LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown...

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Transcript of LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown...

LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- SpainLULUCF under the

Kyoto Protocol- Spain


• Forest definition:• Minimum area: 1 ha • Tree crown cover: 20%• Minimum tree height: 3 m

• Additional Activities under 3.4• FM - Forest Management - All forests are

considered managed.• Cropland management – Good Agricultural

Practices Guidance that are in force in country

• Accounting 3.3 & 3.4• At end of 1st Commitment Period

Data sources:

Biomass: NFI2 (1986-1996), NFI3 (1997-2008)

Forest Fires: ADCIF (MARM)

Areas/Land use: Working group

Corine Land Cover-CLC

CLC1990, CLC2000

Spanish forest Map

MFE50 (1998-2004)

- Forest land

- Grassland

- Cropland

- Wetland

- Settlements

- Other lands

DGOECC DGMNPF DGCEA SEMRA IGN Inventory compilators (AED, CEAM, Tecmena)

Inventory under the Convention

Dehesas land cover (Source: CLC90+CLC00+ MFE)

Orange: Fcc=5-10%, light green: Fcc=10-20%, dark green: Fcc>20%, red: unknown Fcc.

Difficulties in classification of “Dehesas” (agro-forestry systems)

Inventory under the Convention

Broad difference between Dehesas land cover in CLC

compared to MFE50.

MFE50 prevails in forest lands

Double contability!!

Working group

• Working on:– SIOSE for land use areas identification

– FM data compilation for forest management activities

– SIGPAC for croplands

– Crops and land uses Map

• Ongoing work on:– Different approaches for Soil C modelling

from semi-empirical to process approaches

– Improvement in EFs

KP working procedures. Outline.


Sources:• Data: SPOT-5, LANDSAT5, PNOA, BCN25, CATASTRO, etc.• Other information: MCA, MFE, SIGPAC, etc.• Results:

1:25.000 - GISEvery 5 years

• Finished 2009. Available for 2011 inventory (1990-2009)

KP working procedures. Working on…

• SIOSE is an Information System of Land Cover/Land Use in Spain and integrates the different data bases of land cover/land use (from Autonomous Regions and National one)

• Since 2004, the departments involved in this issue have made efforts to achieve the objectives of the project.

SIOSE (cont.)

Field verification and Quality Control (internal & external)

Geometric and thematic


Statistical analysis and

final results

KP working procedures. Working on…

• ARD data compilation• From 1990-2006• In each autonomous region• Definitions (from Marrakech Accords 11 CP.7)

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Working on…

Required information




-Province- Town- Spot- Area

-Description of activity


-Number of trees/specie

-Number of trees/ha


-Year of activity


ARD data compilationEvery activity must be described following this list:

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Working on…

• Modelling– Evaluation and comparison of several carbon models, studying the

possibilities of application (even adaptation) to the Spanish forest. • Gotilwa• CO2FIX• CBM-CFS3

Adaptation to Spanish forest of Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3)

• An operational-scale model of forest C dynamics.• Accounts for all carbon stocks, stock changes and greenhouse gas

emissions required under the Kyoto Protocol following the IPCC Guidelines:

– Aboveground biomass– Belowground biomass– Dead wood– Litter– Soil carbon

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Future.

Modelling (cont.)• Operates with data commonly used for forest

management planning:

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Future.

• Soil carbon– Proposal from MARM – 2 years (2009)– Contents:

• Research and compilation of information about C in forest soils.

• Comparation of found information.• Soils evolution research.• Possibilities of soil carbon estimation.• Evaluation and comparison of several soil carbon


KP working procedures for forest related activities. Future.

• Update of areas of activities to be included in cropland management

– Areas with low tillage / no-till.• Herbaceous annual crops with minimum tillage.• Herbaceous annual crops from direct sowing.• Vegetal covers in tree crops.

– Ecological production; since 1991, regional & Provincial data• Establishment of vegetal covers in crops• Low tillage / no-till• Optimized crops rotation• Fertility restoration in degraded soils• Manure as fertilizer• Animal and vegetal integrated production

– Integrated production; since 2001, Provincial data– Replacement of herbaceous crops with woody crops– Afforestation of agricultural lands; since 1994.

KP working procedures for croplands. Working on…

• Improvement data of location of lands under these activities: Avoid double accounting.

– Due to the use of different data sources for some agricultural activities (i.e. no-tillage and ecological production), overlapping could occur, and double accounting would have to be solved.

KP working procedures for croplands. Working on…

Compilation of data of Soil carbon contents, and development of national emission factors for SOC

KP working procedures for croplands. Working on…

Soil profile


C content in Spanish soils (1 m depth)

ClimateBed rock


Average C content (± SE)

Homogeneous Units

Ct = 100 C * Da * Depth * [(100-V)/100]

Ct = Carbon content by horizon (g m-2 C = Concentration in the fine fraction (%)Da =Apparent density (g cm-3)

Da = 1.801 - 0.397 ln (1.724C)

Thanks for your attention!