Macbeth act 3 presentaion

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Macbeth act 3 presentaion

Macbeth Act 3-Presentaion

By: Jesspaul Sahota


Scottish General and Thane of Glamis. Three witches prophesize his future. He becomes Thane of Cawdor which makes the first part of the prophecy right he then wants to be king and is manipulated by his wife into killing the king so he can become king.

Lady Macbeth

Wife of Macbeth wants power and position so badly she manipulates Macbeth into killing the king.

The Three Witches

Prophesize Macbeth to become Thane of Cawdor and then king. As well they prophesize Banquo and say that he will not be king but his sons will be.


Scottish general whose children are prophesized by the witches to be king. Murdered in Act 3 by murders sent by Macbeth.


Scottish nobleman who is hostile to Macbeth’s kingship.


Banquo’s son, the murders fail to kill him along side his father.

King Duncan

Macbeth murders him in his ambitions to be king. Duncan was the good king of Scotland.

Who killed Who?

Macbeth-• Kills Macdonwald in battle. • Kills Duncan, Lady Macbeth Manipulates

Macbeth into killing Duncan because she is power hungry.

• Kills Banquo, suspects him of knowing he killed Duncan & the witches prophecy says that Banquo’s sons will be king. Hires murderers to kill Banquo for him.

Work Cited Jamieson, Lee. "'Macbeth' Study Guide." Shakespeare. About Shakespeare, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2013.Alexander, Geoff. "Barnes' Macbeth Controversy." Barnes' Macbeth Controversy. Macbeth Controversy, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2013