Luttrell Charles Henrietta 1975 Hawaii

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Transcript of Luttrell Charles Henrietta 1975 Hawaii

PALOLO VALLEY CHURCH OF CHRIST2165 Tenth Avenue VHonolulu, Hawaii 96816 ' j/-


Box 177

Kempton, Indiana 46049


VOL. XVIII, NO. 15 " ^ T ~ „T vU 895^Charles C. Luttrell, Minister, 2l6$ Tenth Avenue, Honolulu, HI Ph—7^"^


There will be a meeting of all theteachers in our Sunday School Sunday,April 20, immediately after theclasses are dismissed. All teachersare asked to stay and participate.

If you have any joys or problems,please be prepared to share them withus.


It was our privilege to have Bro.and Mrs. Clay Craddock is our service


retired minister and they are now living in Clearwater, FL.


Our youth have been challenged toplay basketball against some youngpeople from the Central Oahu Church.Details are being worked out to reserve a gym, tentatively for May 2.


0 man, forgive thy mortal foe.Nor ever strike him blow for blow;For all the souls on earth that live

To be forgiven must forgive.Forgive him seventy times and seven;For all the blessed souls in heavenAre both forgi^ers and forgiven.

—Alfred Lord Tennyson


"I like to go into a placeWhen only God is there.And fall upon my knees to HimAnd bow my head in prayer.And when I must go forth againWhere men, indiffei^ent trodI am better for the time

That I have spent with God."

PRAISE THE LORD ! It is always awonderful feeling to be able to provide a service or gift that someonewants. Now we have that opportunity.

The women at their last meetingexpressed a desire to have a preachingservice at night, as well as a youthmeeting. The possibility was discussed at the youth meeting Sunday night'

It was agreed that beginning nextSunday, APRIL 20, we would have apreaching service at 7^30 P.M., witha T.O.P. meeting at 7 P.M.

If this service is to help fillyour spiritual needs, we will need'L . . 1 1your kokua in at least the following-ways:

1 - Your attendance*2 - Bringing others*3 - Your enthusiastic participation

in singing, praying, listening.4 - Suggesting topics of interest or

concern for sermon subjects.

This will be a rather informalservice and we will for it to last nolonger than one hour* ,


NOT soft seats and subdued lightsBUT strong, courageous leadership—pa.

and future.

NOT the sweet tones of the organ,BUT the sweet personalities that some

how reflect Jesus.

NOT the tall towers with the chimesand bells.

BUT a loft vision of its people.NOT a big budget,BUT big hearts in big people who love

and serve.

NOT the amount of money received,BUT the amount of service rendered in

Jesus' name.

NOT a large membership,BUT GOD'S presence and direction and


NOT WHAT is has done in the past,FUT what it is doing now and will do




TUESDAY, 7:50 P.M. Meeting of allthose interested to discuss the

next course or book for study.FRIDAY, 7:30 P.M. Bible'studySUNDAY, 9:30 A.M. Worship

10:30 A.M. Suridsiy School11:30 A.M. Teachers' Meeting

7:30 P.M. Evening Worship














There were only 3 people who joined the parsonage family Friday nigbtfor prayer, praise, and Bible study.It was suggested that each personpresent decide on one absentee, prayfor that person all week, and invitehim to be in the service Friday.

Even if YOU do not receive a special invitation, YOU are urged to bepresent. If you are a Christian youshould wguit above all else to learnmore about God and His will. The onlyto learn is to look into His revelation - the Bible. If you are not aChristieui, the Bible study on Fridaysshould be especially helpful to you.The author states the purpose forwriting the book: "these are writtenthat you might believe that Jesus isthe Christ the Son of God, and thatbelieving you might have life throughHis name."

April 1^, 1975


The presence of hypocrites in thechurch has been a stumbling block to agreat many people. The excuse parrot-ted by millions of people for not becoming members of the church is "Lookat how many hypocrites are in thechurch. If that is what Christianityis all about, I want nothing to dowith it." This excuse, though, actuallargues in favor of the worthiness oftrue Christianity.

Counterfeiting is a sidespreadpractice. In fact, almost anything•that is valuable—has-a-counterfeit—or—

imitation counterpart. People who arein the business of counterfeiting money do not waste their time counterfeiting pennies or nickels becausethere is no profit in it. The penniesand nickels are not worth enough tocounterfeit. The fact that the $20bill was counterfeited is a good reflection on the relative value of the$20 bill.

Genuine leather has value. Somepeople covet the look of leather butare not willing to pay the price.Therefore, imitation leather is manufactured at a cheaper cost with synthetic materials. Imitation leatherisn't as valuable as genuine leatherbut looks like leather from a distance

Hypocrites are nothing more thancounterfeit Christians. They are thepeople who want the glories of Christianity but who are not willing to pajthe price. They want the pleasures olsin and the glories of being a Christian at the same time. Hypocrisy is"short-cut" Christianity. The factthat we see Christianity counterfeitedis a good reflection on true Christianity. Counterfeiting in any realmresults when an imitation is passedoff for the real "McCoy."

The fact that genuine leather isimitated does not detract from the

real quality or value of the good leather. The fact that $20 bills arecounterfeited does not detract from

the value- of the $20 bill- Neitherdoes the fact that Christianity iscounterfeited detract from the valueof Christianity. Hypocrisy does notargue against, but rather argues forChristianity.


Two young people were involved in anauto accident. One was badly injured,the other killed. Their parents foundout from the hospital attendants thatthey had been drinking at the time ofthe accident. The girl's father flewinto a rage and said, "Just let me getmy hands on the person who sold themthat liquor, I'll kill him."

After returning home he went to geta little drink to "quiet his nerves."He found his bottle missing.


from the Admonisher

If you were busy being kind.Before you knew it would findYou'd soon forget to think 'twas trueThat someone was unkind to you.

If you were busy being gladAnd cheering people who are sad.Although your heart might ache a bit,You's soon forget to notice it.



2165 Tenth AvenueHonolulu, Hawaii 96816





Box 177

Kempton, Indiana ^60^9

VOL. XVIII, NO. 16 April 21, 1975Charles C. Luttrell, Minister, 2165 Tenth Avenue, Honolulu, HI Ph 73^ 895'+

•j ~\Yesterday was a good day for out

congregation in spite of the decreased attendance. We know that some

were ill. We are sorry that youmissed the blessings.


Several of our teachers were unableto be present for the teachers' meeting- yesterday, so it was postponed tonext Sunday.

We need to discuss the date for

Promotion Day, those who will be promoted, the size of the new classes,and who will be teaching each agegroup.

YOUR kokua is needed ! Teachers,please the ages and grades in schoolof each of your pupils and prepare alist of those eligible for promotion.


It was good to have Mike Schusterwith us this past week end after hisleave. He hopes to be with us againnext weekend, and then will be leavingfor an extended period of sea duty.


A lot of Christians are like wheel

barrows, they won't go unless pushed..Some are like canoes, they need to bepaddled...Some are like kites, yougotta' keep a tight string on them orthey will fly away...Some are likekittens, more contented when petted...Some are like footballs, impossible totell which way they will bounce next..Some are like bsilloons, full of wind,up in the air and always ready to blowup...Some are like trailers, they haveto be pulled...Some are like lights,they keep going off and on...Othersare led by the Holy Spirit...Christiansled by the Holy Spirit will come-work-give-pray.


"What kind of a church would mychurch be if all the members were justlike me?"

There were questions asked, andproblems discussed that shov/ a concern about spiritual matters.

There was new^format at the T.O.P.meeting and a new time - 7 P.M. Afterone hymn and a priyer, we went rightinto the lesson period. Shirleyplayed the part of the Samaritanwoman who met Jesus at the well ofSychar. She returned to her villageand tried to persuade one of its re-gidents (Wes) to return with her tohear this Jew. She used her testimony of Jesus' wisdom to finally convince him.

Several questions were discussed,such as: Why was there prejudice between the Jews and Samaritans? Whowas at fault? How did Jesus abolishmany of these prejudices? Why is itthat almost 2000 years later prejudice.still exists between people -between Christians?

You are urged to be present nextweek at 7 P.M. for the T.O.P. meeting.The younger children are also urgedto come at 7 P.M. for their half-hourclass with Thelma.

Our first evening worship servicewas an inspiring one. The theme ofthe hymns and the message was "Faith"•It described faith in Bible terms and

by Bible examples. How is your faith?Grov/ing?

This service is planned for ALLaffes, and we hope you will take advantage of it.

There will be a nursery each Sunday evening for children in firstgrade and below. We,feel that afterthey begin to read they can be entertained quietly in the auditorium, until they are old enough to listen.

TH^:tVALL£Y visitor


TUESDAY, 7i30 P.M. Evidences of Christianity class

FRIDAY, 7:30 P.M. Bible StudyrJohn 10SUNDAY, 9:30 AiM. Worship

10:30 A.M. Sunday School . ^11:30 A.M. Teachers V Meeting-

7:00 P.M. Youth Meetings7:30 P.M. Evening Worship



Bible StudySUNDAY:

Worship - A.M.Classes:


P.M. Worship








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$ifl.8lif. 52


The Monday night class decided tomeet on Tuesday night. They agreed touse the textbooks for the Ozark BibleCollege correspondence course on NewTestament Evidences. However, it willnot be a correspondence course, butwill consist of lectures and discussion.

The class members will take turnspresenting the chapters of the textbooks. YOU are invited to attend.

April 21, 1975


A minister once visited a farmerto talk to him about Christ, and toinvite him to the church services."Why, I wouldn't come to church there",said the farmer. "I know oldand old and they don't liveany different from me. I'm as goodas they are." And everywhere thefarmer went he told about the hypocrites in that church.

The months passed and the ministerwent to see the farmer again. "Iwant to buy a hog," the preacher said.The farmer showed him all of his

finest hogs. Then they came upon ascrawny runt. "That's the one I wantto buy," said the preacher. "Butyou don't want to buy a runt, do you?"asked the surprised farmer. "I suredo," the preacher answered, and theyloaded him on the truck.

As the preacher left he said, "NowI'm going to ride all over the countryand tell folk this is the kind of hogsyou raise." "Hey, that is not fair.I have some nice hogs and you want toshow people the runt ?' "If it's fairfor the church, it's fair for thehogs," answered the preacher.

I wonder when people will stopjudging the church by the poorest ofthe members and begin to look to thesaints as the example to follow?


We hope you will help us decide thesubjects for the sermons at the Sundaynight service. Do you have a questionabout the Bible, God's will for you, orHis teaching on a particular topic. Ifso, write it down and hand it to Mr.Luttrell.

Several interesting subjects v/ere

Add yours to the list

via The Osage Hills Christian

Delraar Debault

We have frequently used excerptsfrom the editorials by Bro. Debault.He will preaching at the Pearl HarborMemorial Christian Church for theirrevival in a short time. We willlet you know the details later. YOUwill want to hear him.


Daddy and Mother do not believe theLord's work comes first, because theyare always doing something else.

I do not have to study my Bible becauE


If faith produced no works, I seethar faith is not a living tree:Thurs faith and works to.crether grow:No separate life they e'er can know:Thery're soul and body, and heartWhat God hath joined, let no man part

Faith not fear should govern life.

I know it is alright not to go to Bib?School, because Mother and Daddy donot go. .

I can go to a ball game or go fishingand miss services when I want to be

cause Daddy does.

Television is more important thanFriday night church because we alwaysTV that night. Mother and Daddy coulcnot be wrong.

PALOLO VALLEY CHURCH OP CHRIST2165 Tenth avenueHonolulu, Hav/aii 968I6,



. "Xuti 4^6oH-J

VOL XVII, NO. 35 oepteiflber 8, 1975CharlA c! Luttrell, fciinister, 2165 Tenth Avenue, Honolulu-Ph 73^- 895'!'

The garage sale was more profit-^J Punch and cake were enjoyed hyable than most people even dreamed all present Sunday night afterit would be. Some sales are still the service. It had a t\7o-foldpending, but the profit is aroundSAOO.

Since there are many items left,v^e will be having another sale,perhaps in a month or so. Thedate will be announced soon. Donations will be accepted at anytime,

YOUR kpkua in this past sale wasgreatly appreciated, if you gavemerchandise5 or if you bought.

le, are especially grateful toEdv/in and Linda Hosaka who were incharge of display and selling.They spent many hours collectingitems, arranging and pricing them.Linda, Chris Fischer, Jennifer Cho,and Lora Luttrell were the go-getting salespersons. Bill Fischerand John Kavrasaki served as cashiers (with some temporary reliefpersons during the day). David,luark, Philip, Amy, and Linda madeand put up the signs and banner.There were nrobably many otherswho helped that we do not evenknow about. Jhatever YOUR contribution, v;e say a big "ivi^\IiaLO HUlLQA".

The youth are considering buyin,ga used piano that costs .p800. Ifthey do this, they are halfway totheir goal already.

Linda and Edv/in av/arded skateboards to Chris and Lora for beingthe outstanding salespersons amongthe youths

If a man love not the immigrantin his own country whom he has seenhow shall he love the foreigner inthe heathen country who he has' notseen?

One man's kindness makes anotherkind.


otanley iiunesato will be goingto the big island for about amonth of training. Je'll missyou, 3tan, - Aloha, and Godspeed!

The decorated cake read,"Happy 30th". It was baked byAmy in honor of her parents_30thwedding anniversary which will beTuesday.

"Thank you^- the-party,

the good wishes, the gifts, andespecially for your prayers."


. The Luttrells and Fischers attended a picnic for the counselorsof His Place Eunday.

Bro. Bill Hartin, Director,pointed out some of the needs ofthis ministry. But they can allbe summed up in one word - peerie?There special need is more peopleto serve as counselors - theyshould have 20 more people who arewilling to tate the trainingcourse, and then spend one nighta week at the center talking tothose who come in about their problems and the ansv/er to them inChrist. They need people to pray;to give money for the rent and tomaintain the luilding, to buy thecoffee, tea, and other supplies;to help repair and maintain thing?.

The picnic closed in prayergroups praying that people wouldbecome involved to accomplish thepurposes of this ninistry. Jillyou prayerfully consider what youcan and should do for the Lord inthis regard? The mission offering which vie take each Sundaygoes to His Place,



FRIDAY, 7:30SUNDAY, 9:30


P.M. Bible StudyA.M. VJorshipA.M. Sunday SchoolP.M. Youth meetingP.M. IJorship.



Bible StudySUNDAY:_ A.M. /orship

Sunday School:NurseryBeginnersPrimariesMiddlersJuniorsAdultsCollegeHigh School

P.M. v/orship








Have you noticed the increasein our offerings in Recent: v/eefcs?As our young people grow older andget, their abil-ity to give increases. How tnariSE""ful we are that they are includingthe Lord in their budgets. Theincrease in attendance has alsohelped.

The offering on the first Sundayof each month goes into the Building Fund from v/hich we pay for materials and make the mortgage payment. Of the ip^7^ payment we payabout $50 on the principal and therest is interest, '/e pay $600 permonth when we have it.

The Pre-Schbol pays at least •$250 into this fund each month, andas the number of students grows v/ewill pay more. Je have 11 studentsnow and others are expected.

"It is more blesssd Lu give—than—receive." Are you receiving yourshare of the blessings?

"It has been\ said that theChristians should give till ithurts, but the Bible teaches theChristian should GITE till it•i'eels good." ^ -

•'./hen you put mohey in the bank itgrows, Jhen you put money in theOffering for the lord, you growl"

September 8, 1975


Leta has written notes to manyof you, but for the sake of thosewho receive the paper, but havenot heard, v;e will quote from theletter she v/rote to her family.

Monday, 9/1/7510 P.M.

Dear Family,iell I'm here in San Josej it's

really nice. Everything is fine,J:hovigh^I.,jniss Jiome •. I.' m do3,gistairsin the dorm. The room is reallynice. Tell everyone Hi. Also,Mom could you send me a churchdirectory with everyone's address?I forgot. Faye and Maurice had adinner tonight and it was fun. Myroommate is really nice. She's afreshman, too, from here. Nell,I have to get up at 6:30 (300 ourtime), so I better try.and getsome sleep.

Love,s/ Leta

There is ^ stoiry about a poorman who rented from a rich miser.Once when he paid his rent, heoffered to pay an extra shillingif the. miser would let him in hiscellar to^—look -at-hi-s horde ofgold. The offer v/as accepted andas the poor man looked at the pileof shining gold, he said to therich miser, "Now I'm as rich as youare, I've looked at your gold, andthat*a all you do v/ith it.

"In my practise at the Atlanta'Psychiatric Clinic, people sometimes ask me what psychiatry is allabout. To me, the answer is increasingly^ clear. Almost every e-motional problem can be summed upin one particular bit of behavior:it's a person walking aroundscreaming, 'For God's sake, loveme.' Love me, that's all. Hegoes through a million differentmanipulations to get somebody tolove him.

On the other hand, healthypeople are those v/ho walk aroundlooking for someone to love. And,if you see chafes in the peoplewho are screaming, 'Love me, loveme.,' it's v/hen they realize that ifthey give up this screaming and goto the other business of lovinganother human, they can get theIpye they've been screaming forall their lives. It's hard tolearn, but it's good when you leamit." Dr. Thomas P. Malone

A house without God is not a home.