Lyons High School Band Handbook - · PDF fileCourse Description The Lyons High School Band...

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Transcript of Lyons High School Band Handbook - · PDF fileCourse Description The Lyons High School Band...

Lyons High School Band Handbook


Never settle for mediocrity!

Mr. Andrew Scherer, Director

Lyons High School 601 East American Road

Lyons, KS 67554 (620) 257-5114

Web Site: Mr. Scherer’s Staff Page at



As a member of the band, you are a part of one of the school district's most

important and respected organizations. As with any other organization, the success of

the band depends on the loyalty of ALL ITS MEMBERS. How can a band member show

loyalty and commitment to the band? First, by making up your mind to be a proud and

worthy band member. Second, by giving the organization all you possess in attention,

interest, and effort. Third, by observing the following general objectives and rules,

which are a necessary part of any successful organization. The rules outlined on the

following pages are simple, sound, and easy to abide by. In following them, you are

meeting an obligation that you owe to your school, your fellow band members, your

family, and yourself. It is intended that this handbook serve each member with an

acquaintance and an understanding of the POLICIES, EXPECTATIONS, AND

REQUIREMENTS of the Lyons High School Band Program. It is difficult for any

organization to be outstanding with half-hearted participants. Only when every band

member cooperates can a band achieve the distinction of being truly outstanding!

Mission Statement

The mission of the Lyons High School Band Program is to provide a unique and worthwhile musical experience that fosters the academic and personal growth of the students while serving the needs of the school and community. As members of this respected organization, students will represent our school with pride and tradition, and its members will continually develop and demonstrate the values of Leadership, Teamwork, Work Ethic, and Musical Excellence.

Course Description

The Lyons High School Band Program includes the Marching Band, Pep Band, and Concert Band. The Marching Band is a physically demanding musical ensemble that performs and represents the school at athletic events, parades, and marching band competitions. The band rehearses both inside the band room and outside on the field. Students will be expected to attend all rehearsals, performances, and competitions. The Lyons Pep Band performs regularly for basketball games as well as other specially requested events. The Concert Band performs for the annual Christmas and Spring Concerts, CKL and State Festivals, and Graduation. In the process of learning a field show, stand tunes, and concert ensemble literature, students will develop their musical skills and expand their knowledge of music fundamentals, history, and cultural relevance. Students will also develop personal, social, and professional skills as they face the daily challenges of being a contributing member of these ensembles.

Course Goals • Develop Skills and Knowledge

o Musical Skills ▪ Tone ▪ Breath Support ▪ Intonation ▪ Pulse & Rhythm ▪ Listening ▪ Balance & Blending ▪ Timbre ▪ Texture ▪ Expression ▪ Sight-reading ▪ Practicing Habits ▪ Transcribing &

Arranging o Musical Knowledge

▪ Connection to History ▪ Cultural Relevance ▪ Theory & Terminology ▪ Care & Maintenance

o Social and Professional Skills

▪ Leadership ▪ Teamwork ▪ Cooperation ▪ Responsibility ▪ Work Ethic ▪ Loyalty ▪ Perseverance ▪ Dealing with Failure ▪ Punctuality ▪ Professionalism ▪ Personal Organization

o Other ▪ Motor Skills ▪ Coordination ▪ Memorization

• Represent the school and support the community through regular performances.


Leadership Structure

Director: The director is the top leader or “CEO” of the band. His responsibilities are numerous and his word is final. Director’s Commitment: I commit to being prepared for every rehearsal and not wasting your time. We will rehearse for the entire period and be productive. Your time and commitment are valuable and I will not take that lightly. I am committed to helping YOU build the best Lyons High School Band Program possible.


1. Provide students with proper facilities, equipment, materials, and resources conducive to a quality music education.

2. Broaden and heighten students’ musical experience through rehearsals, performances, teaching and evaluation, and listening.

3. Provide motivation and direction for the band on a daily basis. 4. Help students develop positive practice, rehearsal, and listening habits, as well as a positive

attitude. 5. Set an example of professionalism, responsibility, citizenship, musicianship, leadership, and

respect. 6. Enforce school and band rules and policies. 7. Maintain a safe and positive learning environment. 8. Deny participation of any uncooperative band member as determined by the principal. 9. Recommend the dismissal of individuals who are not putting anything into or getting

anything out of the band. 10. Supervise the students at all performances and band events. 11. Work cooperatively with the athletic department to avoid performance conflicts as possible.

Assistant Director: This person is the director’s right-hand man. He assists with all band director duties including assisting in rehearsals, performances, and disciplinary actions. Percussion Staff Leader: This person is in charge of the percussion and drumline. They are to be respected as any other teacher in the school. Responsibilities:

1. Assist the teacher with any matter to make the rehearsal easier. 2. Help instruct students in the proper way to play all percussion instruments. 3. Assist the director in teaching drumline fundamentals in both music and marching. 4. Running drumline warm-ups at the beginning of band rehearsals.


5. Coaching the percussion/drumline during band rehearsals in a manner that does not disrupt the flow of rehearsal.

6. Assisting in writing and arranging cadences, appropriate show parts, and extra concert ensemble parts for the percussion/drumline as needed.

7. Assist with maintaining and transporting equipment to and from the field. 8. Repair and keep in working order all percussion equipment 9. Learn the filing system and assist with the everyday sheet music matters 10. Help keep the room organized and clean 11. Be at all required performances to assist with all matters needed 12. Have a second set of eyes and ears in the room to keep the director informed of

problems, or potential problems.

Section Leaders: These are students whose abilities and leadership skills have earned them the role of leading and running their sections in the band. See your Section Leader for questions before you go to the directors. Specific Responsibilities:

1. Take daily attendance for sections at rehearsals and sectionals. 2. Teaching marching and music fundamentals to freshmen. 3. Fixing minor problems on the field during rehearsal in a manner that does not disrupt

the flow of rehearsal. 4. Determining horn moves. 5. Motivating the section (both by example and verbally). 6. Evaluating the section and looking for ways in which the section can improve on a daily

basis. 7. Fostering a sense of unity and comradery in the section. 8. Reporting issues with section members to the directors (tardiness, not in correct

uniform, etc.)


Band Rules: 1. Listen And Follow All Directions 2. Never Play Your Instrument Without Being Told 3. Respect Your Classmates, Respect Your Teacher, and Respect Property 4. Keep Food, Gum, and Non-Water Drinks Out of the Band Room

Behavior/Attitude Guidelines:

You have made the decisions to be a part of this band program. In order to maintain a high standard and to have productive rehearsals we need to observe the following guidelines: 1) Be on time: This means be ready to play at the beginning of rehearsals, not five or ten minutes after rehearsal begins. “To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is to be left behind.” 2) Stay focused: We have limited rehearsal time and we need to dedicate it to rehearsal and the improvement of our band. This means don’t make unnecessary distractions or play on your instrument when you have not been instructed to.

— Outside: No talking, movement, or playing when called to attention. — Inside: When the director steps on the podium you are expected to get

quiet. The director should not have to shout to get your attention. — Stay on track and be a productive part of rehearsal! — Talking to one another during rehearsals is allowed only as long as it is

related to the music or to what is going on in class and is done quietly and efficiently. Be self-sufficient musicians and help each other improve!

3) Be prepared: Practice and know your music. Class time is not the time to learn notes, especially later in the season. Spending time in rehearsal learning notes is frustrating and wasteful for the other players who have to sit and wait to be a part of rehearsal. 4) Have the right attitude: You are part of a high quality band program. Have a positive attitude that reflects pride on the program! Leave your negativity at the door. Be LEADERS at ALL times! 5) Have fun and MAKE MUSIC!


Performance Etiquette 1) Be professional

• Correct uniform, music, equipment, punctuality 2) Be polite

• To fellow classmates, fans, and players and performers from other schools 3) Be present

• Be actively engaged when performing and watching other performances

Behavior Consequences: Students will receive a participation grade for class (see grading section for more information). If a student is a disruption during a rehearsal or performance, the following steps will be taken to ensure that he or she is not a distraction to the rest of the band:

1) Verbal Warning 2) Loss of the day’s participation points and possible after-school detention 3) Student will be removed from the class or event for the day, further

disciplinary action will be determined by the office. Trip, Activity Behavior When we travel for competitions or other activities we do so as representatives of Lyons High School. You are expected to maintain proper dress code, behavior, and attitude at all times. School rules always apply on band trips, including guidelines for public displays of affection.

Drug/Alcohol Policy The school, and therefore the band, has a strict policy against drug and alcohol possession by students at school or during school-related activities, trips, and events. Students found in violation of this school policy during band activities or trips will be subject to the same consequences found in the school handbook. In addition, students will either A) be immediately removed from the event and will be sent home with their parents, or B) will spend the rest of the trip or activity with the director or other staff and will not take part in the band’s activities. Students will also receive a zero for the day’s activity.


Grading: Grading will follow the LHS grading scale. Grades are weighted in the following manner:

Performances (50%): This is the largest part of your grade. BAND IS A PERFORMANCE CLASS. It is not acceptable to miss performances. Unexcused absences will result in the immediate drop of one letter (10%) from the student’s semester grade. The director reserves the right to offer or require a make-up assignment in the event of an absence. Please see the Attendance Policy section below for details on what is considered excused or unexcused. Assignments (20%): Over the course of the year, students will be asked to complete various assignments for grades, including live or recorded playing tests, reflections, peer-evaluations, self-evaluations, arranging projects, various worksheets, etc. Participation grade (20%): Students will receive 10 Points daily for rehearsal. Grades will be deducted for not having supplies, being late, missing rehearsal, behavior problems, etc. (See Grading for Rehearsals and Performances below).

Community Service (10%): Students are expected to give back to their community and school through music-related service. This reflects the mission of the band. These must be approved in order to count towards your grade. Students must complete at least two service-related events per semester in order to receive full points. Some examples are:

1) Taking music to the community: This could be performing in authorized small pep bands or other performances (outside of required, scheduled big events), teaching lessons to a younger student, or anything that spreads the love of music and pride of our school and program through the use and knowledge of your instrument.

2) Assisting in band room: This would be going above and beyond typical duties by helping to clean, file music, prepare for a concert or performance, etc.

3) Any other creative ideas that are approved by the band director.


Grading for Rehearsals and Performances: — Unexcused absence from a performance = loss of one letter from the semester grade

(10% reduction). — Unexcused absence from a rehearsal = loss of the rehearsal participation points — Any student who is in attendance but unable to perform due to a reason other than

excused illness or injury will only receive up to 50% of the possible Points. — Tardy to any rehearsal or performance = at least a 20% drop in Points, depending on

the severity of the tardiness. (On time means in your seat/spot and ready to play when rehearsal starts. Contrary to what some think, walking in the door at exactly eight o’clock is not on time! It is late!)

— Improper wearing of the uniform during performances = 10% drop in Points. — Unprepared for performance or rehearsal = 10% drop in Points.

(Missing piece of uniform, instrument, music, equipment, etc.) — Improper conduct during performances = 25% drop in Points (per incident). — Disruptive behavior during rehearsals = loss of the rehearsal participation points.

Cell Phone Policy: — Rehearsals: Cell phones are not allowed to be out during class unless for

purposes directly and individually approved by the director. Students in violation of this policy will have their phones taken and given to the office.

— Performances: Cell phones are not allowed to be out while students are performing. In the stands during home games, cell phones are only allowed in between playing as long as they do not interfere with the band’s productivity or break school policy. Students must be aware of the game and be ready to perform at a moment’s notice. The director reserves the right to take away phones during games if they become a problem.

Regularly Required Performances:

— All home football games and potential post-season games. — Kansas State Fair Parade — Any Marching Band Festivals or Parades in the fall (typically two or more) — Veterans Day Parade — Christmas Concert — All home basketball games and potential post-season games. — CKL and State Concert Band Festivals — Spring Concert — High School Graduation — Any other public performances besides “volunteer events.”


Attendance Policy Regular attendance is crucial to the success of the Band. Responsibility and accountability for excuses is crucial to the success and personal growth of the individual band members. Absences from rehearsals and performances fall into two categories: excused and unexcused. ALL ABSENCES MUST BE EXPLAINED USING THE EXCUSED ABSENCE REQUEST FORM SIGNED BY A PARENT (see below).

“What’s excused?” Excused Absence Examples:

— Completely unavoidable school-related event — Medical illness or emergency — Family emergency

Unexcused Absences Examples: — Work — Oversleeping — Hanging out with friends

In order to be considered for an excused absence from a rehearsal or performance, students MUST fill out and turn in an Excused Absence Request (E.A.R.) form to the director. This form is mandatory for ALL absences or trip cancellations do to any reason. Forms can be found in the band office, the class Google Drive, or on Mr. Scherer’s Staff Page, and are to be filled out completely and returned to the director ASAP.

Students may be excused from a required performance with at least 14 calendar days’ notice to me and proof of your “UNAVOIDABLE CONFLICT.”

Proof requires: (in this order)

1. Student fills out an E.A.R. form, which must be signed by a parent or guardian and turned in and discussed with the director outside of regular class time and at least 2 weeks before the performance. Doing this the day before or the day of a required performance is not excused and will result in grade reductions, except in the case of emergencies.

2. An e-mail or visit from your sponsor (for conflicts with school-related activities) explaining why this date is unavoidable.

3. A phone call or visit from your parent or guardian (for non-school related conflicts). Failure to do this could result in a possible grade cut, detention, and/or additional assignment to make up for lost time and learning. Your absence will be considered fully excused if all of the above are met within the time frame. The director still reserves the right to offer or require a make-up assignment at his discretion based on individual circumstances.


Exceptions: Absences due to an illness or emergency are an exception to the 14-day rule, but an E.A.R. form must be submitted within 2 school days after the absence or the student’s return to school in order to be considered for an excused absence. A doctor’s note may be requested. Absences that violate the above may result in grade reductions. Special circumstances will be considered by the band director on a case-by-case basis and must be always worked out between the director, the student, and the parents prior to the absence.

**The validity of excused absences is ultimately left up to the discretion of the director and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Remember, work is not an acceptable excuse for missing a band function.

Lettering Requirements Students may letter in band by accumulating 100 points throughout the year. Points are earned for the number of years in band and for going above and beyond what is required in the regular curriculum. Unexcused absences from performances may disqualify students from lettering. Students are responsible for keeping track of their own points using a copy of the Band Lettering Points Form, which can be found at the back of this handbook and on Mr. Scherer’s Staff Page. Students may approach Mr. Scherer when they believe they have met the requirements to letter.

Policy for School-Owned Instruments/Equipment — Students who check out and use a school-owned instrument or piece of

music equipment are fully responsible for the care and condition of that equipment/instrument and its case and will pay all expenses for repairs or replacement should it be damaged or lost while in their possession.

— Regular wear and tear costs, such as worn pads and stuck slides, will be covered by the school.

— Examples of damages NOT covered by the school: o Badly bent bells, valves, and slides, keys, etc. o Missing pieces of instruments. o Cracked sticks and drum heads NOT resulting from regular playing

techniques. o Any other damages that render the instrument unplayable.

Accessories and supplies provided by the school: — Reeds, oil, grease, sticks, etc. — Flip folders and lyres


Uniform Policy (subject to change at director’s discretion) Marching Band Uniform:

— Jacket, Bibbers, and Hat checked out at the beginning of the year — Black Marching Shoes purchased at the beginning of the year ($22) — Lyons Band T-Shirt purchased at the beginning of the year ($9) — Black socks — The jacket, bibbers, and hat are provided by the school and students are

responsible for the replacement cost should it be damaged or lost while in their possession.

Pep Band Uniform: — Lyons Band T-Shirt — Jeans or Jean Shorts

Concert Band Uniform (Black and White): General Rule: White on top, black on bottom (or all black).

— Black or white button-down (preferred) or other collared dress shirt. — Black Slacks (with black socks/dress shoes). — Black or white blouse, cardigan. — Black Dress (ladies). — Black or neutral-colored dress shoes. — Ties are not required but are permissible. — No hats. — Ladies, if you wear a dress or skirt, it must at least cover the knees when

sitting. The audience sits below you. — Tights may only be worn under a dress or skirt, not alone. — Shorts or jeans and a t-shirt are not acceptable concert dress clothes.

Non-black dress clothes may be worn for the graduation ceremony.

Private Lessons

Students are encouraged to pursue private lessons on their instruments. Lessons are the best and fastest way to develop musically and technically on one’s instrument. Students may contact the director to set up private lessons or to get information about private teachers in the area.



Band Lettering Points

Students may letter in band by accumulating 100 points throughout

the year. Points may be earned as follows:

Band Class (Before Fall 2017) 20 x year(s) involved ________

Band Class (2017-18) 15 x year(s) involved ________

Band Camp 5 x year(s) involved ________

Section Leader Position 5 ________

Drum Major Position 15 ________

SCKMEA District Band Audition 15 ________

SCKMEA District Band 20 ________

KMEA State Band 40 ________

CKL Festival Solo 10 ________

CKL Festival Ensemble 5 ________

Regional Festival Solo 20 (I), 15 (II), 10 (III) ________

Regional Festival Ensemble 15 (I), 10 (II), 5 (III) ________

State Festival Solo 25 (I), 20 (II), 15 (III) ________

State Festival Ensemble 20 (I), 15 (II), 10 (III) ________

Solo or Ensemble on Concert 5 ________

Accompanying a Contest Solo 5 x each piece ________

Performing in the Musical Pit 10 ________

Total ________



STUDENT/PARENT AUTHORIZATION & RELEASE FOR OFF-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES The Lyons Band Program offers and requires a variety of activities at designated off-campus locations in which students will have an opportunity to participate. I hereby give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the various off-campus activities associated with the Lyons Band Program. Students are expected to use school transportation to and from ALL activities, if provided, unless specific arrangement are made. In the event that Lyons does not provide such transportation, I further understand that I must provide or arrange for transportation for my son/daughter as a condition of his/her participation in that activity.

PARENT/GUARDIAN – STUDENT RELEASE & HANDBOOK AGREEMENT (Please initial) We have read and accept the Lyons High School Band: _______ Rules and Guidelines _______ Behavior Consequences _______ Trip Behavior and Drug/Alcohol Policy _______ Grading Policy _______ Cell Phone Policy _______ Attendance Policy _______ Policy for School-Owned Instruments/Equipment _______ Uniform Policy We have discussed and reviewed all the information in the handbook and understand its contents and our responsibility as to these policies and conditions. My son/daughter has my permission to attend district and out-of-district trips and school-sponsored band activities. My signature also serves as my permission for my son/daughter to obtain medical treatment on a school-sponsored trip. ___________________________________ __________________________________ Student Name (PRINT) Parent/Guardian Name (PRINT) ___________________________________ __________________________________ Student SIGNATURE Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE ___________________________________ __________________________________ Date Date


Lyons Band Member Emergency Contact Info

STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________________ NAME OF PARENTS/GUARDIAN: ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Contact Info: CELL PHONE: ____________________ HOME PHONE: ______________________ WORK PHONE: ___________________ E-MAIL:____________________________ In the event of an emergency and the person(s) named above are not available, please contact: ALTERNATE EMERGENCY CONTACT OR CLOSEST RELATIVE: _______________________________________ CELL PHONE: ____________________ HOME PHONE: ______________________ WORK PHONE: ___________________ STUDENT MEDICAL INFORMATION: Please list any allergies, medical conditions, or medications that would be important for teachers or care providers to know in case of an emergency:

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________