M2 A6 Rumusan Dan Penilaian ASSURE MODEL

Post on 05-Feb-2016

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Transcript of M2 A6 Rumusan Dan Penilaian ASSURE MODEL






Analyze Learners

Description of students may include some detail, but less than 3 characteristics are included.

Description of students includes some detail, 3-4 characteristics are included.

Description of students includes good details; at least 4 characteristics are included.

Description of students includes abundent detail; more than 4 characteristics are included.


State Objectives

Less than three objectives are included, and/or one or more are missing one of the ABCDs of strong instructional objectives.

At least three objectives are included, but two or more are missing one of the ABCDs of strong instructional objectives.

Three objectives are included, but one or more are missing one of the ABCDs of strong instructional objectives.

More than three objectives are included, and all include the ABCDs of strong instructional objectives.


Select Methods, Media, and Materials

The lesson incorporates only one instructional method, and the appropriateness of media and materials may be questionable.Assistive technologies are not used, though they are appropriate.

The lesson incorporates 2 appropriate instructional methods, as well as appropriate use of media and materials.Assistive technologies are not used, though they are appropriate.

The lesson incorporates 3 appropriate instructional methods, as well as appropriate use of media and materials.An assistive technology is included if appropriate.

The lesson incorporates more than 3 appropriate instructional methods, as well as creative and appropriate use of media and materials.One or more assistive technologies are included if appropriate.


Utilize Media and Materials

Media and materials are incorporated creativly to facilitate a successful lesson.Preparation and a back up strategies are missing.

Media and materials are incorporated creativly to facilitate a successful lesson.Either preparation or back up strategies are missing.

Media and materials are incorporated to facilitate a successful lesson.Preparation and a back up strategies are included, but lack thorough detail.

Media and materials are incorporated creativly to facilitate a successful lesson.Preparation and a back up strategies are thorough.


Require Learner Participation

A few strategies that involve most children are included but details are missing, especially how to involve the child with disabilities.

A few strategies are included that involve most children, and there are a couple of details about involving the child with disabilities.

Strategies that involve all children are incorporated throughout with good to help include the child with disabilities.

Good, imaginative strategies to involve all children are incorporated throughout with excellent detail on how to include the child with disabilities.


Evaluate Learners, Instructor, and Media

Student evaluations include one method of evaluation (formative or

Student evaluations include one method of evaluation

Student evaluations include formative and summative

Student evaluations include formative and summative evaluation methods


summative).Methods for evaluating the instructor or media are missing.

(formative or summative).Methods for evaluating the instructor and media are also included.

evaluation methods.Methods for evaluating the instructor and media are also included.

as well as a rubric.Detailed methods for evaluating the instructor and media are also included.

Organization Lesson details appear to be disorganized.

Lesson details are organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed.

Lesson details are organized with well-constructed paragraphs.

Lesson details are very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings.


Quality of Information

Objectives, media, or methods, do not clearly relate to the lesson.Integration of information from the principal, or parent of the child with a disability is lacking.

Objectives, media, and methods, clearly relate to the lesson.The lesson shows the integration of information from the principal and the parent of the child with a disability.

Objectives, media, and methods, clearly relate to the lesson. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.The lesson shows the integration of information from the principal and parent of the child with a disability.

Objectives, media, and methods, clearly relate to the lesson. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.The lesson shows the integration of information from the principal and parent of the child with a disability.Sample lesson documents are also present.


Mechanics Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.

Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors

No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.



1) Rancangan Pengajaran yang dihasilkan perlu diberikan penekanan kepada objektif

yang ingin dicapai supaya ia meliputi Action, Behaviour, Condition dan juga Degree

(ABCD) agar lebih membantu murid menguasai pengetahuan secara menyeluruh.

2) Kaedah pengajaran mungkin lebih difokuskan kepada tunjuk cara ataupun simulasi

supaya murid dapat memahami dengan lebih mendalam tentang topik yang ingin

diajarkan. Media dan bahan yang digunakan boleh disesuaikan lagi dengan isi

pengajaran yang ingin disampaikan.

3) Dari segi penglibatan murid, murid lebih bergerak aktif kerana aktiviti yang

dirancangkan dalam rancangan pengajaran lebih kepada gerak kerja amali.

4) Maklumat yang terkandung dalam rancangan pengajaran ini boleh ditambahbaik dari

segi perkaitan antara objektif dengan perlaksanaan aktiviti pengajaran dan


5) Perkara yang paling penting dalam penghasilan rancangan pengajaran ini adalah

perlu mengetahui dengan lebih jelas apakah objektif yang ingin dicapai melalui tajuk

yang ingin diajar. Kaedah, media dan bahan juga perlu lebih pelbagai mengikut

kesesuaian tahap kognitif murid-murid.