LUDLOW TOWERS - Home | The Parish Church Of St. …€¦ · LUDLOW TOWERS Parish Magazine for...

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Parish Magazine for

Ludlow St Laurence , Ludlow St John

and St Giles Ludford

St. Laurence

St. Giles St. John




2 College Street, Ludlow, Shropshire. SY8 1AN

Telephone: 01584 872073

e-mail: website:

The office is open to the public on Tuesdays

between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm.

Parish office 01584 872073

Shop Manager Kitty Massarella 01584 872073

Parish CD & Ops. Manager Sally Newman-Kidd 05602 092043

Parish PD & Exec. Manager Shaun Ward 05602 092043

Treasurer Michael Hunt 01584 872073

Book-keeper Lyddia Pearson 01584 872073

St John’s parish office

Ashfords Group office

Sam Adams

07432 563545

07493 132802

Northern Group office Grace Johnson 07493 247184

CLERGY (Days off in italics)

Acting Team Rector Revd Kelvin Price Fri 831886

Assistant Priest Revd Prebendary Ann Barge Wed 877307

Associate Minister Pastor Brigitte Malik Fri 878464

Vacancy Chaplain (StL) Revd Canon Jeffry Wilcox 872073


St Laurence 8.00am Holy Communion BCP

9.30am Parish Eucharist

Sung Eucharist once a month

11.30am 2nd and 4th Sundays Choral Matins

3.30pm 1st and 3rd Sundays Choral Evensong

(No 3rd service on the 5th Sunday of the month)

St John 9.30am 1st & 3rd Sundays Holy Communion

2nd & 4th Sundays Lay-led Worship

St Giles 11.15am 1st Sunday Family Service

2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion

3rd Sunday Morning Prayer



St Laurence Prayer Group 4

Clergy Letter 5

Regular Services & Events 6

Special Events in September & Messy Church 7

From the Registers 8

Churchwardens’ Corner 9

News from St John's Parish Church 10

News from St Giles’ Church 11

Inclusive Church 12

Christian Aid & Ludlow Food Bank 13

Outward Concern & Bishop Hooper CE School 14

Children’s Page 15

Life & Learning @ Ludlow Programme 16


Palmers’ Talks and Tea & Conservation Trust Christmas cards 18

Magazine deadline dates and Guidelines 19

Advertisements 20-26

Contact List 27

Note from the editor

I hope you enjoy this issue of The Towers, my first as editor.

You will find it looks very familiar. John Burley has handed over a

fine publication. A vacancy is not the time for change and I look

forward to discussing the magazine with a new Rector in due

course. Meanwhile I would be delighted to hear readers’ views of

the format and content The Towers. Do speak to me, call me on

01584 318309 or e-mail me at

Lesley Harling



We are aware that we are legally responsible for people’s safety in

the church all the time that it is open.

If there is an incident in the church a member of staff should be

informed immediately. There is a telephone contact list held in the

shop in case a member of staff is not at hand straightaway.

Most incidents involve frail, older people who have had a fall so it is

a wise precaution to get a paramedic to assess their needs. Health

and Safety matters are continuously monitored, and practice in this area will be too.

Churchwardens and PCC

St Laurence Prayer GROUP

This group meets once a month for half an hour, usually in St

Catherine’s Chapel.

We are primarily an intercessory group, praying about the

requests people leave, or that members of the group know of.

The group is open to all who feel called to this ministry, so do

join us, or just come and try it out (no regular commitment is

necessary – we all come whenever we can). Several members

are no longer able to come so a few replacements would be


We meet at 10.30am on the second Thursday in the month so

the dates for the rest of the year are: 8 September, 13

October and 10 November. We don’t meet in December.

If you want to know more about it please ask. And if you have

a prayer request please ask me, or contact Barbara Penson

who organises the telephone Prayer Circle.

Sandi Burley - 01584 873155



September is a month when the Church celebrates several very

important Festivals: the 8th - the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the

14th - Holy Cross Day; the 21st - Matthew (Apostle and Evangelist);

and perhaps the most frequently celebrated (apart from Harvest

Festival) Michael and All Angels on the 29th; and of course there are

several other Saints Days and Lesser Festivals during the month.

There has always been a fascination with angels and one only has to

look in gift shops and card shops to see haw many "angels" one may

purchase. People speak of having a guardian angel or describing

someone who is especially kind and helpful as being an angel.

Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the three named biblical angels

depicted as the beloved messengers of God. A former Bishop of

Portsmouth, Dr Kenneth Stevenson in his book ' All the Company of

Heaven' wrote "Angels communicate the presence of God, or give a

message from God, or fight for God's purposes. The angels worship

God in heaven but they cannot worship in the same way as humans,

who have minds that often struggle to discern God's will. Angels

therefore, whether named or not, are ways of showing the personal

presence of God in the world where his truth has always more to be

apprehended by us.

At those very points when we are tempted to forget God, and

become too self - reliant, angels can break into our perceptions as

sudden and unexpected incursions of God's healing and reconciliation

and love. Angels, in fact show us how our faith can be a struggle."

Everlasting God,

You have ordained and constituted the ministries of mortals and angels in a wonderful order:

grant that as your holy angels always serve you in heaven,

so at your command, they may help and defend us on earth;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.

Ann Barge



AND Activities

Monday 08:00 - 08:30 Morning Prayer

17:00 - 17.30 Evening Prayer

19:30 - 21:30 Bells Practice

Tuesday 08:00 - 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion

17:00 - 17:30 Evening Prayer

18:00 - 19:15 Handbells Practice

Wednesday 09:45 - 11:15 Toddler Group

11:30 - 12:15 Holy Communion

17:00 - 17:30 Evening Prayer

Thursday 08:00 - 09:00 Morning Prayer

10:00 - 10:45 Holy Communion at St Giles

10.30 -11.00 Open Prayer Group (2nd Thursdays only)

17:30 - 18:30 Practice for Junior Choristers

18:45 - 20:30 Choir Practice

Friday 08:00 - 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion

09:45 - 11:15 Toddler Group

17:30 - 18:00 Compline

Saturday 14.15 - 15.15 Guided tours of church

Sunday 08:00 - 08:45 Holy Communion

09:30 - 10:45 Parish Eucharist

11:30 - 12:30 Matins (1st and 3rd Sundays)


15.30 - 16:30 Evensong (2nd and 4th Sundays)


ST LAURENCE Events calendar


Messy Church

If all goes well the next Messy Church will be

on Sunday, 11 September at 2.30pm. The

venue still has to be confirmed but it will

hopefully be in St Laurence’s Church. Please

be alert for any notices with final details. The

usual format will be followed: roughly 2.30pm – crafts, 3.30pm –

celebration, 4.00pm – tea, 4.30pm home/clear up. All are welcome but

children must bring a responsible adult.

Sue Thomas - 01584 874352

Sandi Burley - 01584 873155

Date Time Event Details

Fri 26 Aug-

Mon 5 Sep 10am-5pm Ludlow Arts Society Summer Exhibition

Thu 1 Sep 2pm Wedding: Griffiths & Pitt

Sat 3 Sep 1pm Wedding: Bonner & Crampton

Sun 4 Sep 11.30 Baptism: Adam & Isla Embrey

Sat 10 Sep 1-2pm


Summer Organ Recital Series: Daniel Justin

Festival Bell Peal

Sun 18 Sep 1pm Baptism: Kacey Edwards

Sat 24 Sep 10-11.30am


Church wardens’ & volunteers' coffee morning

Summer Organ Recital Series - Jonathan Hope

Sat 1 Oct 12pm Wedding: Nelson & Leyton-Purrier


From the registers


3 July TD Stewardson St Laurence

7 Aug Oliver Friswell St Laurence

21 Aug Edward Charles Campbell St Laurence

William Albert Bulger St Laurence

Weddings and Blessings

7 June Djuri van der Schaar & Katie Wood St Laurence

25 June Adrian Monteith & Claire James St John’s

9 July Alex Flaherty & Kelly Morgan St Laurence

23 July Joe Morris & Heidi Perks St Giles

30 July Kelvin Powell & Olivia Wilson St Laurence

Ashley Edwards & Sally Nicol-Blair St Laurence

16 August Thomas Lacey & Danielle Newman St Giles


20 June Gertrude Pugh Shrewsbury Crematorium

21 June Barry Robert Jasper Hereford Crematorium

30 June Brenda Gladys Bearman Hereford Crematorium

1 July Kenneth Edward Mantle Ludlow Cemetery

4 July Edward Charles Hughes St Laurence

7 July William Relton Minton St Laurence

15 July William Raymond Parsonage St Laurence

22 July Glynis Mary Lucas St Laurence

29 July Christopher Marchant Evans St Laurence

Albert John Charlesworth St Laurence


Churchwardens’ corner

Although it's really summery, thoughts are turning again to autumn.

This is a good time to give early notice that St Laurence's annual

mediaeval fair will be on 26 November. Help on the day and small gifts

for some stalls will be appreciated. More news nearer the time.

Great changes have been made to the shop. We hope that people like

the new experience. Many thanks go to Kitty and all the volunteers

and staff who worked so hard to achieve the changes. We are

delighted that Di Corston has been awarded the Order of St Elthelbert

for her tremendous work in the shop in a period of over 30 years. It is

not exaggerating to say that Di has raised hundreds of thousands of

pounds for the PCC during this time, a fantastic achievement.

Di Corston and Ewart Carson have had operations during August and

are doing well. We wish them speedy recoveries.

The PCC will be working with Revd Kelvin Price on a governance

report over the coming weeks. The report was completed in June by

five PCC members headed up by Andrea Keyser. We thank them all

for their work on this.

We were pleased to welcome back BISYOC (a pan-European youth

orchestra) for a wonderful concert of music by Eric Whitacre and Saint

-Saëns. The Summer Singers choir, made up of some Ludlow Choral

Society members and other singing groups from the area, joined the

orchestra for Equus, an exciting collaboration by young people from all

over Europe and older local people. The choir also sang Whitacre's

Seal Lullaby. The orchestra played the breath-taking Saint-Saëns organ

symphony. Much work goes into events like this and we thank the

organisers, people helping on the day in so many different ways and especially Hugh Cullen and his stage management team. Hours went

into erecting the platforms for the orchestra and then taking everything

down for services on Sunday.

Finally the churchwarden team and PCC extend a warm welcome to

Kelvin who will be working closely with PCC over the coming months

on a number of issues. We will report progress as we go along.

Jim Hooper and Brian Gardner churchwardens


News from St John’s Parish Church

Summer is passing quickly and it is difficult to focus on any particular

event before something else grabs the headlines. As the newest

parish in the Hereford Diocese we have made history at a time when

the trend is for churches and parish to amalgamate rather than

separate. We have had our parish meetings, conducted by Revd Kelvin Price, at which our two churchwardens, Sheila French and

Brian Childs, and new PCC were elected. The responsibility weighs

heavily on our shoulders but we have strong support from diocese

and clergy. We are especially indebted to Revd Tom Leary, whom we

see on a regular basis, for his wise counsel and pastoral care.

The reordering of the church for wider community use in line with

our Mission Action Plan, becomes a closer reality as we seek to

appoint an architect. By the time the magazine is in print, this should

have happened. We are also well on the way to establishing a parish

office, having been kindly offered working space in John Robson’s house. We now have a phone number and an email address for

parish enquiries, and for the moment, messages are being regularly

checked by Sue Thomas.

Socially too, we have had a busy and enjoyable Summer. Our church

day out on the Llangollen Canal for a two hour boat trip in June was

relaxing and most enjoyable. It seems a long time ago now. Carla

and Peter’s garden was the venue for a delightful afternoon tea and

garden visit on 17 July and the weather was such that we were able to

sit outside. On 14 August we are looking forward to our Annual

Summer Fete. These social events are very important for us as a

congregation, but we do also need to show that we are making a big effort to raise funds if we are to be considered for external funding

for our refurbishment project.

On 25 September at 4.00pm we shall be holding our Autumn Songs of

Praise. Please come and join us.

St John’s office phone number is 07432 563545. The email address is

Sheila French


news from st giles

You may be surprised to see this item still in the Towers magazine

when, as most of you now know, St Giles’ is part of the Ashford

Benefice instead of the Ludlow Benefice. However, Revd Kelvin

Price has asked me to continue to write for the Towers until such

time as a new Rector is appointed.

Our Patronal Festival Day is on Sunday 4 September when there

will be a Celebration Service with Holy Communion followed by a

bring & share lunch. In the afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.00pm there

will be strawberry teas and stalls and music. Do please come and

join us at this event – everybody is most welcome at every event

and we look forward to seeing you.

Our Monday Prayer Fellowship re-starts after the summer break on

5 September and then on 19 September. Both meetings are at 3

Greenacres at 10.30am and we should be delighted to see you if

you would care to join us. We start with a quick cup of coffee

followed by a short bible study before praying for all in need


A forward date for your diary is Sunday 2 October when we hope

to have our Harvest Thanksgiving Service at 11.15am. It is always a

lovely service so we hope you will keep the date free and come and

join us.

There is Holy Communion every Thursday at 10.00 am with

prayers and a short litany at St Giles' church. All are welcome.

We are delighted to learn that Pastor Brigitte Malik has agreed to

stay another year with us and this extension of her stay has been

agreed by her church in Bavaria and the Hereford Diocese. We

hope it will be a very happy year for you, Brigitte.

Margaret Wright



On Sunday, 23 October Revd Bob Callaghan,

the National Inclusive Church Coordinator, will

be preaching at the 9.30am service in St

Laurence's Church. Some of you may

remember him speaking in St Laurence's early last year.

Hereford Diocese Inclusive Church Forum

Is it possible to be biblical and inclusive about sexual ethics?

Much of the current debate in the church about sexuality centres

around how we interpret the Bible. The Revd Canon Professor

Richard Burridge, Dean of King's College London, winner of the 2013

Ratzinger Prize and author of "Imitating Jesus? An inclusive Approach

to New Testament Ethics" (Eerdmans, 2007) will explore how we

might resolve these tensions today.

Professor Burridge's talk is organised by Hereford Diocese Inclusive

Church Forum and will take place on Thursday, 3 November 2016

at College Hall, Hereford Cathedral. All are welcome to attend,

whether or not members of the forum. The talk begins at 7.30pm.

Contact details:

Ann Barge

01584 877307

Peter Dyke

01432 3272/07975 411314

Kay Garlick

01981 540666


Christian Aid

The coffee morning at The Feathers in

August was extremely enjoyable. Several people commented on the

happy and relaxed atmosphere. We are always very grateful to the

Feathers management for giving us the room, the coffee and biscuits,

as well as two members of staff for the event - so that every penny given goes straight to Christian Aid - and you were all extremely

generous. Thank you very much. The final figure from us in

donations and ticket sales at church given ahead was £203. The final

total for the morning is £663.70 compared with £615.82 last year. So

very worthwhile.

The next event is the street collection and carol singing on 17

December. We are always grateful to those of you who enjoy tin

rattling regardless of the weather - please make a note of the date

now. New rattlers very welcome.

Thank you all for your continued support of Christian Aid.

Claire Wilcox 01584 877199

Ludlow Food Bank

The number of food parcels distributed in June and July resumed its

downward trend. The total of 11 parcels issued in June was over

40% down on the same month last year. Encouragingly "Financial

needs" (as the reason given for help) represented only 14 parcels in

the first half of 2016.

Another 11 parcels were issued in July, just over half the figure for

July last year. This is most welcome. The main reason given for

requiring help is the delays caused by the benefits system.

This should not be so. In contrast, the

numbers of recipients claiming help due to

financial and health reasons are well down. It

is important that we continue to monitor the


Tony Cant


Outward Concern

In view of changes to PCC membership and committee structures in

mid-2016, we are placing on record the following charitable donations

made by the congregation in retiring collections during the first half of


6 March Mothering Sunday

Mothers’ Union ‘Away from it all’ holiday scheme £112.30

22 April Collections during Lent for Poverty Sunday

Ludlow Foyer for Young Homeless People £250.00

Ludlow Homestart for families £250.00

22 May Shropshire Historic Churches £140.76

26 June Petertide

Maramba Deanery, Tanzania, ordinands’ fund £185.35

Thanks to everyone who gave so generously.

Jane Robinson (former chair Outward Concern Group)

Bishop Hooper CE Primary


Every Church of England school has an additional

inspection to Ofsted, which also looks at teaching

and learning but also considers the Christian ethos

in the school and looks in more detail at RE

teaching and worship. The school was inspected on 25 May and was

found to be 'outstanding' in all areas. The report said ' The

distinctiveness and effectiveness of Bishop Hooper as a Church of

England school are outstanding.....The school's Christian mission,

'Success in Spirit', infuses its work, informing relationships, behaviour

and its aspirational approach to teaching and learning......The result is

a highly aspirational and high-achieving school where children are

courteous and caring.'

A brilliant achievement !

Barbara Bell, Foundation Governor


Children’s page - SEPTEMBER 2016



The first events of the 2016–2017 ‘Life & Learning @ Ludlow’ adult

learning programme take place in October and November.

We begin with a study day entitled ‘The Gospel of St Matthew: Israel,

Rome and the Reign of Heaven’ on Saturday, 22 October led by

Revd Dr Chris Moore. Chris writes, “The Gospel of Matthew –

the Gospel which is the focus of our readings in church during

2017 - radically casts Jesus in the light of the history of Israel and

tackles the issues of a nation under Roman occupation. It issues a

challenging call to follow Christ who fulfils the mission of Israel and

inaugurates the reign of heaven on earth. Come along and gain an

overview of this thrilling account of the meaning of Jesus.”

This is followed on Thursdays 3, 10 and 24 November and 1

December with a four-part exploration of Dante’s Divine Comedy

led by the Revd Canon Chris Pullin. The greatest Christian allegory

ever written, and (it has been claimed) the greatest single achieve-

ment of the Middle Ages, Chris Pullin will introduce this amazing

poem, exploring some of its imagery and explaining some of the

theology and philosophy that underlies it.

The Life & Learning programme continues in 2017 with:

a lecture by the Very Revd Prof Martyn Percy, Dean of Oxford,

entitled ‘Restoration, Retrieval and Renewal: Recovering Healing

Ministry in the Church’ to be given on Thursday, 19 January

a series of four talks given by the Revd Canon Dr Maureen

Palmer entitled ‘Women in the Early Church’ on Thursdays 2, 9, 16 and 23 February

a series of four talks given by the Revd Dr Neil Richardson enti-

tled ‘Social Justice and the Bible’ on Thursdays 16, 23 and 30

March and 6 April

Overall, the programme has been designed to stimulate the interest

of people of faith who want to reflect deeply on how their faith

impacts on their engagement with the world about them, and also

to appeal to those with no strong faith commitment who are

interested in exploring the Christian perspective on contemporary


Issues. Events are open to all people from the town and beyond,

regardless of religious affiliation.

The number that can be accommodated at all events is limited, so

those wishing to attend are encouraged to reserve their places as

early as possible. Full details, with booking form, can be

downloaded from Copies

of the programme can also be obtained at the Welcome Desk in

church or by contacting Barry Forrester on 01584 878872.

Barry Forrester

New Year, New Interest

For anyone who was ever a schoolchild (and that’s all of us isn’t it?)

a new year begins in September. It is a time to think about pursuing

new interests.

NADFAS is the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts

Societies. The local society, Teme Valley DFAS, meets in Ludlow

Assembly Rooms on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm

from September through to May. The subjects of the lectures are

wide ranging. Last year they included the founders and treasures of

the Wallace Collection, the Elgin Marbles and John Betjeman. All

lecturers are knowledgeable and have enthusiasm for their subject.

This leads to entertaining and informative lectures.

This year’s program begins with a lecture called “Getting to Grips

with Abstract Art.” This lecture will demystify abstraction as well

as showing some exquisitely beautiful images. Come along for a trial

lecture for £8 on the door, and /or take the plunge and become a

member for £40 for the year. Contact Membership Secretary Mrs

Sue Johns tel: 01886 812304 or email

Membership gives you access to interesting study days and outings

as well as the eight lectures.

Further information can be found on

Ann Marriott


Palmers’ Talks & Tea

The Conservation Trust for St Laurence invites

you to the first in the Autumn 2016 series of

Palmers’ Talks & Tea:

15 September: Thomas Gainsborough: his

life and works Hugh Belsey MBE, one of the foremost authorities on British 18th-century art, examines some of the

artist’s most famous works and compares them with the work of

his contemporaries.

20 October: The future of churches (in rural areas)

17 November: The art of writing historical crime fiction

All the Palmers’ Talks & Tea are held on Thursdays from 2.30 to

4.30pm at the Ludlow Methodist Church, Broad Street (tea and

cake included). For additional information on see the Palmers’

website: or ring 01584 878232.

Ticket prices: £5 on door or £12 for series of 3 Autumn talks. For series tickets write to: Mr Rory Chase, Ludlow Palmers, 2

College Street, Ludlow SY8 1AN (cheques payable to CTSLL).

Conservation Trust Christmas Cards

Order now and save money!

The Conservation Trust has produced a Christmas greetings card

for 2016 from a photograph taken by Gareth Thomas. The card is

entitled ‘St. Laurence’s Church, Ludlow, from Whitcliffe

Common’ and measures 7” x 5”. Inside are the words ‘Best wishes

for Christmas and the New Year’; a sample card is on the

Conservation Trust display board in St Laurence's. You can order

a pack of 5 cards now at a special discounted price of £3.00 per

pack (maximum 5 packs per household). All discounted-price

orders must reach us by 1 October. Send your cheque (made out

to CTSLL) to CT Xmas Card, The Old Bell House, Ludford,

Ludlow SY8 1PR. We will contact you in mid-October and ask

you to collect your cards from the St Laurence church shop.

Rory Chase


Thank you to all our contributors.



Material arriving after the preferred date cannot be guaranteed to be

included. Material arriving after the final date will definitely

NOT be included until the following month:

Issue Preferred Date Final Date

October 6 September 13 September

November 11 October 18 October

December & January 15 November 22 November

Please send articles by email to

Please send information about events and subjects that you would like to

appear in the magazine. We ask contributors to limit their articles to:

No more than two A5 pages or 600 words (Gill Sans 12pt)

There may be special circumstances when more space is required but we

ask that you please check with the Editorial Committee and request

larger space at least two weeks ahead of the submission date to

determine if sufficient space will be available in that month’s issue.

Editor’s Note

Opinions expressed in contributed articles in this magazine are those of the

contributor and do not necessarily represent the position or opinions of the

PCC or the Editorial Committee.

Towers Editorial Committee

The present members of the Towers editorial committee are:

Sally Newman-Kidd Parish Office 872073

Lesley Harling Otties Lodge, Steventon, Ludlow 318309

Lesley Gosbee-Harper Flat 6, 3 College Street 879265


THANK YOU to these local retailers and businesses who have supported us by purchasing advertising space.

Diocesan News Service for Magazine Editors.

Copy in writing for October issue by 1 September to:

Anni Holden, Communications Officer,

The Palace, Hereford HR4 9BL


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Parish Office 872073

Churchwardens Mr Brian Gardner, 29 Lower Broad Street, Ludlow 318020

Mr Jim Hooper, 37 Beech Close, Ludlow SY8 2PD 878766

Deputy Churchwardens Dr Lesley Gosbee-Harper, Flat 6, 3 College St, Ludlow 879265

Mr Michael Davies, 5 Hosyers Almshouses, College St 07970434822

PCC Secretary Mrs Val Hardwick, Culmington 861658

Electoral Roll Mr Dick Franks 7 Angel Bank, Bitterley, Ludlow 892019

Bible Reading F’ship Penelope Bridstrup, 4 The Vineyard, Lower Broad Street 876992

Children’s Church Children’s Committee, Parish Office 872073

Communion Rota Mrs Fay Carson, Fairfield, Linney, Ludlow 879155

Conservation Trust Mr Hugh Wood, 38 Charlton Rise, Ludlow 876901

Custodian Mr Matthew Lenthall c/o Parish Office 872073

Director of Music Mr Shaun Ward, c/o Parish Office 872073

Flowers Mrs Liz Gardner, 29 Lower Broad Street, Ludlow 318020

Gift Aid Secretary c/o Parish Office 872073

Mothers’ Union Mothers' Union Office, Hereford 01432 373306

Pastoral Links c/o Parish Office 872073

Sacristan / Servers Sec. Mrs Antonia O’Kennedy, 17 Friars Garden, Ludlow 877309

Sidesmen’s Rota 8am Mrs Barbara Burns, 8 Poyner Road, Ludlow 872419

Stewarding Mrs Fay Carson, Fairfield, Linney, Ludlow 879155

St Laurence Shop Miss Kitty Massarella, c/o Parish Office 873778

Tower Captain Mr Tony Greatrex, Church House, Bell Lane, Orleton 01568 780764

Tower Floodlighting Forms at St Laurence Shop

Towers Editor. Lesley Harling, Ottie’s Lodge, Steventon, Ludlow 318309


Church Wardens Mrs Sheila French, 4 Coach House Fields, Livesey Rd 876142

Dr Brian Childs, 12 Vashon Close, Ludlow 878871

Treasurer Mr Peter Phelps, Hill Crest, Gravel Hill, Ludlow 873179

Secretary Mr John French, 4 Coach House Fields, Livesey Road 876142

Electoral Roll Mr John French, 4 Coach House Fields, Livesey Road 876142

Organist Mr Colin Reeves 875608


Churchwardens Mrs Barbara Bell, 39 The Cliff Park, Ludlow 872058

Mr Merlin Unwin, 8 Corve Street, Ludlow 872987

Treasurer Mrs Barbara Foster, 6 James Close, Ludlow 318298

Minutes Secretary Mrs Karen Unwin, 8 Corve Street , Ludlow 872987

Electoral Roll Mr Rob Downes, 30 Wheeler Road, Ludlow 874095

Flowers Mrs Elizabeth Woodall 878565

Organist Mr Colin Reeves 875608


LARGE PRINT Copies in large print are available from

the St Laurence Parish Office

01584 872073