LYS 5 İngilizce Deneme Sınavı · LYS 5 İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 1. Thanks to the internet, we...

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Transcript of LYS 5 İngilizce Deneme Sınavı · LYS 5 İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 1. Thanks to the internet, we...

LYS 5 İngilizce Deneme Sınavı

1. Thanks to the internet, we no longer have to wait until the evening news hour or ---- of the daily newspaper to find out about the current events.

A)anticipation B)publication C)acquaintance D)conviction E)origin2. Fat is an ---- part of our diet, but lots of people eat

more fat than they need. A)essential B)proportional C)passionate D)inferior E)applicable3. Some traditions were ---- invented for one reason or

another, often to highlight or enhance the importance of a certain institution.

A)utterly B)hardly C)largely D)identically E)deliberately4. The TV commercial is generally considered the most

effective mass-market advertising format, as is reflected by the high prices TV networks ---- for commercial airtime during popular TV events.

A)converse B)derive C)charge D)commit E)respond5. If you want to try rollerblading, the hardest part is ----

the initial psychological fear of thinking you can’t do it. A)gettingover B)comingby C)turningout D)puttingon E)callingoff6. Children ---- aspirin since several studies ----

aspirin use in children with Reye’s Syndrome, a severe illness that is often fatal.

A)havetogive/havelinked B)musthavegiven/arelinked C)mustn’tbegiven/link D)needn’tbegiven/havebeenlinked E)shouldn’thavebeengiven/willbelinked7. The moon’s surface ---- a subject of speculation until

some of its secrets ---- by planetary science in the twentieth century.

A)is/revealed B)hadbeen/hadrevealed C)was/wererevealed D)wouldbe/havebeenrevealed E)was/wouldhaverevealed8. It is time Jack ---- some manners since he ----

recently. A)wastaught/hasbeenmisbehaving B)istaught/ismisbehaving C)hadbeentaught/hadmisbehaved D)taught/willmisbehave E)hastaught/wouldmisbehave

9.-15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

9. In many cases, it is unclear ---- chronic insomnia is a symptom of some physical or psychological conditions or it is a primary disorder of its own.

A)that B)what C)if D)which E)when10. Even though played in a lot of countries, ice hockey is

usually associated with Canada, ---- it is one of the most popular sports.

A)where B)when C)fromwhich D)that E)ofwhich11. What many advertisers try to do is to influence people

and ---- them ---- things that they don’t really need. A)let/tobuy B)get/buy C)have/tobuy D)have/tobebought E)get/tobuy12. Without blood, the body’s organs ---- the oxygen

and nutrients they need to survive. A)hadn’tgot B)aregetting C)willhavegot D)wouldn’tget E)shouldn’thavegot

13. Disney died ---- lung cancer on December 15, 1966, a few years prior ---- the opening of Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

A)about/in B)from/for C)in/into D)of/to E)with/at14. Because their eyes are positioned at ---- side of

their head, goldfish see things at the side better than the ones in front of them.

A)either B)all C)both D)some E)several15. Scientists say this summer’s melt of Arctic sea ice

has not been ---- profound ---- in the last two years.

A)most/than B)as/so C)much/as D)so/as E)like/than

16.-20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Theuseofthewheelwaswidespreadinancienttimes,butitdidhavelimitations.Theresistancetothemotionofawheelcan(16) ----tremendouslydependingonthesurfa-ce(17)----itistravelling.Aroughroadis(18)----hardertorolloverthanasmoothone.TheRomanswereawareofthisanddevelopedamassivenetworkofpavedroads.Whilethis(19)----thefirsttimeinhistorythatroadswereimprovedtofacilitatethewheel,itcertainlywasn’tthelast.IntheUnitedStatesinthe1890s,cyclistssuccessfullylobbiedforimprovementsinroadsnationwide(20)----cyclingwasthenation’smostpopularsportatthetime.16. A)distinguish B)vary C)grasp D)launch E)exhibit17. A)that B)ofwhose C)onwhich D)inwhom E)which18. A)much B)alotof C)many D)too E)both19. A)willbe B)mayhavebeen C)wouldhavebeen D)needn’thavebeen E)hadbeen20. A)unlike B)if C)nevertheless D)owingto E)as

21.-28. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

21. ---- probably because they are getting fatter and leading inactive lifestyles.A)Highbloodlevelsofglucosecancauseseveral




possiblethroughinsulininjectionsandcontrolofdiet22. The basic idea behind refrigeration is to slow down

the activity of bacteria ----.A)sothatittakeslongerforthebacteriatospoilthefoodB)thereforewewillthrowoutourleftoversinsteadof



23. Laptops use less power and make less noise than desktop models ---- although these differences can be too small for most users to notice.A) whenitisnotinuseortheprocessordoesnot



soundprocessingpower24. ----, their contributions to greenhouse gases will

certainly rise.A)Ifpeoplestoppedtopollutetheenvironmentat





usingcheaperfossil-fueltechnology25. ---- since they often have to travel more than a

hundred miles to find prey.A)Wolvesfrequentlyfeatureinthefolkloreand



26. Some people practice surfing as a recreational activity ----.A)whileothersmakeitthecentralfocusoftheirlivesB)thatsurfingcultureismostdominantinCaliforniaC)andallofthemaredesignedtohelpthembecome


contactwithispotentiallyadanger27. Manic depression is marked by extreme mood

swings, between highs ---- and lows when they may feel total despair and lack of energy.A)thathasbeenestimatedtoafflictmorethan5





28. My interview went so well today that ----.A)Ihavealwaysmaintainedaveryhighprofileinmy


29.-31. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Manyhoofedmammals,likethegiraffe,growhorns.Butelkandotherdeeraretheonlyanimalsthatgrowantlers.Antlersarenotthesameashorns.Antlersaretemporary.Theyshed,butthey grow back each year. Horns are permanent. They staywithananimalitswholelife.Antlersarecoveredbyasoft,velvetlikelayer.Whenthecoveringdies,thedeerrubitoff.Hornsarecoveredbyskin.Thecoveringmakesthehornsharder.Antlersare much larger than horns. They sometimes look like treebranchessotheirsharppointswarnpredatorstostayaway.29. According to the passage, the antler ----.


30. One can understand from the passage that one difference between an antler and a horn is that ----.A) theformerissmallerB) hornssometimesresembletreebranchesC)animalscanusetheirhornsfordefensivepurposesD)antlersareshedannuallyE)thelatterissofter

31. According to the passage, it is true that ----.A) antlersarenotasfirmashornsB)mostofthehoofedanimalsgrowantlersC)antlersaremoredurablethanhornsD)hornsarecoveredwithavelvetlikelayerE) inmanyspecies,onlythemaleshavehorns

32.-34. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Dovesarebirdsofthepigeonfamily.Thetermdoveusuallyreferstooneofthesmallerkindsofpigeon.Thedovehasaround,soft,sleekhead.Itsplump,deep-chestedbodyiscoveredwithsmoothfeathers.Themourningdove,namedforitssad,melancholycall,isfound in the United States and Canada. It is a slender, brown birdwitha white-borderedtail.Theturtledove,ofsimilarsizeandcolour,isfoundinEurope.ThesmallergrounddoveofthesouthernUnited States has chestnut-coloured wing patches, a pink chest,andan11-inchwingspread.TheIncadoveisfoundinthesouth-westernUnitedStates.Becausethesebirdsaredeeplyaffectionatewhenmated,thedovehasbecomeasymboloffaithfulness.32. As is pointed out in the passage, one characteristic of

the mourning dove is that ----.A)itisthelargestdovespeciesB)itssizeissimilarwiththatoftheturtledoveC)itisaslimbirdwithachestnut-colouredtailD)itweighsmorethantheturtledoveE)itlivesmainlyinEurope

33. It is clear from the passage that the turtledove ----.A)hasapinkchestB) isbiggerthanthegrounddoveC)isoneoftheworld’ssmallestbirdsD)inhabitsintheUnitedStatesandCanadaE)hasthelargestwingspreadofanydovespecies

34. From the passage, we learn that ----. A) doveshavebecomeemblemsoflovebecauseof

theiruniquecallsB) Incadovescanbefoundabundantlyinthe



birdsofthepigeonfamilyE) themourningdoveisnamedsoduetoitsdistin


35.-37. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

It’s critical to identify which type of headache you sufferfrom.Tensionheadaches,themostcommontype,feel likeaconstantacheorpressurearoundthehead.Notasseve-reasmigraines,theyrarelystopsomeonefromcontinuingtheir regular activities. Cluster headaches, which affectmenmoreoftenthanwomen,arerecurringheadachesthatoccuringroupsorcycles.Theheadachesappearsuddenlyandarecharacterizedbysevere,debilitatingpain.Thecauseofclusterheadachesisunknown,buttheymayhavesomegeneticcomponent.Whenasinusbecomesinflamed,usu-allythroughaninfection,itcancausepain.Headachesduetosinusinfectioncanbetreatedwithantibiotics,aswellasantihistaminesordecongestants.Migraineheadachescomefromaneurologicaldisorder.Theyareoftenaccompaniedbysensitivitytolightandnoise.Unlikeotherheadaches,mig-rainesusuallyoccurononesideofyourhead,althoughthesidethatisaffectedcanshiftwitheachnewattack.35. We can understand from the passage that tension

headaches ----. A) seemtobemoreseriousthanmigraineheadahesB) don’tofteninterferewithone’sdailylifeC) maystemfromgeneticfactorsD) caneasilybemistakenforanotherkindofheadacheE) arecausedbyserioushealthproblems

36. According to the passage, one distinguishing feature of cluster headaches is that ----.A) theyarecausedbyoveruseofpainkillersB) theyareaccompaniedbyamildpainonboth

sidesoftheheadC) theyarepredictableD) menaremorepronetothemthanwomenE) theyarethemostcommontypeofheadaches

1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır.2. Yanıtlamaya, istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.3. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri karalama için kullanabilirsiniz.

İNGİLİZCE TESTİ1.-8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

LYS 5 İngilizce Deneme Sınavı37. It can be inferred from the passage that when a

person suffers from migraine headaches, ----.A) hehastotakeanantibioticB) hewillprobablyseekdarkandquietplacesC) hewillworkevenmoreD) thepainhefeelsisnotverysevereE) hefeelsaconstantpainaroundhisneck

38.-40. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Everyday,atleasteightAmericanschoketodeathwhenfoodor other objects become lodged in their throats. Their deathsoccurbecausechoking isoftenconfusedwithheartattack,orbecauseoldremediessuchashittingapersonontheback,arenot successful. However, the Heimlich manoeuvre, developedin1947,isaneasilyappliedtechniquetohelpsavethechokingvictim.Itmustbeappliedquickly,forthechokingvictimhasfourorfiveminutestoliveafteranobjectisstuckinhisthroat.Thetechnique involves several procedures, depending on whetherthevictimisstanding,sitting,orlyingdown,butthebasicmano-euvreisthefollowing:Makeafistwithyourhand,placeitontheabdomenabovethenavelandbelowtheribcage,andpressinandupwardwithaquickthrust.Theproceduremayberepeatedseveraltimesifnecessaryuntilenoughforceisappliedtoejectthe object. If you are alone and choking, you should use yourownfist,orpressintoatableorasink.Occasionally,theHeimlichmanoeuvreresultsinacrackedrib,asmallpricetopayforalife. 38. It is understood from the passage that if you want to

save a choking person, ----.A) thefirstthingyoumustdoistohithimrepeatedly

onthebackB) neverapplytheHeimlichmanoeuvrebyyourselfC) youmustpressintohisupperribcagewitha

quickthrustD) youmustsqueezehisribcageverystronglyE) itisuselesstohithimontheback

39. We can understand from the passage that the Heimli-ch manoeuvre ----.A) mustbeappliedbyanexpertB) cancauseheartattacksC) canbesuccessfulifitisappliedrapidlyD) includesverycomplicatedproceduresE) canbeappliedmoreeasilyifyoumakethevictim

liedownonaflatsurface40. According to the passage, ----.

A) theHeimlichmanoeuvremayresultinacrackedribifitisnotappliedbyanexpert

B) achokingpersoncanhelphimself,usingtheHeimlichmanoeuvre

C) theHeimlichmanoeuvrecanalsoaidpeoplewhohavecrackedribs

D) thesuccessoftheHeimlichmanoeuvreprimarilydependsontheplaceoftheobjectinthevictim’sthroat

E) placeyourfistonthevictim’sribcagewhenperformingtheHeimlichmanoeuvre

41.-43. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Researcherssaythatwhileeatingwhitericeincreasestheriskoftypetwodiabetes,eatingbrownricereducestheriskofthedisease.Brownriceisthegraininitsnaturalform,butwhitericeresultsafterithasbeenrefinedtoextenditssto-ragelife.This involvesremovingtheoutercover, includingthehusk,branandgerm.Onlytheinnerwhitekernelisleft.Whitericeisoftenenrichedtoreplacesomenutrientslostduring the refining process. The outer parts of brown riceslow down the work of the body’s digestive. This meansthat the release of sugar into the bloodstream is sloweraftereatingbrownricecomparedtowhiterice.Lessrefinedgrains have more nutritional value than refined grains, soreplacing white rice with whole grains like brown rice andbarleycouldresult inathirty-sixpercent lowerchanceofdeveloping type two diabetes. However, brown rice doesnotlastaslongaswhitericebecauseoftheoil-richlayerofbran,whichmakesitlessusableinpoorcommunities.41. One can understand from the passage that brown rice

----.A) isrefineddifferentlythanwhitericeB) canincreasetheriskofone’sdevelopingtypetwo

diabetesC) ismorenutritiousthanwhitericeD) isconsumedmorethanwhitericeinpoorcountriesE) isrelativelydifficulttogrow

42. One can understand from the passage that white rice ----.A) andbrownricehavenearlythesamenutritionalvalueB) ismoredurablebecauseitdoesn’thavethebranlayerC) isproducedwhenthebranlayerofthegrainisnot

removedD) slowsdownthereleaseofsugarintothebloodstreamE) issaidtohavehealingpropertiesthatcancuretype

twodiabetes43. According to the passage, ----.

A) onewaytoavoiddevelopingtypetwodiabetesistostopeatingwhiterice

B) ourbodiescan’tdigestsugareasilyC) thenutritionalvalueofbrownriceisenrichedwith

somechemicalsD) brownricecanremaininstorageformonths

undernormalconditionsE) whitericedoesnotlastaslongasbarley

44.-48. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

44.Jenny :- Can’t we turn back and go another way? Man :- ----Jenny :- At nine if there is no delay.Man :- We will make it, don’t worry. I know this

road like the back of my hand. A)Ofcourse,doyouknowwhereitgoes?B)We’retoolateforit.Ihavetomakeanillegalu-




Brad :- Are you writing anything at the moment? Alice :- I always have work in progress, although I

am between novels at the moment. I am writing some short stories now.

Brad :- ----Alice :- Well, my publisher wants to see them, but

I think they are not ready yet. They are more difficult to write than novels.

A) Doyouthinktheywillbepublishedsoon?B) Howmuchwillyouearnbywritingstories?C)Doyouwriteeverydayorfromtimetotime?D)Idon’tthinkmanypeoplehavebecauseIhave


46.Greg :- ----Maria :- What exactly went wrong today? Greg :- I thought we had it all arranged but he was

expecting an e-mail confirmation. Maria :- And, you forget to send him an e-mail as usual.

A) Wehaven’trunintoeachotherinquitesometime.

B) WehaveaccomplishedagreatdealwithBentoday.



47.Don :- Hi, do you fancy coming out for a meal tonight? Alice :- Well, I would love to, but I can’t. I am having

an interview tomorrow, so I am going to have an early night.

Don :- ----Alice :- Well, it has been OK so far, but to be honest, I

am feeling a bit isolated. A) Doyoureallyhavetosleepsoearly?Youknow

wehaven’tbeenoutforaweek.B) Thatsoundstough.Doyouneedanyhelpbecau-



yourselffromhome.E) Iwouldratheryoudidn’tsinceIknowyouare


Rob:- I am so fed up with work at the moment. I am

working longer and longer hours, but I am not being paid to do all this extra admin.

Roy:- Yes, it seems that it has got to the stage where

you are totally overworked and underpaid.Rob:- ----Roy:- That’s a good idea. Let me know how you get on.A) That’swhy,Iamthinkingaboutresigning.Iwould

liketohaveacompletebreak.B) Thismaybeoneoftheoptions,however,itisnot



todoinsuchashorttime.E) JackandJillhadalreadyquitwhenIappliedforthisjob.

49.-53. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

49. In spite of occasional differences in opinion, Ron and Paul get along very well. A) WhatmakesRonandPaulgoodfriendsisthatthey

havethesameopinionsaboutmanysubjects.B) SinceRonandPaulrarelyagreeonasubject,they

don’thaveagoodrelationshipwitheachother.C) Althoughtheyhavedifferentopinionsonmany


D) Becausetheyhavenothingincommon,itishardtosaythatRonandPaullikeeachother.

E) Eventhoughtheirideassometimesdiffer,RonandPaulhaveagoodrelationshipwitheachother.

50. We had a flat tire, consequently, it took three hours longer than usual to go home. A) Ifwedidn’thaveaflattire,itwouldtakeusless

thanthreehourstogohomenow.B) Eventhoughwehadaflattire,wearrivedhome

threehoursearlierthanhadbeenplanned.C) Whenwehadaflattire,weknewthatitwouldtake

nearlythreehourslongerthanusualtogohome.D) Evenifwehadn’thadaflattire,itwouldhave

takenthreehourslongerthanusualtogohome.E) Thereasonwhywearrivedhomethreehours

laterthanusualwasthatwehadaflattire.51. Regardless of the manager’s warning, the secretary

interrupted the meeting due to an urgent situation, which made him angry. A) Althoughthesecretarywaswarnednottostop

themeeting,shehadtodoitduetoanemergency.B) Thereasonwhythemanagergotveryangrywas


C) Inspiteofthemanager’swarning,thesecretarystoppedthemeetingoncemorebecausetherewasanimportantsituation.

D) Themanagergotangrynotbecausetherewasanemergencybutbecausethesecretaryinformedhimaboutitinthemiddleofthemeeting.

E) Themanagergotangrywhenthesecretarystoppedthemeetingforaperiodbecauseofanemergencyalthoughhehadwarnedhernottodoit.

52. The Professor gave the student an extension although he failed to finish his assignment by the end of the week. A) ThestudentwasgivenextratimebytheProfessor


B) Althoughhesubmittedhisassignmentbeforetheendoftheweek,theProfessorwantedtogiveextratimetothestudent.

C) Becausehecouldn’tcompletehisassignmentontime,thestudentaskedtheProfessortogivehimsomemoretimetofinishit.

D) Bytheendoftheweek,thestudentwillhaveal-readysubmittedhisassignmenttotheProfessorandthereforewon’thavetoaskforanextension.

E) TheProfessorrefusedtogivethestudentanextensiononthegroundsthathecouldn’tfinishhisassignmentbytheendoftheweek.

53. John had neither time nor desire to go on holiday. A) Johnwantedtogoonholidaybuthehadnoextratime.B) Havingnotimetogoonholiday,Johnwenton



willingtodoit.E) AlthoughJohnwasunwillingtogoonholiday,he


54.-58. sorularda verilen duruma uygun düşen cümleyi bulunuz.

54. Your friend is going to have some guests for dinner tonight and is planning to serve them roast beef, baked potatoes with sour cream and a Caesar salad. However, she can’t decide what to serve for dessert. When she asks your opinion, you say: A)Ifyouwanttoeathealthily,eatonionasmuchas




outofseasonnow.Whynotservecarrotcake?55. Your neighbour has planted blueberry plants in his

garden. However, they haven’t grown well so far. Because he is not so experienced in gardening, he wants some help from you. You state your opinion about the matter by saying:A)Iremembertellingyounottoplantthem.B)Growingsuchtreesinyourbackyardisactuallyquiteeasy.C)Youmustknowthattheberriesripenovertime,fromgreentoadeeppurple-blue.D)Matureblueberrybushesproduceabout8quartsofberriesperbush.E)Theseplantsneedmorefertilizerinthesoil.

56. You are leaving for Europe in two weeks as you have plan-ned. So, you have to prepare the necessary documents and get your passport picture taken soon. When you want to learn whether there is a photographer nearby, your friend recommends one and says:A) Thereisaplaceneartheembassywhereyoucan

getallyourdocumentspreparedproperly.B) Iknowtwophotographystudiosnearhere,butin


Thereisacheaperonenearthedowntownbank.D) Well,asfarasIknow,thereisnophotographerin


57. Some of your friends wanted to give a birthday party for one of their classmates. Although none of them told her anything about it, she heard it from Tom. That’s why, they are very angry with him. Since you know that he didn’t spoil their plan intentionally, you want to defend him and say:A)WhatwouldhavehappenedifTomhadn’tsaid






Radikal okurları için Dilko Yayın Kurulu tarafından hazırlanmıştır.

58. You learn that your brother has been playing online betting games and has used one of your father’s credit cards. You want him to give it up at once, but he is rather unwilling. So, you threaten him and say: A) Don’t you remember what happened the last

time you played it? Furthermore, I can’t imagine what will happen next.

B) I think you have to get rid of this addiction as soon as possible; otherwise, you will fall behind with your school work.

C) Why don’t you stop playing them before you get into trouble financially?

D) I wonder whether you have won any money so far by playing such games.

E) When I tell our father about it, you will have to face the consequence of your behaviour.

59.-63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

59. ----. Some believe a free press is essential to a healthy democracy. Others feel that journalists may abuse their freedom. It has been argued that politicians should have no secrets from the people they represent and that it is the duty of journalists to expose corrupt politicians who don’t deserve the confidence of the public. On the other hand, many people feel that even public figures deserve some privacy and that journalists may be selective about what they report. A) Reporters Without Borders established a ranking

of countries in terms of their freedom of the press B) More than a third of the world’s people live in

countries where there is no press freedom, though

C) Some things must remain secret for reasons of national security

D) People in the UK have very different opinions about the freedom of the press

E) While such freedom maybe dangerous, it is also necessary

60. Laptop and desktop computers are very similar. They have the same basic hardware, software and operating systems. ----. A desktop computer inclu-des a motherboard, video card, hard drive and other components in a large case. The monitor, keyboard, and other peripherals connect wirelessly or with cables. A laptop, however, is much smaller and lighter than even the most compact PC tower. Its screen is an integrated part of the unit, as is its keyboard. A) As the personal computer became feasible in

the early 1970s, the idea of a portable personal computer followed

B) The primary difference is how their components fit together

C) So, laptop CPUs have advanced power-saving features and produce less heat than desktop processors

D) Some laptops in this class use a limited range of desktop components to provide better perfor-mance for the same price

E) Another advantage is carrying a laptop means having instant access to various information

61. The Middle Ages is a period of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. ----. It is the middle period in a three-period division of history: Classical, Medieval, and Modern. The term “Middle Ages” was coined in the 15th century and reflects the view that this period was a deviation from the path of classical learning, a path supposedly reconnected by Renaissance scholarship. A) Historians wrote a lot about this period beginning

in AD 1453 and lasting to AD 1789B) Few large stone buildings were built within his

periodC) The period followed the fall of the Western Roman

Empire in 476, and preceded the Early Modern Era D) Many of these trends were reversed later in the

periodE) The Early Middle Ages saw the continuation of

trends set in Late Antiquity

62. Sometimes, the eustachian tube may malfunction. For example, when someone has a cold or an allergy affecting the nasal passages, the eustachian tube may become blocked by congestion in its lining or by mucus within the tube. ----. Bacteria or viruses that have entered the middle ear through the eustachian tube can also get trapped in this way. These germs can breed in the trapped fluid, eventually leading to an ear infection.A) So, it extends from the anterior wall of the middle earB) Some people are born with a dysfunctional

Eustachian tube, which is much slimmer C) Earaches are more common in children than adultsD) This blockage will allow fluid to build up within the

normally air-filled middle earE) It is named after the sixteenth century anatomist

Eustachius63. Snow blindness is basically a sunburn of your eyes caused by

too much exposure to too much ultraviolet all at once. Just like you get sunburn on your skin, you can get sunburn on your eyes. ----. They get the direct sunlight from the sun and the reflected sunlight from the snow. You can also get snow blindness on water for the same reason. Snow blindness is incredibly painful. Fortunately, it doesn’t cause any long-term damage as long as you don’t get repeatedly exposed to it.A) The injury may be prevented by wearing eye pro-

tection that blocks most of the ultraviolet radiation B) This typically happens when people go skiing

without sunglassesC) Symptoms of it include increased tears and a

feeling of gritty pain in the eyesD) Additionally, they should have large lenses and

side shields to avoid incidental light exposureE) Treatment consists of easing the pain temporarily

with eye drops

64.-69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

64. A kind of spider which lives in South America can produce a venom 15 times more powerful than a rattlesnake does. A) Güney Amerika’da yaşayan bir örümcek türünün

bir çıngıraklı yılanın ürettiğinden yaklaşık on beş kat daha güçlü bir zehir üretebildiği bilinmektedir.

B) Güney Amerika’da bir çıngıraklı yılanın ürettiğin-den on beş kat daha güçlü bir zehir üretebilen bir örümcek türü bulunmuştur.

C) Güney Amerika’da yaşayan bir örümcek türü bir çıngıraklı yılanın ürettiğinden on beş kat daha güçlü bir zehir üretebilir.

D) Bir çıngıraklı yılanın ürettiğinden on beş kat daha güçlü bir zehir üretebilen bu örümcek türü Güney Amerika’ya özgüdür.

E) Güney Amerika’da yaşayan bir örümcek türünün zehri bir çıngıraklı yılanın ürettiğinden on beş kat daha güçlüdür.

65. According to what doctors say, there are many kinds of headaches, each of which begins in a different part of the brain and therefore requires a different treatment. A) Doktorlar, her biri beynin ayrı bir bölümünde

başlayan ve farklı bir tedavi gerektiren pek çok baş ağrısı türü olduğunu söylüyor.

B) Doktorlara göre pek çok baş ağrısı türü var ve bu ağrıların her biri beynin ayrı bir bölümünde başladığı için farklı bir tedavi gerektiriyor.

C) Doktorların söylediğine göre, her biri beynin farklı bir bölümünde başlayan ve bu yüzden farklı bir tedavi gerektiren pek çok baş ağrısı türü var.

D) Doktorlar her biri beynin değişik bir bölümünde başlayan ve bu yüzden farklı bir tedavi gerektiren pek çok baş ağrısı türü tespit etmişlerdir.

E) Doktorların söylediğine göre, pek çok baş ağrısı türü var ve beynin farklı yerlerinde başladıkları için her birinin tedavisi birbirinden farklı.

66. I read the article yesterday, to which the professor referred in his last lecture; however, I don’t agree with all the ideas the writer proposed since some of them are too confusing. A) Profesörün son konuşmasında değindiği makaleyi

dün okuma fırsatı buldum ancak yazarın öne sürdüğü fikirlerin hepsine katılmadım çünkü bazıları bana çok gerçekçi gelmedi.

B) Profesörün son konuşmasında değindiği yazarın makalesini dün okudum fakat öne sürdüğü fikirlerin bazılarının çok kafa karıştırıcı olduğunu düşünüyorum.

C) Profesörün son konuşmasında bahsettiği makaleyi ancak dün okuyabildim ancak yazarın ortaya koyduğu fikirlerin çoğuna katılmadım çünkü hepsi oldukça kafa karıştırıcı.

D) Yazarın öne sürdüğü fikirlerin bazıları çok kafa karıştı-rıcı olsa da profesörün son konuşmasında değindiği makaleyi çok başarılı buldum.

E) Profesörün son konuşmasında değindiği makaleyi dün okudum ancak yazarın öne sürdüğü fikirlerin hepsine katılmıyorum çünkü bazıları çok kafa karıştırıcı.

67. The belief that scorpions commit suicide by stinging themselves when they are surrounded by fire is untrue because the venom has no effect on the scorpion itself. A) Etrafları ateşle çevrildiğinde akreplerin kendilerini

sokarak intihar ettikleri inanışı doğru değildir çünkü zehrin akrebin kendi üzerinde hiçbir etkisi yoktur.

B) Akreplerin etrafları ateşle çevrildiğinde kendilerini sokarak intihar ettiklerine dair bir inanış vardır fakat aslında zehrin akrebin kendi üzerinde hiçbir etkisi yoktur.

C) Yaygın bir inanışa göre, akrepler etrafları ateşle çevrildiğinde kendilerini sokarak intihar ederler fakat bu doğru değildir çünkü zehrin akrebin kendi üzerinde hiçbir etkisi yoktur.

D) Zehrin akrebin kendi üzerinde hiçbir etkisi olmamasına rağmen, akreplerin etrafları ateşle çevrildiğinde kendilerini sokarak intihar ettiklerine dair yanlış bir inanış vardır.

E) Bazı insanlar, etrafları ateşle çevrildiğinde, akreplerin kendilerini sokarak intihar ettiklerini söylüyorlar oysaki zehrin akrebin kendi üzerinde hiçbir etkisi yoktur.

68. Alexandria, the second-largest city of Egypt with a population of 4.1 million, has been one of the important ports in the area ever since it was founded by Alexander the Great nearly 2300 years ago. A) Büyük İskender tarafından yaklaşık 2300 yıl önce

kurulduğundan bu yana bölgedeki en önemli liman-lardan biri olan İskenderiye, 4,1 milyonluk nüfusuyla Mısır’ın ikinci en büyük şehridir.

B) Büyük İskender tarafından yaklaşık 2300 yıl önce kurulan İskenderiye, 4,1 milyonluk nüfusuyla Mısır’ın ikinci en büyük şehridir ve bölgedeki en önemli limanlardan biridir.

C) 4,1 milyonluk nüfusuyla Mısır’ın en büyük şehri olan İskenderiye, Büyük İskender tarafından yaklaşık 2300 yıl önce kurulmuştur ve bölgedeki en önemli ticaret limanlarından biridir.

D) 4,1 milyonluk nüfusuyla Mısır’ın ikinci en büyük şehri olan İskenderiye, Büyük İskender tarafından yaklaşık 2300 yıl önce kurulduğundan beri bölgedeki en önemli limanlardan biridir.

E) 4,1 milyonluk nüfusa sahip Mısır’ın ikinci en büyük şehri olan İskenderiye, Büyük İskender tarafından yaklaşık 2300 yıl önce kurulmuştur ve o zamandan bu yana da bölgedeki en önemli ticaret merkezidir.

69. Now considered among the classics of English literature, Wuthering Heights was criticized a lot when it was first published because of the writer’s striking depiction of mental and physical cruelty.A) İngiliz Edebiyatının klasiklerinden biri olan Wuthering

Heights ilk yayınlandığında yazarın zihinsel ve fiziksel eziyeti çarpıcı tasviri sebebiyle çeşitli yazarlar tarafından çok eleştirilmişti.

B) Şu anda İngiliz Edebiyatının klasikleri arasında görülse de, Wuthering Heights ilk yayınlandığında yazarın zihinsel ve fiziksel eziyeti çarpıcı bir biçimde tasvir etmesi yüzünden çok sevilmemişti.

C) İngiliz Edebiyatının klasikleri arasında yer alan bir roman olan Wuthering Heights yazarın zihinsel ve fiziksel eziyeti çarpıcı tasviri yüzünden daima eleştirilmiştir.

D) Günümüzde İngiliz Edebiyatının klasikleri arasında görülen Wuthering Heights’ın ilk yayınlandığında eleştirilmesinin sebebi yazarın zihinsel ve fiziksel eziyeti çarpıcı bir biçimde tasvir etmesiydi.

E) Günümüzde İngiliz Edebiyatının klasikleri arasında görülen Wuthering Heights ilk yayınlandığında yazarın zihinsel ve fiziksel eziyeti çarpıcı tasviri yüzünden çok eleştirilmişti.

70.-75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

70. Bütün böcekler gibi sivrisinekler de yumurtadan çı-karlar ve yetişkin olmadan önce hayatlarında birtakım evrelerden geçerler. A) Like all insects, mosquitoes also hatch from eggs

and go through some stages in their lives before becoming adults.

B) As all insects do, mosquitoes hatch from eggs and go through some stages to become adults.

C) Unlike some insects, mosquitoes hatch from eggs and go through some stages before they become fully grown.

D) Mosquitoes are known to hatch from eggs and go through some stages in their lives before they become adults.

E) Before they become adults, all insects, including mosquitoes, hatch from eggs and go through some stages in their lives.

71. Bir İngilizce metni okurken gördüğünüz her yeni ke-limeyi sözlükte aramak zorunda değilsiniz çünkü bir kelimenin anlamını bazen içinde bulunduğu cümleye bakarak tahmin edebilirsiniz. A) While reading an English text, it is not necessary

to look up every new word you see in the dictionary because you can guess the meaning of a word by looking at the sentence it is in.

B) If you want to understand a text in English, you needn’t look up every new word you see in the dictionary since it is sometimes possible to guess the meaning of a word by looking at the sentence it is in.

C) You don’t have to look up every word in the dictionary while reading a text in English since you can sometimes guess the meaning of a new word by trying to understand the general meaning of the sentence.

D) While reading a text in English, you don’t have to look up every new word you see in the dictionary because you can sometimes guess the meaning of a word by looking at the sentence it is in.

E) When you try to read an English text, you may need to look up some new words you see in the dictionary although you can sometimes predict the meaning of a word by looking at the sentence it is in.

72. Bazı insanlar öğretmenlerden daha fazla para kazanır-lar fakat pek azı işlerinden onlar kadar çok zevk alır. A) Some people make more money than teachers

do but few of them gain as much satisfaction from their work as teachers.

B) Although some people earn much more money than teachers do, only a few of them gain much satisfaction from what they do.

C) Obviously, many people make more money than teachers do; however, not many of them get much pleasure from their work.

D) Some people make more money than teachers do and few teachers gain enough satisfaction from their work.

E) Even though teachers make less money than many people do, they gain more satisfaction from their work than other people.

73. Çocukların bisiklete binerken ne giydiği güvenlikleri için çok önemlidir çünkü parlak renkli kıyafetler onların yolda daha fark edilir olmalarına yardımcı olur.A) The clothes that kids wear when riding a bike are

very important as bright-coloured clothes make them more noticeable on the road.

B) What kids wear when riding a bike is very impor-tant for their safety since

bright-coloured clothes help them be more noticeable on the road.

C) When riding a bike, kids must wear bright-coloured clothes for their safety since they will

help them be more noticeable on the road.D) Because bright-coloured clothes help kids be

more visible on the road, it is necessary for them to wear such clothes when riding a bike.

E) What kids wear when riding a bike is of vital importance for them, so wearing bright-coloured clothes may help them be more noticeable for drivers.

74. Güneşe her zaman çok yakın olduğu için Merkür gezegeni ile ilgili hala nispeten az şey bilinse de, insanlar bu gezegeni gözlemlemeye milattan önce 4.yüzyılda başladılar.A) Although little is known about Mercury due to its

proximity to the Sun, people first observed it in the 4th century B.C.

B) Because it is very close to the Sun, little is still known about the planet Mercury, but people have been observing this planet since the 4th century B.C.

C) Although comparatively little is still known about Mercury because it is always very close to the Sun, people began to observe this planet in the 4th century B.C.

D) Even though people began to observe it in the 4th century B.C., relatively little is still known about Mercury.

E) People have observed Mercury since the 4th century B.C.; even so, not much has been learnt about it so far because it is always very close to the Sun.

LYS 5 İngilizce Deneme Sınavı75. Bir takım biyolojik farklılıklar erkeklerin neden

matematikte daha iyi olduğunu ve kadınların neden dili nispeten daha kolay bir şekilde öğrendiklerini açıklıyor.A) Some biological differences can explain why

men are better at math and women are better at languages.

B) The idea that men are better at math and women can learn languages relatively more easily due to some biological differences is open to question.

C) Some biological differences explain why men are better at math and women learn languages relatively more easily.

D) It is due to some biological differences that men are better at math and women learn languages relatively more easily.

E) It is a widely known fact that men are better at math and women can learn languages relatively more easily due to some biological differences.

76.-80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

76. (I) The climate in the Andes varies greatly depending on location, altitude, and proximity to the sea. (II) Ra-inforests used to encircle much of the northern Andes but are now greatly diminished. (III) The southern sec-tion is rainy and cool though the central Andes are dry. (IV) The northern Andes are typically rainy and warm, with an average temperature of 18 °C in Colombia. (V) The climate is also known to change drastically in rat-her short distances. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) Sand dunes occur throughout the world, from coastal and lakeshore plains to arid desert regions. (II) In addition to their remarkable structure, they also provide habitats for a variety of life. (III) Pic-turesque dunes against a sky of blue or a full moon have always been a favourite subject of photograp-hers. (IV) The formation of sand dunes, thus, is very complex, but there are three essential prerequisites. (V) They have also been the subject of many desert movies, and have historically been a formidable barrier to vehicular and rail travel.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

78. (I) Canning is a method of preserving food over exten-ded periods of time. (II) The process was first develo-ped by Nicolas Appert. (III) Certain kinds of meats are also suitable for canning. (IV) It involves sealing food in containers and heating it in order to kill bacteria that could eventually cause spoilage. (V) Properly canned food can be saved for as long as three years. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

79. (I) Even moderate increases in atmospheric tempe-ratures could alter precipitation levels, making some areas wetter and others drier. (II) Warmer tempera-tures could increase the frequency and strength of storm systems, leading to more powerful and des-tructive hurricanes and subsequent flooding. (III) They could also change the way clouds form and dissipate. (IV) Other greenhouse gases are created and emitted solely through human activities. (V) Warmer temperatures near the ground could cause lower clouds to evaporate, letting heat rise farther into the atmosphere.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

80. (I) Paramount Pictures is an American film producti-on and distribution company. (II) It is located at 5555 Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, California. (III) Founded in 1912 and currently owned by media conglomerate Viacom, it is America’s oldest existing film studio. (IV) It is also the last major film studio still headquartered in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles. (V) Thus, they were among the few which went bankrupt during the economic recession.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

YANIT ANAHTARI1B 2A 3E 4C 5A 6C 7C 8A 9C 10A 11E 12D 13D 14A 15D 16B 17C 18A 19B 20E 21B 22A 23E 24E 25C 26A 27D 28B 29B 30D 31A 32B 33B 34E 35B 36D 37B 38E 39C 40B 41C 42B 43A 44C 45A 46C 47D 48A 49E 50E 51E 52A 53D 54E 55E 56C 57C 58E 59D 60B 61C 62D 63B 64C 65C 66E 67A 68D 69E 70A 71D 72A 73B 74C 75C 76B 77D 78C 79D 80E