Luther’s Small Catechism - MEDITATIONS AND …By the Middle Ages the catechism came to mean the 3...

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Transcript of Luther’s Small Catechism - MEDITATIONS AND …By the Middle Ages the catechism came to mean the 3...

Martin Luther’s

Small Catechism

What is a catechism?

A. A cat caught in a schism

B. A worldwide movement for cat cafes

C. A handbook of basic Christian instruction

D. A commentary on the Bible

What is a catechism?

A. A cat caught in a schism

B. A worldwide movement for cat cafes

C. A handbook of basic Christian instruction

D. A commentary on the Bible

Catechism comes from the Greek

word ‘kata-echo’ which means?

A. to burp loudly

B. to repeat back

C. to sound a question

D. to answer a question

Catechism comes from the Greek

word ‘kata-echo’ which means?

A. to burp loudly

B. to repeat back

C. to sound a question

D. to answer a question

Christians in the Early Church used the catechism with

children and adult converts as they?

A. Recited out loud what they heard from their teachers

B. Recited out loud the questions they heard from their teachers

C. Recited out loud their sins

D. Recited out loud Bible verses

Christians in the early church used the catechism with

children and adult converts as they?

A. Recited out loud what they heard from their teachers

B. Recited out loud the questions they heard from their teachers

C. Recited out loud their sins

D. Recited out loud Bible verses

By the Middle Ages the catechism came to mean

the 3 things all Christians should know…

A. The books of the Bible, how to pray and how to confess sin

B. The Ten Commandments, the Fruit of the Spirit and the Lord’s Prayer

C. The Ten Commandments, the Apostles Creed and the Lord’s Prayer

D.The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer

By the Middle Ages the catechism came to mean

the 3 things all Christians should know…

A. The books of the Bible, how to pray and how to confess sin

B. The Ten Commandments, the Fruit of the Spirit and the Lord’s Prayer

C. The Ten Commandments, the Apostles Creed and the Lord’s Prayer

D.The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer

Martin Luther wrote the Small

Catechism in which year?

A. 1517

B. 1522

C. 1527

D. 1529

Martin Luther wrote the Small

Catechism in which year?

A. 1517

B. 1522

C. 1527

D. 1529

Luther’s Small Catechism was first

printed in?

A. Books

B. Pamphlets

C. Posters

D. Ink

Luther’s Small Catechism was first

printed in?

A. Books

B. Pamphlets

C. Posters

D. Ink

Throughout the Catechism Luther uses

a simple question he found effective when teaching children and

young people?

A. Where is this in the Bible?

B. What does this mean?

C. What is this?

D. Was ist das?

Throughout the Catechism Luther uses

a simple question he found effective when teaching children and

young people?

A. Where is this in the Bible?

B. What does this mean?

C. What is this?

D. Was ist das?

Traditionally in Lutheran culture

teenagers learn the catechism during?

A. Baptism

B. First Communion

C. Confession

D. Confirmation

Traditionally in Lutheran culture

teenagers learn the catechism during?

A. Baptism

B. First Communion

C. Confession

D. Confirmation

Luther intended his catechism to be

taught primarily by?

A. Pastors

B. Parents

C. School Teachers

D. Bishops

Luther intended his catechism to be

taught primarily by?

A. Pastors

B. Parents

C. School Teachers

D. Bishops

Martin Luther’s

Small Catechism

Law and Gospel

Luther said; I consider each commandment under four headings;

1. Teaching 2. Thanksgiving3. Confession4. Prayer

1. What does God require of me? What does God teach me here?

2. What gifts of God can I be grateful for?

3. What shortcoming, weakness, sin does this commandment make me aware of?

4. What can I or do I need to pray for, for myself, for others, for God’s help?

Discussion Questions:

Martin Luther’s

Small Catechism

Who wrote the Apostles’ Creed?

A. The Apostles

B. Jesus

C. Jesus and the Apostles

D. Someone else

Who wrote the Apostles’ Creed?

A. The Apostles

B. Jesus

C. Jesus and the Apostles

D. Someone else

Martin Luther’s

Small Catechism

Why do you, or, why do you not pray?

Discussion Question:

Martin Luther’s

Small Catechism

1. What is baptism?

2. What gifts or benefits does baptismgive us? (Why do we do it?)

3. How can water do such great things?

4. What is the significance of baptism with water?

Luther’s Questions:

1. Whether or not you are baptised?

2. If you are baptised what thismeans for you?

3. If you are not baptised what this means for you?

4. If you are a parent would you want your children baptised, why or why not?

Discussion Questions:

“Baptism is so full

of comfort and grace

that heaven and earth

cannot comprehend it.

It promises and brings

the entire Christ!

The blessings of baptism

are boundless.

No greater jewel can

adorn our body and soul

than baptism, for

through it we obtain

perfect holiness and


Large Catechism

1. What is the sacrament of the altar?

2. What is the benefit of eating and drinking?

3. How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things?

4. Who then receives this sacrament worthily?

Luther’s Questions:

Words of Institution

“This is my body”“This is my blood”

1. What has been your experience of Holy Communion?

2. If you have received Holy Communion what preparation or instruction did you have, or not have?

3. If you do not receive Holy Communion what questions do you have about it? What would it take for you to want to receive Holy Communion?

Discussion Questions:

1. What is confession?

2. What sins is a person to confess?

3. Which sins are these?

Luther’s Questions: