“Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for

XXXXXX, but for all humankind. … Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.” Vladimir Putin


What it’s NotML is something different.

It’s NotBig data

“Copy your stats into the lake tonight.”

It’s NotData science

“Any local users old enough to buy?”

SELECT * from users WHERE age BETWEEN 35 AND 55 AND country = 'UK';

It’s NotA rules engine

if (currentProductId === A_BOOK_ID) { RenderBookProduct(SIMILAR_BOOKS); }

“Show her related book titles.”

Machine LearningAlgorithms (code recipes)

That can learn behavior

Without writing more code

Machine LearningThrough pattern matching

By classifying things

Offering % predictions

Using data to create knowledge

# $

DataStructured Unstructured

{ "user": { "name": "Ken Tabor", "title": "Principal Software Architect", "company": "Sabre", "contact": { "email": "", "phone": "8675309", "twitter": "@kentabor" }, "eatsChocolate": true } }





Learning how?1. Supervised learning

2. Reinforcement learning

3. Unsupervised learning


1. SupervisedYou feed the algorithm data

You tag the data with labels

Algorithm creates a model of understanding (learns)




Can we trick our customers into helping us?

User clicks are training

Design a micro-interaction encouraging training

2. ReinforcementYou have a trained ML model

You let it run

Give it a reality-check function


function IsEnRouteAndNotCrashing()

function HasWonGame()

3. UnsupervisedYou feed the algorithm data

It discovers hidden patterns

Clusters based on similarity of features



Orange 10 Brown 4 Yellow 9 Blue 12 Green 11 Red 8 Total 54

Orange 10/14 Brown 4/4 Yellow 9/6 Blue 12/12 Green 11/8 Red 8/11 Total 54/55

Orange 10/14/15 Brown 4/4/1 Yellow 9/6/9 Blue 12/12/8 Green 11/8/11 Red 8/11/10 Total 54/55/54

“I could do that!”You don’t scale

Humans are error prone

People get bored

QuestionsHow much do I regret eating all of the M&Ms?

Do people consume brighter colors faster?Ship more brown because dye is cheaper?

Production glitch - expected a repeatable amount?Why do the red ones taste better?

Why Now?

Increase in compute power & data storage



your phone

your laptop


the cloud


Why are they just giving it away

for free?

Good will

Show of force

Talent recruitment

I’m guessing

Are they not afraid of my




Compute cycles

Brain power

They have more

The smart get smarter

Why Now?



Visibility Build


Business: Big

GM and Lyft announced the joint venture on Monday, which also

includes a $500 million investment by GM in Lyft.

January 4, 2016

IBM will spend $240 million over 10 years to

develop an artificial intelligence research lab with the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology…

September 6, 2017

Databricks, a big data analytics platform … announced that it has raised a $140 million

Series D round…

August 22, 2017

DataType: Text

Neural Machine Translation

November 15, 2016

English/French German Spanish


Chinese Japanese

Korean Turkish

Total of eight language pairs to/from English and French.

2010 - 2015 Credit card transactions +48% Debit card transactions +46% Electronic transactions +45% Annual transactions +34.2bill

July 27, 2017

Quarterly Earnings Stories 5,300 public companies

2013 - wrote 318 stories (6%) 65 (human) reporters

2015 - 3,700 stories (70%) AI system

April 14, 2017

DataType: Image

…Google will now show you a silent six-second clip…decided to use some of its machine learning smarts to enable this feature…

algorithm actually analyzes the whole video and then decides which six-second clip to pick.

August 18, 2017

Assisting Pathologists in Detecting Cancer with Deep Learning…prediction heatmaps

produced by the algorithm had improved so much that the localization score (FROC) for the

algorithm reached 89%, which significantly exceeded the score of 73% for a pathologist

with no time constraint.March 3, 2017

DEMOAmazon Rekognition


Human-centered Design

“People like you also shopped for…”

Auto-generate Personas

Don’t give me 200 results. Offer the 3 best choices.

Personalized Data

Like a robot Like a person

Humanize AI with Awesome UI

“flat” “skeuomorphic”

Position Your Career

Be curious

“Knows machine learning”

“Experienced with Adobe CS2 Suite”

is the new

Find the data (representing users)

Machines lack empathy and ethical frameworks for passing humane judgements on humans.

Racist AI?

Mindfully consider training data

Unconscious bias is tough

Make diversity a priority

Choose inclusion by default

Momma’s Gotta Die Tonight Body Count


See more:

Design for Zero-D

Past computer/human interface (CHI)

Command Line Windows AR/VR

1D 2D 3D

Voice recognition

Face recognition

Touch-screen secondary

API response refinement

Future of CHI is 0D?

Chatbot scripts

Trusting corporate ML algorithms

Representing your brand well

Explain nuances

Surface assumptions

Confirm safe context

“Why is your list different than mine?”

Zero-D UX


“If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area.” - David Bowie

Ken’s next move

Invest another year into being a learning machine

Find a problem

Discover data

Code like a caveman

Test solutionsDaydream

2- 3☼

Share what I learn!@KenTabor

Available on Amazon






