Loveleen & harsh

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Loveleen & harsh


We have studied about experimental probabilities of events which

were based on the result of actual experiments.

now we will discussed an experiment of tossing a coin 1000 times in

which the frequencies of the outcomes are :-

HEAD : 455.

TAIL : 545.

According to this experiment, the empirical probability of a head is 455/1000 that is 0.455 & that getting of tail is 0.545.

This is called the experimental or empirical probabilities.

It is based on the results of actual experiments and adequate recordings of the happening of the events , & these probability are only ‘estimates’.

a. If we have tossed a coin 4o4o times & got

2048 heads. The experimental probability of

getting a head, in this case , was 2048/4040,i.e


b. Next time we tossed 1oooo times head comes

5067 times & the probability of getting head is


So, we conclude that different times we get

different probability .


Probability of an sure of an sure event


Probability of impossible event is O.

Probability never be in negative and

never lie b/w the 1to2.

By using the

probability we

can predict

whether the

weather will

clear or it will



it will



or not

It is one of the playing material

used in various indoor games.

it is a solid cube having 6

faces on each the no. with dots

are placed on each face from 1

to 6.

A dice played in a game only

having a probability of the no.

to step ahead.

No. of total outcomes

in a dice.

• As the SIX faced are

engrained with no.

1to6, hence the total

outcomes in a dice is

of faces or 6 no.

No. favorable outcomes in a


• It can be any no. from 1to6

which can leads to probability

from 0to6.

Note: Probability of any out

come just lie b/w 0to1 and at

any other values.

There are 12 court cards in
