Lower primary parent letter term 4

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Lower primary parent letter term 4


Orkney Islands Council Education, Leisure and Housing

Tel: (01857) 616 246 Fax: (01857) 616 433 Email: admin.stronsay@glow.orkneyschools.org.uk

Head Teacher: Mr Andrew King

Dear Parents,

The year has flown by and I cannot believe we are in our final term! We have just completed our Viking topic

with a feast and a visit to the beach, photographs from which can be seen on our blog:


So what next? This term sees lots of events happening with the Queen’s 90th birthday, a book fair, the

‘Rocket Science’ experiment starting, the commemoration of the Battle of Jutland and the lead up to the

Olympics. Hopefully we can explore as many learning opportunities as possible through these events by

enjoying lots of small topics. The first of these is the Queen’s 90th birthday this week. The planning for this

is attached.

Reports are due home soon and I look forward to seeing you all at Parent’s Evening but as always, please feel

free to contact me at any time, if you should need to.

Kind regards,

Mrs Sarah Evans


The Queen’s




As well as continuing our routine

phonics, handwriting and grammar


Creative writing, ‘Queen

for the day’

Newspaper report

focusing on an important

event in the Queen’s life

Revision of qu and

phonic games

Write an invitation for

a party

Reading comprehension

based on biographical texts

of the Queen

Enjoying and exploring

the text, ‘The Queen’s

Knickers’ by Nicholas Allan

Writing a list poem

using possessive



We have begun to revisit number work and

multiplication but in addition to this:

Using symmetry and two

dimensional shapes to design a crown

Using symmetry and three

dimensional shapes to design a palace

Social Subjects

Learning about the Queen as a

famous person

Ordering events in her life to

create a timeline

Researching and finding the

Commonwealth countries

Comparing Queen Elizabeth II

with Queen Victoria

Expressive Arts

Design a medal/coin

Paint a portrait of the Queen

Role Play the Coronation

Role Play an interview about the Queen’s missing


Learn and sing the National Anthem

Make a collage of 90 using photographs of the



Modelling on the

computer using light

hearted games with

characters from the Royal


Decorate party cakes

in red, white and blue

Health and Wellbeing

Exploring the Queen’s

family tree and relating it to

our own family relationships